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Over the last couple of years, something terrible has happened to the term emotional labor. Coined by sociologist Arlie Hochschild in 1983, emotional labor described the demand that workers suppress negative feelings in order to project a cheery demeanor at their jobsthink flight attendants or food service workers. Now its come to mean, well, whatever you want.
In a 2017 piece for HuffPost that's making the rounds once again, writer Gemma Hartley argued the amount of emotional labor required of women can increase exponentially around the holidays. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, Hartley said shes responsible for arranging Christmas photoshoots and mailing holiday cards, which requires hours of scheduling and licking envelopes until [her] tongue is swollen. Shell have to organize potlucks and holiday parties, plan coat drives and family events, plus figure out what gifts to buy everyone.
Of course, I could forgo this emotional labor and take the cards off my list entirely, Hartley reflected. It would free up a little mental space in an already hectic time, but it would also come with the consequence of disappointed relatives.
One can easily imagine how emotionally exhausting completing Hartleys lengthy to-do list would be, and see how skipping even just one task could deflate some of the holiday magic her family members have come to expect. But while there may be emotional stakes riding on whether or not Hartley mails the cards, plans the potlucks, and so on, much of the work that shes doing isnt emotional laborits just labor.
Hartley seems to be well aware that she isnt using the term as it was originally intended. In an interview with Quartz earlier this year, she explained that though she thought invisible labor or care-based labor might be a more apt way to characterize the sort of work she was describing, the term emotional labor was already in the zeitgeist. She said she's more interested in talking about the idea than fighting about the language.
But its far from petty to point out that people like Hartley are misusing emotional laborthere are real consequences for doing so.
When we decide to call housework emotional labor, we deny the extent to which housework is simply work, which capitalism has historically extracted from women, for free. And in that obfuscation we make it more difficult to forcefully rebel against those conditions.
In her seminal 1974 essay, Wages Against Housework, Silvia Federici argues that its necessary to fight for financial compensation for labor done in the home because to do so would mean gaining recognition that you are a worker, and you can bargain and struggle around and against the terms and the quantity of that wage, the terms and quantity of that work. These are the preconditions for refusing to do the work at all, and exposing the way a capitalist society has profited off womens work while rendering it invisible. (Chloe Angyal, a contributing editor at Marie Claire, pointed out on Monday that many writing residencies she was applying to promised the same services afforded to many men whose partners perform the bulk of household chores: peace and quiet, meals cooked for you, limited domestic labour to distract from your real work, she wrote in a tweet.)
To say that we want money for housework is the first step towards refusing to do it, because the demand for a wage makes our work visible, which is the most indispensable condition to begin to struggle against it, Federici writes, both in its immediate aspect as housework and its more insidious character as femininity. Calling holiday planning "emotional labor" is counterproductive to attempts to recognize that housework is labor.
The fight for a wage isnt just for the sake of women as a group, Federici says, but for the benefit of the working class, which, once united, can better protest against the ways capital has been able to maintain its power at its expense. As the writer Sarah Miller put it, in an August piece for The Cut, about her boyfriend paying her to do housework: Federicis end goal is not a happy household for little Sarah Miller, but the liberation of the human race from wage slavery.
Hochschilds theory of emotional labor also necessitates a rigorous class critique: While the expectation that workers appear happy to meet the basic requirements of their job isnt confined solely to waged (as in not salaried) jobs, it is far more common in lower-paying positions. When people call activities like party-planning and Christma card-sending emotional labor, often theyre merely describing the pressures associated with a bourgeoisierather than working classlifestyle.
One thing that I read said even the work of calling the maid to clean the bathtub is too much, Hochschild recalled, speaking to The Atlantic in November 2018. I felt there is really, in this work, no social-class perspective. There are many more maids than there are people who find it burdensome to pick up the telephone to ask them to clean your tub.
Though this distorted view of emotional labor still persists, recently its been more eagerly applied to the basic demands of human relationships.
