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    Angie’s List: Getting Rid Of Mold In Your Home - May 8, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    By Jim Donovan

    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) Ignoring a mold issue in your home will only prolong the problem and allow it to get worse. Since mold exposure can cause health problems, it is important to take steps to eliminate it from your house and hire a reputable company for the job.

    In this weeks Angies List report, Jim Donovan shows you what you need to look for when choosing a professional for the job.

    Are you concerned you might have mold in your home? There are a couple things experts will look at.

    There are generally two types of test one is a lift test where a sample is taken from a suspected area of staining that is not quite for sure that it is mold. The other is an air sampling it is to determine the level of spores that are in the air in a particular area of a home, or crawl or attic, said Ron Porter, a mold removal specialist.

    But mold remediation can be expensive, so if the mold is visible, that initial diagnostic test can be skipped but you dont want to skip the final testing.

    Do the remediation and then do the post test because the post test is going to be very important to make sure that the remediation was done properly, said Angies List founder, Angie Hicks. Also, make sure the company you hire explains who will be testing your samples.

    Its important for consumers to confirm that the company they are hiring do the testing is going to send the sample out to a third-party, an independent third-party for analysis because you want separation between those two activities. You dont want the company selling you remediation to be analyzing whether you need it, said Hicks.

    More from Angie:

    Common areas: Mold is most commonly the result of water damage found in crawl spaces, basements and attics and is usually identifiable by a musty odor.

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    Angie’s List: Getting Rid Of Mold In Your Home

    Commissioners to consider mold remediation for jail - May 2, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    NEW BRAUNFELS County officials are considering taking a legal short cut around the standard competitive-bidding process in order to act fast to remove potentially harmful mold discovered in the Comal County Jail.

    State bidding law generally requires competitive proposals to be sought for expenditures over $50,000. However, the law also allows county officials to grant a discretionary exemption to bidding regulations in order to protect or preserve public health and safety.

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    Excerpt from:
    Commissioners to consider mold remediation for jail

    Mold on the Road Gets Exit Ramp in Tampa Closed, Suggests Use of Organic-Based Mold Removal Products … - April 17, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Indianapolis, IN (PRWEB) April 16, 2012

    The Department of Transportation in Tampa closed one of its exit ramp. It's the slimy mold covering the ramp that prompted the decision of the department. Wanting to help the state solve the problem in a safe, affordable and eco-friendly manner, suggested that organic-based mold removal products should be used in the remediation process.

    Based on the report from, it's the exit ramp in Southbound State Road 60 that got shut. The ramp, which goes to the Howard Frankland Bridge, is said too slick because of the mold presence. To clear the spores off, DOT closed the exit ramp last April 13. It said that work will continue for several more weekends.

    Reportedly, it's the nearby drainage that primarily caused the mold problem in the ramp. When a retaining wall was built along the exit at Interstate 275, water started to seep through it coursing up to road after heavy storms. And as a result, mold and mildew grew.

    Here is a part of the report Exit Ramp in Tampa Closed Due to Mold from

    If you are a Tampa motorist, here is one thing you must know before you hit the road the exit ramp from Southbound State Road 60 going to Howard Frankland Bridge has been closed. It will be shut down for several weekends starting the 13th of April. That's all thanks to the slimy mold.

    "According to Tampa Bay Times, mold has made the said southbound exit ramp too slick for the motorists. To solve the problem and surely, to prevent any road accident, the Department of Transportation decided to close the ramp.

    Read more about Mold Closed Tampa Exit Ramp at:

    Apart from posing health risks, mold can also cause accidents. That's because so much of it can make a surface slimy and slippery. And so, wherever and whenever there is mold, a remediation process must be implemented said

    However, the site added mold removal products are essential to make the remediation process easier to complete. It warns consumers though that not all sprays available are safe. As it stated, some of them contain hazardous to health.

    The rest is here:
    Mold on the Road Gets Exit Ramp in Tampa Closed, Suggests Use of Organic-Based Mold Removal Products ...

    Mold contamination found in 7 classrooms - March 31, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Web produced by Jennifer Matarese, Eyewitness News

    NEW YORK (WABC) -- After first saying there is no mold problem, the Department of Education later found the contamination is widespread, infecting seven classrooms at a school in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

    You can imagine the concern parents have after learning that these classrooms have been shut down because of mold.

