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CP Photo: Jordan Snowden
A few of Jordan Snowden's indoor plants.
My plant-mom status has evolved into a plant smother. I find myself checking in on my plants every day: stroking their leaves, touching their soil, moving them into spots of light when the sun emerges from behind a cloud, playing Mort Garsons Mother Earth's Plantasia as loud as I can without disturbing my neighbors. Ive been taking care of them, but really, they are taking care of me. And it turns out, this is something thats not unique to me or the current circumstances.
Biophilia is a term thrown around quite often, but what does it truly mean, or better yet what positive effects can it have? asks Tom Horowitz, vice president of Plantscape in the Strip District. The Well International WELL Building Institute concurs that humans have a psychological affinity toward nature, the natural world, and its simple processes. Just being around nature, or even a photograph of nature, can help boost our mood and give us those warm fuzzies.
Beyond that, The Attention Restoration Theory explains that working within or in my case, living and working in environments with elements of nature can aid in the restoration of mental capacity when dealing with demanding tasks and/or distracting environmental factors that lead to mental fatigue.
Within our post-COVID-19 world, our bodies are in a state of fight-or-flight, says Horowitz. Adding interior plant material has shown to provide a sense of safety within the subconscious part of the brain. Biophilia also, from a physical health perspective, provides positive outcomes. The NIH publication by Grinde and Patil states that a decrease in health complaints, such as tiredness and coughing, has been reported in office and hospital workers when plants were added to the work environment.
The aesthetic of a space full of plants has also been tantalizing while stuck at home. Being in my apartment almost 24/7 has made me want to spruce up my living situation. And since the start of the quarantine, Ive added about eight new plant babies to my collection.
A home or office can sometimes feel a bit lifeless without plants, says Abi Falcioni, owner of Perrico Plant Co. They are a relatively inexpensive way to add color and life into a space. In addition, it's nice to just nurture and care for something once in a while, and plants are an easy way to fulfill that desire.
Drew Clouse of City Grows backed Falcioni up, adding, Plants can add unique pops of color in the home and help fill rooms [that have] unwanted empty space. But he warned about the importance of picking the right plants to suit your home and lifestyle.
Taking care of a plant, while not as daunting as a cat or dog, is still taking care of a living thing, and figuring out the right care routine for them is important, says Clouse. Having a designated time to water them, whether it's weekly or monthly, or to otherwise check on them daily helps to keep to a schedule for many people.
Also plants provide a unique learning opportunity. Most people might not realize that taking care of plants, even for seasoned people, can be difficult at times, and that even we might wind up with some brown leaves or run into other issues, but that's part of the process of having plants.
As plants grow in your home, you grow with them. You learn about them, and in doing so learn about yourself. Do you have the patience for daily watering? Or are you a once-a-week type person? Will you propagate your plants to share with others? Or propagate them to make your collection an indoor jungle?
CP photo: Jared Wickerham
Abi Falcioni, owner of Perrico Plant Co., inside her Lawrenceville shop
Plus, as Horowitz pointed out, They do not have any current restrictions or need to wear masks! Plants are powerful in so many ways especially in todays climate.
Below, Pittsburgh City Paper chatted with a few local plant sellers to get some tips and advice on being a great plant parent.
We will enforce social distancing practices and suggest masks for our customers, says Brittain, of Shadyside Nursery. If customer numbers climb extensively, we will limit the number of guests and we have talked about doing a senior/sensitive group hour for shopping in the a.m. if needed. Keeping our community and our team safe and healthy is our priority and we will be adapting as needed to do so.
Shadyside Nursery will be open Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-7 p.m. and 9 a.m.-9 p.m. on weekends.
We are incredibly grateful to our Pittsburgh community that has supported us by shopping on our online store during this time, says Brittain. Let the victory gardens and jungalows commence!
Recommendations for beginners: Philodendron, ficus (rubber), pothos, and our all-time favorite [is] sansevierias (snake plant). COVID-19 has created an interesting dynamic in the industry and the silver lining for us is that some hard-to-source varieties became available to us. We are very excited to be a source of improving your home with houseplants and offer them to our Pittsburgh community.
