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    Mold Remediation | Removal & Testing | Lancaster, PA - March 6, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    It is important to us that our clients understand the steps involved in the mold removal procedure. We spend time educating our clients about the process and welcome any questions. We want the owner to understand why our employees are suited up in Tyvek suits, wearing respirators, carrying large machines into their buildings and building containment walls in areas that the owners will not be able to access for the duration of the mold remediation project.

    Our company will inform our clients of the possible factors that caused the mold to develop, how it reproduces and how it travels within a building. It is our desire that the owner knows the facts. It is documented that certain molds cause serious health problems and for that reason a protocol for removal has been deemed essential.

    Please contact us to investigate your home, school or facility if you suspect a mold problem, which may include visible growth, unexplained odors or complaints of respiratory symptoms. We will investigate promptly. Our experience includes investigations and remediation in schools, libraries, multi-family apartments, factories, commercial kitchens, residences and other facilities.

    Mold Remediation | Removal & Testing | Lancaster, PA

    Mold Removal | ERS - March 6, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Can Mold Grow in Air Ducts?

    Mold is often found in air ducts of Wisconsin homes and businesses. The changing weather of drastic seasons means your HVAC system is likely producing moisture you cant see, and cultivating the perfect environment for mold growth. If mold is growing in your ventilation system, spores are being circulated throughout your home and contaminating the indoor air quality. Symptoms of mold include allergic reactions (sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes) and asthma or respiratory issues. Depending on the level of sensitivity, some may even experience a rash or hives.

    Get your air ducts cleaned right away if you suspect mold growth or can see mold on your vents. Your ventilation system picks up all sorts of particles including dust, dander, hair, dead skin, and other debris and then pushes them right back out to be breathed in by you, your family, or employees. If your air ducts are blowing out mold spores, its creating exponential opportunity for mold to grow on other damp or moist surfaces, enlarging your overall mold problem. Choose ERS for air duct cleaning if mold is contributing to poor indoor air quality. Our experts will get their within the hour to thoroughly remediate mold from your

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    Mold Removal | ERS

    Mold & Mildew Solutions LLC: Number One Mold Remediation … - March 6, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Certified Mold InspectionThe water source must be discovered to control future growth. Choose Mold & Mildew Solutions to inspect for water issues in your home.

    Indoor Air Quality Test identifies mold, pollen, dander, and fibers in your breathing space. Our trained staff can help you determine if you have a stable indoor air environment. We can also test for other indoor air contaminants.

    Surface sampling is the most basic way of sampling mold. If there is mold visible in your house, part of it can be taken as sample for analysis to determine if it is toxic or not. A physical sample will be taken via a swab or tape lift.

    Wood Protection for CrawlSpace and Basement

    We protect almost any porous surface of an unconditioned space or area with high humidity issues. By applying a coating of protectant, we can retard fungi and odor causing bacteria on concrete and building materials.

    We were the first company in Birmingham to remove mold from crawlspace wooden beams. Our certified and trained staff will get down and dirty under your home to make your environment safe and dry.

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    Mold & Mildew Solutions LLC: Number One Mold Remediation ...

    Do I Need a Mold Remediation Professional? Moldman - March 6, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The word mold has taken on a scary meaning in recent years, mostly because of negative press and media reports on the adverse effects of mold on ones health. The truth is that the mold industry is a relatively new one and many of the claims hyped in the media about mold are yet to be scientifically proven. (Check out our MOLD FAQs to learn more about the basics of mold, including health related effects caused by mold exposure.) However, I feel that no matter what the science proves, mold is gross (yes, I said it) and doesnt belong in a healthy home. But you dont alwaysneed a mold professional to get rid of mold in your home.

    Mold problems go hand in hand with water problems, so when youve got a water leak or some flooding that isnt dried up quickly, mold is usually soon to follow. But it doesnt just take a catastrophic water event to bring on mold almost every home I have been to has mold growing in the bathroom.

    Now, Im no doctor, but Id stake my reputation on stating that common bathroom mold isnt going to kill you. But lets face it its gross, its unattractive, and it doesnt give you a feeling of cleanliness. The reason its so prominent in homes is because the bathroom is a high humidity environment, and most people dont take the time to properly ventilate it.

    But do you need to spend a lot of money on a mold professional to get rid of bathroom mold? No! It is completely unnecessary. Any moderately handy person can buy some over the counter mold cleaner and clean their tile and grout, and replace their caulking all for the grand total price of under $10! Just make sure to ventilate your bathroom going forward, so all your hard work wont be wasted.

