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    Health: Tune in to your teenagers hearing - February 3, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    If listening to loud music, playing in the school band, or even mowing the lawn is part of your kids normal routine, parents may want to tune into their childs hearing ability.

    While infants and childrens hearing are closely examined during the language development years, Dr. Judy Rasin, a licensed audiologist with McGuires hearing services, said hearing loss may not always be on a pediatricians mind while conducting a teens checkup.

    Because hearing loss is an invisible condition, parents can only be vigilant and watch out for its signs and symptoms.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, simple signs in teens include turning up the volume too high while watching television and frequent replies of huh? or what? when others speak to them.

    While these signs may be characteristic of almost any teen during their coming-of-age years, parents can also keep an eye on how long and how often their children use their music devices and at what volume.

    Pressure from sound waves can damage the hair cells in the ear, which sense vibration and sends signals to the brain. Sound causes part of the hair cell to rock back and forth but if a sound is too loud, the hair cell can be bent or broken. And once its broken, theres no growing a new one, according to the nonprofit Dangerous Decibels, which educates children about hearing loss. Susceptibility to hearing loss is nearly double among 12- to 19-year-olds who are also exposed to second-hand smoke, according to a 2011 New York University study.

    That type of damage can be caused by a one-time exposure to loud sounds or by repeated exposure over time to sounds of various intensities, such as those that come through earphones, Dr. Rasin said.

    If the earphones dont fit correctly, teens have a tendency to crank up the volume so they can hear it above all the other environmental sounds, she said.

    The idea is not to crank them up to dangerous levels, Dr. Rasin said, even if it doesnt sound uncomfortable to them.

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    Health: Tune in to your teenagers hearing

    Neighbors: St. Clair Shores woman held in dismemberment of son was having 'bad year' - February 3, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    From $1,305 Per Month

    2 Bedrooms 1.5 Baths


    (248) 556-3772

    Roommate pricing from $550 each!village park of royal oak apartments in royal oak, mi offers spacious one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments for rent with energy-saving windows, updated kitchens and baths and whirlpool appliances including above the range microwaves.royal oak, michigan is a trendy, exciting and fun place to live and so is village park of royal oak apartments, with two convenient locations - one downtown and one near i-696 and i-75. apartment community amenities include a resort-class clubhouse, fitness center and pool with sun deck. our residents tell us they live at village park of royal oak apartments in royal oak, mi because: 1. two unique locations, one less than a mile from downtown royal oak and one less than a mile from i-75 2. resort-class swimming pool and hot tub 3. renovated kitchens including new cabinetry, upgraded whirlpool appliances, new countertops, energy-efficient lighting, above-the-range microwaves and wood vinyl flooring 4. 5,500 square foot multi-million dollar clubhouse with 24-hour fitness center, racquetball court, free wifi, business center and conference room 5. three spacious floor plans, 1, 2, and 3 bedroom apartment homes 6. walking distance to mark ridley's comedy castle, the royal oak music theater, royal oak farmer's market and much more 7. resident events led by on-site lifestyle director 8. 24-hour maintenance, snow removal and landscape care 9. pet-friendly 10. roommate rewards program which offers 50% off all your fees including security deposit with qualifying credit and roommate forgiveness recipient of the cel and associates a list award for customer service

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    Neighbors: St. Clair Shores woman held in dismemberment of son was having 'bad year'

    Week in Review: Mayor apologizes, fireboat and deer - February 3, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Suffolk Times launched a website redesign more than a year in the making this weekend. The new-look site aims to improve the reader experience and provide our advertising partners with exciting new opportunities. A growing number of readers view our sites on smartphones or tablet devices close to 40 percent of our traffic []

    If listening to loud music, playing in the school band, or even mowing the lawn is part of your kids normal routine, parents may want to tune into their childs hearing ability. While infants and childrens hearing are closely examined during the language development years, Dr. Judy Rasin, a licensed audiologist with McGuires hearing services, []

    Two musicians. Twenty eight vendors. Hundreds of attendees. And at least a few thousand dollars worth in transactions. So went the debut of the Riverhead Farmers Market on Saturday on East Main Street, in the 8,000-square-foot building downtown that previously housed Swezeys department store. Less than 90 minutes into the four-hour pop-up market the []

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    Week in Review: Mayor apologizes, fireboat and deer

    Seasonal Lawn and Yard Maintenance Programs – Video - February 2, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Seasonal Lawn and Yard Maintenance Programs
    We understand how busy the warm weather months can be. Instead of spending your weekends doing yard work, take advantage of our seasonal lawn and yard mainte...

