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Mold found in Montco courthouse -
March 8, 2012 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Posted: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 6:11 pm | Updated: 8:55 pm, Wed Mar 7, 2012.
Justice is on the move, literally, at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown.
County staff has been scrambling over the last several weeks to find temporary office space for six county judges after mold was found on the inside walls in the area where their offices are located.
"There is no immediate danger but we wanted to get the judges out so we can get rid of it as soon as possible," said Communications Director Frank X. Custer Jr., noting that this situation is yet another problem the new administration inherited from the prior administration and is trying to address in a timely fashion.
The six judges had complained about the air in the plaza section where their offices are located. Custer said he did not know the judges' specific complaints.
However, the new administration contracted with Accredited Environmental Technologies Inc., whose parent company already was on site doing studies in connection with the courthouse parking garage, to test the air quality. The testing cost $5,600.
"Tests found that the air is safe," said Custer.
There is no problem with the air quality and no particulates were found in the air, according to Custer.
But while on site, the testing company did discover mold on the inside of the walls of several of the offices, Custer said.
The county currently is soliciting emergency bids from companies to remediate the situation. The commissioners hope to award the contract at their meeting next week, he added.
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Mold found in Montco courthouse
The mold help site Molderizer.com is releasing mold remediation companies secret non-toxic solution to battle mold. The website has been in tight negotiations to reveal its mold kit to the public. Now after several years being only available to select mold remediation companies, Molderizer.com is releasing their non-toxic solution to the public and offering a complimentary sample for a limited time.
New Orleans, LA (PRWEB) March 07, 2012
The non-toxic mold removal product is comprised of unique ingredients in which breaks apart the mold DNA to give certainty that the mold spore is eliminated. As for mold prevention, Molderizer.com has also released in its mold remediation kit their mold prevention product, called Safe Shield. This is non-toxic formula with will prevent mold amplification, creating a clear barrier on surfaces to suffocate mold spores. This process will entrap the spores and prevent any sort of reproduction. Molderizer.com claims that this science has saved mold remediation companies thousands in cost, by reducing labor and future worries for their clients.
Ifanyone would likemore information on these unique mold remediation products, they may visit the site to claim their complimentary sample of the mold remediation kit.
Be sure to visit http://www.molderizer.com and grab your complimentary sample.
Janice Iquina http://www.molderizer.com 1 (888) 440-3826 Email Information
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Mold Remediation Companies Secret Non-Toxic Weapon That Saves Mold Victims 1,000's, Molderizer.com Reveals Secret
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Mold is an indicator of unhealthy home environment, as well as a cause of various respiratory problems. Because the mold growing conditions, such as warmth and moisture, will only get better in the next few months, Budget Waterproofing encourages homeowner not to delay the mold inspection.
BALTIMORE, Md. (PRWEB) March 07, 2012
According to the recent CBS21 story, some areas of Pennsylvania and Maryland are still dealing with the aftermath of Tropical Storm Lee that hit East Coast past September. Mold is a common complaint among the flood victims, and because many homeowners didnt have flood insurance, the problem wasnt dealt with properly.
Budget Waterproofing, a Maryland mold removal and waterproofing service provider, keeps receiving calls from people with flood-related mold issues. We help many homeowners claim their basements back, and we encourage everyone to examine their houses before it gets too hot and humid outside, says Robert Bollinger, the president of Budget Waterproofing.
Mold needs warmth, humidity, and organic matter to grow, according to the National Institute of Building Sciences. Bollinger also added that mild winter in combination with spring rains and warm temperatures will provide excellent conditions for mold to thrive.
We have provided mold remediation services in Maryland for many years and have developed a checklist to aid our customers in evaluating mold problems, said Bollinger. He pointed out that looking for these signs will help determine if professional mold removal help is needed:
Fogged windows;
Bollinger also noted that mold is usually a symptom of some other problem in your house, such as a leak or poor ventilation, which has to be eliminated to prevent or minimize future mold growth. The recent inspection of a police station in Titusville, Fl., has revealed extensive mold infestation caused by plumbing and insulation issues that yield $600,000 in clean up.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), there is a direct correlation between mold and dampness in living premises and an increase in several respiratory health outcomes. Twenty one percent of current asthma cases in the United States were caused by poor air quality due to mold and elevated humidity.