Over the last two weeks, Twitter has been awash in debate about whether accommodating friends emotional needs falls under this descriptor, sparked by a viral tweet arguing that people should ask for consent before asking a friend to perform emotional labor in the form of listening, advice-giving, and comforting. On Wednesday, Leah Fessler, the senior manager of editorial and brand voice at Chief, a private club for women executives, wrote in a tweet that the reason why women being told they're addicted to their phones feels like a microaggression is because constant contact with family and friends via text is an essential element of emotional labor.
If maintaining relationships with friends and family has begun to feel like work, as Hazel Cills argued in Jezebel, perhaps the problem isnt that its emotional labor, but that the conditions of our paid labor often leave us with little energy to attend to the social spheres of our lives, and the people who populate them. And perhaps it is those conditions that make texting back a friend or creating holiday magic for our families feel alienating, rather than enriching. If this is indeed the case, the answer isnt to make sure men take an equal part in these bad feelings, Hochschild says. Instead of divvying up the work that makes us miserable, we should challenge the social mechanismsincluding capitalismthat make it so.
I dont think its a solution if both husband and wife are now 50-50 with alienated labor, Hochschild told The Atlantic last fall. Theres a fantasy that equity will be a solution...Im saying, Well, why has it become alienated work?
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What Everyone's Calling 'Emotional Labor' Is Actually Just Labor - Free
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The Oscar winners Julianne Moore and Alicia Vikander are two of the four actresses who play the feminist activist Gloria Steinem at different ages in The Glorias, an unconventional biopic from the director Julia Taymor. The film will be among the 118 feature-length works at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival, the programmers announced Wednesday.
Next years iteration of the festival, the top showcase for independent cinema in the United States, will include narrative features and documentaries that tackle subjects recently in the news, including school shootings, the #MeToo movement, immigration and the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.
Sundance chose its lineup from 15,100 submissions, a number that included 3,853 feature-length movies. For the second year in a row, the festival released statistics about the filmmakers who made the accepted works, reporting that 44 percent were directed by one or more women, 34 percent were directed by one or more person of color and 15 percent by members of sexual and gender minority communities.
A lot of our films are of the time, which has been a long time coming, John Cooper, the director of the festival, said. The audience has paved the way for a different kind of indie film: more authentic stories from different cultures and backgrounds.
In other films scheduled to have their premieres at Sundance, Elisabeth Moss portrays the author Shirley Jackson in Shirley, Michael Keaton takes on the role of a lawyer responsible for the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund in Worth and Benedict Cumberbatch plays a businessman involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis, in Ironbark.
The festival will also include a new film starring Anne Hathaway and Ben Affleck, The Last Thing He Wanted, from the director of Mudbound, Dee Rees; Viggo Mortensens directorial debut, Falling, which will be shown on the closing night; and Wendy, a reimagining of J.M. Barries Peter Pan, directed by Benh Zeitlin, whose Beasts of the Southern Wild won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance in 2012.
The festival, which will run from Jan. 23 to Feb. 2 in and around Park City, Utah, was started in 1978 by Robert Redford and has long been a testing ground for new films and talent. The Coen brothers first film, Blood Simple, won the Grand Jury Prize in 1985, and Quentin Tarantinos career took off after Reservoir Dogs made its debut at Sundance in 1992.
It became something of an annual circus in the 1990s, when indie cinema was booming and distributors braved the snow in search of the next unlikely hit, everything from the cult comedy Napoleon Dynamite, directed by Jared Hess, to Precious, an Oscar winner directed by Lee Daniels.
Now the executives tramping through Park City are likely to be looking for content to fill their streaming services. Amazon scored big in 2017 with a film it picked up at the festival, The Big Sick, a comedy co-written by and starring Kumail Nanjiani. It grossed more than $56 million at the box office and is now available on Amazon Prime Video.
