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    City of Hoboken, NJ Construction Code Office - June 27, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Construction Official Mario Patruno

    Hours: M F, 9 am 4 pm Phone: (201) 420-2066 Send an email

    The Construction Code Office administers and enforces the New Jersey State Uniform Construction Code (UCC) by;

    Construction Code Permits are a certification to all interested parties that an applicant intends to do construction work of a type which is regulated by the UCC. If an applicant is unsure about whether a Construction Code Permit is required, the office staff is available to help with the determination. Generally speaking, a permit is needed for any new construction work, additions to structures, renovations or alterations affecting changes of use or egress. Permits are also needed for maintenance items such as siding, roofing, window replacement where opening size is changed, and replacement of decks and balconies.

    A Construction Code Permit application needs to be submitted for each of the Subcode technical sections which pertain to the work along with three copies of construction plans for the work. The Subcode technical sections include Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire, and Elevator.

    Construction work often requires approvals from other agencies before a Construction Code Permit may be issued. These prior approvals may include zoning, historic, or health approvals.

    Construction Code Permit application forms may be acquired on line at

    Plans are required for most projects and must be prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed New Jersey Architect. However, for single family residences the resident homeowner may prepare plans for their own use.

    Inspections may be scheduled by calling the Construction Code offices at least 24 hours before the inspection is desired. The scheduling of inspections is workload dependent, and inspections are performed as soon as possible. Inspections must be scheduled for each Subcode for which a permit was issued.

    There are several types of certificates which are regulated by the UCC and issued by the Construction Code office;

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    City of Hoboken, NJ Construction Code Office

    NABTU: Union Construction Trades Council Building Trades … - June 20, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder


    Alabama State B.C.T.C

    DonaldAdams, Secretary - Treasurer, EW

    2244 Halls Mill Road

    Mobile, AL 36606

    Office: (251) 476-0625

    Fax: (251) 476-0606

    Central Alabama B.C.T.C

    ShaneConnell, Secretary - Treasurer, OE

    PO Box 26368

    Birmingham, AL 35260

    Office: (205) 424-9670

    Fax: (205) 591-2729

    Central Alabama B.C.T.C

    DonaldStanley, President, AW

    2653 Ruffner Road

    Birmingham, AL 35210

    Office: (205) 956-8101

    Fax: (205) 956-9327

    Mobile, Alabama-Pensacola, Florida B.C.T.C (AL)

    DonnieAdams, Recording - Secretary, EW

    2244 Halls Mills Rd.

    Mobile, AL 36606

    Office: (251) 476-0275

    Fax: (334) 450-0957

    Mobile, Alabama-Pensacola, Florida B.C.T.C (AL)

    ChristopherBoykin, President, LBR

    7920 Crary Station Road

    Semmes, AL 36575

    Office: (251) 645-2477

    Fax: (251) 645-9418

    North Alabama B.C.T.C

    RalphMayes, President, EW

    PO Box 683

    Sheffield, AL 35660

    Office: (256) 383-2758

    Fax: (256) 383-2758

    North Alabama B.C.T.C

    JimMayfield, Secretary - Treasurer, P

    PO Box 683

    Muscle Shoals, AL 35660

    Office: (256) 383-2758

    Fax: (256) 383-2758

    Fairbanks B.C.T.C

    JamesMcMilon, Secretary - Treasurer, T

    751 Old Richardson Hwy

    Fairbanks, AK 99701

    Office: (907) 452-2959

    Fax: (907) 452-5051

    Fairbanks B.C.T.C

    LakeWilliams, President, OE

    3002 Lathrop St

    Fairbanks, AK 99701

    Office: (907) 452-8131

    Fax: (907) 452-1434

    Juneau B.C.T.C

    CoreyBaxter, Secretary - Treasurer, OE

    9309 Glacier Hwy A-105

    Juneau, AK 99801

    Office: (907) 586-3850

    Fax: (907) 463-5464

    Juneau B.C.T.C

    RodneyHesson, President, EW

    813 W. 12th

    Juneau, AK 99801

    Office: (907) 586-3050

    Fax: (907) 586-9614

    South Central Alaska

    BronsonFrye, Recording - Secretary, P

    5821 Arctic Blvd, Suite B

    Anchorage, AK 99518

    Office: (907) 575-6606

    Fax: (907) 563-8843

    South Central Alaska

    AaronPlikat, President, UA

    610 West 54th Avenue

    Anchorage, AK 99518

    Office: (907) 529-1750

    Fax: (907) 562-2587

    Arizona State BCTC

    DeanWine, President, EW

    5808 N. 7th Street

    Phoenix, AZ 85014

    Office: (602) 264-4506

    Fax: (602) 264-9552

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    NABTU: Union Construction Trades Council Building Trades ...