    "I was shocked because I feel the school should have been closed down until everything was completed," said Tracy Grillo, parent.

    This sudden move comes after school officials say test results revealed, "Seven classrooms on the fifth floor contained spores of a type of mold (stacybogtrys chartarum) that requires remediation."

    "Mold is present in classrooms. There have been ongoing water infiltration issues," said Lincoln Restler, district leader.

    Sharing those seriously concerns, Tracy Grillo and other parents rallied outside the school but before they learned of the latest test results and the contaminated classrooms.

    "This week 20% of our students have been taken out of school because of fear for their safety," Restler said.

    Grillo has kept her daughter and son out of the school.

    "With the asthma he won't be able to breathe right, and he's been coming home with a lot of headaches. So I don't want them in school because I feel the problem might get worse," Grillo said.

    Read this article:
    Mold contamination found in 7 classrooms

    Group rallies to fix moldy home - March 28, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Miguel Caperon, with Mr. Fix It, takes a computer desk apart at a mold infested local residence on Monday morning. (Photo by Beatrice Richardson)

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    Led by a local remodeling company, a number of individuals, businesses and community service organizations are coming together to help repair a local home ravaged bymold.

    The call for action was raised by Billy Goethe last week after he visited the home of a family of three on Sheila Lane. Goethe, the owner of residential repair and restoration company Mr. Fix It, said he had been called out by the family to give an estimate for repairs to theroof.

    Goethe described the condition of the roof as really bad, and found the interior of the house was in a similarstate.

    Thats the first thing I saw. Thats all mold, he said early Monday morning, pointing up at the ceiling near where the cooling unit was originally placed. The mold, appearing as a bluish-grey stain, was visible throughout theceiling.

    It goes all the way through the house, he said. For comparison, he said a typical mold removal job consists of one room within a home, usually confined to a kitchen orbathroom.

    Once Goethe learned of the scale of the problem and the familys inability to pay for what he considered crucial remodeling work, he said he went back to his office and ruminated on hisoptions.

    I didnt commit to anything at first, hesaid.

    After sleeping on it, Goethe said the thought of the familys youngest member living in such conditions drove him to the decision to do all that he could to help thefamily.

    Group rallies to fix moldy home

    Coming clean - March 24, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    In March, New Englanders open their windows, eager for fresh air. But when they see swirling dust glistening in the sun, they know its time to get to work. We chatted with area cleaning professionals to get the down and dirty on 10 different aspects of spring cleaning. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but should get you off to a clean start.

    Jonathan Glazer, owner of PowerBees, a mold removal and remediation company, recommends controlling basement humidity with self-draining dehumidifiers. If it smells musty, have the air tested. Check for visual cues, too. Look up at floor joists: anything white and cottony is probably mold, Glacer says. And check cardboard boxes and Sheetrock for gray or black spots. Mold can grow in attics too, resulting from condensation caused by poor ventilation. Glacer says that soffit vents covered by insulation are the most common culprit. The solution: Pull insulation away from eaves and vents to help get air moving.

    Unfinished attics and basements make terrible storage places, says Christa Hagearty, president and chief executive of Dependable Cleaners. Keep clothing in dark, dry, cool environments in breathable containers to prevent mold from growing. That means no plastic. Hagearty recommends acid-free cardboard boxes, cloth bags, or just a cotton sheet. Also, be sure to clean garments before storing, as organic materials, like sweat or sugar from what Hagearty calls invisible stains attracts bugs and fungi, and can stain clothing yellow.

    To revive feather pillows, says Dependables Hagearty, recommends a service that sanitizes feathers by killing dust mites with ultraviolet light, then blows them into new ticking. If you prefer a home remedy: Be sure there arent tears or holes in the ticking, wash pillows two at a time in hot water with a bit of gentle detergent, blot with towels (dont wring, youll break the feathers), and fluff in the dryer with tennis balls.

    Beat rugs, pre-vacuum carpets

    Trung Nguyen, owner of VioClean carpet and upholstery cleaners, recommends that area rugs get a deep cleaning at least once a year. Rugs hold a lot of dirt, says Nguyen, So its best to get them out of the house. On-site area rug cleaning only pulls up surface dirt. Nguyen uses a vibrating tool that shakes debris free. For wall-to-wall carpet, be sure to pre-vacuum before deep cleaning. Finally, dont forget about those entry mats. Youd be surprised how much debris a good wiping shakes loose from your shoes.