    What about mold on drywall, you ask? Well, if its a small portion of drywall, like maybe 6-10 square feet, most moderately handy people can replace it themselves, or hire a handyman to do it. Just be cautious on how the moldy drywall is handled. The room should be closed off and ventilated to the outside (i.e. close the door and open up some windows). The affected area should be wiped down with some mold-killing solution (dampness decreases the amount of spores that will be kicked up into the air). The drywall should be carefully removed, bagged, sealed and disposed of. The underlying 24 framework should then be scrubbed with some mold killer. And finally, the drywall should be replaced and the area thoroughly cleaned and vacuumed (HEPA filters are best). We also recommend wearing mask/respirator, gloves, andgoggles as well for most mold jobs, including those that require drywall replacement.

    So you see? Most mold outbreaks in homes are relatively small and can be handled without the expense of mold professional. And in todays budget conscious climate, saving a little money can go a long way.

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    Do I Need a Mold Remediation Professional? Moldman

    Mold Remediation Guidelines | WBDG – Whole Building Design Guide - March 6, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder


    Before the early 1990s, many people were unaware of the risks to occupant and worker health caused by mold cleanups. Therefore, cleanups were often done without adequate safety precautions. In 1993, a major milestone in changing attitudes came with the issuance of the New York City Department of Health (NYC DOH) Guidelines on the Assessment and Remediation of Stachybotrys chartarum in Indoor Environments. These guidelines were developed by an expert panel that had been convened by the NYC DOH to address health concerns related to mold exposure. Health problems reported by staff of the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York City had fueled a landmark legal case in mold contamination. The NYC DOH guidelines were partially based on the mold remediation specifications developed for the museum. During the same time, the specifications were adapted for two buildings in Florida with mold problems, the Martin County Courthouse complex and the Polk County Courthouse.

    The NYC DOH guidelines of 1993 focused on Stachybotrys chartarum because this was the fungal species most prevalent in the New Museum case, and it was the one suspected of causing the health problems. However, the guidelines were applicable to assessment and remediation of all fungal species, because all molds are allergenic, and many more than just Stachybotrys chartarum can produce adverse health effects in humans. Unfortunately, some building owners and operators took the title literally and questioned the need to deal with mold problems that involved other species. The NYC DOH decided to revise the guidelines in 2000, encompassing all fungi and updating the guidelines with new knowledge gained since 1993. The revision is entitled Guidelines on the Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments.

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings. The document includes a disclaimer clarifying that it presents recommendations, not regulations. Nevertheless, the NYC DOH and EPA guidelines have become the standard of care for mold assessment and remediation in buildings.

    Figure 1. Mold Growth Behind Vinyl Wall CoveringPhoto courtesy of Dave MacPhaul, CH2M HILL

    Figure 1 shows mold growth on gypsum wallboard where vinyl wall covering has been removed. Moisture trapped behind the wall covering by the impermeable wall covering provided the moisture for the mold growth.

    One of the difficult challenges facing medical professionals involved with mold-related health problems is establishing a dose-response relationship. Because airborne mold is ubiquitous in indoor and outdoor environments, it is difficult to assess how much mold causes adverse health effects. Adding to this complexity is the fact that health responses and sensitivities vary in the human population and that other stresses can cause health effects similar to mold exposure.

    Most data on health problems from mold come from animal ingestion studies (such as horses eating moldy hay) or from high doses of human exposure (such as farmers pitching the moldy hay or silage). Less is known about lower dose exposure over time, such as occupants in buildings where mold is contained in wall cavities. Epidemiological studies by occupational physicians in landmark cases (the Polk County Courthouse, for example) have shown links between occupant exposure to higher than normal concentrations of mold and to atypical indoor mold types and development of asthma and other immune-response diseases. However, the dose that causes these problems is not easily determined.

    All molds can cause health problems, since they produce allergens and irritants that cause reactions in humans. Some molds also produce toxins (mycotoxins) as part of their defense mechanisms. What is important to know in dealing with remediation of mold is that it remains allergenic and toxigenic even in a non-viable state. Therefore, it is not enough to kill mold by, for example, applying a biocide like bleach; the mold and the materials on which it is growing need to be removed from the indoor environment. Such removal work must be contained, like asbestos removal, to minimize contamination of other parts of the building. Considering the cost and disruption of such remediation activities, it is easy to see that the best policy is preventing mold in the first place by control of moisture.