    By: PLLandscaping

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    Seasonal Lawn and Yard Maintenance Programs - Video

    Lawn Mowing & Cutting Services – Surrey Langley White Rock, BC – Video - February 2, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Lawn Mowing Cutting Services - Surrey Langley White Rock, BC - Do you require a quote for lawn mowing cutting in Surrey BC? We offer a free quote to let you know what it will take to ...

    By: LibertyLawn

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    Lawn Mowing & Cutting Services - Surrey Langley White Rock, BC - Video

    "I'm far from the greed and emotion of Wall Street" – A Look at the Patience and … - January 30, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Im far from the greed and emotion of Wall Street and able to conduct the kind of independent thinking that keeps us ahead of the pack, not chasing it. I love my job and consider it a stewardship of other peoples hard-earned money. I want to do this the rest of my life.

    -Jeff Auxier (Trades, Portfolio)

    Jeff Auxier (Trades, Portfolio) is one of the favored gurus followed by GuruFocus. He is the president and chief executive officer at Auxier Asset Management and is in charge of the Auxier Focus Fund. The fund manager comes to the industry with 30 years of experience and in that time has mustered up quite a track record as well as insight into nearly every market bump or bubble.

    Biography and Career

    According Auxier Assets website,Jeff Auxier (Trades, Portfolio) got his start in finance at the early age of 11, when he had a job mowing the long-time Georgia Pacific CEO Robert Pamplins lawn. He learned quite a bit from the CEO including what he considers to be a very important factor to running a business: Mr. Pamplin always put his shareholders first and believed business should be transparent. Moving on from these early years Auxier went on to graduate from the University of Oregon with a degree in Finance and an emphasis in accounting, and from then on Auxier went on working towards making connections with financial savants such as Warren Buffett (Trades, Portfolio).

    Jeff Auxier (Trades, Portfolio) began his professional career in 1982 at Foster Marshall-American Express, or what is now known as Smith Barney, in Portland. Because of his connections and ties to Warren Buffett (Trades, Portfolio) and the likes, Auxier really connected with and made sense of Value Investing, so in the late 80s he assisted his company in creating the Portfolio Management Advisory Board which created policies that were aimed at better serving client and shareholder interests.

    It was in 1998 when Auxier realized what he actually wanted to do for a living. The guru left Smith Barney to start his own investment fund, Auxier Asset Management, and not long after he began the Auxier Focus Fund. Auxier says that he wanted to start a fund where the manager is held highly accountable, so he put his money where his mouth is and remains one of the Auxier Focus Funds largest shareholders. Jeff owns over 166,000 shares of this fund, the entirety of his personal retirement fund, and he promised not to sell a single share until he is no longer manager. Not only is his money tied up in the fund but his familys assets are also included in the money management portion of Auxier Asset Management, and not only that but members of the Auxier Asset Management team also maintain large percentages of their own net worth locked up in the Focus Fund.

    Jeff Auxier (Trades, Portfolio) and his family live rather far away from the hustle of Wall St., maintaining a large farm on the outskirts of Portland as well as massive ranch in the high desert of Central Oregon.

    Auxier Asset Management

    "I'm far from the greed and emotion of Wall Street" - A Look at the Patience and ...

    Affordable Lawn Mowing Services in Newport Ohio – Video - January 28, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Affordable Lawn Mowing Services in Newport Ohio For FREE lawn mowing estimates call: (513) 535-1239 LJ #39;s Landscaping is your premiere landscaping maintenance company in...

