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    Graduation / Landscape Architect Edinburgh University – Video - February 6, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Graduation / Landscape Architect Edinburgh University

    By: Monika Farkas

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    Graduation / Landscape Architect Edinburgh University - Video

    PHS Green Room Host: Peg Prizer, Landscape Architect from Doylestown, PA – Video - February 6, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    PHS Green Room Host: Peg Prizer, Landscape Architect from Doylestown, PA
    Peg Prizer Prizer Design Group Office 215-230-0900

    By: Peg Prizer

    Continued here:
    PHS Green Room Host: Peg Prizer, Landscape Architect from Doylestown, PA - Video

    Eye of the Day Garden Design Center Announces Participation at Landscape Architects' Expo - February 6, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Carpinteria, CA (PRWEB) February 05, 2014

    Eye of the Day Garden Design Center, the leading importer of authentic European terra cotta, and Vecchio Trees, provider of fine specimens, are partnering to create a stunning entry garden at the Landscape Architects' Expo in Long Beach, California, on February 13th and 14th.

    This partnership is part of an ongoing collaboration between the two companies, who together designed the entry garden at January's Landscape Industry Show at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

    "This a huge opportunity for us to show our most important clients what we offer and how combining our two products together make for a powerful environment and design statement. The landscape design community will see first-hand the finest garden containers offered in the market today along with the most stunning display of olive trees available," says Eye of the Day owner Brent Freitas.

    The Landscape Architects' Expo (LA Expo) is a regional trade show and educational conference at which landscape architects and designers can be educated, explore new products and technologies, and establish business relationships.

    The expo will feature over 130 exhibitors, thousands of design elements, 7 major associations, nearly 30 seminars, a panel discussion by landscape firm MIG, the CLASS Fund Senior Student Showcase, as well as a charity reception that will benefit the Landscape Architecture Foundation and honor landscape architect leaders.

    Admission to the exhibit hall is free with Pre-Registration, which can be accessed at via the LA expo homepage ( All Pre-Registered attendees will receive their EXPRESS Badge in the mail prior to the expo.

    For more information about Eye of the Day Garden Center and to browse the website, visit

    About Eye of the Day Garden Design Center Eye of the Day Garden Design Center is a retail showroom featuring more than an acre of high quality garden products, including Italian terra cotta pottery and fountains, Greek terra cotta and French Anduze pottery, as well as products from Americas oldest pottery manufactures Gladding McBean, EOTD also carries premier concrete garden pottery and statuary manufacturers. Eye of the Day is a leading importer of fine European garden dcor, and caters to private consumers, as well as landscape and design professionals around the world.

    See more here:
    Eye of the Day Garden Design Center Announces Participation at Landscape Architects' Expo

    Louis Benech, Designer of the Tuileries Gardens, to give Berkshire Botanical Garden's winter lecture in Great Barrington - February 5, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Louis Benech has designed gardens across the world. (Photos by Eric Sander / Courtesy of Louis Benech)

    STOCKBRIDGE -- For world-renowned landscape architect Louis Benech, designing a garden is more a science than an art.

    "Gardening is said to be an art, but I think there is no way I am an artist," Benech said in a recent telephone interview from his Paris office. "Artists are more free." Designing a garden "is too technical to be an art."

    Finding that balance between freedom and responsibility in garden design will be the topic of Benech's lecture at Monument Mountain High School on Saturday, Feb. 8. Benech will speak at the Berkshire Botanical Garden's winter lecture, which is expected to draw more than 400 guests.

    A reception will follow, where Benech will sign copies of "Twelve French Gardens" a book by author Eric Jansen and photographer Eric Sander, which shows some of his work.

    Benech is known for his work on more than 300 public and private gardens across the globe, including the historic Tuileries Gardens and the Elysee Palace Gardens, both in Paris, Pavlovsk's rose pavilion in St. Petersburg and the Gardens of the Archilleion in Corfu.

    "I am very happy when the garden is gentle enough that somebody is not thinking that someone is working there," Benech said . "I am not into the vision of exotic-looking gardens."

    Benech is currently working at the Palace of Versailles on a contemporary garden for the Water Grove Theatre.

    In his speech, Benech will share the methods and attitudes to adopt when approaching a garden, whether it is located in France or abroad, historical or untouched by history, with a view to restoration or to pure creation.

    "We are very, very lucky to have him and we are honored he has chosen to come and speak," said BBG Communications Manager Brian Cruey. "Louis brings a great mix of new and old. He is considered very fashion-forward in the world of gardening, but still traditional," he said.