    Another consideration in the control of mold growth is what it does to the building. Uncontrolled mold growth can cause aesthetic problems, such as discoloration and odors, deterioration of building materials, and, in wood frame buildings, structural failure.

    The highest priority during a mold remediation should be to protect the health and safety of the building occupants, the investigation team, and the remediation crew. A moisture and mold remediation plan must be developed, which includes steps to remove the source of the moisture, use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) by investigators and remediators, and steps to contain and remove building materials contaminated by mold.

    Knowing the extent of mold growth is important because it establishes the levels of remedial actions. The greater the extent of mold, the greater the need for engineering controls, such as containments under negative pressure, during remediation. Both the EPA and NYC DOH guidelines establish their remediation action guidelines based on the extent of mold contamination. However, there is no single tool that can measure extent of mold.

    If the mold contamination is visible, visual assessment is the most important method of determining the extent of mold contamination in a building. Fiber-optic borescopes with a high-power light source are sometimes useful in surveying hidden spaces, such as wall cavities; however, they are often difficult to use because of visual obstructions, such as insulation, within the cavities. A visual survey can be supplemented with some direct reading measurement tools, such as moisture meters, infrared thermography, and temperature/relative humidity meters. Destructive testing such as cutting out small sections of gypsum wallboard to examine the cavity side can be important as well. However, information from these measurements should be considered as aids supporting visual assessment and professional judgment.

    Along with a visual survey, interviewing occupants and maintenance personnel can aid in determining the extent of mold contamination. These eye-witnesses can provide valuable information on past water incursion events (when, where, what type, and for how long). They may also know where mold has been covered with paint or other coatings.

    Sampling for mold, especially air sampling, is generally not helpful in determining the extent of mold. In fact, the possibility of false negatives (and sometimes false positives) can confound the assessment methodology. In addition, results from sampling are often misinterpreted by the lay person, and may lead to unwarranted panic by building occupants. Generally, if you can see mold, you don't need to sample it to determine the extent, and if you cannot see mold, air sampling will not reveal the extent of hidden mold.

    Mold sampling, with analysis by a laboratory accredited under the American Industrial Hygiene Association Environmental Microbiology Proficiency Analytical Testing program, may be needed in the following cases:

    When the medical professionals involved require the information to diagnose the occupants' health problems and/or to determine if a link exists between the health problems and exposure.

    To establish remediation protocols, including clearance criteria. It is often useful to know the kinds of molds that are causing contamination so that those particular "marker" fungi can be looked for during clearance sampling (if clearance sampling is justified). If post-remediation clearance sampling indicates a significant reduction in the marker fungi to a predetermined goal, then one can assume the remediation has been successful (as long as other post-remediation clearance criteria are met).

    When required for litigation or insurance recovery, such as to confirm that the visually observed "mold" is indeed mold or to help establish cause. The cause of mold, if not readily apparent, can sometimes be deduced from the species identified in bulk samples of materials analyzed by culture method. For example, presence of hydrophilic (water-loving) fungi (e.g., Stachybotrys chartarum) in bulk samples is indicative of liquid water incursion, such as rainwater flooding or pipe bursts. The presence of xerophilic (dry-loving) or xerotolerant (dry tolerant) species, including some Penicillium and Aspergillus species, especially if the samples were collected significantly above floor level, is more likely indicative of high relative humidity problems.

    To determine if hidden mold exists. While sampling cannot determine the extent of hidden mold, dust or carpet dust sampling may be able to determine if hidden mold exists, if it is not readily apparent on visible surfaces. For example, elevated concentrations of a few species of atypical mold in carpet dust may indicate either growth in the carpet (if the carpet has been wetted) and/or mold contamination in hidden locations. In the latter case, the carpet dust can contain elevated concentrations of atypical fungal spores that have come from another source in the building and settled out from the air into the carpet. Air sampling is another methodology for determining if hidden mold exists, but it is subject to false negatives. That is, mold spores may not be present in the air, even if mold is growing on building materials. Air sampling for microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs), which are responsible for mold odors, is a newly developing method for determining if hidden mold exists; however, it is still being developed, and firm correlations may not yet be established. In any case, if you can detect mold odors by smell, mold is present somewhere in the building.

    Critical to the success of mold sampling is first establishing a useful sampling strategy. Determine what you want to know, and decide how to deal with unexpected answers. The latter concern is important in determining whether sampling should be performed at all, especially if the information can become public record or has the potential for being used during litigation.