    By: ljslandscaping

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    Affordable Lawn Mowing Services in Newport Ohio - Video

    The Dirt – Sun, 26 Jan 2014 PST - January 26, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Living Water finds newhome

    Living Water Lawn and Tree Care, which has been in business in Spokane for more than two decades, is relocating to a larger office at 8227 N. RegalAve.

    Company CEO Paul Brown said the expansion will include new partners, Ron and Carol Davis, and a new business name: Living Water LandscapeServices.

    The company is taking over 3,600 square feet of space inside a renovated north Spokane commercialbuilding.

    The business provides pruning, mowing, landscaping, sprinkler maintenance and installing for residential and commercialcustomers.

    GaryKusterof WindermereCommercial and GuyD.Byrd

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    Living Water Lawn and Tree Care, which has been in business in Spokane for more than two decades, is relocating to a larger office at 8227 N. RegalAve.

    Company CEO Paul Brown said the expansion will include new partners, Ron and Carol Davis, and a new business name: Living Water LandscapeServices.

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    The Dirt - Sun, 26 Jan 2014 PST

    Julie Jason:: Before moving, consider finances and logistics - January 26, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    If you are a retiree who owns a home, at some point the idea of making a move may cross your mind. Perhaps the children are grown and on their own, and the size of the home no longer fits your needs. Perhaps mowing the lawn is no longer a pleasure, the home takes too much effort to keep up, and simple tasks like cleaning out gutters or even changing ceiling light bulbs aren't as easy as they used to be.

    Or, you may be concerned about your current health or mobility status, or you might be worried about the future.

    Potential injuries become a real concern as one ages. According to "A Profile of Housing and Health Among Older Americans," a Research Institute for Housing America report, 36 percent of older individuals have fallen in the past two years, and one-third of these have been seriously injured in a fall.

    If a house is difficult to navigate, the likelihood of falls occurring rises steeply.

    Couples' decisions to move are often driven by the frailest member, according to the RIHA report.

    Children may become concerned about the welfare of their parents as they age, and rightly so. If parents lose their ability to perform self-care activities, they tend to move closer to their children, as well as those who are widowed, according to a Research on Aging article, "Moving Considerations: A Longitudinal Analysis of Parent-Child Residential Proximity for Older Americans."

    There can be financial reasons for making a move as well.

    Scaling down to a smaller, less-costly alternative just may be prudent.

    Most Americans 65 or older (66 percent) who plan to move will move to a smaller house, according to the Demand Institute's May 2012 study, "The Shifting Nature of U.S. Housing Demand."

    Twenty-six percent plan to move to a home of the same size, and only 8 percent plan to move to a larger house.

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    Julie Jason:: Before moving, consider finances and logistics

    Feed home and garden dreams at debut Lake Conroe Home and Garden Show - January 26, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The calendar and the temperatures may indicate were smack in the middle of winter, but its never to early to dream about upcoming spring home and garden projects.

    On Feb. 8-9, Conroe-area residents will be able to feed those visions at the inaugural Lake Conroe Home and Garden Show at the Lone Star Convention Center in Conroe.

    The show is being produced by Robyn and Jeff Cade, owners of RJC Productions which produces home shows in other areas of Houston including the Katy Home and Garden Show taking place this weekend.

    They plan to take over the 56,000 square-foot Lone Star Convention Center and dedicate the entire space to home improvement, decorating and interior design and gardening.

    The show promises more than 200 displays in home decorating, remodeling, landscaping, home decor and outdoor and garden products. There will also be how to seminars, expert consultations and product demonstrations.

    Leslie Sarmiento, principal designer with Decorating Den Interiors, will be featured at the show in Booth No. 803.

    Sarmiento doesnt have a store front for her design business so she said she always likes to take advantage of opportunities like to this local home show to have her own show room, even for a limited time, so visitors can see what she has to offer.

    Although shes based in the Conroe area, her services are not limited to Conroe.

    Sarmiento works with her clients by traveling to their home and giving a free consultation on the first visit. Then she can assist with everything from window treatments to furniture to accessories and wallpaper and lighting.

    On her website,, she has an area to check out the 2014 Color of the Year.

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    Feed home and garden dreams at debut Lake Conroe Home and Garden Show

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