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    Mold Removal Cost What You Can Expect To Pay - November 4, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The health and safety of your family is much more important than the price youll have to pay to remove the mold, but this guide will help you if you need to get a bid.

    If the area is a small one, you can remove the mold yourself with just a few dollars worth of cleaning supplies. If youre concerned about breathing the spores, you can get a respirator, which will cost from around $25 for a simple over the mouth and nose version, to around $150 for a full face professional level unit. If youre unsure if you need a respiratorthere are 7 ways to know if a mold is dangerous. For large infestations, its time to call in the pros.

    Its much cheaper if you can deal with the mold yourself,but largeareas cant be handled very easily be a homeowner.One of the things a mold remediation specialist can do is clean areas like the crawlspace under your home and the duct work in the walls and attic. Mold spores that get into your heating and cooling system can get recirculated through your home, continuing to make you sick even if youve cleaned up the area where you originally found the mold.

    The level of infestation will directly affect your mold removal cost. The remediation cost of a crawlspace can really vary. It could beas little as $500 or as much as $4,000 depending on how big it is, and how much mold is present. If the attic and ducts are involved, the cost for those generally ranges from $2,000 to $6,000. If your home has been flooded and the mold is all throughout it, there is much more that has to be done. This could drive your remediation cost up to $10,000 $30,000,orhigher, depending on the size of your home.

    Even though you have an idea of how much mold removalcosts, be sure to shop around. The first company you find might not be the best one for your needs. Pricing can vary between companies, but you also have to pay attention to the experience levels and what kind of guarantee they have if the mold comes back.

    Most consumers dont have that kind of money to spend out of pocket, so when youre considering insurance, make sure you get something that will coverat least part of the remediation cost if you live in a flood zone.If your home has mold, here are some tips to handle water damage claimsthrough your existing insurance.

    You want people whove been removing mold (especially black mold) for a while, not new people who arent sure about the job. Youll also want to see if there is some kind of guarantee offered and there should be. You dont want to find out that the people didnt do their jobs properly and the mold has come back, only to be told that there is nothing that can be done until you pay more money.

    When you find a company where you feel comfortable with the people, the work ethic, the guarantee, and the remediation cost that fit with your personal finances, youll be able to get the mold removed from your home and you and your family can get back to enjoying your lives. Youll be much healthier, and your home will be a safer place to be.

    More Reading:

    How Borax Kills Mold

    3 Reasons Why You Should Never Use Bleach To Clean Mold

    Originally posted here:
    Mold Removal Cost What You Can Expect To Pay

    Mold Removal Company New Jersey – Mold Remediation … - November 4, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Mold Removal Company & Cleanup Experts with Affordable Pricing Whether you have pre-existing mold damage from years of excessive humidity in a crawlspace, attic, or basement, or a small bathroom leak that when was spotted revealed fungi growth, we have the solution for you. Not only can we treat and preserve/salvage drywall, joists, and sub floor with our process, but in the event when we must tear out drywall, trim, vanity's, insulation, etc, Atlantic Water Damage llc can repair, install and rebuild these affected areas too! This way you deal with one reliable professional company from start to finish. Our pricing is very affordable and we offer fast professional service around the clock throughout all of NJ. We explain everything from step 1-10 upfront and answer all and any questions/concerns you may have. In addition, our company policy is to work with the customer giving you complete control of what options and selections work best for you and your family. Contact us to discuss mold removal and mold remediation services today. Water damaged structures need to be mitigated immediately to prevent any further damage. We are equipped to handle even the largest mold remediation jobs at commercial sites. Homeowners can feel comfort knowing their damage is being handled by mold specialists with top industry standards and protocol, while they take advantage of our customer discounts that save you money. From your initial phone call to a hand shake at jobs completion, Atlantic Water Damage llc is your best remedy for flood cleanup, mold removal, and water damage repair in New Jersey.

    Mold Facts Mold spores can grow within a 48 hour period if the right elements are set in place. Toxic molds can increase your susceptibility to a wide variety of diseases by weakening your immune system. Some molds live in temperatures below freezing, and some like it as warm as 122 F. Molds primarily thrive and become a problem when the relative humidity level is above 60% with temperatures between 50 and 90 degrees F. (10 to 32 degrees C.) and a pH from 3 to 8. Molds also tend to be more robust in poorly ventilated areas with little air movement to disrupt their growth. Crawls Space, basement, wall cavity's, and structural bays are the most common place for mold growth. These locations usually have poor airflow to ventilate and increase the probability of mold growth if conditions permit. Geographical location, seasonal climate, and any pre-existing conditions also factor in the equation of mold & fungi growth. Two common household molds are s. chartarum which is known as "black mold" or "toxic black mold" and stachybotrys which is a filamentous fungi that inhibit materials rich in cellulose. Water or flood damaged structures can take on these fungi growth if not mitigated immediately, thus preventing the need for mold removal and mold remediation services from a service provider.