    Mold remediation strategies have been developed from the work practices used in asbestos abatement. These practices work well for containing airborne mold that is aerosolized during demolition and for the protection of workers performing the remediation. The biggest difference between mold and asbestos abatement is that, unlike asbestos in work, water must not be used in mold work to control airborne particulate. This would like be adding fuel to the fire.

    The assessment of the extent of mold and the development of mold remediation plans should generally be done by experienced professionals. The mold remediation should then be done by experienced and certified mold remediation professionals. A number of organizations offer certification programs for professionals involved in assessing and remediating mold problems, including the American Board of Industrial Hygienists (ABIH), and the American Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC). For ventilation systems, the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) provides a certification program.

    The EPA and NYC DOH documents provide action levels for types of containment and worker protection based on the amount of surface area affected by mold. The EPA document sets these action levels for mold growth caused by clean water. Mold caused by polluted water, including sewage backups, may require a different set of procedures and worker protection. The three EPA action levels are set at affected areas of less than 10 square feet, between 10 and 100, and greater than 100 square feet.

    In addition to the size of the affected area, the type of material to be remediated needs to be considered. Generally, materials that are highly porous, such as books, gypsum wallboard and fabric covered chairs, will need to be discarded if heavily contaminated. This is because the fungal hyphae can become entwined in the matrix of the porous material, making complete removal impossible. Nonporous metals and plastics can generally be cleaned, because the mold growth on these surfaces is usually growth on surface dust. However it's also possible for mold to grow on painted nonporous surfaces. Table 2 of Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings presents the cleaning methods for different materials. In any case, a key point is that biocides will generally not solve the mold problem, especially for porous and semiporous materials. The biocides may not reach all of the mold growth, and even if they do, mold remains allergenic and toxigenic after it dies. Complete removal of the mold-contaminated porous material is the best strategy.

    In addition to the amount of mold contamination and the type of material, the population of the building must be considered when developing the remediation plan. Sensitive populations include those with health deficiencies such as people with immune deficiencies. Children in day care centers or senior citizens in nursing homes should also be considered sensitive populations. For application to such sensitive facilities, the requirements for clearance and verification of removal of mold contaminated materials must be much more stringent than typical commercial projects.

    Generally, remediation strategies include the following:

    Installing containments, generally using 6-mil polyethylene sheeting, to separate the mold abatement work area from other uncontaminated or occupied areas of the building. Generally, containments are placed under negative pressure relative to the rest of the building using air filtration devices (AFDs) equipped with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. The air is discharged outside the containment, usually to the outdoor atmosphere. Air handling systems must be isolated from the work area.

    Equipping remediation workers with PPE. The degree of protection can vary depending on the size of affected area, but at a minimum the equipment should include a respirator, gloves, and goggles. For larger containment work, workers should have full skin, respiratory and mucous membrane protection, such as that provided by full Tyvek suits, gloves and full-face respirators with HEPA filter cartridges. Workers in containment are subject to very high concentrations of aerosolized mold spores, and other mold parts, so full protection is advised. Skin protection is important because some molds can cause dermatitis, and some mold toxins can be absorbed through the skin. Workers wearing PPE must have proper training in its use, medical clearance, and fit testing.

    Providing proper tools for workers, including HEPA-filtered vacuums. Ideally, they should be able to remove mold-contaminated gypsum wallboard in large pieces to minimize aerosolizing mold spores.

    Sealing removed material in doubled 6-mil polyethylene bags or wrapped in polyethylene sheeting, while in the containment, and then disposing in a landfill for composting, not for recycling.

    Cleaning after removal work, usually after a dust settlement period, using HEPA vacuums and damp wiping with clean cloths moistened with clean potable water or a mixture of 9 parts water to 1 part bleach. The HEPA vacuuming and damp wiping should not be construed as methods to remove mold growth. However, they can remove the settled dust that contains loose mold spores aerosolized during demolition.

    Cleaning ventilation systems contaminated with mold growth as shown in Figure 2 generally requires isolation of the portion of the system being cleaned, followed by agitation and HEPA vacuuming of the contaminated area of the system. More specific procedures for cleaning ventilation systems are presented in ACR, The NADCA Standard for Assessment, Cleaning & Restoration of HVAC Systems.

