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Savannah #39;s Blades of Grass Lawn Care Intro
Savannah, GA. Blades of Grass Lawn Care would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our website and to assure you that we are here to help you maint...
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You could, but not while you're pregnant and feeling crazy.
Dear Polly,
Since the age of 13 my mother and I haven't gotten along. As a small child I got plenty of love and support from her. I distinctly remember how jarring it was as a teenager when all of a sudden we were fighting constantly.
At first my mom took me to see therapist after therapist, who, one after the other, would tell her that she herself would really benefit from therapy (and then we'd move on to the next one). We had the same fights as any family, but ours seemed to escalate to new dimensions never imagined by my friends and their families. The first time I left home was over not mowing the lawn one week. Then I ran away again after she stole my diary and we had to call the police to settle our domestic dispute. I left at midnight on my 18th birthday to go to college, and promptly self-destructed. Several years later after making a plan to get myself together, my mom welcomed me back into her home while I finished school and worked. I got married to my best friend right after I graduated and moved to NYC, where I've had an amazing career for the past five years.
It seems like my mom and I have been on the road to recovery since then, but lately I've been doubting how much of this is real. The fantasy of having an endearing, stable, and respectful relationship with her might be manipulating my emotions. While I'm immensely proud of the life I've strung together for myself, my mom always has reservations about my accomplishments. We talk on the phone once every two months, but it's mostly about her interests or her gossip, and I usually shove in ten minutes of what I've been doing so I can fish for compliments. We email and I have to write very concrete sentences that won't be misinterpreted and lead to an argument. Her emails are the opposite of this; I am disrespected and made to feel childish and nave.
Lately my therapist and I have been working on the idea that my mom is not capable of being emotionally supportive, and that I'll likely never have the relationship with her that I want. I crave a mom I can talk with about lady stuff and share stories and get advice. I'm only now accepting that isn't in the cards with my mom, and that's not her fault or mine.
And then I got pregnant. My mother-in-law was so thrilled. My mom was less than thrilled. She wanted to know why I wasn't paying off my student loans instead, how I expect to live in a fourth-story walk-up both pregnant and as a new mom, and what if the Crohn's disease medication that my husband is taking hurts the baby?Well, (a) I am paying them off, (b) that's just how we do it in NYC and everyone on my floor has a very small child, and (c) we know it won't because we talked with his doctor and are you really asking if we'd have an abortion?
It is filling me with overwhelming rage thinking about her flinging this bullshit at me and my family. I'm not sure if it's the hormones or what, but I feel the need to protect myself and my child from her. I've been thinking about just ending this relationship altogether. I feel like she has nothing constructive to offer me and my family, and will only bring an onslaught of negative bullshit. My husband agrees with me, and is terrified of her. She works in child protective services, and he's afraid she'll use her position to lodge a complaint against us as parents if we piss her off or she perceives that we're not taking good care of the baby. I don't disagree with him, but I'm not good at anticipating her next move.
All the logical equations in my brain point to think about the best interests of your family" there's my therapist "and get out of this now," but the other part is thinking single mother, gave up everything to raise you, be a good daughter and stop being pregnant and crazy." What do I do? Is that voice just the part that wants the supportive fantasy mom? Is my logical brain thinking in the best interests of my family, or just overreacting?
Can I kick my mom out of my life?
Read more:
Ask Polly: Can I Kick My Mom Out of My Life?
Our ScheduleConsistency. Customers demand it. We understand it.
Our crew will show up to mow your lawn on the day were supposed to.
Most lawns are $26.50 per mow
Corner lots are $1 extra per mow
TermsWeeklymowing customers agree to a sixmow minimum and must subscribe to our lawn fertilization & weed control program. You may cancel service at any time once the six mowminimum has been met. If you cancel service before the sixmow minimum has been met, we will charge the one time rate for all the mows youve already taken, which is $20 extra per mow. We automatically assume your business next spring unless you contact us to cancel mowing service.
Season Start and EndOur service goes weekly from mid-March to mid-October. In mid-October, we automatically switch all of our clients to ever-other-week. Our service ends in mid-November.
First MowUsually, we are able to mow the lawn the first time for the normal price. However, if we show up for the very firstlawn mowing and the lawn is too overgrown to mow in the normal amount of time, we will have to charge by the hour for the first lawn mowing. After that, eachlawn mowingwill be the normal price as long as you stay on our service.
Whats Included?Our lawn mowing service consists of mowing all lawn areas, edging all concrete edges with a blade edger, line trimming along all borders and dispersing all clippings with our blowers.
Whats Not Included?We do not rake leaves for free. If you have large deciduous trees that produce a lot of leaf drop in the winter, and you dont get it cleaned up, we will not clean it up for free when we return in the spring for the first lawn mowing. We will simply run our mowers over the leaves and disperse them to the best of our abilities with our blowers. Over time, with each mow,the leaves will become less noticeable. Please dont expect our crews to do a leaf clean-up for free. If you would like to have us clean your leaves, we are available at our normal hourly rates.
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De Boer Services – Video -
January 8, 2015 by
Mr HomeBuilder
De Boer Services
De Boer Services servicing Kapiti and Porirua Areas http://www.deboerservices.co.nz "Reliable lawn mowing services Servicing Kapiti and Porirua areas"
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Even though January has just started and spring may seem a long way away, the city of Denison is asking residents to take the time to keep their lawns maintained when the inevitable growing season comes.