Disney Plus, the streaming service unveiled last month by the Walt Disney Company, will have a presence, with Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made. Directed by Tom McCarthy, a filmmaker known for Spotlight, the best picture winner at the 2016 Academy Awards, the film will be included as part of the festivals childrens slate.
Relative newcomers like Apple, Amazon and Netflix have kept Sundance vibrant. Its good news when people get the financial support to make interesting films, Mr. Cooper, the festival director, said. The streaming companies are certainly helping with this sector of the entertainment space.
Films that made an impression at the most recent festival included Lulu Wangs The Farewell, the documentary Apollo 11 and Late Night, a film written by Mindy Kaling and starring Emma Thompson as an imperious talk show host.
Amazon paid $13 million for the domestic distribution rights to Late Night during its last Sundance visit, but it did not repeat the success it had with The Big Sick. Late Night, which received rave reviews at its premiere at the Eccles Center Theater in Park City, generated just $15 million in the United States during its theatrical run, despite a hefty marketing campaign, showing the difficulty of predicting which films will break out.
A contender from the 2020 lineup is Downhill, a remake of the acclaimed Swedish film Force Majeure. It stars Will Ferrell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus as a married couple rattled in the aftermath of an avalanche that takes place during a ski vacation.
Sundances documentary lineup includes The Dissident, directed by Bryan Fogel, a film that examines the murder of Mr. Khashoggi, a dissident Saudi journalist, and the possible cover-up by the Saudi government. Mr. Fogels previous documentary, Icarus, premiered at Sundance in 2017 and won its special jury award before taking the best documentary Oscar.
Another documentary slated for the festival, Us Kids, directed by Kim A. Snyder, centers on the survivors of the 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. And a still untitled documentary by the filmmakers Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering tells the story of the former hip-hop executive Drew Dixon, who accused the mogul Russell Simmons of raping her. (Mr. Simmons denied the accusations by Ms. Dixon and three other women.)
Other films to keep an eye on include Minari, starring Steven Yeun as a Korean father who moves his family to Arkansas in the 1980s to start a farm. Made by the writer and director Lee Isaac Chung, the movie is a reinvention of the American dream story, said Kim Yutani, Sundances director of programming.
A film with comic potential is Palm Springs, produced by Andy Samberg and his partners in the troupe The Lonely Island, Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone. It stars Mr. Samberg as a wedding guest who has a strange encounter with the maid of honor, played by Cristin Milioti.
Justin Simien, the director of the 2014 satire Dear White People, returns with Bad Hair, a film scheduled to kick off Sundances Midnight category of edgier fare. Set in 1989, it tracks an ambitious young woman, played by Elle Lorraine of the HBO show Insecure, who gets a weave in order to succeed in the image-obsessed world of music television, only to suspect that the hair may have a mind of its own.
Sundance Gets Real, With a Lineup of Newsy Films for 2020 - The New York Times
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Dont have time to cook? Then just pick up the phone and order a home delivered Kong Pao chicken or Pizza. Cant find a place to manage your work? Just hire a shared office space in the city.
What about work around the home? Dont worry startups can take care of that too.
Many busy professionals dont have enough time to manage their house cleaning, laundry and other homemaking tasks, which is where maids and cleaners come in handy.
Domestic services providers such as MyanAnts, Ayesay Services and Busy Bees have been in the market for the past two years, and have recently started to face more competition as more foreigners come to Myanmar and book their services.
Many service providers offer one type of service, such as for maids or cooks, but a new kind of business has entered the market. As home duties become more varied, some companies offer services that cover a range of different home-related tasks such as moving house, renovations, shopping, as well as the traditional maid-like duties.
Although there is competition in the market, this new kind of business is run by people who have a different idea as to what domestic work really involves, said Jack Phyo Wai Lin, managing director of Ayesay Services.
Ayesay Services is a business that provides about eight kinds of domestic services, including home duties like cooking and cleaning, as well as more manual tasks like decorating and repair work.