    Construction of office building starts – Idaho Mountain … - May 27, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Construction is under way for a new 7,500-square-foot office building at the corner of Washington Avenue and Fifth Street in downtown Ketchum.

    Crews have torn down the tanning salon that once stood on the site, behind the Veltex building on Main Street. They were out digging a pit this week and connecting utility lines for the new structure.

    The building, which will be called Kneebone, will be three stories tall and include a mix of office and residential space. Its located at 500 Washington Ave.

    The project went before the Ketchum Planning and Zoning Commission in March for its land-use approvals. The commission voted unanimously to approve it.

    Local architect Jeff Williams firm, Williams Partners Architects, designed the building, and Ketchum-based Kearns, McGinnis & Vandenberg has been hired as the general contractor.

    Kneebone LLC is the owner, which lists contractor Steve Kearns as a member.

    The third floor includes a rooftop deck, as well as access to an elevated structure above that. At its highest point, the building will be 51 feet tall, while the deck will be 42 feet high.

    The building will have five parking spaces, with access from the rear alleyway. The developers are required to provide nine spaces, with another four available on local streets.

    The developers have to pay an in-lieu housing fee of $67,772 to the city governments community housing fund.

    The building will sit on a 5,500-square-foot lot, with 3,080 square feet of office space and 4,014 square feet of residential.

    Office space would be located on the first and second floors, while residential would occupy parts of the second and third floors.

    The building will have two market-rate residential units, one that will be 1,400-square-feet, and a second that will be 2,100 square feet.

    Its another new commercial development breaking ground in downtown Ketchum.

    The Limelight Hotel, at the southern entrance of downtown, broke ground last summer and is scheduled to finish construction by the end of this year.

    Across Main Street, developer Jack Bariteau and his group, Trail Creek Fund, have applied for building permits from the city government for the Auberge Resort Sun Valley hotel project, which is slated to open in 2018.

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    Construction of office building starts - Idaho Mountain ...

    Office Renovation Contractor Helps Build Your Space - May 26, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Office renovation projects are often challenging to a construction manager in that they typically entail issues that transcend the design and build process. Businesses make office renovations for a number of different reasons, and the contractor must thoroughly understand the particular reasons behind a project if he hopes to succeed. The business may or may not be the building owner, and the business may be an existing occupant adjusting its space or a new occupant transforming the office into what it requires to operate. The construction manager needs to grasp these nuances at project commencement.

    Office renovations involve modifications to the interior of a building while keeping its shell the same. The changes can be minor or grand in scope. Sometimes the occupant merely wishes to bring the building up to code and/or conform to upgraded standards. In other instances he desires to alter its space to better match changing operational needs. And when the business formerly occupying the space has relocated to another office building, the modifications are undertaken to accommodate the replacement occupant.

    If the business is renting its office space, the renovations become a form of tenant improvements. In such situations, the contractor may be dealing primarily with the building owner or with the tenant, depending on the nature of their agreement. One or the other will be his client, and that person will often assume the entire risk, but not always. Budget and schedule are usually critical for these projects and the most appropriate role for the contractor is as a design builder. It is always important for the contractor to keep in close communication with both parties.

    When the business is staying put, project scope influences the contractual relationship. If the renovations are essentially cosmetic and architectural input is minimal, hiring the builder as a general contractor makes the most sense. In this relationship, the project owner retains the risk and has to pay the builder additional fees when design changes occur.

    Larger scale office renovations are a different story. Here, the business needs to take the time to plan, considering several alternatives and weighing their costs and benefits of each. It should project out for five to ten years how its needs may continue to evolve and attempt to accommodate all of those needs with one set of modifications if possible. Ideally, it will get the employees involved in the brainstorming in that they are the ones who will really be using the space.

