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Mold Remediation and Fire Restoration
None of these pictures have been enhanced or modified in any way. The first 8 pictures are of a severe mold contamination that we were able to not only bring...
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By: ems-restoration.com
EMS Restoration water damage, sewage cleanup, mold remediation of Pomona, Ca. *888-269-5114*
Ems Restoration your water damage, sewage cleanup, mold remediation services of Pomona, Ca. Serving all of San Bernardino, Riverside, Los Angeles countie...
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EMS Restoration water damage, sewage cleanup, & mold remediation of Pomona, Ca. *888-269-5114* - Video
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Healthy Way Waterproofing and Mold Remediation Wall Perfect 5 Star Review by...
http://www.healthywaynj.com 732-741-1103 Healthy Way Waterproofing and Mold Remediation Wall reviews 5 Star Rating Healthy Way Remediation staff were efficie...
By: Joe Night
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Healthy Way Waterproofing and Mold Remediation Wall Perfect 5 Star Review by... - Video
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Water Damage Service Hunters Creek Florida 321-234-0464
Water Damage Service Hunters Creek Florida 321-234-0464 or visit http://restoration1ofcentralflorida.com/ At Restoration 1 we specialize in water damage restoration services. We also offer...
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Mold Removal -
March 5, 2015 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Official Guide For Easy Mold Removal
Well, you got a mold problem. No worries our handy mold removal guide will help you solve your mold issue, no matter how big or small. The steps and resources you will learn are used by certified mold inspectors and mold remediation companies around the United States.
The first steps that need to be taken is to see what is causing the mold to grow in your home. Moisture combined with dark areas are perfect places for mold to grow. In order to get rid of mold you will need to make sure it doesnt find these types of areas in your home. These mold removal guides will help you get rid of mold and help you keep it from coming back in the future!
Stop mold before it amplifies into a larger and more expensive problem then it already is using proven methods and solutions being used by professionals in the mold industry.
While most mold problems arise for a number of reasons. Their is a few procedures you will want to understand to prevent your mold problem from happening again and getting rid of the problem right away. If your simply going to let the issue sit, be warned mold will only amplify faster and literally turn a simple mold problem into a $1,000 an hour problem. By taking action today using one of the methods recommended below, you will avoid $1,000s and be able to get your home in pristine condition.
Well, moisture is a big cause of your mold problem. Either a leak happened, water seeped into the door, or the roof, tub, shower, water heater, or any other item is at fault. But how do know which is the problem?
This is the 1st step the process. You must find out the source, this will prevent any future problems from coming back. I have seen so many times where mold sufferers pay someone to fix the problem, like a wet moldy carpet, but forget to solve the origin of the problem.
You will have a few options, when inspecting for mold.
Regardless which you select, you will want to understand a bit of the process yourself. In most cases, you can find the source of your problem and save yourself $1,000s of dollars from having a highly trained mold inspector come to your home and take air samples. This would be up to you and decided based on the extent of your mold problem.
The Mold Manuscript helps professionals and people suffering with mold problems to go thru his 7 step course to not only inspect, but also remediate in an extremely affordable way. Below are the inspection tips given by Maurice himself to find your source of the mold problem.
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Mold Removal
Mold Removal Attic Midland-Attic Mold Remediation Freeland
Mold Removal Attic Midland, visit http://www.michiganmoldspecialist.com for more info. Have you established that you have a mold problem? Have you identified...
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Mold Remediation West Palm Beach | Remediation 911 Water Fire Mold Inc.
In Florida #39;s hot, humid environment, mold is an ever-present issue. Mold can cause numerous negative health effects. If your building is experiencing mold pr...
By: Remediation 911 Water Fire Mold Inc.
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BARTLETT, Tenn. (FOX13) - A silent danger could be growing in your home. The Center for Disease Control says black mold can cause respiratory problems, fever, and other serious symptoms.
Right now it's causing a nightmare for three families after dangerous levels of black mold were found in at least three apartments at the Quail Ridge Highlands Apartments in Bartlett.
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Bartlett Code Enforcement declared all three units unlivable.
It is growing up my daughter's windows, the window sill, we found it and we have a 20-month old son, it was growing in his closet and along his window sill, Resident Jessie Sidle said.
Sidle says she's lived at the Quail Ridge Highlands Apartments for two years, but it wasn't until this year she says the issue started getting really bad.
My son has constantly had upper respiratory infection, he's been hospitalized for RSV, which can be a side effect from the mold, Sidle said.
Sidle's family is not alone. FOX13 spoke to two other families by phone who say they and their children have had serious health issues too.
Two of them, their children have been diagnosed with asthma when there's no history of asthma in the family, and our pediatricians are telling us to get our kids out of these environments, Sidle said.
The residents and property managers disagree on when management was notified of the problem.
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Bartlett Deems Apartments Unlivable Due To Black Mold
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Gahanna Residents in Need By MARLA K. KUHLMAN Tuesday March 3, 2015 9:33 PM
Gahanna Residents in Need is back to the drawing board in searching for a new location to serve the community.
Brenda Johnston, GRIN executive director, said there were too many issues with the Hamilton House, 87 S. Hamilton Road, for GRIN to lease it from the city.
GRIN, a faith-based organization that helps local residents with food, clothing and other assistance, has been searching for 12 months to find one location to house its food pantry, free clothing store and offices.
The latest prospect was the Hamilton House, Johnston said, but it was cost prohibitive due to needed pavement in the back yard for parking, mold remediation and furnace repairs.
The pantry and utility assistance offices are currently located at Mifflin Presbyterian Church, while the free clothing store is at Stonybrook United Methodist Church.
"We're asking the community to help us help the community by expanding services and integrating into one location," Johnston said.
The group needs a facility that's 2,500 to 5,000 square feet.
She said GRIN also would like the ability to have a refrigeration unit for fresh produce. The facility also would require a restroom.
"It doesn't matter about the divisions of the building," Johnston said. "We need it big enough to house the clothing free store, pantry and offices. We're willing to lease to buy. We're willing to rent what's available. We want to integrate all our services in one building."
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Group that helps others seeks assistance, too
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