I dont know if there will be more competition in the market in the future for all of these services, but it makes sense to have a company that at least offers them all under one roof, said Jack Phyo Wai Lin.
Most businesses focus on their customers without considering the labour-side of things, and the people they employ who perform these services.
We like to find jobs for those at the grassroots level, for competent and good-minded workers. At the same time, we aim to provide solutions for customers, said Ko Aung Paing, CEO and founder of MyanAnts.
MyanAnts provides job opportunities and training services to 40-50 year-old women with low education and few if any qualifications.
Finding domestic labour has also changed over the last decade, with clients making bookings over the internet and through Facebook forums, rather than through agency offices directly.
Some of the companies offer workers who are able to fix things in the house, like plumbers and electrical repairmen. They no longer just provide you with maids do the washing and cleaning the house, said Daw Nu Nu Wai, a frequent customer.
It is like hiring a taxi. If its a taxi thats been endorsed by others, then you feel much safer. When a person has to entrust his/her house to a stranger, people want an accountable service provider, she said.
Available domestic services include full-time and part-time housemaids, cleaners, carpenters, electricians, home decorators, renovators and removalists, among others. Translated
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From little ideas, big things grow - Myanmar Times
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GlobalDried Vegetable Marketresearch will help you to decide how the market will evolve, to make confident decisions to capture new opportunities. Dried Vegetable Market Report also describes the supply and demand situation, market landscape, and competitive scenario. The report covers the growth scenarios over the coming decades & discussion of the key players: [Naturex S.A., Symrise AG, Mercer Foods LLC., Vkc Nuts Private Limited, Kiantama, Sun-Maid Growers of California, Sunshine Raisin Corporation, Traina Foods Inc, Nemean Currants Sultana Raisins S.A., Montagu Dried Fruit & Nuts (Pty) Ltd]
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Competitive Landscape:
The Detailed analysis of top players, and accompanied by their key growth strategies are covered in this comprehensive report.
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The following Companies are the Key/Major Players in the Dried Vegetable Market Report:
Naturex S.A., Symrise AG, Mercer Foods LLC., Vkc Nuts Private Limited, Kiantama, Sun-Maid Growers of California, Sunshine Raisin Corporation, Traina Foods Inc, Nemean Currants Sultana Raisins S.A., Montagu Dried Fruit & Nuts (Pty) Ltd
Based on the Classification, each type is studied as Sales, Market Share (percent), Revenue (Million USD), Cost, Gross Margin and similar information. The report can help to realize the market and strategize for business expansion accordingly. The strategy research offers information from marketing channels and market positioning to potential growth strategies provides in-depth analysis to new entrants or established rivals in the Dried Vegetable industry.
Some of the major geographies included in this report are:
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Exclusive Report On Dried Vegetable Market In PDF | What will be the market size and growth rate 2020? - Sound On Sound Fest
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While transitioning into civilian life after more than a decade in the Indian Air Force, I was struck by how the growing propensity to ask for goods and services to be home delivered was causing disruptions in traditional security processes at gated communities.Security guards were unable to deal with the increased traffic at the gate and the existing processes and technologies were proving inadequate. It became clear that the authentication process needed to be digitized. This was a weak signal, no doubt, but I was convinced that it warranted deeper analysis.
We built a strong solution for these problems, and, in doing so, we were not only able to ensure seamless verification of all visitors, but deliver a number of other conveniences to residents. We could help them manage their deliveries when they were away, inform them of the arrival of their maid, enhance the security of their children, notify guards if delivery executives overstayed their welcome, among much else. A business is always looking for ways to quantify the utility of its solution. You want to know that it is a painkiller (need to have), and not just a vitamin (good to have). It is difficult to be certain.