    Involving the builder at these preliminary phases is often beneficial, for he can offer insights into constructability of proposed ideas and estimate their costs and schedules. In this role, the builder is practicing construction management and is prepared to assume the risk of changes because much of the detail work has been accomplished ahead of time. This enables him to set the cost of the renovations much more accurately and it also has the benefit of delivering the project on a fast-track basis.

    An important consideration of office renovation projects is whether or not business operations are to continue more or less undisturbed during construction. When office workers are present, the builder has to implement additional safety precautions and insurance coverage. Various arrangements are possible, from moving the office temporarily, to performing the renovations after working hours. In any case, odors, noise and dust are apt to be an issue.

    Facility Builders & Erectors has a long history of performing office renovation projects that meet and exceed our customers' expectations. We forge close relationships with them to make sure we fully understand their needs and desires. We are ready to act as design builder for your office renovation today.

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    Office Renovation Contractor Helps Build Your Space

    Sustainable | Whole Building Design Guide - May 26, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    by the WBDG Sustainable Committee

    Last updated: 11-10-2015

    Building construction and operations can have extensive direct and indirect impacts on the environment, society, and economy, which are commonly referred to as the 3 P's ('People', 'Planet', 'Pocketbook'). The field of sustainable design seeks to balance the needs of these areas by using an integrated approach to create win-win-win design solutions.

    The main objectives of sustainable design are to reduce, or completely avoid, depletion of critical resources like energy, water, and raw materials; prevent environmental degradation caused by facilities and infrastructure throughout their life cycle; and create built environments that are livable, comfortable, safe, and productive.

    Buildings use resources (energy, water, raw materials, and etc.), generate waste (occupant, construction and demolition), and emit potentially harmful atmospheric emissions. Building owners, designers, and builders face a unique challenge to meet demands for new and renovated facilities that are accessible, secure, healthy, and productive while minimizing any negative impacts on society, the environment, and the economy. Ideally, building designs should result in net-positive benefits to all three areas.

    In addition to including sustainable design concepts in new construction, sustainable design advocates commonly encourage retrofitting existing buildings rather than building anew. Retrofitting an existing building can often be more cost-effective than building a new facility. Designing major renovations and retrofits for existing buildings to include sustainable design attributes reduces operation costs and environmental impacts, and can increase building resiliency. The embodied energy of the existing building, a term expressing the cost of resources in both human labor and materials consumed during the building's construction and use, are squandered when the building is allowed to decay or be demolished.

    While the definition of sustainable building design is constantly changing, six fundamental principles persist.

    Optimize Site Potential Creating sustainable buildings starts with proper site selection, including consideration of the reuse or rehabilitation of existing buildings. The location, orientation, and landscaping of a building affect local ecosystems, transportation methods, and energy use. It is important to incorporate smart growth principles into the project development process, whether the project is a single building, campus, or military base. Siting for physical security is a critical issue in optimizing site design, including locations of access roads, parking, vehicle barriers, and perimeter lighting. Whether designing a new building or retrofitting an existing building, site design must integrate with sustainable design to achieve a successful project. The site of a sustainable building should reduce, control, and/or treat storm water runoff. If possible, strive to support native flora and fauna of the region in the landscape design.

    Optimize Energy Use With continually increasing demand on the world's fossil fuel resources, concerns for energy independence and security are increasing, and the impacts of global climate change are becoming more evident, it is essential to find ways to reduce energy load, increase efficiency, and maximize the use of renewable energy sources in federal facilities. Improving the energy performance of existing buildings is important to increasing our energy independence. Government and private sector organizations are increasingly committing to building and operating net zero energy buildings as a way to significantly reduce our dependence on fossil fuel-derived energy.

    Protect and Conserve Water In many parts of the United States, fresh water is an increasingly scarce resource. A sustainable building should use water efficiently, and reuse or recycle water for on-site use, when feasible. The effort to bring drinkable water to our household faucets consumes enormous energy resources in pumping, transport, and treatment. Often potentially toxic chemicals are used to make water potable. The environmental and financial costs of sewage treatment are significant.