    Figure 2. Mold Growth on Internal Insulation of Supply DuctworkPhoto courtesy of Dave MacPhaul, CH2M HILL

    Provide the mold remediation strategy in a written work plan or specification, with all duties and responsibilities clearly noted.

    Select a qualified contractor to perform the work. Generally, asbestos remediation contractors have the trained personnel and proper equipment to perform this work, although the growing concern with mold contamination has increased the numbers of experienced mold remediation contractors. Personnel performing mold remediation must have specific training/certification for mold.

    Continue to communicate remediation plans and strategies to the building occupants. Vacate the building during remediation if occupant health is at risk or if remediation work will disrupt normal use.

    Prepare for the possibility of hidden mold that will alter the cost and schedule of the remediation. Generally, in most mold remediation work, one can expect to find mold that was hidden by construction and revealed during demolition. It is also possible to find hidden defects and/or code violations that will need to be corrected.

    Establish clearance criteria. Clearance sampling may be required for informing medical or legal consultants. In any clearance plan, visual inspection is the most important element. The clearance criteria must be in the work plan, especially if the work will be bid.

    Identify and repair the source of water/moisture intrusion as soon as possible. Confirm that the moisture source has been repaired (Note: This may require water testing the building envelope, if the source was rainwater, or modifying the HVAC system if the source was HVAC related.)

    Perform post-remediation inspections for the possibility of continued mold growth. A building that has suffered mold contamination can easily experience regrowth of mold because it is impossible to remove all the microscopic mold spores. Any post-remediation water incursions should be immediately controlled, dried, and cleaned up.

    Prepare an operations and maintenance manual that specifically addresses post-remediation care of the building, including action plans for prompt handling of water incursions.

    Currently much research on the health effects of mold in the indoor environment is being developed. However, no definitive standards on the amount or types of mold that may trigger symptoms in individuals is available at this time.

    Some of the health reactions thought to be from exposure to mold, including through inhalation and direct contact, are:

    There are currently no federal codes or standards relative to remediation of mold in buildings. However, the EPA's Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings currently sets the standard of care for remediation projects.

    Wall Systems

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    Mold Remediation Guidelines | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide

    Gaylord, MI Mold Removal and Mold Remediation | SERVPRO of … - March 6, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    When a home suffers a water damage event, a mold infestation can quickly arise and spread throughout a home in 48-72 hours. Because mold can produce allergens and irritants, you will want a professional that has training and experience to properly resolve the mold infestation. If you suspect that your Gaylord home or business has a mold problem, SERVPRO of Gaylord & Cheboygan can inspect, assess and remediate your property.

    Learn more about mold and what to do until help arrives by reviewing these mold damage tips.

    Confusion and misunderstanding surround the topic of mold and mold remediation. Some restoration businesses even make claims to remove all mold from a building. This is a fallacy. Mold spores occur naturally almost everywhere, both indoors and outdoors. These microscopic spores float along in the air and can enter a home or business through windows and HVAC systems. Consider these facts:

    Mold spreads quickly, so a minor mold infestation can quickly escalate into a major problem. Were dedicated to responding immediately when you contact us. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces cost.

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    We specialize in water and mold damage restoration, the cornerstone of our business. We have the training and expertise to safely handle any mold situation.

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    Our advanced equipment helps to detect and stop the source of water feeding the mold. We then isolate the affected area using a negative air pressure chamber.

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    Every mold infestation is different, from the amount of mold to the types of materials affected. Each scenario requires a unique solution, but the general process stays the same. The steps listed below illustrate our process for a typical mold remediation infestation:

    Its easy to understand why many people struggle to grasp the facts and issues surrounding indoor mold because sensational news stories and advertising cloud and obscure the real issues. Educate yourself with the facts about mold and learn about the mold remediation process.

    We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors. As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Gaylord & Cheboygan is close by and ready to help with your mold-damaged property. We are proud to be an active member of the Gaylord community and want to pitch in and help make our community the best it can be.

    When a major storm or event occurs, we can call upon our national network of 1,700 SERVPRO Franchises and special Disaster Recovery Teams if we need additional resources or personnel.

    We are proud to serve our local communities:

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    Gaylord, MI Mold Removal and Mold Remediation | SERVPRO of ...

    Mold Remediation and Restoration – Servpro of Fayetteville NC - March 6, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    It only takes a small water leak, or even excess humidity, for mold to form in your Fayetteville home or business. Then, mold can spread quickly through the property in as little as 48 hours. Mold can produce allergens and irritants, and it has the potential to cause other health effects. If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

    Learn more about mold and what to do until help arrives by reviewing these mold damage tips.