Then, for the second time in three years, rains hit Chennai in November 2017. Connectivity dropped all across Bengaluru, which receives internet from cables laid under the port city. Our services were hit. Gate notifications werent reaching our customers and there was nothing we could do about it. Every one of us had to drop what we were doing and answer the phone. Within eight hours, around 40% of our customer base had contacted us to complain. We were delighted! A day or two later, internet speeds went back to normal and we went back to work, buoyed by the knowledge that what we were building really was a painkiller. Fast forward two years and MyGate has seen phenomenal growth. Our security solution is now in 1.2 million homes across 5,000 gated premises in 11 Indian cities. Ironically, the strongest indicator of our impact was a weak (internet) signal.
There was one moment when fate turned their way, a moment that they can look back upon and say, that was when it started. Capturing click moments.
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Click Moment | 'Weak internet signals showed us our strong impact' - Livemint
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Make House Cleaning Your Affordable Luxury
Imagine a world without Handy. Youve put in a 12 hour day at the office, your train is 30 minutes late, and by the time you finally walk into your apartment, there are dirty dishes stacked high in the sink, dirty clothes are strewn everywhere, your bed is unmade, the shower is starting to smell a bit like mildew, and the floors are covered with mud. A professional maid service probably sounds pretty good right about now, doesn't it? The last thing in the world you want to do is pull on your yellow rubber gloves and begin scrubbing the floors and vacuuming the carpets. With Handy, you dont have to.
There is no feeling quite like coming home from work and walking into a beautiful, fresh-smelling, clean home. Rather than clean the toilet, dust the shelves, and wipe down the countertops, you can instead unwind on the couch, curled up under a blanket, maybe pour yourself that glass of wine youve been thinking about, and start that new TV show everyones been talking about. A visit from a housekeeping service is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Book a home cleaning with Handy today.
Price is important. Nobody likes it when they think theyre paying one price for a home cleaning service provider, and then they are informed that the price is actually going to be much higher. With Handy, we let you know up front what youre going to pay. And with incredibly affordable hourly rates given at a discount to loyal customers who sign up for weekly, bi-weekly or monthly house cleaning services, were confident youll be satisfied.
Admit it, weve all been there. Your home cleaning or maid service is coming the next morning and you realize at 9 PM that you dont have any cash to pay them. So you reluctantly put on your shoes, find your jacket, and drive to the nearest bank to take money out of the ATM. Handy is entirely cashless -- pay your cleaner in the app with a credit card, simple as that. Well even save it for next time. And if youre so thrilled with how beautiful and clean your apartment looks and you want to tip your house cleaning pro something extra, you can do that with your credit card in the app as well.
We know that when you book a maid service, housekeeping service, or house cleaning service through Handy, you are allowing a stranger to enter your home. When you book a house cleaner through the Handy platform, you can rest assured that theyve been vetted before they arrive at your door. You can give your Handy professional additional instructions when filling out your cleaning preferences online. If you have particular allergies to detergents, for instance, or a special way of cleaning that you prefer, you can easily let your house cleaner know ahead of time. You can even prioritize the various home cleaning tasks that your Handy professional will tackle in the order that you prefer, so you can make sure your biggest concerns will get extra love and attention.
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House Cleaning Services, Home Cleaning Services | Handy
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Health Benefits of Professional Cleaning Services
As a professional cleaning company, we take pride in our ability to reduce bacteria, allergens, and other germs that can spread sickness in your home. Our residential housekeepers have the materials necessary to rid your home of airborne viruses and allergens.
According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), approximately one billion colds are reported every year in the United States alone. The Center for Disease Control reports that kids miss about 22 million school days per year due to the common cold. Molly Maid strives to reduce this number by helping thousands of families across the country live cleaner, healthier lives.
In order to prevent colds, the NIAID recommends that you and your family:
Our professional housecleaners know where rhinoviruses and other infectious bacteria most commonly reside in homes. Not only do we provide professional services that remove these toxins, but we also employ methods that keep dust under control and help prevent bacteria from returning.
Because we care about making your home as clean and enjoyable as possible, our team takes the time to ensure that the right products are being used at all times. Many inexpensive cleaners are diluted and leave residue behind, while the concentrated cleaners we use are much more effective. Were also happy to take your preferences into account if you prefer that we use our flexible green cleaning solutions.