    Fast emergency service provided throughout every town, city, and county in NJ. Providing water damage restoration, flood cleanup, and mold removal services 24 hours a day for Monmouth, Middlesex, Somerset, Union, Essex, Morris, Bergen, Passaic, Sussex, Hudson, Warren, Hunterdon, Mercer, Burlington, Ocean, Atlantic, Cape May, Camden, Gloucester, Salem, and Cumberland County.

    See the rest here:
    Mold Removal Company New Jersey - Mold Remediation ...

    Mold Remediation | Enviroclean Mold Removal Services | Enviro … - October 24, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Enviro-Clean, New Englands Mold and Indoor Air QualitySpecialist, is one of the most experienced and highly-respected mold remediation and consulting firms in New England. Well give you an accurate assessment of the situation and recommend the most cost-effective method of returning your home or building to a healthy and safe condition.

    The truth is, mold is an essential part of our eco-system. Think of it as natures garbage disposal. And mold remediation regulations about mold are nothing new theyve been around since the time of Moses (Check out Leviticus 14:33-55).

    We do know that mold indoors can create problems. It affects air quality and can cause health problems for people who are sensitive. Those reactions have too many variables to quantify acceptable exposure, and vary based on ones age or health, the type of mold, the severity of mold, the length or frequency of exposure to the mold, and ones general health. We like to say, different molds affect different people in different ways.

    A really great resource is the EPAand their guidelines. They even have steps to clean yourself. Please use caution, we do recommend at least an inspectionto help determine if professional remediation would be recommended. And no worries, we will be the first to offer advice on how to clean yourself if appropriate!

    Enviro-Clean project managers have been thoroughly trained and certified and meet all the standards of the leading industry associations includingtheIICRC (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification), RIA (Restoration Industry Association), and IAQA (Indoor Air Quality Association).

    Enviro-Clean project managers are available for inspection and consultationby appointment through our websiteor by calling our office to schedule 888-231-3130.

    Using the latest technology in diagnostic tools, they are able to develop an accurate remediation plan as well as help identify the cause and origin of the mold and recommend preventive measures.

    After the inspection is complete, they will review their findings and provide a written report and, in certain cases, a written proposal for professional remediation. Scopes of work can vary significantly depending on the size of the affected space, cause of the mold and moisture and others.

    Sampling is often misunderstood and is only sometimes part of the inspection process. In general, we like to compare the indoor air quality to the outdoor air. This technique, however, is flawed. Depending on the time of year, weather conditions, and location of property, the outside levels of mold can vary significantly. But, as a general rule of thumb, an outdoor sample gives a good control basis.

    The important part comes from the indoor samples. Comparing the indoor samples to one another as well as the outdoor sample. Most important, however, is looking at specific species for similarities or discrepancies.

    For example only:

    Mold Type





    A mold





    B mold





    C mold










    If one just looks at the total mold spores, it will show that we have more mold found outdoors than indoors and at first glance that might tell someone that the air indoors is cleaner than outside. But look at Mold C. The basement reads 6000 mold spores where outside it is only 100. Depending on the type of mold, say mold C is Stachybotris, that would tell us that there is likely a mold concern in the basement that requires some level of remediation.

    This is just one example of how interpreting data is important and can be easily misinterpreted.

    First, bleach is not a cleaner for mold. Dont use it. It is dangerous and ineffective. The only time Enviro-Cleanmight recommend the use of bleach would be for aesthetics on stained wood. Otherwise, bleachis not an effective agent to remediate mold.

    Enviro-Clean Mold removal and remediation services adhere to protocols that exceed the strict standards of the Environmental Protection Agency; the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning & Restoration Certification; and the New York City Department of Health.

    We use sophisticated methods to contain the mold-affected area. Six millimeter polyethylene sheeting is installed, and HEPA-filtered negative pressure machines provide a minimum of four air exchanges per hour, preventing cross contamination of unaffected areas.

    Our certified and trained technicians physically remove contaminated porous and semi-porous materials such as drywall, carpeting and somewood surfaces. Then the contained area is HEPA-vacuumed, scrubbed or sanded, and disinfected withan EPA-registered anti-microbial solution.

    After disinfection, Enviro-Clean can encapsulate wood surfaces, attics, or other affected areas using a Fiberlock 6100 which prevents mold from recurring, and comes with a 10-year written EPA-registered anti-microbial solution.

    Each project is different and may require a unique or different solution that best fits your situation. Please call 866-530-MOLD to discuss other methods and techniques.

