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div {padding: 15px !important;}]]>Eradicator Mold Remediation Services was formed with a passion to assist property owners eliminate damage from the after effects of water and moisture intrusion.
div {padding: 15px !important;}]]>We hold ourselves to a higher standard and consistently outperform our competitors. With sincerity, honesty, and professionalism we uphold our Oath of Ethics.
div {padding: 15px !important;}]]>Learn about the dangers of mold in your home or working environment.
div {padding: 15px !important;}]]>Learn about symptoms of House Mold in New Jersey and how it can be hazardous to your health. If you notice these signs contact Eradicator immediately.
div {padding: 15px !important;}]]>The right tools matter. Testing procedures are performed by experienced professionals using state of the art equipment.
Discover the truth about Mold and how it may affect your health, the value of your property, and the environment.
Our nationally certified staff provides a fast and highly effective inspection and remediation service.
Read about the common types of Mold that may be found in your home and/or place of employment.
Our certified employees and consultants comprises of individuals who have excelled within their respectful fields.
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Mold Remediation courses | Mold Certification | Zack Academy
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Seattle homes face a combination of factors not found in other regions. Unlike most cities in the northern portion of our country, our humidity problems occur in the winter. During the summer months, the temperatures are mild and the humidity is relatively low. Yet in the winter, while the humidity drops in most regions, our humidity increases.This provides an environment conducive to mold and indoor air quality issues.
Older homes located in Queen Anne and Capital Hill often contain asbestos and lead based paint. Many of these homes are due for major remodel projects, which can lead to health risks if the construction is not handled correctly.
Over the last 10 or 20 years, changes in the building code have led to far tighter homes. While this has improved the energy efficiency of the homes, it has had an inverse effect on indoor air quality. The climate in Seattle suffers from high winter relative humidity. When homes are sealed tight, the natural humidity combines with the additional moisture created by the occupants, leading to high relative humidity.
Despite these challenges, addressing indoor environmental issues in Seattle is often very cost effective. Because all of our humidity issues occur in the winter when temperatures are cool, many problems can be solved by simply increasing the fresh air intake (while maintaining a well heated home).
12303 8th Ave. NESeattle, WA 98125800-351-9563
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Seattle Indoor Inspection, Testing, & Remediation | Environix
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Mold Removal and Remediation | ATI -
November 6, 2018 by
Mr HomeBuilder
When moisture remains undetected, mold occurs, causing severe damage and health concerns. Its critical to take care of mold and mildew damage early before it overtakes your entire home, apartment complex or business.
ATI offers comprehensive mold removal and remediation services including:
Maintaining a safe working environment for our crews, the facility owner, and occupants living or working in the affected area is our top priority. We are committed to performing every mold removal and remediation job by safeguarding the environment in which we are working and by using the industry's most efficient methods and equipment to protect our customers and employees. We also follow all local, state, federal, OSHA and EPA guidelines when performing mold removal and remediation procedures.
To further ensure a safe and effective environmental remediation, our crews are rigorously trained in mold removal procedures by the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA); Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC); the Restoration Industry Association (RIA); and our in-house trainers. In addition, all of our operations managers, project managers, project directors, and regional managers hold Certified Mold Remediation (CMR) certifications.
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Mold Removal and Remediation | ATI
(If you are a Mold Remediation Contractor/Consultant, visitInformation for Professionals)
There are companies whose primary focus is mold that offer the services of indoor air quality (IAQ) consultants and mold remediation contractors.
Testing for mold is generally not necessary. If you can see and smell mold in your home, you have a mold problem. Mold is usually a symptom of a bigger problem related to inadequate ventilation and a buildup of moisture. Homes with high moisture (also called "high relative humidity") or stagnant water are more susceptible to mold growth.
If you have a problem with high humidity or stagnant water, you may need to hire a consultant or home performance specialist. Home Performance Consultants conduct indoor air quality (IAQ) investigations, and can determine when structural issues exist that may be causing mold problems (such as ice dams, moisture, and heating and cooling complaints). They can help you understand why mold is growing in your home and what actions you will need to take to prevent mold growth.
Here are IAQ consultants and mold remediation contractors whose primary focus is mold:Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) ConsultantsConsultants Mold Remediation Contractors
Many consultants and contractors providing mold inspections and remediation services are honest, reliable and skilled. Below are suggestions on how to find good consultants and contractors. (This list is based on guidelines provided by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection.)