With more than 30 years of industry-leading experience, our reviews speak for our quality of work. Our customers know that they can count on us to make sure everything is in place and sparkling clean when we leave.
Call (800) 654-9647 to see how our professional housecleaning services can benefit your home.
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Molly Maid House Cleaning Services | Home Cleaning & Maid Service
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Merry Maids is the biggest and most reliable maids and cleaning service company in the world. Established in the year 1979 by Dallen Peterson, it now has 900 franchises in the United States alone and over 1,400 worldwide. It operates under the ServiceMaster Family brands, which includes Amerispec, Furniture Medic and American Home Shield, and caters to about 10.5 million customers.
The following Merry Maids prices are estimates only.
Disclaimer: PriceListo gathers actual pricing information from sources such as on-site visits, business websites, and phone interviews. The prices reported on this webpage derive from one or more of those sources. Naturally, the prices reported on this website may not be current, and may not apply to all locations of a given business brand. To obtain current pricing, contact the individual business location of interest to you.
The company provides several cleaning services in residential homes, including customized and modified requests. Offering only thorough and consistent services, clients will be happy to know that they can cross off any major chores off their list without worrying about the Merry Maids cost. It is affordable, professional, and your home will be completely clean in no time.
The company knows and understand that your residence is considered as one of the greatest investments any client has ever made. Just like you, Merry Maids value your prized possession and will treat it with as much respect as how they treat clients.
Clients should be delighted to know that once the company has been invited to your home, all your personal belongings and treasured effects will be given the utmost attentiveness. You will feel confident and safe that nothing will be lost nor tampered during the cleaning.
Like any well respected companies, any accidents or incidents are insured and bonded, making the clients protected. The company also provides liability, workers compensation, and other insurance coverage to ensure proper working condition.
The company also offers re-cleaning if the client is not fully satisfied with the service. It is important to inform Merry Maids a day after the services have been availed to ensure that they return or re-clean it as soon as possible, without any hassle on the part of the client.
With a 100 percent satisfaction goal, the company assures their clients that there are no hidden charges, no fine print, nor any worries in the contract. They value customer service very much to put their name on the line.
The company provides a program that is made especially for small homes, residential apartments, or condominiums. This includes special fees that are lower than the usual cleaning services provided for bigger houses. Additionally, a special discount may be given and applied to first time clients.
Furthermore, the company uses only the best kind of products that are safe for use and helpful to the environment. Customers do not need to worry about their waste, dust, and dirt contributing to indoor pollution.
Using only microfiber cloths, the dust and dirt will have no escape, prohibiting it to move around the air inside your home. These fabrics are three times better than traditional cleaning cloths and cleaning is also a breeze. What more, it produces smaller carbon footprints, making it the best material for the environment.
Besides cleaning cloth used, the company uses vacuums that are certified with a Gold Seal standard from the Carpet and Rug Institute. Based on the Green Label certification, the vacuum does not release above 100 micrograms dust particles in the air.
Overall, this cleaning and maids services company can do mostly anything a client asks. With proper estimation and specified task provided, a residential space whether big or small, will not be left dirty, unclean, or disorganized.
For more information about Merry Maids, visit their official website.
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Merry Maids Prices - Updated 2019 - Maid Service Pricing
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House Cleaning Costs | Maid Brigade -
October 3, 2019 by
Mr HomeBuilder
How Much Does a House Cleaning Cost? What You Get With A Cleaning
Here at Maid Brigade, we know that every home is unique, and no two customers have the same cleaning needs. Since our services are customized to suit each family individually and their budgets, our cleaning rates vary from home to home. Some factors that may affect our cleaning prices include the size of your home, the number of people and pets, and how often you need a cleaning. We have a standardized formula for calculating each individual cleaning estimate.