    EPA's New England Regional Laboratory (NERL) achieved a LEED Version 1.0 Gold rating. From conception the project was charged to "make use of the best commercially-available materials and technologies to minimize consumption of energy and resources and maximize use of natural, recycled and non-toxic materials." Chelmsford, MA

    Optimize Building Space and Material Use While the world population continues to grow (to over 9 billion by 2050), natural resource use will continue to increase and the demand for additional goods and services will continue to stress available resources. It is critical to achieve an integrated and intelligent use of materials that maximizes their value, prevents upstream pollution, and conserves resources. A sustainable building is designed and operated to use and reuse materials in the most productive and sustainable way across its entire life cycle and is adaptable for reuse during its life cycle. The materials used in a sustainable building minimize life-cycle environmental impacts such as global warming, resource depletion, and human toxicity. Environmentally preferable materials have a reduced effect on human health and the environment and contribute to improved worker safety and health, reduced liabilities, reduced disposal costs, and achievement of environmental goals.

    Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) The indoor environmental quality (IEQ) of a building has a significant impact on occupant health, comfort, and productivity. Among other attributes, a sustainable building maximizes daylighting, has appropriate ventilation and moisture control, optimizes acoustic performance, and avoids the use of materials with high-VOC emissions. Principles of IEQ also emphasize occupant control over systems such as lighting and temperature.

    Optimize Operational and Maintenance Practices Considering a building's operating and maintenance issues during the preliminary design phase of a facility will contribute to improved working environments, higher productivity, reduced energy and resource costs, and prevented system failures. Encourage building operators and maintenance personnel to participate in the design and development phases to ensure optimal operations and maintenance of the building. Designers can specify materials and systems that simplify and reduce maintenance requirements; require less water, energy, and toxic chemicals and cleaners to maintain; and are cost-effective and reduce life-cycle costs. Additionally, design facilities to include meters in order to track the progress of sustainability initiatives, including reductions in energy and water use and waste generation, in the facility and on site.

    Building resiliency is the capacity of a building to continue to function and operate under extreme conditions, such as (but not limited to) extreme temperatures, sea level rise, natural disasters, etc. As the built environment faces the impending effects of global climate change, building owners, designers, and builders can design facilities to optimize building resiliency.

    Building adaptability is the capacity of a building to be used for multiple uses and in multiple ways over the life of the building. For example, designing a building with movable walls/partitions allow for different users to change the space. Additionally, using sustainable design allows for a building to adapt to different environments and conditions.

    Applicable to most building types and space types.

    Information in these Sustainable pages must be considered together with other design objectives and within a total project context in order to achieve quality, highperformance buildings.

    Building Envelope Design GuideSustainability of the Building Envelope Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers:

    Building Commissioning

    Building Life-Cycle Cost (BLCC), Construction Waste Management Database, Decision Support Tools for Green Building

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    Sustainable | Whole Building Design Guide

    Modular Buildings, Mobile Offices, Construction Trailers - May 10, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Since 1997, Rose Modular Office Systems, Inc. has been the premier dealer of office modulars in Georgia, Alabama, Missississpi, Texas Arkansas, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina and the Florida panhandle. Specializing in modular office building floor plans,industrial modular office buildings and medical modular office expansions, Rose Office Systems provides custom modular solutions in as little as six weeks.

    Choose from over 100 modular office floor plans for administrative offices, medical clinics, rehab facilities or sales centers of all sizes. For a free estimate on your next modular office building construction, complete our online contact formfor modular building prices today!

    Call us at 205-663-2210 or 888-608-1173


    We cater to a variety of healthcare needs such as clinics, cat scan suites, chemo buildings, dental offices, and general practitioners.

    Churches & Classrooms

    We offer a variety of options for churches and classrooms.

    Admin & Sales Offices

    We can meet any needs for admin or sales offices.

    Pre-Priced Floorplans

    We offer many Pre-Price Floorplans to suit your needs. The information is coming soon to our website. If you have an immediate question or need, please contact us!