    Mold within a commercial building presents problems that can affect employee health and productivity. Employees suffering from asthma or other respiratory ailments due to poor indoor air quality incur more sick time than healthy employees. If sick building syndrome is effecting your workplace, call the mold experts at Enviro-Clean.

    In addition to conventional mold remediation techniques, our mold experts are trained in the use of baking soda blasting and dry ice blasting.

    We will recommend the most cost-effective solutions to your particular problems.

    Mold is a fungus that can be found both indoors and outdoors. No one knows how many species of mold exist but estimates range from tens of thousands to perhaps three hundred thousand different kinds of mold. Mold grows best in warm, damp, and humid conditions, and spread and reproduce by making mold spores. Mold spores can survive harsh environmental conditions, such as dry conditions, that do not support normal mold growth. Some of the common forms of indoor mold species are Cladosporium, Penicillium, Alternaria and Aspergillus.

    Mold occurs naturally, and is found everywhere. When abnormally high concentrations of mold are found indoors, problems result. There are four major elements that contribute to indoor mold growth:

    Food Source- mold feeds on all sorts of cellulose materials such as wood, fabrics, wall paper, and other materials commonly found in the home.

    Temperature- mold thrives in temperatures between 40 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Oxygen- Although mold needs air, it grows best in areas of poor ventilation.

    Water- mold needs water, moisture or high humidity in order to grow. This is the most critical element to control to prevent mold contamination.

    Mold spores can migrate through the air, through water, and can hitch a ride on a host, such as humans and their clothing. Airborne mold spores will follow air currents created by normal movements of family members from one room to another, and up and down stairs.

    Mold spores release mycotoxins into the air, which are inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Some people are particularly sensitive to molds. For these people, exposure to molds can cause symptoms such as nasal congestion, eye irritation, wheezing, or skin irritation. People with severe allergies, or those exposed to large amounts of mold, may have more severe reactions. Severe reactions may include fever and shortness of breath. Some people with chronic lung illnesses, such as obstructive lung disease, may develop mold infections in their lungs.

    Molds are found in virtually every environment and can be detected, both indoors and outdoors, year round. Mold growth is encouraged by warm and humid conditions. Outdoors they can be found in shady, damp areas or places where leaves or other vegetation is decomposing. Indoors they can be found where humidity levels are high. Places where mold exposures are usually high include unvented bathrooms, saunas, antique shops, florist shops, greenhouses, farms, summer cottages, mills, etc.

    When we come to your home or business, our technician will perform a comprehensive inspection, not just a cursory look. You will get a thorough and honest assessment of what we find (or dont find). What you wont get is a sales pitch. Many times there is no need for professional mold remediation, and in those cases we will show you how you can clean the mold yourself. The inspection fee merely covers our cost of providing that service to you. However, when professional remediation is recommended, the cost of the inspection will be deducted from our written proposal and estimate.

    We feel our customers should receive a real consultation, not a sales pitch, which is why we charge for our time.There are many instances where an estimate may not be warranted and because our customers have paid for our time onsite, there is no pressure just a thorough and honest assessment of what we find (or dont find). However, in a case when our project manager does recommend professional remediation, we will provide a written proposal and estimate. And in this scenario, we will credit the inspection fee into the estimate should the customer choose to hire us to perform the mold remediation.

    If you believe your children are ill because of exposure to mold in their school, first consult their health care provider to determine the appropriate medical action to take. Contact the schools administration to express your concern and to ask that they remove the mold and prevent future mold growth. If needed, you could also contact the local school board. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is not a regulatory agency and does not have enforcement authority in local matters. Your local health department may also have information on mold, and you may want to get in touch with your state Indoor Air Quality office.

    If you believe you are ill because of exposure to mold in the building where you work, you should first consult your health care provider to determine the appropriate action to take to protect your health. Notify your employer and, if applicable, your union representative about your concern so that your employer can take action to clean up and prevent mold growth. To find out more about mold, remediation of mold, or workplace safety and health guidelines and regulations, you may also want to contact your local (city, county, or state) health department.

    You should also read the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Guidelines, Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings, at

    If you feel your property owner, landlord, or builder has not been responsive to concerns youve expressed regarding mold exposure, you can contact your local board of health or housing authority. Applicable codes, insurance, inspection, legal, and similar issues about mold generally fall under state and local (not federal) jurisdiction. You could also review your lease and contact local or state government authorities, your insurance company, or an attorney to learn more about local codes and regulations and your legal rights.

    You should first consult a family or general health care provider who will decide whether you need referral to a specialist. Such specialists might include an allergist who treats patients with mold allergies or an infectious disease physician who treats mold infections. If an infection is in the lungs, a pulmonary physician might be recommended. Patients who have been exposed to molds in their workplace may be referred to an occupational physician.