Intermediate recommendations: Cathatea, hoya, ficus tree, fiddle leaf fig, and the lipstick plant
Most unique plant in stock:Our most popular plant is the carnivorous pitcher plant. It's AMAZING, it's weird, and it eats fruit flies, so it's the real show-stopper out of the group. We have 10" sansevieria sayuri that we are thrilled to have in stock. As sansevieria collectors, this is the first time to see this variety in person or have any size in stock at the shop! We also have some notable hoya and lipstick plant hanging baskets, as well as the sought after cereus peruvianus double cactus.
A typical plant mistake you see which can easily be fixed:Identifying each plants needs and acting accordingly is very important (water, light, soil). I teach multiple classes at Workshop PGH that specialize in plants and the most notable is Houseplants 101 - How Not to Kill Your Plants. The class empowers people to work with plants, care for them inside and outside of their home, and remember that in doing so, it's gratifying and can also be humbling. The most common mistake is when someone kills a couple of plants, they think they have a "black thumb" or are incapable of caring for plants in the future, which is absurd. Anyone can stop in at the nursery and gather tips and recommendations on how to be successful!
Fortunately, we had a great response from Pittsburgh customers who were willing to pay for shipping because they wanted to shop local, so itll be great to be able to safely serve them with curbside pickup from now on, says Perrico Plant Co. owner Abi Falcioni.
Falcioni recently left her corporate job to pursue running Perrico full time and takes a great deal of pride in being a female small business owner.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenges and rewards of delivering plant happiness to all my amazing customers, says Falcioni. Additionally, the brick-and-mortar location has allowed me to expand to wholesale, giving me the opportunity to support other local plant businesses.
Falcioni also runs a YouTube channel (Perrico Plant Co.) where she gives a behind-the-scenes look at operating a house plant business, as well as advice about house plants.
Recommendations for beginners: Our entire website is dedicated to helping beginner house plant owners (or black thumbs) find their perfect plant. Our favorites for beginners are ZZ plants and snake plants (sansevieria), as well as easy vining plants like a pothos or philodendron. We actually offer a Beginner Bundle [with] three beginner plants which allows customers to get a great deal on a few plants that will be easy to care for.
Intermediate recommendations: We call these "graduation" plants and would recommend a stromanthe triostar to anyone looking for a striking plant but is willing to put in the effort to keep it consistently watered and provide a humid environment, if possible.
Most unique plant in stock: Since we focus on plants that are great for beginners, we don't tend to carry many rare plants, but a fan favorite is the monstera adansonii which is a skinnier cousin to the monstera deliciosa (Swiss cheese plant) that has gained in popularity over the last few years.
A typical plant mistake that you see which can easily be fixed:A typical problem is not picking a plant that will suit your space. We have our website designed to take customers through a few questions related to lighting and watering that will help them narrow the choice down to the plants that will work best in their home. Too often people pick a plant that might look interesting, but they don't have the right conditions to keep the plant happy. We try to guide customers to plants that will have a good chance of thriving in the space.
Recommendations for beginners:For beginners, we recommend sticking to low- to medium-light plants, such as a cast iron, sansevieria, pothos, and aglaonemas. We have a plant selection guide on our website (plantscape.com/plant-selection-guide.htm) for reference.
Intermediate recommendations: More advanced green thumbs could attempt a bonsai or other exotic varieties if they have the proper light levels.
Most unique plant in stock: I would say the aglaonema with its vast selection in varieties. They range from dark green to speckled, to shades of pink or red. But if you are looking for a statement, a pencil cactus (Euphorbia tirucalli) is the way to go.
A typical plant mistake that you see which can easily be fixed:Under- or over-watering tends to be the biggest mistake made when caring for plants. Giving little drinks of water here and there doesnt get down and saturate the roots, and using too much water or watering too frequently the roots will rot since they dont have a chance to dry out. Pro-tip is to water thoroughly so water comes out the drainage hole after a while, empty the saucer or container of any sitting water and then let the soil dry down several inches or more before watering again. Better to under-water than over-water! The other mistake is not matching the plant to the light levels. The plant selection guide on our website shows light levels required.
In addition to plants, City Grows sells a variety of pottery for plants and plants for organic urban gardening. It also has seeds, seedlings, soil, and various fertilizers and other soil amendments.