If a name appears on the Department of Health Services (DHS) lists of Indoor Air Consultants or Mold Remediation Contractors, it does NOT constitute an endorsement of the company or their capabilities. It also does not imply preference over other companies not listed. These lists have been compiled from those contractors and consultants who have provided DHS with information on what training they have undergone. The lists are provided as a resource to those interested in obtaining these specialized services, but are not sure where to begin.
Neither the federal government nor DHS certifies consultants or contractors for conducting mold investigations or removing mold from buildings. If a consultant or contractor advertises as "State Certified" or "State Endorsed," please refer their name to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Fraud Division, 1-800-422-7128, for deceptive trade practices.
For general information and tips on hiring contractors, visit the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP).
Follow the links below to view lists of consultants and contractors:
For more information, contact your local health department, or call the Wisconsin Division of Public Health, Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health, at 608-266-1120.
Tips for Hiring a Mold Remediation Contractor/Consultant ...
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Mold Removal Services | AdvantaClean -
October 10, 2018 by
Mr HomeBuilder
What is mold? Mold is a common fungus found inside and outside, almost everywhere, year round. Mold grows best in warm, damp environments and multiplies as microscopic spores. It travels through the air, attaching to structures like drywall, flooring and other materials in a home. Once it takes hold, mold in a house can multiply quickly in high humidity surroundings likebasements,bathrooms andcrawlspaces.
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), if you see or smell mold, there is potential health risk and you should hire a professional mold detection company, like AdvantaClean, for cleanup and removal.
When tiny mold spores travel through the air and settle, under the right conditions, mold or mildew can multiply quickly, often going undetected, and become a problem inside your home. Mold can grow almost anywhere when moisture is present for an extended period of time.
Mold can multiply on most porous surfaces where there is damp stagnant air. While it prefers temperatures above 60 degrees, it can also grow in cold temperatures, which is why it can be found in a refrigerator. Most often, however, it is found in the following places:
The effects of mold not only include the potential for structural damage to your home. If you are in the market to sell, undetected mold can dramatically lower the value of your home. Some real estate agents believe the presence of mold can drop the value of a home up to 10 percent.
What is mold? Call(860) 237-5991 if you have mold.
What is mold? Mold is a common fungus found inside and outside, almost everywhere, year round. Mold grows best in warm, damp environments and multiplies as microscopic spores. It travels through the air, attaching to structures like drywall, flooring and other materials in a home. Once it takes hold, mold in a house can multiply quickly in high humidity surroundings like basements, bathrooms and crawlspaces.
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), if you see or smell mold, there is potential health risk and you should hire a professional mold detection company, like AdvantaClean, for cleanup and removal.
When tiny mold spores travel through the air and settle, under the right conditions, mold or mildew can multiply quickly, often going undetected, and become a problem inside your home. Mold can grow almost anywhere when moisture is present for an extended period of time.
Mold can multiply on most porous surfaces where there is damp stagnant air. While it prefers temperatures above 60 degrees, it can also grow in cold temperatures, which is why it can be found in a refrigerator. Most often, however, it is found in the following places:
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Mold Removal Services | AdvantaClean
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Welcome to RVA Mold Remediation
Were aiming to be the number one mold remediation company in the Richmond, Virginia area! Thanks for helping us make it!
Is your home in need of mold removal? We here at RVA Mold Remediation would love to step in and get the job done for you. We are experts that serve Richmond VA, as well as the surrounding areas and counties. It is our pleasure to help you when you need it most. Mold can be a dangerous thing so having a contractor, like us, come in is extremely important.
Your home is a large investment and also your safe haven. When taking care of and maintaining the place you lay your head every night, you want to be sure that you hire the best of the best and that you pay a great rate. We pride ourselves in providing a great service for a great price. Meeting the needs of our clients and keeping them happy are what keep us going!
We can provide you with informative advice and can visit your home to come up with a solution specifically for you! Having a professional come in and assess the specifics of your mold problem is always the best option. Many molds can cause health issues so be sure to contact us if you suspect their is a mold infestation in your home. Give us a call if you have any questions or are all set to get rid of your mold as soon as possible! You can reach us directly as 804.251.1866.
If youre interested in learning some basic information about mold and how it can affect your health, be sure to visit our Mold Overview page. You can also take a look through our site and find useful and great information about common mold areas, and the steps you should take to cut down the risk factors that lead to mold growth in your home. Also be sure to check out our Service Areas page. We're sure we'll be able to serve you!
Why Should you Pick RVA Mold Remediation?
1. We provide FREE estimates! Unfortunately, some mold removal companies will charge you a fee simply to take a look at your home. We guarantee that we will come inspect your home and provide an honest assessment!