    Biocides are substances that can destroy living organisms. The use of a chemical or biocide that kills organisms such as mold (chlorine bleach, for example) is not recommended as a routine practice during mold cleanup. There may be instances, however, when professional judgment may indicate its use (for example, when immune-compromised individuals are present). In most cases, it is not possible or desirable to sterilize an area; a background level of mold spores will remain - these spores will not grow if the moisture problem has been resolved.

    If you choose to use disinfectants or biocides, always ventilate the area and exhaust the air to the outdoors. Never mix chlorine bleach solution with other cleaning solutions or detergents that contain ammonia because toxic fumes could be produced.

    Please note: Dead mold may still cause allergic reactions in some people, so it is not enough to simply kill the mold, it must also be removed.

    Sensitive individuals should avoid areas that are likely to have mold, such as compost piles, cut grass, and wooded areas. Inside homes, mold growth can be slowed by keeping humidity levels between 40% and 60%, and ventilating showers and cooking areas. If there is mold growth in your home, you should clean up the mold and fix the water or humidity problem. Mold growth can often be removed from hard surfaces with commercial products or even soap and water.

    Specific Recommendations:

    Keep the humidity level in the house between 40% and 60%.

    Use an air conditioner or a dehumidifier during humid months.

    Be sure the home has adequate ventilation, including exhaust fans.

    Add mold inhibitors to paints before application.

    Clean bathrooms with mold cleaning products.

    Do not carpet bathrooms and basements.

    Remove or replace previously soaked carpets and upholstery.

    Handle water damage immediately - refer to a professional mitigation company.

    If you see mold in your home or workplace, call a Mold Remediation Specialist to evaluate the extent of the problem and to offer a course of action. If you are experiencing a musty odor accompanied by dampness in your basement, you may have mold. To be sure, call a Mold Remediation Specialist, a Certified Industrial Hygienist or an Indoor Air Quality Consultant to perform air tests for mold. Remember, if you have had a flooding situation which has not be properly or thoroughly dried, you can expect a mold problem within 48 hours of the event.

    Enviro-Clean received a call from a homeowner who had discovered a mold problem in her house. Upon inspecting the home, Eric Anderson found extensive mold growth throughout the kitchen and dining area, bathroom, and the stairwell leading to the second floor. Upon further examination he found black mold growing behind vinyl wallpaper in the finished basement, as well as in the childrens toy closet. It was apparent that the mold had migrated from the basement area to other parts of the house following primary traffic patterns.

    In conversations with the homeowner he learned that there had been a flood in the basement approximately 1 to 2 years earlier. The homeowner submitted a claim to her insurance carrier, and received a $2,000 settlement. However, she opted to dry the wet area herself with a wet vac rather than hire a professional cleaning company.

    Eric suggested that the homeowner call her insurance carrier regarding the mold problem, which she did. The insurance carrier brought in an environmental engineer who, after inspecting the premises, confirmed Enviro-Cleans findings.

    Enviro-Clean was hired to remove the mold from the house which was done successfully for a total cost of $32,455. Additionally, the insurance company paid the homeowners contractor $107,000 for follow-up repairs.

    The moral of the story? Proper and thorough drying at the time of the flood would have saved the homeowner a great deal of anxiety and inconvenience, and would have saved the insurance carrier almost $140,000.

    A fuel oil spill in a Centerville, MA residence required that utilities be shut off, including the climate control utility. As a result, fungus spread throughout the entire house. Mold became visible on the bedding, kitchen cabinets, ceilings, floors, even on the childrens toys.

    Enviro-Clean was contracted byVertex Engineeringto remediate the residence. Vertex is known for their intense scrutiny in post-testing procedures and will not hesitate to order a re-clean. Enviro-Clean cleaned everything from the ceilings to pins inside baseboard heating. Enviro-Clean even used toothbrushes to deep-clean the louvers on the closet doors.

    Enviro-Clean was onsite for the post test performed by Vertex. Vertex walked through the residence with an industrial Halogen Lamp and several pairs of white gloves. They also performed air sampling. Before the conclusion of the post-test, the Vertex engineer examined the stove, and to his surprise, Enviro-Clean had even cleaned underneath the stove, in the stove and every other appliance in the home. Without a doubt, Enviro-Clean passed the post-test with flying colors.

    A general contractor called Enviro-Clean for help with a severe mold problem in a 10-bedroom estate in Exeter, Rhode Island. The home, a 1930s era fieldstone and frame structure had been closed up for 10 months of the year. High humidity during the previous summer created an ideal environment for mold spores to multiply.

    Upon arrival, Enviro-Cleans technicians found visible mold growing on walls and other surfaces in nearly every room in the house. Air currents helped billions of airborne mold spores travel freely throughout the structure, creating fast-growing colonies wherever it found moisture and a food source wood, fabrics, and even dust.