Photo: Natasha BrittainCaption
Plants available at Shadyside Nursery
Intermediate recommendations: Our calathea and maranta are probably in that range. They need a bit more care: mainly higher humidity, which can be achieved by misting the plants or putting a tray with rocks or pebbles at the bottom, or a humidifier if you want to make the investment. They also need watered every 5-7 days generally, but do well in low-medium light.
Most unique plant in stock: Our most unique plant is probably the Buddhist pine. It's a conifer native to Japan and China and also makes a great houseplant for our region.
A typical plant mistake that you see which can easily be fixed:People tend to over-water succulents and cacti, or they don't water them at all, when they need water every 3-4 weeks. I usually try to tell people to try to get as close as possible to replicating any plants natural environment.
My brother Brian helps us when we are busy, and my other brothers mother-in-law Dianne helps us water and plant flowers, herbs, and vegetables, says Andy.
Schweikert Greenhouse is open to the public, as the Schweikerts have seven spaced out greenhouses. They require a mask in accordance with Governor Wolfs order, but customers can come and shop while maintaining social distancing. Schweikert specializes in flowers, herbs, vegetable plants, perennials, and succulents.
Most of our plants are for beautifying your home or to grow your own vegetables or herbs in your garden, says Andy. For houseplants, we mainly have cactus and succulents which my 93-year-old grandma Betty Schweikert has grown and cared for over the years.
Recommendations for beginners:I would recommend solenia begonias. They can grow in sun or part sun to shade and dont require a lot of water. Another easy plant for beginners is vinca. They love very hot sunny weather and are extremely drought tolerant.
Intermediate recommendations: For a hanging basket I recommend a mandevilla or a dipladenia, as they do wonderful in hot weather and continuously bloom, and do not need watered every day.
Most unique plant in stock: Our most unique plant is a customer favorite of ours, a cherry tomato basket. The variety of tomato is specially bred to grow in a basket, and they produce hundreds of tomatoes all summer. They just take a lot of water because they get very large throughout the summer. Another very unique plant we have is a succulent called a lifesaver cactus; they produce a yellow and red bloom that is amazing.
A typical plant mistake that you see which can easily be fixed:The biggest mistake is choosing the wrong place for a plant meaning putting a plant that likes shade in a sunny location or over- or under-watering. Some plants love lots of water while others will do poorly with lots of water, so knowing the plant's requirement is important.
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How to grow your happiness with indoor foliage - PGH City Paper
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LED Lighting Drivers Market
DataIntelo, 27-05-2020: The research report on the LED Lighting Drivers Market is a deep analysis of the market. This is a latest report, covering the current COVID-19 impact on the market. The pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of life globally. This has brought along several changes in market conditions. The rapidly changing market scenario and initial and future assessment of the impact is covered in the report. Experts have studied the historical data and compared it with the changing market situations. The report covers all the necessary information required by new entrants as well as the existing players to gain deeper insight.
Furthermore, the statistical survey in the report focuses on product specifications, costs, production capacities, marketing channels, and market players. Upstream raw materials, downstream demand analysis, and a list of end-user industries have been studied systematically, along with the suppliers in this market. The product flow and distribution channel have also been presented in this research report.
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The Major Manufacturers Covered in this Report:MEAN WELLPhilipsInventronicsTridonicDelta ElectronicsHubbell LightingMOSO PowerEagleriseTCIOSRAM SYLVANIALIFUDSELF
The Research Study Focuses on:
By Types:DALI0-10V DimmingStandard(non-dim)Triac DimmingSmart Driver
By Applications:Indoor LightingOutdoor LightingSpecial Lighting
By Regions:
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The LED Lighting Drivers Market Report Consists of the Following Points:
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In conclusion, the LED Lighting Drivers Market report is a reliable source for accessing the research data that is projected to exponentially accelerate your business. The report provides information such as economic scenarios, benefits, limits, trends, market growth rate, and figures. SWOT analysis is also incorporated in the report along with speculation attainability investigation and venture return investigation.
About DataIntelo:DATAINTELO has set its benchmark in the market research industry by providing syndicated and customized research report to the clients. The database of the company is updated on a daily basis to prompt the clients with the latest trends and in-depth analysis of the industry. Our pool of database contains various industry verticals that include: IT & Telecom, Food Beverage, Automotive, Healthcare, Chemicals and Energy, Consumer foods, Food and beverages, and many more. Each and every report goes through the proper research methodology, validated from the professionals and analysts to ensure the eminent quality reports.