Some of the mold spices are toxic and can cause serious health issues and even death after a prolonged exposure, according to the Toxic Black Mold Information Center. These molds emit toxins that may get inhaled or ingested resulting in a range of problems from irritation and difficulty breathing to mood swings and internal organ damage.
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Budget Waterproofing Encourages Homeowners to Conduct Spring Mold Inspection
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Molder.com has released its new mold remediation products that help mold contractors save thousands in remediation costs. The non toxic mold kit is formulated specifically to reduce the labor in a mold remediation project. To prove the effectiveness, Molderizer.com is releasing complimentary samples to mold professionals for a limited time this week.
St Louis, MO (PRWEB) March 06, 2012
Initially, Molderizer.com special formula was licensed to select few large environmental companies in the United States. Now after rigid testing and renewal of their agreements, the creator of the mold remediation product is releasing a complimentary sample for a limited time to the rest of the public.
The director of relations explains, "Currently, Molderizer.com is extremely excited with it's huge success with other mold professionals. The company has helped professionals drastically reduce mold removal costs and labor costs when involved in a mold project. To prove it's amazing results and labor saving abilities for mold remediation companies. Molderizer.com for a limited time is offering a complimentary sample of its two flag ship mold cleaners andprevention products. Be sure to visit Molderizer.com for more information and to grab your complimentary sample."
The mold help site is releasing a complimentary sample of its mold kit, which includes Molderizer and Safe Shield. One may be able to visit the website and claim both samples for a limited time.
To receive your complimentary sample be sure to visit http://www.Molderizer.com
Janice Iquina Molderizer 1 (888) 440-3826 Email Information
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New Non-Toxic Mold Remediation Products Only Available To Select Mold Companies Now Being Released To The Public ...
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Mold in Dontrael Starks and Tiffany Jones’ home (credit: CBS)
DENVER (CBS4) – A northeast Denver family is fighting for a healthy home. They had a mold clean-up job done in December, but say the mold still exists.
The family contacted 4 On Your Side Consumer Investigator Jodi Brooks for help. She organized different mold tests. CBS4?s test results confirm high levels of mold still in the home.
A bathroom tested high, and so did the master bedroom. CBS4?s test results now have the attention of the people in charge of the remediation project.
“It’s just crazy. It needs to end,” homeowner Dontrael Starks said.
“There’s still mold. There’s still a bunch of mold in here,” homeowner Tiffany Jones said.
Jones and Starks have three children — twins Aadyan and Honor, who turn 3 years old in March; and little Zaryia, who will turn 2 years old also in March. Jones and all of the children suffer from asthma, and Aadyan also has autism. So for the family, a healthy home is paramount.
“I couldn’t image someone else’s family going through this and being this patient for all this time,” Starks said.
For more than 80 days now the family has been living in temporary housing, refusing to move back into their home.
“We just wanted the job done right, and i feel that they just didn’t do that at all,” Jones said.
Jones and Starks volunteered for a research study conducted by National Jewish Health. The consent form provided to the family calls it a “Healthy Homes: Healthy Kids” study. Offering “no guarantees or promises,” but with the purpose of “improving your home environment” to “improve you or your family’s health.”
Northeast Denver Housing Center is a partner in the project along with Denver Urban Renewal Authority.
“It upsets me because I just feel like nobody cares. I just feel like they don’t care; like honestly do not care about our family,” Starks said.
Because after the work was done, and their case was officially closed, Jones and Starks strongly believed mold still existed.
“Even on your finger you have enough moisture to have it read in this case 24.7 percent moisture content,” Bob Woellner with Quest Environmental said.
Removing the moisture and its source is key in mold remediation,” according to Woellner.
“Anything less than 12 percent is considered to be dry,” Woellner said.
So with the moisture meter Woellner checked the bathroom and behind the laundry room.
“Pull up a tile, there’s a loose tile here. The wood and the grout underneath it is 40 plus moisture content. “I would not want to move back until all the work was completed, which means making sure the sources of moisture are eliminated.”
But the only way to confirm mold remains in the home is to test it. Weecycle Environmental Consulting based in Boulder did the initial mold tests back in July of 2011. CBS4 hired them again.
“I’d say we still have an issue,” Weecycle Environmental Consulting President
Judy Sawitsky said. “At this point I would say this is not a particularly healthy house to live in.”
