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Michael Jackson's former housekeepers have claimed he lived in deplorable conditions inside Neverland Ranch The singer allegedly threatened throwing 'doo-doo snowballs' at staff Jackson's living conditions reportedly led to a bedbug outbreak He allegedly peed on the floor in front of a housekeeper the day after his Oprah interview
By Zoe Szathmary
Published: 15:00 EST, 10 August 2014 | Updated: 06:36 EST, 11 August 2014
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Michael Jackson reportedly lived in deplorable conditions inside Neverland Ranch.
The New York Post spoke with his former housekeepers about the alleged filth.
A woman identified only as 'Maid No.1' told the newspaper, 'Michael sometimes ran around where the animals were, and hed track... poop throughout the house and think nothing of it.
'Then, if you said something, hed threaten to make doo-doo snowballs and throw it at you.'
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'Michael Jackson was the most unsanitary person in Hollywood': How the singer threatened to throw 'do-do laced ...
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Michael Jackson's former housekeepers have claimed he lived in deplorable conditions inside Neverland Ranch The singer allegedly threatened throwing 'doo-doo snowballs' at staff Jackson's living conditions reportedly led to a bedbug outbreak He allegedly peed on the floor in front of a housekeeper the day after his Oprah interview
By Zoe Szathmary
Published: 15:00 EST, 10 August 2014 | Updated: 06:36 EST, 11 August 2014
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Michael Jackson reportedly lived in deplorable conditions inside Neverland Ranch.
The New York Post spoke with his former housekeepers about the alleged filth.
A woman identified only as 'Maid No.1' told the newspaper, 'Michael sometimes ran around where the animals were, and hed track... poop throughout the house and think nothing of it.
'Then, if you said something, hed threaten to make doo-doo snowballs and throw it at you.'
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Michael Jackson 'was the most unsanitary person in Hollywood'
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HOUSTON (AP) - The first time Jessica Sharon landed at the Houston Center for Sobriety, she was too drunk and strung out on drugs to remember arriving.
She woke up bleary-eyed and confused, surprised to be resting, unshackled, on a firm cot in a quiet warehouse in the shadow of Minute Maid Park; this was decidedly not jail.
Like many of the roughly 7,000 other admissions at the sobering center since it opened 16 months ago, she left fairly quickly the next morning, grateful to have dodged jail time but not quite ready to accept offers to get her into detox.
When Mayor Annise Parker opened the center at 150 N. Chenevert St. last year, the idea was to cut police costs and reduce recidivism, creating a place other than jail for those whose only crime is public intoxication. Prior to the centers opening, police were making about 17,000 arrests a year in Houston for public intoxication, racking up between $4 million and $6 million in police costs.
The sobering center has reduced that number significantly: From June 2013 to June 2014, Houston police booked just shy of 2,500 people on public intoxication, according to sobering center numbers. The center admitted more than double that number during the same time period.
Sharon is among those who have come back to the center for help, weeks or even months after declining more services.
For more than a decade, she has been battling crystal methamphetamine and alcohol addictions that seemed impossible to beat. Stretches of sobriety were eclipsed by hazy weeks spent high or drunk, often both.
Months after her stay at the sobering center, the 32-year-old hit her grace of God moment. She called her recovery coach at the sobering center and asked for help. Then, she came back.
Im honestly terrified because there have been other times where Ive gotten sober and thought I was done and then I relapsed, Sharon told the Houston Chronicle (http://bit.ly/X0bXZH). But it takes what it takes and eventually, it just clicks. I hope this is when its going to happen. I have all the resources I need.
Officials said the sobering center is still not being used to its full capacity, but the numbers should pick up as more jurisdictions turn to the facility. In April, Metro, Harris County Sheriffs Office, constable precincts and University of Houston police started dropping off intoxicated people at the location.
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Sobering center a place for addicts to get help
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Business Bulletin Board -
August 8, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Clayton-based Sansone Group formed a joint venture with Walter K. Robinson , principal of Robinson Commercial Real Estate, to create Robinson-Sansone Brokerage Services LLC , which will focus primarily on office and industrial properties in Florida.
The Missouri Division of Workforce Development recognized these St. Louis area businesses with its Flag of Freedom award for making it a priority to hire veterans when they return home from military service: American Metals Supply Co., Baldor Electric Co., Cadco Program & Machine Inc., Fitness Plus Equipment Services, Laclede Gas, Special Construction Services, St. Louis Parking, Triad Manufacturing and Top Care.
Jackie Kemp of Maryland Heights-based BSR Services earned her Advanced Snow Management certification from the Snow and Ice Management Association, an industry organization.