Contact Info:Name: Alex MathewsAddress: 500 East E Street, Ontario,CA 91764, United States.Phone No: USA: +1 909 545 6473 | IND: +91-7000061386Email: [emailprotected]Website: https://dataintelo.com
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LED Lighting Drivers Industry 2020 Includes The Major Application Segments And Size In The Global Market To 2026 - 3rd Watch News
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Global LED Secondary Lens Market Growth Projection
The new report on the global LED Secondary Lens market is an extensive study on the overall prospects of the LED Secondary Lens market over the assessment period. Further, the report provides a thorough understanding of the key dynamics of the LED Secondary Lens market including the current trends, opportunities, drivers, and restraints. The report introspects the micro and macro-economic factors that are expected to nurture the growth of the LED Secondary Lens market in the upcoming years and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the LED Secondary Lens . In addition, the report offers valuable insights pertaining to the supply chain challenges market players are likely to face in the upcoming months and solutions to tackle the same.
The report suggests that the global LED Secondary Lens market is projected to reach a value of ~US$XX by the end of 2029 and grow at a CAGR of ~XX% through the forecast period (2019-2029). The key indicators such as the year-on-year (Y-o-Y) growth and CAGR growth of the LED Secondary Lens market are discussed in detail in the presented report. This data is likely to provide readers an understanding of qualitative and quantitative growth prospects of the LED Secondary Lens market over the considered assessment period.
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The report clarifies the following doubts related to the LED Secondary Lens market:
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Segmentation of the LED Secondary Lens Market
The following manufacturers are covered:Ledlink OpticsCarclo OpticsAuer LightingLEDIL OyFRAEN CorporationGAGGIONE (Lednlight)Bicom OpticsDarkoo OpticsAether systems IncB&M Optics CoShenZhen Likeda OpticalHENGLI OpticalBrightlx LimitedKunrui OpticalFORTECHChun Kuang OpticsWuxi Kinglux Glass Lens
Segment by RegionsNorth AmericaEuropeChinaJapanSouth Korea
Segment by TypePMMA LED Secondary LensPC LED Secondary LensGlass LED Secondary LensOthers
Segment by ApplicationStreet LightingCommercial LightingArchitectural LightingIndoor LightingAutomotive LightingOthers
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Vital Information Enclosed in the Report
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Trusted Business Insights answers what are the scenarios for growth and recovery and whether there will be any lasting structural impact from the unfolding crisis for the LED Lighting market.
Trusted Business Insights presents an updated and Latest Study on LED Lighting Market 2019-2026. The report contains market predictions related to market size, revenue, production, CAGR, Consumption, gross margin, price, and other substantial factors. While emphasizing the key driving and restraining forces for this market, the report also offers a complete study of the future trends and developments of the market.The report further elaborates on the micro and macroeconomic aspects including the socio-political landscape that is anticipated to shape the demand of the LED Lighting market during the forecast period (2019-2029).It also examines the role of the leading market players involved in the industry including their corporate overview, financial summary, and SWOT analysis.
Get Sample Copy of this Report @ Global LED Lighting Market 2020 (Includes Business Impact of COVID-19)
Global LED Lighting Market Analysis Trends, Applications, Analysis, Growth, and Forecast to 2028 is a recent report generated by Trusted Business Insights. The global LED lighting market report has been segmented on the basis of product type, service, end user, application, and region.
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Global LED Lighting Market: Overview
LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, which is a semiconductor device that engage in converting electricity into light. LED lighting is an energy-efficient and rapidly-developing lighting technologies usually mounted on the ceilings in order to offer general illumination.
Global LED Lighting Market: Dynamics
Increasing adoption of LED lights globally, owing to its cost efficiency and energy-efficient nature is one of the key factor expected to drive growth of the global market. Increasing concern over reduction of non-renewable sources of power coupled with declining prices of LED products are some of the factors expected to fuel growth of the target market. In addition, continuous research and development activities in lighting technology in order to offer energy efficient and compact lighting systems is another major factor expected to propel growth of the target market. Government authorities in various countries are offering subsidies to manufacturers in order to increase the adoption of energy efficient lighting products including LED, OLED, etc. which is a factor expected to augment target market growth. Moreover, introduction of LightSavers program undertaken by The Climate Group are expected to trigger the substitution of conventional lighting solutions.