We provide our customers with a customized cleaning rate based on how often you want your house or apartment cleaned. Maid Brigade offers weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and specialized one-time cleaning prices based on your specific needs. Typically, the rate for cleanings go down the more frequently your home is cleaned since less effort is needed with less time between visits.
After the initial cleaning, your homes cleanliness can be easily maintained with our regular visit cleaning tasks. Regular house cleaning visits are charged as a flat fee, and when you contact us for an estimate, you will receive an estimate for both the initial cleaning and the regular house cleaning visits.
One question we get a lot is whether green cleaning costs more than a traditional cleaning. Here at Maid Brigade, we believe that everyone should have a healthy home for your family and pets. Green cleaning is our standard. We don't charge extra for the green cleaning products or the advanced cleaning systems used during each visit to keep your family safe and healthy.
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House Cleaning Costs | Maid Brigade
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Housemaid daily maid service
You do not need to post ads, the study offers on special forums. Just call the phone number listed on our website. We will select for you a qualified the maid service, able to quickly and accurately perform all your tasks.
Weekly maid service is useful and available to all people who value their own time. Cheap maid service dependent on:1. Type of work performed;2. The complexity of the work;3. Graphics.
Even for the monthly maid NYC service, we provide the client with an experienced employee who knows his business. At the same time, the price of the service is democratic, almost every resident of NYC can use it.
Responsibilities of a housemaid that comes to a house 1-2 times a week do the following:
Airs the room.
At the request of the client, the best maid service can:
Maid New York is not just a specialist who does some work, provides certain services. Among other things, this is a person who will enter your home on a special level, and that is why taking care of cleanliness and maintaining order requires particular delicacy.
Offering maid Brooklyn services, the company ensures that our service is not only high-quality but also truly comfortable for you.You can be assured that Maid Manhattan from our company will turn out to be a truly qualified specialist who will approach his work with all possible professionalism, responsibly and delicately.
Each Maid Staten Island in our company undergoes special training, professional training, thanks to which we guarantee the highest quality of service, a truly convenient, punctual, correct service.
A special approach to service is not the only advantage that the invited maid Bronx will have. Another important advantage of cooperation with our company is the quality of the services provided. The maid will do all the work necessary to make your home shine clean, and this will be done professionally and as soon as possible.
Each of our Maid Midtown uses professional detergents that are hypo-allergenic and completely safe. Especially important this moment becomes in the event that cleaning is carried out in the house where there are small children or family members suffering from an allergy. We can guarantee that the cleaning we do will not cause discomfort. One of the guarantors of this is the use of only professional cleaning products, and the other is the fact that Maid Queens will thoroughly remove the remains of these products from all surfaces on which they were used. Thus, the likelihood of allergies to the means used by us is simply excluded. At the same time, professional detergents guarantee gentle and at the same time high-quality cleaning of contaminated surfaces.
The proposed house cleaning service is a systematic and comprehensive approach to restoring order. Maid New Jersey will complete the planned work in full, without missing or missing anything so that every corner of your house shines with cleanliness. It should be noted that you can coordinate the list of works for daily cleaning in advance and individually. The Maid provided by us will provide a high-quality and fast solution to the tasks you set, regardless of their complexity.
Finally, another important point is the fact that Maid Bronx from our company is profitable. Services are provided under the contract, in which all the nuances of cooperation are written, as well as all the duties that Maid Staten Island will have. In addition, you can specify in advance the number and frequency of visits (cleanups), as well as the time at which the Maid should come to you. To pre-determine the cost of services, you can use a special calculator on our website. Also, you can invite our specialist to assess the scope and cost of work on site. We are always happy to offer our customers the most favorable service conditions. You can be convinced of it, having familiarized with the cost of services of the housemaid.
Our employees are constantly trained and improve their qualifications. You do not have to worry about their professionalism. Any household chores will be done efficiently and on time. All you need is to place an order by calling the phone number listed on our website.
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Maid Service NYC - best daily&weekly maid service, household
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