    After the air quality was tested by a microbiologist, the process of removing the mold from the contaminated areas of the home was started immediately. As the technicians, outfitted with OSHA-required protective suits and respirators, worked in the sealed-off areas of contamination, negative air units were used to prevent the spread of mold into non-contaminated areas, while HEPA vacuums and air scrubbers ensured that the clean areas would remain clean while the work progressed.

    When the mold removal process was complete, there was no sign of mold anywhere in the house. A post-remediation air quality test by the microbiologist showed that the house was, indeed, clean and free of mold and microtoxins. The project was a complete success, extending Enviro-Cleans 100% success rate.

    The owners were thrilled with the speed, thoroughness and professionalism of the Enviro-Clean crew.

    2016 Enviro-Clean Inc. All Rights Reserved. 41 Cedar Swamp Road Smithfield, RI 02917 888-231-3130

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    Mold Remediation | Enviroclean Mold Removal Services | Enviro ...

    Mold Removal | Mold Remediation | Atlanta, Alpharetta … - October 24, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Mold in your home or place of business can cause health problems and lower the value of your property. The certified mold remediation professionals at NoMoldAtlanta will take the fear out of mold with a two-step professional mold removal and prevention process that is non-toxic, cost-effective, and creates as little disruption as possible in your day-to-day life. The father-son team of Dan and J.D. Ortega have spent the last 20 years earning the respect and trust of homeowners and the top realtors and brokers in the Metro Atlanta area. You can count on our family owned business to handle your commercial or home mold removal problem as quickly, safely, and affordably as possible.

    We begin our certified mold removal process by sealing off the work space with containment barriers. We then set up air scrubbers to create negative pressure that will limit particulate counts during remediation. We remove all unsalvageable, visibly mold-impacted material from the work space, and we clean all salvageable materials by hand wiping with Anabec Cleaning Solutions and/or HEPA vacuum-assisted orbital sanding and wire brushing as necessary. After a thorough HEPA vacuuming to remove any particulates or dust that might contain mold, we treat all surfaces in the work space with Anabec Cleaning Solutions to agitate and remove potential mold spores from treated surfaces. Finally, we treat all work space surfaces with Anasphere or X-70 Plus to provide a barrier against future mold growth on treated surfaces. Many of our mold cleanup projects can be completed in 24-48 hours, and we do our own repair work, which eliminates the complication and cost of multiple contractors.

    If youre a builder or developer, the NoMoldAtlanta mold prevention service is the most effective way to guard your new building against the development and spread of mold colonies. We seal off all potential food sources for mold colonies in the buildings foundation, framework, interior drywall, and finished interior surfaces like cabinets and floors. Our work on new construction and existing buildings is backed by a ten-year limited warranty. Our safe, time-efficient commercial mold remediation process also is ideal for schools, hospitals, public facilities, bank-owned foreclosed properties, or any other business confronted with a mold emergency.

    If you suspect you have a mold or mildew problem in your home or place of business, dont ignore it. The potential health risk is real, but there is a safe, time-efficient, affordable solution. Contact NoMoldAtlanta today for information on mold inspections and mold detection, or to set up an appointment with a mold expert for a free evaluation. You can trust NoMoldAtlanta to produce an immediate, long-term solution to your mold problem in Atlanta, Alpharetta, Roswell, Marietta, Smyrna, Canton and beyond.

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    Mold Removal | Mold Remediation | Atlanta, Alpharetta ...

    Mold Solutions | Inspection | Remediation | Prevention | Chicago - October 24, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    There may be mold growing in your home, in your child's school, your office virtually anywhere and you may not even realize it. This hidden mold has the potential to cause serious health issues to you and your family, and structural damage to homes and buildings.

    Like all fungi, mold feeds on the organic materials that can be found on non-synthetic surface areas that contain moisture. Mold Solutions exclusive EPA-registered, water-soluble solutions form a protective surface shield against these single-celled microbes, and stops airborne mold from growing on all treated surfaces. Best of all, this non-toxic antimicrobial protection is so effective, we offer a 10-year warranty on ALL mold remediation treatments.

    For older homes, hospitals, offices or day care centers, our experienced team of IICRC-certified inspectors can find pockets of hidden mold that may be causing serious harm. Dont wait any longer protect your family, your employees, your children, and all who visit your establishment from the dangerous effects of mold.

    The experts at Mold Solutions Chicago understand just how dangerous mold can be and are proud to have been invited to participate in several episodes of Extreme Makeover Home Edition to contribute our mold prevention services for the new homes of the deserving families in Philo, IL., Lena, IL. and Owensboro, KY.