However, stringent regulations of government authorities regarding manufacturing of LED lights and high cost associated with installation of advanced lighting system are some factors may hamper growth of the global market. Moreover, high initial investment is another factor expected to challenge growth of the target market.
Global LED Lighting Market: Segment Analysis
Among the product type segments, the LED bulb segment is expected to register highest revenue share over the next 10 years.
Among the service type segments, the installation segment is expected to register significantly higher market share, owing to rising demand for energy-efficient lighting solution.
Among the end user segments, the commercial segment is expected to account for significant shares in the global market, in terms of revenue, owing to increasing commercial infrastructural development activities.
Among the application segments, the outdoor segment is projected to contribute significant revenue shares in global market.
Global LED Lighting Market: Regional Analysis
North America and Europe LED lighting markets are projected to account for majority of revenue shares in the target market over the forecast period. This is primarily attributed to, strong presence of advanced infrastructure in the various countries in the region. Moreover, increasing renovation or remodeling activities among residential and commercial buildings in order to add an aesthetic look and change lighting systems is another factor expected to propel growth of the target market.
LED lighting market in Asia Pacific is expected to fuel growth of the target market, owing to growing infrastructural development activities in emerging economies including India and China. In addition, rising demand for energy efficient lighting solution among various end users including construction, healthcare, residential, etc. is a key factor projected to support revenue growth of the target market in the region. Markets in the Middle East & Africa and Latin America are expected to register considerable growth over the forecast period.
Global LED Lighting Market Segmentation:
Segmentation by Product Type:
LED BulbsLED FixturesBare LED TubesLED Down lights
Segmentation by Service Type:
Installation ServicesConsulting ServicesMaintenance & Support
Segmentation by End-User:
Segmentation by Application:
Quick Read Table of Contents of this Report @ Global LED Lighting Market 2020 (Includes Business Impact of COVID-19)
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LED Lighting Market Analysis Of Global Trends, Demand And Competition 2020-2028 - 3rd Watch News
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The LED Damp Proof Light market research encompasses an exhaustive analysis of the market outlook, framework, and socio-economic impacts. The report covers the accurate investigation of the market size, share, product footprint, revenue, and progress rate. Driven by primary and secondary researches, the LED Damp Proof Light market study offers reliable and authentic projections regarding the technical jargon.All the players running in the global LED Damp Proof Light market are elaborated thoroughly in the LED Damp Proof Light market report on the basis of proprietary technologies, distribution channels, industrial penetration, manufacturing processes, and revenue. In addition, the report examines R&D developments, legal policies, and strategies defining the competitiveness of the LED Damp Proof Light market players.The report on the LED Damp Proof Light market provides a birds eye view of the current proceeding within the LED Damp Proof Light market. Further, the report also takes into account the impact of the novel COVID-19 pandemic on the LED Damp Proof Light market and offers a clear assessment of the projected market fluctuations during the forecast period.
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Key market playersMajor competitors identified in this market include Ledvance, Zumtobel, Philips Lighting, Adolf Schuch GmbH, Feilo Sylvania, Regiolux, Disano Illuminazione S.p.A, Dialight, Opple, etc.
Based on the Region:Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India and ASEAN)North America (US and Canada)Europe (Germany, France, UK and Italy)Rest of World (Latin America, Middle East & Africa)
Based on the Type:IP 65IP 66Others
Based on the Application:Garages & Underground Car ParksIndustrial and Storage FacilitiesHumid and Wet Indoor LocationsOthers
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Objectives of the LED Damp Proof Light Market Study:To define, describe, and analyze the global LED Damp Proof Light market based on oil type, product type, ship type, and regionTo forecast and analyze the LED Damp Proof Light market size (in terms of value and volume) and submarkets in 5 regions, namely, APAC, Europe, North America, Central & South America, and the Middle East & AfricaTo forecast and analyze the LED Damp Proof Light market at country-level for each regionTo strategically analyze each submarket with respect to individual growth trends and their contribution to the global LED Damp Proof Light marketTo analyze opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying high growth segments of the global LED Damp Proof Light marketTo identify trends and factors driving or inhibiting the growth of the market and submarketsTo analyze competitive developments, such as expansions and new product launches, in the global LED Damp Proof Light marketTo strategically profile key market players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategiesThe LED Damp Proof Light market research focuses on the market structure and various factors (positive and negative) affecting the growth of the market. The study encloses a precise evaluation of the LED Damp Proof Light market, including growth rate, current scenario, and volume inflation prospects, on the basis of DROT and Porters Five Forces analyses. In addition, the LED Damp Proof Light market study provides reliable and authentic projections regarding the technical jargon.