The Denison City Council authorized the placement of $38,896 of liens on 371 lots throughout the city for mowing services that were rendered on neglected or abandoned lots throughout the city over the past year. City Manager Robert Hanna said the lots were mowed because they were out of compliance with the city code, which limits grass to being less than 12 inches tall.
At some point in time it starts to become a health and safety hazard, said Hanna, adding that the tall grass can attract pests and dangerous snakes and also become a fire hazard. Beyond being a safety concern, Hanna said the tall grass can become a nuisance and an eyesore.
According to a list of frequently asked questions on the citys website, in the event of a violation, code enforcement will notify the property owner to correct the violation. If the violation is not corrected within seven days, a citation will be issued by the city. This citation is separate from the lien placed for mowing services.
These are just properties where the the grass has gotten too tall, said Denison Mayor Jared Johnson. So the city has to get them mowed.
From May of 2014 through November, the city mowed 371 lots, with some lots mowed multiple times. While some of these lots were abandoned, some are occupied.
When the economy goes bad, the weeds go up, said Hanna. Some people cant afford lawn care services anymore.
The liens placed on the property mowed by the city include mowing fees, which range from $17.50 to $75, and a flat administrative fee of $65 for each instance. The average cost of the liens is $104.84.
Hanna said the administrative fee arenot meant to act as a punitive measure and instead allow the city to recover legitimate administrative costs including the use the city attorneys time in filing the liens, the cost of city staff time in researching case history and other in-house costs connected to the service.
It is still a net loss for us, said Hanna. We dont like doing it, but this is a public safety issue.
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Denison official say mowing liens about recouping costs
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Odessa Tx.Tree Trimming Services #432-653-1729
Cooper #39;s Professional Landscaping Services Odessa Tx. #432-653-1729 now accepting new accounts coopercolumbus@gmail.com http://www.columbuscooper.com/ When s...
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A prohibited fire season has been declared in Selwyn District, effective from 10am Wednesday 7 January 2015.
Under the restrictions no outdoor fires can be lit in the district. The burning of crop stubble is also not allowed. Gas barbeques with a high pressure water source at hand are allowed but not charcoal barbeques. Fires are also not permitted in Council reserves. During a prohibited fire season all fire permits previously issued by the Council are also cancelled.
The districts Deputy Principal Rural Fire Officer Douglas Marshall says that vegetation in Selwyn District is now very dry and a prohibited fire season has been introduced to help ensure that the risk of fires breaking out is minimised.
"Selwyn has been experiencing hot, dry weather along with strong winds and this provides ideal conditions for fires to spread quickly," he says.
Mr Marshall says that people need to be very vigilant in this weather to avoid any activities that could start a fire. "We would discourage people from mowing the lawn or operating machinery during the heat of the day as sparks can easily ignite in the heat, and instead carry out these activities when it is cooler. Letting off fireworks is also not allowed in the current conditions."
Mr Marshall says the Council will be reviewing the prohibited fire season status regularly and will lift restrictions as soon as it is considered safe to do so.
Reducing fire risk
You can help to reduce the fire risk, and make sure that fire services can quickly access your property to put out a fire if one does start, by:
- avoiding operating lawn mowers or other machinery during hot weather as sparks can easily ignite in these conditions, and waiting until the weather is cooler to mow laws or operate machinery. If you do need to use machinery or a lawn mower, having a source of water nearby for fire firefighting is advisable as a precaution
- regularly checking and maintaining machinery and equipment so it is safe to operate
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Prohibited fire season declared in Selwyn
Professional Tree Services Odessa Texas #432-653-1729
Cooper #39;s Professional Landscaping Services Odessa Tx. #432-653-1729 now accepting new accounts coopercolumbus@gmail.com http://www.columbuscooper.com/ When s...
By: columbus cooper
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Manuel Cantu had few needs. His morning coffee and the newspaper, a few lottery tickets, and a bit of money for food and beer were all it took to make him happy.
Known to everyone in his hometown of Poteet as Indian Joe, Cantu was always willing to work, mowing lawns, raking leaves and doing any other handyman chores for which he might be paid a few dollars.
He wasnt begging money, his sister Hilda Cantu said. He would say, 'I can do this for you, pay me what you want; if you need anything, just let me know.
Cantu was found dead at his apartment Monday, the victim of an apparent homicide. He was 66.
The fifth of 11 children, Cantu dubbed himself Indian Joe after the Native American characters portrayed in the Western movies he watched as a child.
He was raised by his father after his mother left the family when he was 15, dropping out of school in the ninth grade to work in the fields with his brothers.
He was a migrant worker, traveled to different states, Hilda Cantu said. He picked oranges in Florida, in Indiana picked tomatoes, worked in a corn factory in Minnesota; when he got back to Poteet, he got into the lawn mowing and trimming business.
Cantu also picked strawberries in his hometown, and never missed the annual Poteet Strawberry Festival and parade.
Cantu, who never married or had children, often played volleyball with his family on the weekends, but his passion was wrestling, his sister said. He loved to see the WWE, gathering at his fathers house, and then hosting his family at his own small apartment on Monday nights after his fathers death.
But Cantu could mostly be found riding his bicycle he never owned a car through the streets of Poteet, offering his services to anyone in need.
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Indian Joe Cantu was well-known resident of Poteet
Odessa Texas Landscaping Services #432-653-1729
Cooper #39;s Professional Landscaping Services Odessa Tx. #432-653-1729 now accepting new accounts coopercolumbus@gmail.com http://www.columbuscooper.com/ When s...
By: columbus cooper
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