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    Louis Benech, Designer of the Tuileries Gardens, to give Berkshire Botanical Garden's winter lecture in Great Barrington

    Four Landscape Projects Bring Total to 30 Certified by National Sustainability Rating System - February 4, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

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    Newswise The Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES) program has certified landscapes at a federal courthouse in New Mexico, a Washington, D.C. elementary school, a campus plaza in Washington, D.C., and an urban plaza in Washington state.

    The four projects certified by the nations most comprehensive rating system for sustainable landscapes are at: Albuquerques Pete V. Domenici U.S. Courthouse, which received a two star certification; Brent Elementary School in Washington D.C., which received one star; Square 80 Plaza at The George Washington University, also in D.C. with one star; and East Bay Public Plaza in Olympia, Washington, with one star.

    The SITES program is a collaboration of the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center of The University of Texas at Austin, and the United States Botanic Garden. The program was created to fill a critical need for a comprehensive set of guidelines and a system for recognizing sustainable landscapes based on their planning, design, construction and intended maintenance. This voluntary national rating system and set of performance benchmarks can be applied to projects of all sizes and on sites with or without buildings.

    "It is exciting to see a growing number of projects across the country that have applied an integrative design process to meet rigorous sustainability guidelines, while finding ways to address urgent environmental and social challenges," said SITES Program Director Danielle Pieranunzi, who is based at the Wildflower Center. We are thrilled to certify these four new projects that truly exemplify the breadth of approaches to sustainable site design and development.

    The newly certified projects applied the 2009 SITES Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks and met the requirements for pilot certification. There are now 30 landscape projects at universities, businesses and public spaces that have achieved this recognition. The SITES rating system was created by dozens of the countrys leading sustainability experts, scientists and design professionals.

    The four newly certified projects each incorporate sustainable features that were evaluated using a rating system with certification levels of one to four stars. These landscape projects include the following sustainable features:

    Pete V. Domenici United States Courthouse Sustainable Landscape Renovation, Two Stars, Rios Clementi Hale Studios, Albuquerque, N.M. This federal courthouse is the first project constructed by the General Services Administration to achieve SITES certification. Originally constructed in 1998, the underutilized hardscaped plazas, overwatered lawns and faulty water feature of the existing courthouse exemplified resource inefficiency, disconnection from its environment, and distance from the public. The landscape renovation reconceives the site as a cohesive park-like landscape rooted within the rich cultural, climatic and hydrological fabric of the Rio Grande Basin. Innovative strategies include the selective removal and re-use of excess concrete paving to create seat wall terraces which direct site storm water into a series of native habitat rain gardens. The project creates a bold landscape and dignified setting for court operations while enhancing the efficiency and sustainable operations through improved water management, decreased energy use and increased urban habitat.

    Brent Elementary Schoolyard Greening, One Star, Sustainable Life Designs, Washington, D.C. Located five blocks from the nations Capitol, this greyfield site with asphalt dominated grounds was transformed into a sustainable landscape that educates students, parents, and neighborhood residents about green infrastructure. Improvements include the removal of 1,600 square feet of asphalt and the installation of pollinator gardens, stormwater management features, new play equipment, and 7,000 square feet of outdoor classrooms to enhance outdoor play and learning that were achieved through numerous volunteer hours. The stormwater management features include a rain garden, rain barrel, and bio-retention swale. A formerly trash-strewn space behind the school building is now an urban canyon" that helps manage stormwater and provides native habitat.

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    Four Landscape Projects Bring Total to 30 Certified by National Sustainability Rating System

    Susan Reed, Landscape Architect – Landscape Architect – Shelburne Falls, MA – Video - February 4, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Susan Reed, Landscape Architect - Landscape Architect - Shelburne Falls, MA
    If you are looking for one of the best Landscape Architects near Shelburne Falls, MA then contact Susan Reed today! Susan Reed, Landscape Architect Shelburne...

    By: Susan Reed, Landscape Architect

    See the article here:
    Susan Reed, Landscape Architect - Landscape Architect - Shelburne Falls, MA - Video

    Phil Nuxhall to speak at the Fitton Center - February 4, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Author and historian Phil Nuxhall is set to provide a virtual tour of two historic cemeteries with ties to renowned landscape architect Adolph Strauch.

    Nuxhall, the son of legendary Reds pitcher and radio broadcaster Joe Nuxhall, will discuss the Spring Grove and Greenwood cemeteries at the Celebrating Self Luncheon Series at the Fitton Center for Creative Arts. The event is set for Feb. 12 in the Carruthers Signature Ballroom at the center located at 101 S. Monument Ave.

    Nuxhall will focus on the cemeteries history, art, architecture and landscape. The presentation will feature photos from his book, Beauty in the Grove: Spring Grove Cemetery & Arboretum, and vintage photos from Greenwood Cemetery in Hamilton.