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After reading the LED Damp Proof Light market report, readers can:Identify the factors affecting the LED Damp Proof Light market growth drivers, restraints, opportunities and trends.Examine the Y-o-Y growth of the global LED Damp Proof Light market.Analyze trends impacting the demand prospect for the LED Damp Proof Light in various regions.Recognize different tactics leveraged by players of the global LED Damp Proof Light market.Identify the LED Damp Proof Light market impact on various industries.
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Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak on LED Damp Proof Light Volume Forecast and Value Chain Analysis 2019-2024 - Cole of Duty
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Analysis of the Global Indoor Farming Technology Market
A recently published market report on the Indoor Farming Technology market highlights the pitfalls that companies might come across due to the unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Buyers can request comprehensive market analysis of Coronavirus and its impact on the Indoor Farming Technology market to mitigate revenue losses.
This market research report on the Indoor Farming Technology market published by Indoor Farming Technology derives current insights about the competitive landscape of the Indoor Farming Technology market. Further, the report unfolds detailed analysis of different segments of the Indoor Farming Technology market and offers a thorough understanding of the growth potential of each market segment over the assessment period (20XX-20XX).
According to the analysts at Indoor Farming Technology , the Indoor Farming Technology market is predicted to register a CAGR growth of ~XX% during the assessment and reach a value of ~US$ XX by the end of 20XX. The report analyzes the micro and macro-economic factors that are projected to influence the growth of the Indoor Farming Technology market in the coming decade.
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Key Insights Highlighted in the Report
Segmentation of the Indoor Farming Technology Market
The presented report elaborate on the Indoor Farming Technology market into different segments and ponders over the current and future business potentials of each segment. The report showcases the year-on-year growth of each segment and ponders upon the different factors that are likely to influence the growth of each market segment.
The various segments of the Indoor Farming Technology market explained in the report include:
Key market playersMajor competitors identified in this market include Philips Lighting (Netherlands), Netafim (Israel), Argus Controls Systems (Canada), EVERLIGHT Electronics (Taiwan), LumiGrow (US), etc.
Based on the Region:Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India and ASEAN)North America (US and Canada)Europe (Germany, France, UK and Italy)Rest of World (Latin America, Middle East & Africa)
Based on the Type:HardwareSoftware & services
Based on the Application:Fruits & vegetablesHerbs & microgreensFlowers & ornamentalsOthers
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Important doubts related to the Indoor Farming Technology market clarified in the report:
Why Choose Indoor Farming Technology
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Current Trends Now: Smart Indoor Lighting Market 2020: COVID-19 Outbreak Impact Analysis
Chicago, United States: The Smart Indoor Lighting Market report [5 Years Forecast 2020-2025] focuses on the COVID19 Outbreak Impact analysis of key points influencing the growth of the market. Providing info like market competitive situation, product scope, market overview, opportunities, driving force and market risks. Profile the Top Key Players of Smart Indoor Lighting, with sales, revenue and global market share of Smart Indoor Lighting are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast and speak to info. Upstream raw materials and instrumentation and downstream demand analysis is additionally administrated. The Smart Indoor Lighting market business development trends and selling channels square measure analyzed. From a global perspective, It also represents overall industry size by analyzing qualitative insights and historical data.