Brian C. Loose , a certified public accountant with Diel & Forguson LLC, was selected to participate in the American Institute of CPAs sixth annual Leadership Academy this fall in Durham, N.C.
Anheuser-Busch donated a total of $150,000 in scholarships for 30 students attending historically black colleges.
PetSmart donated $5,000 to Support Dogs Inc. for training service dogs and other programs.
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Business Bulletin Board
Maid Services in Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
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Maid Services in Phoenix, AZ 85040, 85042
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Just as they have been for the past two decades, workers at Country Maid still braid their distinctive pastries by hand for fundraising groups across America. But thats the only part of the process that remains manual.
Ken and Marlene Banwart, the couple who founded Country Maid in 1991, began making pastries in their basement for the local farmers market. The baked goods quickly became a local hit. Thats when the Banwarts realized their pastries could have wider appeal. They began freezing the raw pastries and creating new varieties, ranging from tart apple to cream cheese fillings, to be sold to nonprofits and school groups for fundraising activities.
The pastries are popular because they have a homemade taste and warmth. People let the frozen dough rise over night, put it into the oven to bake, and then enjoy it. Not surprisingly, the process for turning the ingredients into these tasty pastries is far more complicated.
In 2012, Country Maid decided to invest in an automated facility to respond to consumer demand for the Butter Braid pastries.
Inside the Iowa facility of the now 100 percent employee-owned company, ingredients like dry milk, flour and sugar are stored in multiple holding bins and are transferred into an industrial mixer where theyre combined with water. The mixture then goes into a rotary dough feeder that transfers it down a conveying line. Much like a rolling pin, a machine then spreads and layers the dough, which is then topped with butter and filling. Just before it is moved to the freezer, a worker puts the final touch on the 12-layered pastry, intertwining the top layers to create the signature look of the Butter Braid pastries.
Prior to their upgrade, workers were far more involved in the production process from hand batching and scaling every pastry to cutting open each bag of flour to pour into the mixer. Operators also collected and reported basic production data manually, leaving room for human error and inconsistency. This fully manual process was also time and labor intensive.
By adding automation to this process, Country Maid wanted to gain advanced data-collection capabilities to ensure each batch would retain the same high-level quality as the last. They also wanted to improve overall operational efficiencies throughout the facility.
Country Maid had to add an additional line to help meet demand. They had two options when it came to designing the mix room. They could either replace their mixer with a larger one, which would require expanding their facility to accommodate its size, or they could install a smaller new mixer with the new additional automated line.
We found that if we automated a new larger mixer, we could reduce the size of the mixer and avoid having to expand the facility. This option was less expensive and would achieve the same goal, said Marc Banwart, systems integration specialist, Country Maid. We knew the change would help us meet growing production requirements and give us access to data that would allow us to make better operating decisions.
Country Maid Gains Production Intelligence to Meet Growing Demand for Hand-Braided Pastries
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A piece of Second World War history will pay a visit to Boundary Bay Airport next week.
The Commemorative Air Force Airbase Arizona is flying its B-25J bomber Maid in the Shade to the East Ladner airport as part of a summer tour. It will be on display to the public from Monday to Thursday.
Visitors will be able to tour the aircraft, "breathe in the history" and talk with volunteers from the nonprofit organization about the plane.
Flights are also being offered.
"Ride of a life time, views are great, no matter where you sit," says Russ Gilmore, one of CAF Airbase Arizona's B-25 pilots.
"You can feel all those 1700hp kick in on take off, you will get a taste of what our veterans did flying aircraft like our B-25 in combat and the sacrifices they made for the freedom we enjoy today. All gave some and some gave all," he says in an email to the Optimist.
Flight prices are $395 US (waist gunner) and $650 US (flight deck).
Gilmore is a retired commercial airline pilot who volunteers with CAF Airbase Arizona and pilots both Maid in the Shade along with the group's B-17G Flying Fortress Sentimental Journey.
He says frequently asked questions by visitors include where are the repaired bullet holes and was this the type of aircraft used on Doolittle's Tokyo Raid.
The B-25 Mitchell was made famous by the Doolittle Raiders on April 18, 1942, states a press release from CAF Airbase
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NY Housekeeping works through the provision of motivated, flexible and presentable cleaning staff. NY Housekeeping will provide your business with a full ran...
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Best Maid Services in NY Housekeeping
NY housework is skilled in putting partly time, full time, sleep in and live out housekeeping and maid services in New York and near areas. Call NY Housekeep...
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