One-hundred-twelve northeast Denver families have been enrolled in the National Jewish Health study. Sixty of those homes required remediation work and 40 of those 60 involved mold.
According to Dr. Mike Van Dyke of National Jewish the Jones and Starks home is the only home that continues to have issues.
“Every indication we had by multiple individual reports was that this job was fixed,” Van Dyke said.
But then Van Dyke reviewed the latest mold test results. He said the cause of the mold in the home was from a leaky water heater, a leak under the kitchen sink, and a leak behind the shower surround in the bathroom.
It’s clear the work is not complete.
“Oh we’re definitely committed to seeing what needs to be done and try to see where that mold is coming from,” Van Dyke said.
It’s a step closer.
“We can’t live like that,” Jones said.
National Jewish has been in contact with the family and plans to inspect the home this week. Anything they identify as a quality issue related to the work that had been performed will be corrected.
National Jewish says it will do its best to figure out the mold issue, but it cannot promise it will pay for all the problems.
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Mold Chases Denver Family From Their Home After Clean-Up Job
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Is this mold? It turns out, it’s oxidation on the metal. (CBS)
CHICAGO (CBS)– It’s one of the scariest things a homeowner can hear: “You’ve got mold.”
That’s just one of the scare tactics 2 Investigator Pam Zekman found one company using to trick suburban homeowners into paying for expensive mold remediation that they apparently did not need.
A company representative “was saying that everyone in this house could get sick and he was saying that I would not be able to sell this house,” Deerfield homeowner Craig Davishoff says.
Another homeowner, Julie Newman of Northbrook, had a similar experience.
“I was scared and asked what I could do about that. And he offered on-the-spot remediation,” she says.
For an additional $800, TriState D.U.C.S agreed to take care of Newman’s alleged mold problem. That was on top of $400 she was already paying for duct cleaning.
“I feel like the whole thing now, in retrospect, is a scam,” Newman says.
Why? Newman and other customers related how TriState technicians would use a swab to get material from inside the vents. They would then put the swab into a chemically treated vial and, if it turned purple, the technicians would say the homeowner had mold.
But, the test kit instructions say on the box that the swab test “is only a screening tool that cannot and should not be used as a definitive measure of protein containing mold.”
“It could be any one of four or five biological things. And even if it were mold it doesn’t differentiate the different types,” says Larry Schwartz, owner of Safestart Environmental.”
To do that, experts certified in detecting mold, like Schwartz, send a sample to be tested in a lab. Schwartz was hired to do just that by the Parsons family after Tri-State said their Lake Zurich home had mold.
“I totally just freaked out, was envisioning the worst possible scenario,” Denise Parsons says.
But lab tests Schwartz requested were negative for all molds except one of the most common.
“That’s a usual and customary level that we all breathe all of the time,” Schwartz says.
When Schwartz told Denise Parsons that she didn’t need any mold remediation, she was visibly relieved.
“That’s wonderful. What a relief. Thank you so much,” she said.
In Davishoff’s Deerfield home, a TriState technician did a swab test in the children’s bedroom and then said the results showed “this is a real bad mold problem,” Davishoff recalled.
Then the technician pointed to white streaks on his basement ductwork as more evidence of mold
“I was shocked,” Davishoff says.
He was shocked and concerned enough to agree to pay $1,200 more to TriState to fix the alleged mold problem.
Later Davishoff feared he’d been duped and hired Safestart Environmental to double-check for mold.
“It’s nothing more than oxidation on the metal,” Schwartz says.
Schwartz took samples to a lab for further tests, but once again the verdict came back as “no mold.”
“I was suckered. They lied to me, then they tried to rip me off,” Davishoff says.
Davishoff wasn’t ripped off because he stopped payment on his check to TriState before they could cash it.
The operators of Tri State D.U.C.S, who have used a variety of similar names, did not return calls seeking comment for this story.
Experts say if you really have a mold problem you must find the source of moisture, which is what typically causes mold. It must be repaired and any damaged surfaces should be removed and replaced.
The links listed below are to organizations that can help you select qualified duct-cleaning companies and mold detection or remediation specialists if it turns out you really need them.