To know How COVID-19 Pandemic Will Impact This Market/Industry | Request a sample copy of the Smart Indoor Lighting Market report
This study covers following key players: Philips LightingAcuity Brands LightingGeneral ElectricOSRAM LichtHoneywell InternationalABB(Cooper Industries)Digital LumensLegrandLutron ElectronicsSchneider Electric
NOTE: Our team is studying Covid-19 impact analysis on various industry verticals and Country Level impact for a better analysis of markets and industries. The 2020 latest edition of this report is entitled to provide additional commentary on latest scenario, economic slowdown and COVID-19 impact on overall industry. Further it will also provide qualitative information about when industry could come back on track and what possible measures industry players are taking to deal with current situation.
Our exploration specialists acutely ascertain the significant aspects of the global Smart Indoor Lighting market report. It also provides an in-depth valuation in regards to the future advancements relying on the past data and present circumstance of Smart Indoor Lighting market situation. In this Smart Indoor Lighting report, we have investigated the principals, players in the market, geological regions, product type, and market end-client applications. The global Smart Indoor Lighting report comprises of primary and secondary data which is exemplified in the form of pie outlines, Smart Indoor Lighting tables, analytical figures, and reference diagrams. The Smart Indoor Lighting report is presented in an efficient way that involves basic dialect, basic Smart Indoor Lighting outline, agreements, and certain facts as per solace and comprehension.The Essential Content Covered in the GlobalSmart Indoor Lighting Market Report:
* Top Key Company Profiles.* Main Business and Rival Information* SWOT Analysis and PESTEL Analysis* Production, Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin* Market Share and Size
Market segment by Type, the product can be split into:
Fluorescent LampsLight Emitting DiodesHigh Intensity Discharge Lamps
Market segment by Application, split into:
The Smart Indoor Lighting market report provides answers to the following key questions:
-At what rate is the Smart Indoor Lighting market expected to grow in size in the forecast period?-What are the key factors influencing the global Smart Indoor Lighting market growth?-Which significant market trends are driving the growth of the global Smart Indoor Lighting market?-Which factors are the determinants of the market shares of the leading geographies across the globe?-Who are the leading participants in the industry and what are the strategies adopted by them in the global Smart Indoor Lighting market?-What are the opportunities and challenges encounters by vendors in the global Smart Indoor Lighting market?-Which trends, drivers and challenges are affecting the growth of the industry?-What is the outcome of the PESTEL analysis of the global Smart Indoor Lighting market?
Highlights the following key factors:
Business description: A detailed description of the companys operations and business divisions. Corporate strategy: Analysts summarization of the companys business strategy. SWOT Analysis: A detailed analysis of the companys strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Company history: Progression of key events associated with the company. Major products and services: A list of major products, services, and brands of the company. Key competitors: A list of key competitors to the company. Important locations and subsidiaries: A list and contact details of key locations and subsidiaries of the company. Detailed financial ratios for the past five years: The latest financial ratios derived from the annual financial statements published by the company with 5 years history.
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Current Trends: Smart Indoor Lighting Market 2020: What are the key opportunities? - Cole of Duty
Indoor Lighting | Comments Off on Current Trends: Smart Indoor Lighting Market 2020: What are the key opportunities? – Cole of Duty
The Led Indoor Lighting market has witnessed growth from USD XX million to USD XX million from 2014 to 2019. With the CAGR of X.X%, this market is estimated to reach USD XX million in 2026.
The report mainly studies the size, recent trends and development status of the Led Indoor Lighting market, as well as investment opportunities, government policy, market dynamics (drivers, restraints, opportunities), supply chain and competitive landscape. Technological innovation and advancement will further optimize the performance of the product, making it more widely used in downstream applications. Moreover, Porters Five Forces Analysis (potential entrants, suppliers, substitutes, buyers, industry competitors) provides crucial information for knowing the Led Indoor Lighting market.