    Some restoration companies advertise mold removal and may even guarantee to remove all mold. This is a fallacy because removing all mold from a house or business is impossible; microscopic mold spores exist almost everywhere, both indoors and outdoors. Here are the facts:

    In as little as 48 hours, a minor mold issue can quickly spread through a home or business. Once you contact us, were dedicated to starting the remediation process quickly. This fast response lessens the mold damage, limits additional damage, and reduces the remediation cost.

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    We specialize in water and mold damage restoration, with advance training in restoration techniques and the experience and specialized equipment to quickly restore your property.

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    We invest in the latest equipment and ongoing mold remediation training because it helps us restore your home or business quickly and effectively. We will isolate the affected area using physical barriers and a negative air pressure chamber.

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    Every mold damage scenario is different, and requires a unique solution, but the general mold remediation process stays the same. The steps listed below illustrate our typical process:

    Its easy to understand why many people struggle to grasp the facts and issues surrounding indoor mold because sensational news stories and advertising cloud and obscure the real issues. Educate yourself with the facts about mold and learn about the mold remediation process.

    SERVPRO of Fayetteville is locally owned and operatedso we live and work here too and are proud to be part of this community. We are proud to provide mold remediation services in our local communities:

    We proudly serve Fayetteville, NC, Hope Mills, NC, and surrounding areas.

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    Mold Remediation and Restoration - Servpro of Fayetteville NC

    Mold Remediation Crystal Soda Blast - March 6, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Faster Than Traditional Sanding/Scrubbing

    Dry ice blasting kills and removes mold spores from wood between 60 to 80% faster than traditional cleaning methods because it is capable of getting in hard to reach places such as in crevices, around nails and screws, and places that would be difficult for hands or tools to reach. The range of available nozzles for dry ice blasting equipment enables operators to access tight corners quickly, and in many cases, clear mold from areas inaccessible to hand tools, such as inside corners of wood framing trusses and joists. Dry ice can be safely blasted around wiring, plumbing, and pipe fixtures without causing damage to them. Dry ice blasting accomplishes mold remediation faster and more completely than mechanical abrasion.

    Three technicians using the traditional methods of sanding, scraping and spraying a mold infested attic, would typically complete an attic job in five or six working days. However using dry ice blasting, two technicians can complete that very same job in two days. Due to the speed and effectiveness of dry ice blasting, mold removal will take a fraction of the time when compared to traditional methods. Therefore, residents have lower displacement costs and dry ice is environmentally friendly and non-toxic.

    Unlike other methods that simply wash away surface mold and mildew, the low temperature of dry ice (-110 degrees) kills mold and mildew on contact. Dry ice blasting quickly permeates deeply into wood and other surfaces to remove mold spores without the need for expensive and often ineffective solvents. The dry ice blasting process also eliminates the need for laborious sanding and scraping. Dry ice blasting does not require toxic chemicals and does not create a toxic dust hazard from remediation operations.

    The only way to ensure mold spore removal from wood is through dry ice blasting. Crystal Soda Blast has been using dry ice to eliminate mold from wood framing for over 2 years now with great success. Every post remediation verification test performed by an Industrial Hygienist on Crystal Soda Blast jobs have been completely successful.


    How it Works

    Dry ice blasting for mold remediation uses four physical properties of air-propelled dry ice pellets:

    Successful mold removal from a building requires the source of the mold and moisture to first be eliminated. The existence of mold in a building is the symptom of much larger problem with moisture. A mold needs food, such as wood, moisture, and a temperature range favorable to the growth of the specific mold organism. As any good contractor knows, eliminating the moisture problem is the only way to assure the mold will not return.

    Once the moisture problem has been solved dry ice blasting is the best solution for removing mold. Mold can cause a great deal of health problems and can severely damage the integrity of a building's structure. So, removing the mold in its entirety is vital to any mold remediation project. Grinding, sanding, or wire-brushing to remove mold growth does not sanitize the surface and kill the mold spores without the application of a biocide which requires additional time and labor is required to apply. Dry ice blasting will almost rid the need for biocides and thus enhances worker safety, in addition to the obvious labor savings.