2. We believe in being honest with our clients! If youre not in need of huge or extensive remediation process to rid your home of the mold you see, we will not try to up-sell you something you simply do not need. Its sad that many companies will do this, but we pride ourselves in providing our clients with exactly what they need, nothing more and nothing less!
3. We use safe and effective methods to get rid of mold. We treat our clients as if they were family, so we dont use anything we wouldnt want to expose our families and friends to.
4. We have loads of experience! Were not the new kids on the block. With years of experience under our belt, we can promise that we are a knowledgeable group of experts who can get the job done and done right. Nothing is worse then having a contractor come in, do a horrible job and then having to pay another contractor to do what the first one should have taken care of. That's not the case with RVA Mold Remediation! We're reliable, hardworking people who will get the job done right the first go 'round!
5. We have a great turnaround time! We believe in doing our job, doing it well and in a reasonable amount of time. We try our best to complete our inspections and tasks thoroughly, yet quickly. Having a contractor that can get the job done and be in and out won't put a cramp in your everyday life.
Contact us today for your FREE ESTIMATE! 804.251.1866
If you have ANY questions about your mold remediation needs or have any other questions that we as a mold removal company can answer for you, please do not hesitate to call us! We are here to help and are excited help you! You can reach us on the phone at: 804.251.1866 or shoot us an email on our Contact Us Page!
Having a mold problem is a serious thing. Procrastinating when it comes to mold remediation can put your home and family in a dangerous position. Call us today! You'll be glad you did!
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RVA Mold Remediation - Richmond VA mold remediation ...
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You can never completely remove mold from your house; a small number of mold spores will always exist indoors and are a natural and helpful part of our world. However, if water or moisture is left unchecked inside your home and mold begins to colonize, it can pose a serious health risk. Mold remediation can quickly and safely remove a mold infestation from your home or office. Depending on the size of your problem, mold remediation might take anywhere from one to seven days (or more) to wipe out the major sources of mold in your home.
Mold growths (colonies) can establish within 24-48 hours, so it is important to act immediately if you have a water spill or leak especially if you live in a hot or humid climate. If you are past the point of DIY and need professional help, mold remediation teams will come to your location, assess the extent of the mold problem, identify and rectify all water leaks and sources of dampness, identify all mold sources (both visible and hidden), use specialized equipment to contain and prevent migration of mold spores, safely remove contaminated materials, treat infested areas with approved antimicrobial sprays, dehumidify and dry the appropriate areas, and seal areas as needed.
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Las Vegas, NV 9 Mold Remediation Professionals near you
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Even the cleanest homes have the potential for mold. Residential building structures have many areas that offer prime environments for mold to grow. Basements, bathrooms, utility rooms, laundry equipment and kitchens are some of the areas where black mold is often found. Homeowners can take proactive steps to drastically limit mold grown, but unfortunately, its literally impossible to eradicate all together.
Tips for preventing mold growth:
Basements especially should have a ventilation system in place. This can help to bring fresh air in and push water vapor out. Homes that are not equipped with windows should use a dehumidifier or circulation fan.
Fix foundation cracks
The smallest crack or leak can provide a perfect habitat for mold growth. Window frames, doors and corner locations of the foundation can be sealed using a water proof chalk. This is a service that should be performed at the beginning of rainy seasons.
Keep stored items organized
When storing personal belongings or furniture, it is best not to pile items on top of each other. This can cause moisture to get trapped, and it prevents air circulation.
Try baking soda
Baking Soda helps to absorb moisture. By placing a box of baking soda under kitchen and bathroom cabinets and in the refrigerator, it will prevent moisture from forming and creating an ideal habitat for mold growth.
Keep HVAC systems free of mold
Air ducts, heating systems, air conditioning systems and filters should all be cleaned and changed regularly. This will prevent mold from growing and spreading throughout the home. Mold growth in air ducts and HVAC systems allows smells and mold spores to travel quickly throughout a home. Seek the help of a professional HVAC technician or air duct cleaner if you suspect mold or notice mold symptoms in these areas.
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Mold Removal and Remediation | Angie's List
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How much does it cost to have a mold remediation done?
Mold is a type of invasive fungi that may grow on surfaces inside your home. It varies in color and type, and is usually found in areas that have been subjected to moisture at some point in time, such as bathrooms or in areas around leaking pipes.