The Indoor Air Quality Association
American Council for Accredited Certification
National Air duct Cleaning Association
Continued here:
2 Investigators: Firm Accused Of Bogus Mold Cleanups
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NANUET, N.Y., Feb. 16, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, the tri-state area's leading fire and water damage remediation experts at Total Environmental Restoration Services, Inc. (TERS) were called upon by a major New York State government agency to handle full smoke mitigation of a 13-floor government building in New York City.
(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120216/NY54891LOGO 😉
TERS responded immediately by deploying their in-house team of specialists and state-of-the-art equipment to the scene.
TERS was chosen for the job based on a successful 20-year reputation in fire and smoke remediation, water damage restoration, flood repair, air quality restoration, and mold removal, throughout New York (NY), New York City (NYC), New Jersey (NJ), Connecticut (CT), and as far reaching as Rhode Island (RI), Pennsylvania (PA), Delaware (DE), and Maryland (MD).
Loss Description
As the result of an underground fire, smoke infiltrated the basement and all thirteen floors of a major government agency building in New York City causing significant air quality damage. The restoration project required immediate and swift attention to minimize loss of productivity and taxpayer expense, and maximize safety.
"The officials managing this cleanup did the right thing by introducing experts right away. We were able to collaborate with local fire officials, customize our approach, and quickly implement solutions," said TERS Environmental Analyst, Gary Shaked.
Unique Issues
Once the fire was fully extinguished, building owners and government officials required an urgent assessment of the microscopic damage to air quality, removal of all pollutants, and prevention of the spread of smoke damage.
Based on the importance of this particular government body, the in-house TERS team worked around-the-clock to provide complete smoke damage remediation. The building was closed for only 24-hours, during a weekend, to ensure that employees could swiftly and safely reoccupy the space. Remediation and mitigation projects of this magnitude typically require 7-10 days of cleanup and restoration; TERS completed the project in just 36 hours.
Job Elements
TERS technicians began the effort with a thorough air quality analysis using state-of-the-art laser particle meters and indoor air quality (IAQ) monitors to accurately measure contamination concentrations. Their testing also confirmed the absence of asbestos or other dangers that can be aggravated by fire and smoke. Immediate steps were taken to isolate the affected areas of the building and begin remediation.
Using their organic, non-chemical and low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) approach to air filtration TERS eliminated all microscopic air contamination and deodorized the building without adding new toxic substances. As a result, employees returned to a smoke-free, toxin-free work environment.
"We're an environmentally-focused, science-based company," said Shaked, "our primary goal is to purify affected areas, not introduce new toxins."
Job Recognition
After the 36-hour cleanup period, TERS provided full documentation to the building owner, the employees' union, and all pertinent state and local government officials to certify full remediation. The Department of Health verified their work and the safety of the air quality, commending TERS for their strict adherence to EPA and other regulatory guidelines, while exceeding expectations for the smoke cleanup.
"Our in-house team is poised to handle everything from smaller, homeowner jobs to large-scale projects such as this," added Shaked. "Our techs are regularly trained in the latest technology and environmentally-sound remediation techniques and can respond instantly to your needs."
TERS remediation and mitigation experts are available 24/7 through their emergency hotline, 877-777-3117. A complete overview of their emergency remediation services is available at http://www.TERS.com.
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Successful and Swift Smoke Cleanup for New York City Government Office with Total Environmental Restoration Services ...
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H&H Environmental Construction and Consulting has launched a new website focusing on its New Jersey mold removal and flood water remediation services.
(PRWEB) February 15, 2012
H&H Environmental Construction and Consulting has launched a new website focusing on its New Jersey mold removal and flood water remediation services.
"This new site allows H&H Environmental to more effectively market our services to clients in New Jersey," said Kevin Hinchey, owner of H&H Environmental Construction and Consulting. Hinchey also added, "The site allows us to effectively convey our value propositions, our quick response time, and means to contact us in the case of a mold or water emergency."
H&H Environmental has completed hundreds of NJ mold testing and mold remediation jobs. They handle mold removal projects ranging from small residential homes to corporate, commercial and industrial facilities. All of the mold removal products used for testing and remediation are environmentally friendly.
In addition, the company provides New Jersey water removal and flood water remediation services. They off 24-hour emergency water extraction services, with a thirty minute response time.
H&H Environmental provides public insurance adjuster services, including:
The company provides mold and water remediation services to Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Union, Passaic, Mercer, Middlesex, Morris, Monmouth, Ocean, Somerset, Sussex and Warren County, Ne Jersey.