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    Mold Solutions | Inspection | Remediation | Prevention | Chicago

    Commercial Mold – EPA Mold & Mildew Remediation Products - October 24, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Eliminate and control mold, mildew and odor after floods, fires and more.

    After flooding, fire, disaster, catastrophic HVAC failure and other situations where moisture is released can cause a large buildup on mold, mildew and more, quickly. Its important to understand the need to control mold and mildew growth quickly and effectively, specially in commercial buildings or Schools. Theres a tried and true three step process to controlling mold growth.

    1. Find the source of moisture and stop it. 2. Kill the mold and mildew and other contaminants 3. Control to future growth by using the right mold control products.

    BBJ products like our Mold and Mildew Cleaner and Mold Control for Floors and Walls or Mold Control for HVAC Systems and Air Ducts helps first kill and the control the future growth of mold keeping air and living quality safe. Additionally, mold and mildew can leave nasty stains. BBJ Peroxi-Cleanse is perfect for cleaning mold and mildew stains safely.

    See the rest here:
    Commercial Mold - EPA Mold & Mildew Remediation Products

    Mold – Wikipedia - October 24, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A mold (US / CA) or mould (UK / NZ / AU / ZA / IN / CA) is a fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae.[1][2] In contrast, fungi that can adopt a single-celled growth habit are called yeasts.

    Molds are a large and taxonomically diverse number of fungal species where the growth of hyphae results in discoloration and a fuzzy appearance, especially on food.[3] The network of these tubular branching hyphae, called a mycelium, is considered a single organism. The hyphae are generally transparent, so the mycelium appears like very fine, fluffy white threads over the surface. Cross-walls (septa) may delimit connected compartments along the hyphae, each containing one or multiple, genetically identical nuclei. The dusty texture of many molds is caused by profuse production of asexual spores (conidia) formed by differentiation at the ends of hyphae. The mode of formation and shape of these spores is traditionally used to classify molds.[4] Many of these spores are colored, making the fungus much more obvious to the human eye at this stage in its life-cycle.

    Molds are considered to be microbes and do not form a specific taxonomic or phylogenetic grouping, but can be found in the divisions Zygomycota and Ascomycota. In the past, most molds were classified within the Deuteromycota.[5]

    Molds cause biodegradation of natural materials, which can be unwanted when it becomes food spoilage or damage to property. They also play important roles in biotechnology and food science in the production of various foods, beverages, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals and enzymes. Some diseases of animals and humans can be caused by certain molds: disease may result from allergic sensitivity to mold spores, from growth of pathogenic molds within the body, or from the effects of ingested or inhaled toxic compounds (mycotoxins) produced by molds.[1]

    There are thousands of known species of molds, which have diverse life-styles including saprotrophs, mesophiles, psychrophiles and thermophiles and a very few opportunistic pathogens of humans.[6] They all require moisture for growth and some live in aquatic environments. Like all fungi, molds derive energy not through photosynthesis but from the organic matter on which they live, utilising heterotrophy. Typically, molds secrete hydrolytic enzymes, mainly from the hyphal tips. These enzymes degrade complex biopolymers such as starch, cellulose and lignin into simpler substances which can be absorbed by the hyphae. In this way molds play a major role in causing decomposition of organic material, enabling the recycling of nutrients throughout ecosystems. Many molds also synthesise mycotoxins and siderophores which, together with lytic enzymes, inhibit the growth of competing microorganisms. Molds can also grow on stored food for animals and humans, making the food unpalatable or toxic and are thus a major source of food losses and illness.[7] Many strategies for food preservation (salting, pickling, jams, bottling, freezing, drying) are to prevent or slow mold growth as well as growth of other microbes.

    Molds reproduce by producing large numbers of small spores,[6] which may contain a single nucleus or be multinucleate. Mold spores can be asexual (the products of mitosis) or sexual (the products of meiosis); many species can produce both types. Some molds produce small, hydrophobic spores that are adapted for wind dispersal and may remain airborne for long periods; in some the cell walls are darkly pigmented, providing resistance to damage by ultraviolet radiation. Other mold spores have slimy sheaths and are more suited to water dispersal. Mold spores are often spherical or ovoid single cells, but can be multicellular and variously shaped. Spores may cling to clothing or fur; some are able to survive extremes of temperature and pressure.

    Although molds can grow on dead organic matter everywhere in nature, their presence is visible to the unaided eye only when they form large colonies. A mold colony does not consist of discrete organisms but is an interconnected network of hyphae called a mycelium. All growth occurs at hyphal tips, with cytoplasm and organelles flowing forwards as the hyphae advance over or through new food sources. Nutrients are absorbed at the hyphal tip. In artificial environments such as buildings, humidity and temperature are often stable enough to foster the growth of mold colonies, commonly seen as a downy or furry coating growing on food or other surfaces.