While some types of mold are harmless, others can cause serious health issues in some individuals. According to the EPA, mold allergies are extremely common and can be a leading cause of asthma symptoms. Mold can also cause irritations of the eyes, nose, and throat, and may also cause lung issues even in people who are not allergic. For this reason, mold found growing in the home should be treated as a serious issue and cleaned up in a timely way.
Mold remediation is the process of seeking out and eliminating the mold within your home, while containing it and preventing it from spreading to other surfaces. Because mold spores can become airborne and spread to other damp areas, its important to have professional air testing and remediation done whenever you encounter mold in the home.
Typical mold remediation of areas such as crawlspaces in the home can cost between $500 and $4,000 depending on the extent of the mold and the type. Most homeowners can expect to pay around $2,000 for remediation of areas such as crawlspaces, attics, or basements where mold is most commonly found.
Mold spores are everywhere. A type of fungus that presents in a thread-like structure, mold is common and can be found in nearly every part of the world. The problem arises when mold begins to grow inside the home. This is usually because the mold spores have found their way to a damp area where conditions are right for them to begin to grow.
Common causes of mold growth indoors include:
Once the mold spores have taken root in the home, they can easily spread to other areas. So, if mold is present in your basement, and your bathroom becomes excessively humid over a long period of time, mold spores may find their way up from the basement to the bathroom where they will take root in the damp areas of the room.
While mold can technically take root and begin growing anywhere, there are a few common areas that it can usually be found:
However, if you have excessive amounts of moisture or humidity in the home, you may find mold growing anywhere, including on the inside of closet doors, in carpeting, and on fabrics.
Most mold infestations start out small, and may go unnoticed if they are inside a crawl space, duct, or other unobtrusive area. Therefore, your first sign of a mold infestation may be a musty odor. Other signs include staining on the walls or ceilings and visible mold growth on walls and other surfaces. If you have an increase in allergy symptoms occurring indoors, this may also be a sign of a mold infestation.
If you detect mold, or suspect a mold infestation, a mold remediation or abatement team can help confirm its presence, test for the type of mold, and offer solutions on dealing with the issue.
According to the CDC, exposure to mold can lead to a number of different health issues, or none at all. It depends on the sensitivity of the person exposed, whether that person has any allergies to mold, the type of mold, and the level of exposure.
The most common symptoms of mold exposure include:
In people who have asthma, exposure to mold may trigger asthma attacks, while in people with compromised immune systems, mold exposure may lead to more serious problems, such as lung infections.
Mold exists naturally in the air inside and outside of your home. Therefore, it is not possible to completely remove all of the mold from within a building, as microscopic spores will still exist even after the problem has been addressed.
Mold remediation removes and cleans mold colonies and excessive mold growth from surfaces inside your home, getting mold levels back to what is considered normal for your area and air humidity levels. Because it is not possible to guarantee removal of all the mold in a building, most companies offer what is known as remediation services, cleaning and removing the mold problem from your home.
When the time comes to deal with a mold problem in your home, youll find that there is often a wide range of costs, often from $500 to $4,000. This can be accounted for by several different factors, including:
There are more than 100 different types of mold that could potentially be found in the air in and around your home. However, not all of these typically colonize or become problems.The follow types of mold are the ones most commonly seen in homes:
Mold testing is not always necessary. In fact, many specialists agree that if you see mold, its enough to treat it, and that testing is not always necessary. However, if your insurance requires it, or if you have specific health concerns that may be mold related, you can have your home tested for mold.
Always make sure you use an independent, third party testing agency, and that if you use a mold remediation company, that they use a third party testing agency themselves. Testing agencies should not give any information on how to deal with the issue, or charge you for remediation; they should only test the mold and tell you what it is.
There are a few ways you can test for mold. The most common is a rapid scratch test, which involves collecting a small sample of the mold and applying it to various chemicals to determine the reaction.
More involved testing may involve sending samples to a testing facility, or taking samples of the air to test if there is no visible mold, but mold is suspected. Testing for mold may cost as little as $20 for a home kit or as much as $500 for professional testing. Keep in mind, though, that it is often unwarranted, as most remediation services will proceed the same way regardless of what type of mold is found in your home.
Mold remediation is a multi-step process that begins after the area has been thoroughly dried. Large fans and dehumidifiers may be necessary to help dry the area before remediation can begin. In addition, if the source of the moisture or leak has not been fixed, this should occur first.
Once the area is dry, inspection begins, along with any testing. Not all mold remediation companies will test the mold; this is only done on request if there is believed to be another, underlying issue.