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    Modular Buildings, Mobile Offices, Construction Trailers

    Commercial Buildings – The House Plan Shop - April 15, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Plan 006C-0002

    Designed as free-standing buildings, Commercial Building plans accommodate various businesses and other groups. This collection of commercial building plans includes designs that have one or more levels. Most are designed to accommodate more than one business or tenant. Commercial building plans are available in a range of sizes, styles and design. Smaller designs may provide one or two units, storefronts, or offices while the larger designs encompass office buildings and floor plans that can accommodate a number of tenants. Strip Malls and Miscellaneous Commercial plans are related to Commercial Building plans.

    Commercial buildings are built to satisfy a variety of needs ranging from medical offices and retail outlets to small businesses. With some commercial building plans, each unit within the structure offers its own entrance while others share a common entrance used by all tenants. From small businesses to commercial chains in need of satellite offices or medical professionals with their own practice, these commercial building plans accommodate a broad range of business needs.

    Commercial Buildings - The House Plan Shop

    Modular Office Buildings | Portable Building – STARRCO - April 15, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Modular office buildings designed by Starrco provide pre-fabricated construction for your temporary office needs in addition to your permanent modular office buildings and in plant offices. When varying business demands require different space solutions, Starrco modular office systems offer a cost effective and quick answer.

    No job is too small or too large. Starrco is a leader in the industry on exceeding engineering and construction standards for modular office buildings. Modular office systems designed by Starrco feature an extensive array of wall panels, stud systems, and modular building accessories.

    Modular Office Building Image Gallery

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    All materials, from single partitions to office modules up to a complete exterior building, come completely finished with a wide variety of materials, finishes and colors. Owners, architects and contractors have control over the versatility of the entire modular office system, from high profile administrative offices to industrial applications. Starrco delivers a durable, affordable, and attractive modular office system for construction of every size and type. Modular office systems are typically completed in about 25% of the time of conventional construction. Because in-plant modular offices can be completely dismantled, relocated and reassembled, modular office systems can be depreciated over 7 years as opposed to 39 years required with permanent construction. This difference results in an immediate reduction in taxes and saves you money.

    Room dividers can be constructed for modular office systems such as:

    Every Starrco modular office building, whether a single one-story office or a large two story complex, begins with the selection that best fits your application. Selection of modular office wall panels are the next key part of the design of your building. Starrcos 3 thick modular office wall panels are completely self-contained, allowing your structure to be reconfigured easily and conveniently.

    All modular office components are manufactured to your precise standards, labeled and delivered with a complete set of CAD drawings to make onsite installation quick & convenient. Quality packaging minimizes shipping damage and resulting delays. From initial design to finished installation, the Starrco Advantage ensures that your project runs smoothly.

    Modular office doors, windows and wall panel finishes that you choose reflect both the style and function of your Starrco modular office system. Pick a commercial grade steel or wood door. Both doors come with Starrcos unique three piece steel frame that will never get out of square and ball bearing hinges for smooth opening and closing. The top half of the door includes 1/4 tempered safety glass which meets all applicable ASTM and ANSI standards.

    Special glazing options include sliding windows, full height windows and more. Starrcos wall panels are available in three standard colors: Khaki, White and Grey. Optional wall finishes are available including painted aluminum, painted steel, fiberglass reinforced plastic and more.

    Electrical options include standard field wired components or Starrcos exclusive modular Quick-Tric pre-wired electrical package.

    The doors, windows and wall panel finishes that you choose reflect both the style and function of your Starrco modular office system. You can pick a commercial grade steel or wood door. Both doors come with Starrcos unique three piece steel frame that will never get out of square and ball bearing hinges for smooth opening and closing. The top half of the door includes 1/4 tempered safety glass which meets all applicable ASTM and ANSI standards.

    Special glazing options include sliding windows, full height windows and more. Starrcos wall panels are available in three standard colors: Khaki, White and Grey. Optional wall finishes are available including painted aluminum, painted steel, fiberglass reinforced plastic and more.