    Once the mold infected area has been contained severely damaged carpet and drywall should be double bagged and discarded. Next, dry-ice blasting can be utilized to clean the plywood and support beams. The blasting gun can easily be managed to target the desired mark. Specific nozzle types best suited for cleaning wood can be utilized, e.g. a fan-shaped nozzle, creating a pattern several inches wide, can be used to "sweep up and down boards and beams. The dry ice being fired on the wood can remove mold in a way that is clearly visible and in a methodical manner. Only severely stained wood will continue to show a stain but this area has been sanitized. Once the blasting phase is complete and all surfaces have been vacuumed and cleared of sawdust and other debris, mold remediators can follow up by applying an organic or micro-biocide spray to remediated areas to inhibit future growth.

    The unpleasant and uncomfortable process of squeezing into tight corners to sand the mold off of wood trusses and joists, only to have mold spores remain, is soon to become a thing of the past. Dry ice blasting provides for complete spore removal from wood. This means that the use of biocides and encapsulation can be drastically reduced or eliminated, as these registered pesticides were used as a back-up method to kill and contain left over mold spores. However, dead mold is still an allergenic and must be removed which is done with a HEPA vacuum.

    Chemical biocides dont always eliminate the allergens (called metabolites) which are responsible for the allergic reactions associated with the mold. Also, biocides are typically harmful to those using them (they are not recommended for routine use by EPA or OSHA). Sandblasting is too abrasive to the underlying surface. Water and steam blasting do not provide a thorough clean and there is a greater chance of mold regeneration due to moisture. And while soda blasting provides an effective clean, it leaves behind a rather messy secondary waste stream (an issue that doesnt come up with dry ice sublimation).

    (Note: the attic should be free of all insulation prior to our arrival.)

    For the dry ice blasting we charge by the day and would blast the entire attic. We do this to remove and kill any non-visible mold. Then after cleaning, we go back and apply the anti-fungal with a sprayer over the whole attic to prevent future problems.

    Why not just spray everything down with bleach? If you carefully read the cleaning instructions on any Tilex or Clorox productions youll notice that they are only good for non-porous surfaces. This is great for regular daily cleaning of the tile in your bathroom but does not work on the wood studs and plywood in your attic or crawlspace as these are porous surfaces. Bleach is mostly made up of water and the last thing you want on your wood is more moisture to give the mold something to grow on. It also doesnt get at the "root of the mold, nor does it remove the mold spores from the surface. The allergen remains after you are done changing the molds color.

    During a cold snap, this house's pipes burst causing the basement to flood. Black mold grew on the dry wall and studs. After the dry wall was removed we used dry ice to kill and remove the mold. The clean up was minimal since the dry ice sublimates on contact.

    We used dry ice to remove mold from this residential attic in Poulsbo. In closed spaces like these, if there isn't enough ventilation, our crew will use supplied air while working.

    More information on mold:

    Dry ice blasting is great for mold remediation projects and comes highly approved by industrial hygienists.

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    Mold Remediation Crystal Soda Blast

    Mold Remediation Titusville FL | See This Vid If You Have Mold Troubles - March 6, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Mold Remediation TitusvilleFL Call 844-660-0010 Today!

    Examining mold growth entails greater than simply checking out what's visibly growing on the wall surfaces or in a corner. Mold can be an unnoticeable trespasser, expanding behind and around what you initially see. Such unscrupulous actions requires curious reasoning.

    First, recognize that behind all mold growth is a water or dampness issue. Second, end up being a master of moisture-- know where moisture comes from and how it gets involved in the home. The best objective of these two steps is for service warranty agents to identify a moisture resource as well as use its location to aid situate all mold development, not simply what's quickly noticeable.

    Since microscopic mold spores exist normally nearly all over, indoors as well as outdoors, eliminating all mold from a home or service is difficult. Some remediation businesses promote "mold elimination" and also assure to get rid of all mold. This is a fallacy.

    When water horns in your home, mold growth can begin in just two days. Take into consideration the adhering to mold facts:

    Mold exists virtually anywhere, indoors and also outdoors.Mold spores are microscopic, float along in the air, and may enter your home with home windows, doors, or AC/heating systems and even hitch a ride inside on your apparel or a pet.Mold spores prosper on wetness. Mold spores can promptly turn into colonies when subjected to water. These colonies may create allergens and irritants and also have the prospective to create various other health impacts.Prior to mold remediation can begin, any type of sources of water or wetness must be attended to. Or else, the mold might return.Mold often creates a strong, moldy odor, and that odor can lead you to feasible mold trouble areas.Also higher-than-normal interior moisture can support mold growth. Maintain interior humidity listed below 45 percent.