The area that is being treated is sealed, as mold spores can easily travel once they are disturbed. Air filtration systems are usually used in conjunction with the sealing of the area to remove as many airborne spores as possible and to prevent spread. Sealing the area involves the use of both physical barriers, such as plastic sheeting, as well as negative air pressure, which prevents the circulation of air between the contaminated space and the areas around it. All heating, cooling, and fans in the area will be turned off to prevent the mold from spreading as well.
The air is then cleaned using a combination of air scrubbers as well as HEPA vacuums to remove any mold particles or spores from the air.
Cleaning of all affected surfaces begins next. Antifungal and antimicrobial cleansers are used on any hard surfaces to remove the mold from the surface. If anything can be removed, such as furniture, clothing, or toys, these are generally brought offsite for cleaning to make sure all mold spores are eradicated, usually involving deep cleaning with an antifungal or antimicrobial cleanser.
Odors are removed from the area using fogging equipment to get rid of any musty smells that the mold may leave behind.
Tear-out of any surfaces that cannot be cleaned follows. This includes drywall1, carpeting, wallpaper, and other surfaces that may be affected. New surfaces are installed following the removal of the old. This may be as simple as putting up a single sheet of drywall1, or it may involve the complete tear-out and renovation of an entire room depending on the level of damage and mold growth.
Mold remediation services start at around $500 for a small, contained area such as a crawl space. This involves sealing and cleaning the entire area. Costs of only mold remediation typically run between $500 and $4,000, with most people paying about $2,000.
The higher costs,of up to $20,000, involve the tear-out and repair of large areas including carpeting, drywall1, and cabinetry. The process can take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks depending on the amount of mold, what caused it, and the level of damage involved.
While it is possible to clean many surfaces of mold yourself, there are some advantages to using professional remediation. According to the EPA, if the mold in your home is affecting an area less than 100 feet square, you should be able to clean it up yourself. Anything larger, or anything caused by a flood or leaking pipe, however, should be dealt with by a professional.
Because mold spores are microscopic, simply cleaning the areas that you can see is often not enough to deal with the issue. True remediation also involves sealing the room, filtering the air, and removing odors, as well as cleaning and killing the mold itself. DIY methods may clean the visible mold, but may miss addressing underlying issues, such as leaks, and may fail to contain the mold spores adequately, leading to future colonies in new areas of the home.
If the mold infestation is small enough to deal with yourself, you can usually clean the area with detergent and water, or a non-toxic fungicide. Keep in mind that some molds, like black mold, may stain surfaces, and may requiring bleaching or replacement to remove the stain.
If the mold infestation requires professional help, you can expect that not only will the visible mold be treated, but the air will be filtered to help remove spores as well. In addition, things like negative pressure will contain the mold as its cleaned. Cleaning a large mold infestation yourself may lead to spores traveling to new areas of your home, which in turn means a new problem to deal with. This is why larger mold problems should always be handled professionally, not just to ensure their eradication, but to prevent the spread as well.
The EPA also has the following recommendations for homeowners wanting to avoid dealing with mold in their homes:
In most cases, simply cleaning the mold is enough to address the problem. However, if there has been ongoing water damage or a flood, you may need to repair and replace many of the porous areas of the home. These costs will typically range from $10,000 to $20,000 in addition to the mold remediation costs of $500 to $4,000.
Mold remediation can use a number of different techniques including dehumidifiers and fans to dry the affected area, plastic and negative pressure to seal the room, antifungal and antimicrobial cleansers, and the removal and reinstallation of different surfaces that may be affected.
Black mold is remediated like any other mold. The area is dried using fans and dehumidifiers, then sealed with plastic and negative air pressure. Antifungal and antimicrobial cleaners are used on hard surfaces; removable soft surfaces are sent out for cleaning, and any porous surfaces such as drywall1 are replaced.
Small amounts of mold can be cleaned using detergent and water or a mixture of bleach and water. Porous surfaces should be replaced, as it can be difficult to ensure that all the mold has been removed.
You can remove mold with detergent and water or bleach and water from most hard surfaces measuring less than 100 feet square. Larger areas require professional mold remediation, while porous surfaces should be replaced.
The average cost per square foot for mold remediation is between $0.65 and $0.85. However, most jobs are priced by the total service and not by the foot.
The average cost of mold remediation runs from $500 to $4,000, with most people paying around $2,000.
The average cost of mold remediation is between $500 and $4,000, with most people paying around $2,000.
Many mold remediation services offer free inspections; testing is not necessary if mold can be seen. Otherwise, third party mold inspections4 start around $300.
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Cost to Remediate Mold - Estimates and Prices at Fixr
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