    Strauch is known for his designs of Spring Grove Cemetery, Eden Park and Burnet Woods in Cincinnati, as well as Graceland Cemetery in Chicago.

    The Celebrating Self Luncheon Series is a casual and informative luncheon series featuring regional speakers. The Carruthers Signature Ballroom opens at 11:30 a.m. on Feb. 12 with a buffet lunch by Coach House Catering and musical entertainment by Treva Boardman.

    The cost for the luncheon is $15 for members and $20 for non-members. For tickets, call 513-863-8873 ext. 110 or visit

    Original post:
    Phil Nuxhall to speak at the Fitton Center

    Landscape Architecture – Your Environment. Designed. - January 31, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    ASLA Green Roof

    Learn more about how landscape architects can save cities millions of dollars, reduce obesity, and more.

    Restoring endangered wetlands, reducing hospital stays, securing government and other buildings, removing toxins from rainwater these aren't pie in the sky. It's what landscape architects are designing right now. A few examples include:

    Healing gardens Working with medical professionals, landscape architects create landscapes that reduce stress, boost the immune system, improve Alzheimer's symptoms, encourage physical activity, and reduce time spent in hospitals.

    Bioremediation Landscape architects use natural systems of plants, fungi, or soil microbes to transform formerly polluted industrial sites into a safe and valuable public green space.

    Green Roofs Instead of a black tar roof, a living system of plants and soil can actually reduce air temperature by 59 degrees in the summer, save winter heating costs, clean and store rainwater, and provide habitat to pollinating insects and birds.

    Energy Savings Landscape architects can utilize trees, shrubs and other plants to lower a home's heating/cool costs by as much as 50 percent in the summer and up to 8 percent in the winter.

    Originally posted here:
    Landscape Architecture - Your Environment. Designed.

    Landscape Architecture: It Is Not Gardening – Corthan Bearder – Video - January 30, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Landscape Architecture: It Is Not Gardening - Corthan Bearder
    Landscape architecture is the design of outdoor public areas, landmarks, and structures to achieve environmental, social-behavioral, or aesthetic outcomes. I...

    By: Corthan Bearder

    Originally posted here:
    Landscape Architecture: It Is Not Gardening - Corthan Bearder - Video

    CCP holds necro rites for National Artist for Architecture Ildefonso Santos - January 30, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    National Artist for Architecture Ildefonso Santos. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/Cultural Center of the Philippines

    MANILA, PhilippinesThe Cultural Center of the Philippines will pay tribute to National Artist for Architecture Ildefonso P. Santos, Jr. in a necrological ceremony on Sunday, February 2 at 9 a.m. at the CCP Tanghalang Nicanor Abelardo lobby (Main Theater lobby). Interment will follow at the Magallanes Crypt.

    Santos passed away on January 29 due to multiple organ failure. He was 84.

    Santos was a pioneer in landscape architecture in the Philippines and known as the Father of Philippine Landscape Architecture. He had a distinguished career that spanned more than 40 years and was responsible for the creation of hundreds of parks, plazas, gardens, and outdoor sites that have become a part of modern day Filipino life.

    Proclaimed National Artist for Architecture in 2006, he was cited for designs that took inspiration from the Filipino celebration of free-flowing, positive, maaliwalas space. He understood and accommodated Filipino physiological, behavioural and social needs in providing shade, providing opportunities for close seating and the sharing of food and laughter in his public spaces.

    The National Artist Award also recognized his contributions to the professionalization of the field of landscape architecture. Santos helped established the first university programs in landscape architecture and advocated for the recognition of the art and profession by the government and allied fields. He also organized the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects.

    Among Santos well-known projects were Loyola Memorial Park in Manila, the Eternal Gardens Memorial Park in Caloocan City, the Caliraya Lake Resort in Laguna, the Batulao Village Club in Batangas, the Imus town plaza in Cavite and the Rain Tree Sports Club in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    Santos was awarded the Patnubay ng Sining at Kalinangan Award by the City of Manila in 1972 and named Outstanding Landscape Architect by the United Garden Clubs of the Philippines in 1986.

    Santos held two degrees in Architecture from the University of Santo Tomas (1954) and the University of Southern California (1956), where he also earned his masters degree. From 1955 to 1963, He worked in Los Angeles with Cornell, Bridges and Troller, and then later established his own firm in the Philippines. He oversaw projects in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Guam, Thailand, Singapore, Taipei and Bahrain. Santos was president of the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects from 1977 to 1986 and was a member of the Board of Examiners for Landscape Architecture of the Professional Regulation Commission from 1982 to 1986.

    Santos was born September 5, 1929 to Ildefonso Santos and Asuncion Paez. RELATED STORIES

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    CCP holds necro rites for National Artist for Architecture Ildefonso Santos

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