    Few molds can begin growing at temperatures of 4C (39F) or below, so food is typically refrigerated at this temperature. When conditions do not enable growth to take place, molds may remain alive in a dormant state depending on the species, within a large range of temperatures. The many different mold species vary enormously in their tolerance to temperature and humidity extremes. Certain molds can survive harsh conditions such as the snow-covered soils of Antarctica, refrigeration, highly acidic solvents, anti-bacterial soap and even petroleum products such as jet fuel.[8]:22

    Xerophilic molds are able to grow in relatively dry, salty, or sugary environments, where water activity (aw) is less than 0.85; other molds need more moisture.[9]

    Common genera of molds include:

    The Kji (?) molds are a group of Aspergillus species, notably Aspergillus oryzae, and secondarily A. sojae, that have been cultured in eastern Asia for many centuries. They are used to ferment a soybean and wheat mixture to make soybean paste and soy sauce. Koji molds break down the starch in rice, barley, sweet potatoes, etc., a process called saccharification, in the production of sake, shch and other distilled spirits. Koji molds are also used in the preparation of Katsuobushi.

    Red rice yeast is a product of the mice Monascus purpureus grown on rice, and is common in Asian diets. The yeast contains several compounds collectively known as monacolins, which are known to inhibit cholesterol synthesis.[10] A study has shown that red rice yeast used as a dietary supplement, combined with fish oil and healthy lifestyle changes, may help reduce "bad" cholesterol as effectively as certain commercial statin drugs.[11]

    Some sausages, such as salami, incorporate starter cultures of molds [12] to improve flavour and reduce bacterial spoilage during curing. Penicillium nalgiovense, for example, may appear as a powdery white coating on some varieties of dry-cured sausage.

    Other molds that have been used in food production include:

    Alexander Fleming's accidental discovery of the antibiotic penicillin involved a Penicillium mold called Penicillium notatum (although the species identity is disputed as possibly being Penicillium chrysogenum or Penicillium rubens).[13] Fleming continued to investigate Penicillin, showing that it could inhibit various types of bacteria found in infections and other ailments, but he was unable to produce the compound in large enough amounts necessary for production of a medicine.[14] His work was expanded by a team at Oxford University; Clutterbuck, Lovell, and Raistrick, who began to work on the problem in 1931. This team was also unable to produce the pure compound in any large amount, and found that the purification process diminished its effectiveness and negated the anti-bacterial properties it had.[14]

    Howard Florey, Ernst Chain, Norman Heatley, Edward Abraham, also all at Oxford, continued the work.[14] They enhanced and developed the concentration technique by using organic solutions rather than water, and created the "Oxford Unit" to measure penicillin concentration within a solution. They managed to purify the solution, increasing its concentration by 45-50 times, but found that a higher concentration was possible. Experiments were conducted and the results published in 1941, though the quantities of Penicillin produced were not always high enough for the treatments required.[14] As this was during the Second World War, Florey sought USA Government involvement. With research teams in the UK and some in the US, industrial-scale production of crystallized penicillin was developed during 1941-1944 by the USDA and by Pfizer.[13][15]

    Several statin cholesterol-lowering drugs (such as lovastatin, from Aspergillus terreus) are derived from molds.[16]

    The immunosuppressant drug cyclosporine, used to suppress the rejection of transplanted organs, is derived from the mold Tolypocladium inflatum.

    Molds are ubiquitous, and mold spores are a common component of household and workplace dust; however, when mold spores are present in large quantities, they can present a health hazard to humans, potentially causing allergic reactions and respiratory problems.

    Some molds also produce mycotoxins that can pose serious health risks to humans and animals. Some studies claim that exposure to high levels of mycotoxins can lead to neurological problems and in some cases, death.[17] Prolonged exposure, e.g. daily home exposure, may be particularly harmful. Research on the health impacts of mold has not been conclusive.[18] The term "toxic mold" refers to molds that produce mycotoxins, such as Stachybotrys chartarum, and not to all molds in general.[19]

    Mold in the home can usually be found in damp, dark or steamy areas e.g. bathroom or kitchen, cluttered storage areas, recently flooded areas, basement areas, plumbing spaces, areas with poor ventilation and outdoors in humid environments. Symptoms caused by mold allergy are watery, itchy eyes, a chronic cough, headaches or migraines, difficulty breathing, rashes, tiredness, sinus problems, nasal blockage and frequent sneezing.