    Dryer Vent Wizard owners Webb Dickson and Bob Dalimonte stress that dryer vents should be cleaned, or at least inspected, annually. Warning signs that a dryer is poorly vented and in need of cleaning or replacement include excessive drying time, hot but damp clothing at the end of a cycle, a dryer top that is hot to the touch, and lint accumulating on the outside of the machine. Glazer of PowerBees advises that professionals with suction hoses clear debris from long dryer vents. If the vent is less than 6 feet, a homeowner maybe be able to do it with a vacuum cleaner, or can just replace the vent altogether.

    Clean in & around appliances

    Vacuum refrigerator condenser coils at least twice a year, more if you have pets, says Shaban Banushi, service manager at Yale Appliance, since excessive dirt and fur can impede function. If you have a self-cleaning oven, dont run it right before the holidays, because if something goes wrong, parts can be hard to come by. Every few years have a professional recalibrate the oven. (Note: store-bought thermometers can be 50 to 100 degrees off.) Also, you can use dishwasher deodorizer tablets to banish buildup in garbage disposals. As for dishwashers themselves, use a paperclip to clear debris from holes in the spinning arms.

    Keith Campbell of Acu-Bright uses his own invention, a handheld ultrasound machine to clean chandeliers. If you opt to tackle your dining-room chandelier the old-fashioned way, Campbell cautions against chemical spray cleaners sold as quick solutions, as they will corrode the protective lacquer coating of the metal components, as well as the circuitry. Instead, after cutting the power and photographing the fixture so you know how to put it back together, remove each crystal and soak in hot water with a drop of dish detergent. Place on clean towels until partially dry, then buff with a cloth diaper. Before reassembling, wipe down the fixture itself with a microfiber cloth.

    See the original post:
    Coming clean

    Military housing firm cites progress in mold abatement - March 24, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    By Corinne Reilly The Virginian-Pilot March 24, 2012

    Despite delays that Lincoln Military Housing blames on new state standards related to mold, the company has made marked progress in cleaning up hundreds of its houses across Hampton Roads, Lincoln officials said this week.

    But for several families who may sue over the issue, it's too little, too late, according to their lawyer.

    A private company based in Texas, Lincoln manages roughly 4,400 Navy rental homes in southeast Virginia, some of them on bases and others in neighborhoods nearby. In November, a TV station began airing reports that many of the company's properties were infested with mold. Families alleged that Lincoln repeatedly failed to fix leaks and water intrusions, allowing mold to grow. They told of collapsed ceilings and spongy walls filled with visible fungus, and some residents said they'd been made sick.

    Lincoln and the Navy initially denied widespread problems, but after local congressmen got involved, the company promised independent home inspections for all residents who asked for them, remediation for all units found to have moisture problems or mold, and a change in maintenance contractors. Lincoln also fired some workers and moved dozens of concerned families into hotels.

    In an interview Thursday, the company's president, Jarl Bliss, said that while Lincoln is making headway, one unexpected roadblock has slowed progress: state standards adopted last year for the licensing of mold inspectors and remediators. Bliss said that because Virginia's requirements reached further than many other states, the companies that Lincoln hired to conduct the tests have had a hard time recruiting enough certified inspectors.

    "I wish we could go faster. I know there have been some frustrations," he said. "But given the circumstances, I'm pleased with where we are."

    In the months that have passed since the mold problems were exposed, Lincoln has identified roughly 800 homes in need of independent testing. Of those, about 550 have been inspected, and Lincoln has received results for about 300. Bliss said roughly one-fifth have come back calling for significant mold or moisture remediation. Some of the others have recommended minimal fixes. The work has included everything from the special cleaning of hard surfaces and installation of air filters to the replacement of carpet, walls and ceilings.

    About 30 Lincoln families are living in hotels, waiting for repairs to be finished.

    Bliss called the cleanup a "multimillion-dollar effort" and one that Lincoln is committed to getting right.

    The rest is here:
    Military housing firm cites progress in mold abatement

    Be careful when hiring a mold remediation pro - March 24, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Its easy to panic when youre told you have dangerous mold growth in your home. Mold can cause health risks and lower the value of your home if its not addressed.