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    Mold Remediation Titusville FL | See This Vid If You Have Mold Troubles

    Five Steps to Proper Mold Remediation | Professional Builder - March 4, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Mold has had its 15 minutes of fame over the last few years. Though the hype has died down, mold is still an important issue. Customer complaints require home builders to have a fast action plan; both to clean up the mold problem and to show customers a quality home builder is looking out for their health and safety and the durability of their home.

    There are two important things to remember about mold: prevent it by doing things right the first time and when you do face mold, take care of it immediately. Ensuring that your warranty team follows a process for mold remediation will take care of the latter.

    The following steps, which can be adapted to fit within your company's policy, serve as a basic process for quickly remediating mold problems.

    Assessing mold growth involves more than just looking at what's visibly growing on the walls or in a corner. Mold can be an invisible intruder, growing behind and around what you first see. Such devious behavior requires inquisitive thinking.

    First, understand that behind all mold growth is a water or moisture problem. Second, become a master of moisture know where moisture comes from and how it gets into the home. The ultimate goal of these two steps is for warranty representatives to identify a moisture source and use its location to help locate all mold growth, not just what's immediately visible.

    Before you begin remediation, document the mold situation with writing, photos and video. The warranty team supervisor will use the documentation to develop a remediation plan, which typically answers questions like when work is slated to begin, when that work is scheduled to be completed, who will be performing the remediation, any testing that should be done, and if homeowners will be temporarily relocated. In the longer term, the documentation can help manage liability for your company or point to larger trends in mold growth.

    Mold may not always grow in one area, so you need to figure out how much contamination you're really looking at. Calculating the extent of the contamination will impact how you approach mold removal and clean up. The goal of mold remediation is to clean up mold growing within the home, and to avoid exposing homeowners to large amounts of mold.

    The New York City Department of Health (NYC DOH) has developed guidelines for cleaning up mold contamination. These guidelines are widely used in the construction industry and recommend six levels of mold remediation based on the square footage of the mold and whether or not the mold is located within the home's HVAC system. Following the NYC DOH's guidelines, available online, calculate the remediation level needed.

    Remediation will always involve cleaning up existing mold while avoiding exposure to oneself as well as homeowners, as well as preventing new growth by addressing the moisture source. Based on your calculation of the contamination area, determine if you're working in an area up to 30 square feet (approximately the size of a full sheet of drywall). If so, you'll be following the guidelines for remediation levels 1 and 2. Level 1 remediation is used for small, isolated areas of mold up to 10 square feet and Level 2 remediation covers square footage from 10 to 30 square feet.

    The clean up process is the same for Level 1 and Level 2 mold remediation and comprises these steps:

    Reference the remediation plan during the actual remediation to make sure it's being followed. If additional mold is discovered during the clean up, the warranty supervisor should update the plan.

    For contamination areas greater than 30 square feet, many builders hire outside mold remediation firms to perform the clean up. In this case, you and your team switch from actually performing mold remediation to supervising a qualified contractor. Having a general understanding of the proper procedures an outside company should be following is useful. The NYC DOH guidelines address such procedures for Level 3 contamination and above.

    Just because the mold is gone and there's no dirt or dust doesn't mean that you're done. Your last step is to determine if your clean-up efforts have been successful. While this last step is a judgment call, there are some options and guidelines to follow.

    The EPA document, Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings, is a great resource that provides guidelines for helping you complete your clean up efforts. Some of these guidelines include:

    Depending on your company and the specific details of a mold problem, additional testing by an environmental testing company may be performed after the clean up to verify that all mold has been removed.

    When it comes to mold, the key is to implement a comprehensive moisture management strategy. Potential liability and health issues from mold can be dramatically decreased by doing it right the first time. Clean up must be immediate and thorough, following a process like the above steps. It may sound over-simplified, but the primary failure in response to homeowner complaints is simply the fact that builders don't respond fast enough, or with the emphasis that the issue is potentially serious.

    Minimum personal protection equipment for levels 1 and 2 remediation includes an N95 respirator, eye goggles without vents and rubber gloves that extend to mid-forearm.

    Following an immediate and thorough remediation plan is essential for getting rid of the mold and showing your customers you're committed to acting quickly.

    Before entering a home to assess a mold growth situation, make sure you have the necessary personal protective equipment.

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    Five Steps to Proper Mold Remediation | Professional Builder

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