    Molds can also pose a hazard to human and animal health when they are consumed following the growth of certain mold species in stored food. Some species produce toxic secondary metabolites, collectively termed mycotoxins including aflatoxins, ochratoxins, fumonisins, trichothecenes, citrinin, and patulin. These toxic properties may be used for the benefit of humans when the toxicity is directed against other organisms; for example, penicillin adversely affects the growth of Gram-positive bacteria (e.g. Clostridium species), certain spirochetes and certain fungi.[20]

    Mold growth in buildings can lead to a variety of health problems. Various practices can be followed to mitigate mold issues in buildings, the most important of which is to reduce moisture levels that can facilitate mold growth.[19] Removal of affected materials after the source of moisture has been reduced and/or eliminated may be necessary for remediation.

    Various artists have used mold in various artistic fashions. Daniele Del Nero, for example, constructs scale models of houses and office buildings and then induces mold to grow on them, giving them a spooky, reclaimed-by-nature look. Staci Levy sandblasts enlarged images of mold onto glass, then allows mold to grow in the crevasses she has made, creating a macro-micro portrait.[21]

    Go here to read the rest:
    Mold - Wikipedia

    Houston Mold Remediation – - October 3, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Helpful ReviewsMold Inspection & Testing Houston TXChristopher W.rated

    Consider me another happy customer of MI&T. After smelling mold in our "new" house, the inspector swept in to take care of the issue. They cleaned mold off the walls and found the source of the mold in the kitchen. MI&T made great suggestions for mold remediation of the source of the mold, and quickly took care of the ensuing issues. He was on time, and kept us up to date on the process. He was also very responsive via phone and email, which was great.

    What a great company that has a lot of experience. I called MI&T for an inspection on my condo that I was renting out of state and when I mentioned that I needed someone that day because I had to go back home they came within two hours. The inspector had a lot of knowledge and definitely gave me a lot of information on what to do. I would definitely recommend them to everyone.

    The report had photos and description of each item with its condition. I couldn't believe how detailed it was. I particularly like the breakdown of "MINOR and MAJOR" issues. It helps put things into perspective.

    See the rest here:
    Houston Mold Remediation -

    Mold Remediation Albany NY | Mold Removal Albany | Mold … - October 3, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Sickness Including Hospitalization Costly Repair Bills Cause Your Home To Be Condemned

    It is impossible to get rid of mold as mold spores will be floating in the air and in house dust. The mold spores will continue to grow if there is moisture present. Therefore, it is important to find and clean up the mold and fix the water/moisture problem that is the source of the mold. If the mold is cleaned up, but the water/moisture source is not fixed, the mold WILL come back. Dead mold may still cause allergic reactions in some people, so it is not enough to simply remove the mold that you can see.

    Professional mold removal by Earth Safe Environmental techs can help make your property or home mold free. If you have mold, get help to keep your home and family healthy. Mold can damage property, reduce the value of your antiques and cause health issues for your family. Children and the elderly are very susceptible to mold related breathing problems. The allergy prone can also experience significant breathing problems.

    Follow this link:
    Mold Remediation Albany NY | Mold Removal Albany | Mold ...

    Mold Remediation Virginia – Michael & Son Services - September 28, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Stop mold from harming your home and your health. Michael & Son provides systematic andprompt mold remediation for residents in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia. You cant afford to allow mold to grow and release spores throughout your home. It not only causes damage, but it can make you and your family sick.

    As a reputable and fully licensed mold removal company, we offer effective solutions that rid your place of this harmful growth. Our certified team has passed rigorous test and adhere strictly to IICRC S520 remediation guidelines. Allow our mold remediation experts to properly evaluation your homes microbial contamination problem. We provide mold removal for customers in and around the following areas:

    Arlington VA Alexandria VA Silver Spring MD Bethesda MD Rockville MD

    The Steps for Mold Remediation in DC, MD, and VA Molds can grow anywhere that moisture is present. If your home has water damage or an area of your home is damp, the chances are you probably have mold. When you need mold remediation, dont try to do it yourself. Theres more to mold than meets the eye.

    While not all mold types are dangerous, there are a few types that are toxic even deadly. For mold cleanup, depend on the mold experts at Michael & Son for assessment, removal, and repair. Our mold remediation process involves

    Black Mold Removal in Virginia & Maryland Black mold is not only dangerous, it can be deadly as well. In fact, it is vital that you consult ablack mold removal expert if you suspect that it is in your home. Do not disturb the mold, because it has harmful mycotoxins that are easily released if you touch the area. Our certified specialists use advanced equipment and mold cleanup that ensure your home environment is safe again.

    Contact the mold experts at our company for fast mold remediation services when you notice black spots spreading on your wall. We proudly serve customers in the following areas: Washington DC; Virginia: Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Reston, Herndon, Ashburn, and Chantilly; Maryland: Rockville, Silver Spring, Bethesda, Gaithersburg, and Prince Georges.

    Visit link:
    Mold Remediation Virginia - Michael & Son Services

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