    A professional mold remediator can make the necessary repairs, which could cost anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the extent of the damage. Though its always important to hire reliable professionals, the health and cost implications of a mold remediation project makes your hiring research especially critical. Highly qualified and trained mold remediators will be happy to show you their credentials.

    But like any industry, there are those who offer services that are not as reliable. The two biggest red flags:

    Remediation companies that conduct their own testing to determine whether you have dangerous mold.

    High pressure sales tactics that involve predictions of immediate health risk unless action is taken right away.

    Reputable mold remediation companies send mold tests to an independent lab to determine whether the mold is dangerous. This provides a buffer between the test conductor and the remediator. Homeowners can also hire other companies that offer testing, but do not do remediation work. Some home inspection companies offer this service, for example.

    Mold is most commonly found in crawl spaces, basements and attics and is usually identified by its visual presence or a musty smell.

    Probably the majority of our work is mold treatment in crawlspaces, said Julie Hurst, president of American Mold Experts in Centerville. As a general rule, if a water leak is not caught or cleaned up in 48 hours, then mold is going to grow.

    Testing for mold generally includes an air quality test, which consists of obtaining air samples from the interior and exterior of the home and comparing those samples to determine what airborne molds are present and at what levels. Testing should always be done after mold has been remediated to ensure its been satisfactorily removed.

    Its really a good idea for the same company to do the pretesting and the post testing, said Christie Kirchmer with Guardian Inspections, a home inspection company in Mason that offers mold testing. There are a number of things you have to do identically so you can get the same results when you do the testing, from what type of equipment you use to what types of spore traps youre using. You want to keep everything as similar as possible so youre comparing apples to apples.

    View post:
    Be careful when hiring a mold remediation pro

    Mold found in Montco courthouse - March 8, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Posted: Wednesday, March 7, 2012 6:11 pm | Updated: 8:55 pm, Wed Mar 7, 2012.

    Justice is on the move, literally, at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown.

    County staff has been scrambling over the last several weeks to find temporary office space for six county judges after mold was found on the inside walls in the area where their offices are located.

    "There is no immediate danger but we wanted to get the judges out so we can get rid of it as soon as possible," said Communications Director Frank X. Custer Jr., noting that this situation is yet another problem the new administration inherited from the prior administration and is trying to address in a timely fashion.

    The six judges had complained about the air in the plaza section where their offices are located. Custer said he did not know the judges' specific complaints.

    However, the new administration contracted with Accredited Environmental Technologies Inc., whose parent company already was on site doing studies in connection with the courthouse parking garage, to test the air quality. The testing cost $5,600.

    "Tests found that the air is safe," said Custer.

    There is no problem with the air quality and no particulates were found in the air, according to Custer.

    But while on site, the testing company did discover mold on the inside of the walls of several of the offices, Custer said.

    The county currently is soliciting emergency bids from companies to remediate the situation. The commissioners hope to award the contract at their meeting next week, he added.

    View original post here:
    Mold found in Montco courthouse

    Mold Remediation Companies Secret Non-Toxic Weapon That Saves Mold Victims 1,000's, Reveals Secret - March 8, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The mold help site is releasing mold remediation companies secret non-toxic solution to battle mold. The website has been in tight negotiations to reveal its mold kit to the public. Now after several years being only available to select mold remediation companies, is releasing their non-toxic solution to the public and offering a complimentary sample for a limited time.

    New Orleans, LA (PRWEB) March 07, 2012

    The non-toxic mold removal product is comprised of unique ingredients in which breaks apart the mold DNA to give certainty that the mold spore is eliminated. As for mold prevention, has also released in its mold remediation kit their mold prevention product, called Safe Shield. This is non-toxic formula with will prevent mold amplification, creating a clear barrier on surfaces to suffocate mold spores. This process will entrap the spores and prevent any sort of reproduction. claims that this science has saved mold remediation companies thousands in cost, by reducing labor and future worries for their clients.

    Ifanyone would likemore information on these unique mold remediation products, they may visit the site to claim their complimentary sample of the mold remediation kit.

    Be sure to visit and grab your complimentary sample.

    Janice Iquina 1 (888) 440-3826 Email Information

    Visit link:
    Mold Remediation Companies Secret Non-Toxic Weapon That Saves Mold Victims 1,000's, Reveals Secret

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