    Electrical options include standard field wired components or Starrcos exclusive modular

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    Modular Office Buildings | Portable Building - STARRCO

    Modular Buildings, New & Used Modular Buildings - April 15, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Modular Genius is a commercial modular builder providing new modular buildings, pre-owned certified used modular buildingsin our Modular Buildings Local Network and Modular Building National Network.Modular Geniusreceived modular building recognition awards from the Modular Building Institute, as one of the top modular builders in the industry ofmodular buildings, permanent modular buildings,andmodular construction. Check out Floorless Modular Buildings.Modular Genius has many stackable modular buildings,modular portable buildingsandmodular schoolsdesigned including:modular building classroom,temporary classrooms,modular cabins,portable classrooms,mobile classrooms,mobile trailers,modular dormitories,modular classroom,prefabricated school,prefabricated cabins,portable cabins. Contact us with interest in modular building inventory,permanent modular construction,Finance modular buildings,portable classroom,new modular classrooms,mobile trailer,Corrections and Prison Cell Modular Buildings,multi story modular building,modular building,portable offices,modular classrooms,learning cottage,mobile office,modular laboratories,modular medical building,Unitized Fabricated Assembled and Completed,Off Site Modular Construction,modular SCIF buildings,modular church building,medical trailers,tall ceiling modular building,keystone purchasing network,modular pro shop buildings,double wide modular building,mobile office trailer, CT Modular Building, modular field office, modular library building,mobile and modular bank buildingsor amodular complex.

    Whether you are looking for professional modular office space or an office trailer for use as temporary swing space modular building,temporary medical office or a building medical modular like modular MRI buildings-mobile medical offices for anew modular medical officeor modular vivarium buildingsor Bio-containment Modular Laboratory Buildings,Phase One Clinical Research Modular Building,Office Based Surgery, Office Based Labs,projects, Modular Genius is the modular building company and can help. Consider our energy efficient modular classrooms, portable construction trailers, modular kitchen facilities, portable andmobilemodular office buildings, modular science lab classrooms andtemporary government / military buildings. Please read through our modular building terms glossary, or review our modular floor plans. Pleaseuse our modular building calculatorprice quotes. We finance modular buildings,modular workforce accommodationsand a modular building franchise.Modular Genius focuses on modular green buildingsand is a member of the U.S. Green Building Counciland promotes high performance modular green buildingsReview our green building specifications.

    Modular Genius, Inc. offersGSA modular buildings to the USFederal Government with ourGSA ContractGS-07F-0124W. Our new modular government buildings are on the GSA Schedule 56 - Category FSC 54 -pre-engineered buildings-prefabricated structures and buildings. 361-10E Pre-Engineered and Prefabricated Buildings and Structures for Professional Facility Solutions. 361-50 Lease - Rental of Pre-Engineered -Prefabricated Structures and Buildings. 361-32 Installation and Site Preparation. These buildings are perfect for swing space trailersduring renovations or Disaster Recovery Modular Buildings. We provide Shipping Modular Buildings Overseasfor our US Federal Government Customers. We can build modular data center buildings.

    about modular genius | contact modular genius | about modular construction | modular building calculator | modular buildings | modular portable buildings | modular buildings, healthcare,medical| education and school modular buildings | government / military modular buildings | business / commercial modular buildings | modular construction industry news | modular construction services|Office

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    Modular Buildings, New & Used Modular Buildings

    Office Buildings Construction in the Philippines to 2019 … - April 15, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Office Buildings Construction in the Philippines to 2019: Market Databook


    Office Buildings Construction in the Philippines to 2019: Market Databook


    Timetrics 'Office Buildings Construction in the Philippines to 2019: Market Databook' contains detailed historic and forecast market value data for the office buildings construction industry, including a breakdown of the data by construction activity (new construction, repair and maintenance, refurbishment and demolition). The databook provides historical and forecast valuations of the industry using the construction output and value-add methods.


    This report is the result of Timetrics extensive market research covering the office buildings construction industry in Philippines. It contains detailed historic and forecast market value data for the office buildings construction industry, including a breakdown of the data by construction activity (new construction, repair and maintenance, refurbishment and demolition). 'Office Buildings Construction in the Philippines to 2019: Market Databook' provides a top-level overview and detailed insight into the operating environment of the office buildings construction industry in Philippines. It is an essential tool for companies active across the Philippine construction value chain and for new players considering to enter the market.Scope

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    Office Buildings Construction in the Philippines to 2019 ...

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