The website can be found at http://www.njstatemoldremoval.com
About H&H Environmental Construction and Consulting:
Having completed thousands of mold inspections and mold remediation jobs, our professional staff is experienced in handling projects ranging from small residential homes to corporate and industrial facilities. Serving New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. For more information, call 888-250-6653.
Kevin Hinchey
H&H Environmental Construction and Consulting
Email Information
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H&H Environmental Construction and Consulting Launches New Jersey Mold Removal Website
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South Eastern School District is once again battling a mold problem in its middle schools.
The district is spending about $25,000 to clean up mold in South Eastern Middle School-East after air quality tests revealed mold spores.
The mold is primarily in the locker rooms and gym area, possibly because of increased humidity, said Superintendent Rona Kaufmann. The HVAC system is being cleaned, too. That's only months after spending $112,000 last summer for mold remediation in South Eastern Middle School-West.
Air quality tests have been done on a quarterly basis in both buildings since the issue arose. Kaufmann said some students in East complained of mold-related illness, but that it was impossible to know if it was directly related to the school's condition.
The nurse's office in both schools have been keeping track of any students who have symptoms related to mold-caused illnesses, Kaufmann added.
"We're taking it seriously," Kaufmann said.
More mold remediation work needs to be done in the West building, she said, in the gym area. Plans for that work haven't been finalized.
Work in the East building is beginning this month and will be done after hours.
Results of the air quality tests, recommendations and pictures of remediation can be found on the school website by clicking "Air Quality at SESD."
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Mold problem resurfaces in South Eastern
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As more material costs become more expensive for mold professionals, clients are also disputing to finalize the project and pay for the work. The added costs are creating a challenge for many mold professionals to get paid and complete projects correctly. Molderizer.com announces a new technology which the company claims to remove at least one person in labor and cut material cost by 35% from a project.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida (PRWEB) February 05, 2012
Molderizer.com states, mold contractors are now claiming more mold remediation projects are ending without full payment. This has became all to clear for the mold contractors in the Guillmette School. While their is a large dispute between ethics and project performance. It appears mold remediation contractors are in a bind to receive full payments for work that they claimed have completed.
Mold contractors working on the Guilmette School, which displaced 1,300 students and staff for most of the school year has finally been re-open. But the multimillion dollar mess from the mold is not entirely been wiped clean as the Eagle Tribune reports below:
"Several subcontractors who sent scores of workers into the school to scour the infested ducts and rip out the soggy insulation, tiles and wallboards say they've been stiffed by the general contractor who hired them to get the $1.9 million cleanup done within the tight deadlines set by the school district. They say they may sue."
"They haven't paid us a dime, and we don't know how to get paid unless we apply pressure," said Tim Robbins, owner of Servpro of the Seacoast, a Dover, N.H., company that was one of four Servpro franchises hired for the Guilmette job by Servpro of Lawrence, the job's general contractor. Robbins said he had up to 85 people working on the cleanup and is owed about $650,000." You can read the news story here
Molderizer.com has been reaching out to mold remediation professionals who have been having similar issues. The on going costs and worry of future outbreaks may ruin many of the mold professionals hard work and reputation.
Finally after negotiations with it's elite clients who had exclusive access to Molderizer.com mold remediation products. Molderizer.com has reported that they will be making it's line of non-toxic mold cleaners available to the public and other mold professionals.
Molderizer.com stated "The new technology being released will allow mold contractors to quickly kill mold and prevent it from coming back. Molderizer and Safe Shield are two of our newest green mold killing products, that also encapsulate surfaces to prevent future mold amplification."
"This new technology has already saved our private clients thousands by reducing labor costs and preventing any worries from legal ramifications that are caused by mold projects having a re-occurrence of mold after a mold remediation has been completed."
Molderizer.com has reached out to many mold contractors to offer a new technology to subside costs and improve profits by applying their newest mold remediation products, called Safe Shield and Molderizer.
Currently, till the end of February mold remediation professionals can receive a complimentary sample of the mold remediation kit. Get access to this complimentary sample at http://www.molderizer.com
Markus Skupeika
1 (877) 978-6501
Email Information
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Will Mold Remediation Professionals Have A Harder Time To Get Paid In 2012? Molderizer.com Offers A Solution
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