Download PDF Sample of Led Indoor Lighting Market report @ https://www.arcognizance.com/enquiry-sample/1004811
Major Players in the global Led Indoor Lighting market include:, Hubbell Lighting, Emerson Electric, Philips, Westinghouse, DECO Lighting, RAB Lighting, HUGEWIN, GE Lighting, Toshiba, Ligman Lighting, Osram, LSI, Cree, Bravoled, Acuity Brands, MaxLite, GEMCORE, Havells Sylvania, XtraLight
On the basis of types, the Led Indoor Lighting market is primarily split into:, <60w, 60w-100w, >100w
On the basis of applications, the market covers:, Healthcare Indoor Lighting, Commercial Indoor Lighting, Industrial Indoor Lighting, Home Indoor Lighting
Brief about Led Indoor Lighting Market Report with [emailprotected] https://www.arcognizance.com/report/global-led-indoor-lighting-market-report-2019-competitive-landscape-trends-and-opportunities
Geographically, the report includes the research on production, consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate, and forecast (2014-2026) of the following regions:, United States, Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Poland), China, Japan, India , Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam), Central and South America (Brazil, Mexico, Colombia), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Egypt, South Africa, Nigeria), Other Regions
Chapter 1 provides an overview of Led Indoor Lighting market, containing global revenue, global production, sales, and CAGR. The forecast and analysis of Led Indoor Lighting market by type, application, and region are also presented in this chapter.
Chapter 2 is about the market landscape and major players. It provides competitive situation and market concentration status along with the basic information of these players.
Chapter 3 provides a full-scale analysis of major players in Led Indoor Lighting industry. The basic information, as well as the profiles, applications and specifications of products market performance along with Business Overview are offered.
Chapter 4 gives a worldwide view of Led Indoor Lighting market. It includes production, market share revenue, price, and the growth rate by type.
Chapter 5 focuses on the application of Led Indoor Lighting, by analyzing the consumption and its growth rate of each application.
Chapter 6 is about production, consumption, export, and import of Led Indoor Lighting in each region.
Chapter 7 pays attention to the production, revenue, price and gross margin of Led Indoor Lighting in markets of different regions. The analysis on production, revenue, price and gross margin of the global market is covered in this part.
Chapter 8 concentrates on manufacturing analysis, including key raw material analysis, cost structure analysis and process analysis, making up a comprehensive analysis of manufacturing cost.
Chapter 9 introduces the industrial chain of Led Indoor Lighting. Industrial chain analysis, raw material sources and downstream buyers are analyzed in this chapter.
Chapter 10 provides clear insights into market dynamics.
Chapter 11 prospects the whole Led Indoor Lighting market, including the global production and revenue forecast, regional forecast. It also foresees the Led Indoor Lighting market by type and application.
Chapter 12 concludes the research findings and refines all the highlights of the study.
Chapter 13 introduces the research methodology and sources of research data for your understanding.
Years considered for this report:, Historical Years: 2014-2018, Base Year: 2019, Estimated Year: 2019, Forecast Period: 2019-2026,
Some Point of Table of Content:
Chapter One: Led Indoor Lighting Market Overview
Chapter Two: Global Led Indoor Lighting Market Landscape by Player
Chapter Three: Players Profiles
Chapter Four: Global Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type
Chapter Five: Global Led Indoor Lighting Market Analysis by Application
Chapter Six: Global Led Indoor Lighting Production, Consumption, Export, Import by Region (2014-2019)
Chapter Seven: Global Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue (Value) by Region (2014-2019)
Chapter Eight: Led Indoor Lighting Manufacturing Analysis
Chapter Nine: Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
Chapter Ten: Market Dynamics
Chapter Eleven: Global Led Indoor Lighting Market Forecast (2019-2026)
Chapter Twelve: Research Findings and Conclusion
Chapter Thirteen: Appendix continued
List of tablesList of Tables and Figures
Figure Led Indoor Lighting Product PictureTable Global Led Indoor Lighting Production and CAGR (%) Comparison by TypeTable Profile of <60wTable Profile of 60w-100wTable Profile of >100wTable Led Indoor Lighting Consumption (Sales) Comparison by Application (2014-2026)Table Profile of Healthcare Indoor LightingTable Profile of Commercial Indoor LightingTable Profile of Industrial Indoor LightingTable Profile of Home Indoor LightingFigure Global Led Indoor Lighting Market Size (Value) and CAGR (%) (2014-2026)Figure United States Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Europe Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Germany Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure UK Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure France Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Italy Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Spain Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Russia Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Poland Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure China Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Japan Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure India Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Southeast Asia Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Malaysia Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Singapore Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Philippines Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Indonesia Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Thailand Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Vietnam Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Central and South America Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Brazil Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Mexico Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Colombia Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Middle East and Africa Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Saudi Arabia Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure United Arab Emirates Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Turkey Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Egypt Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure South Africa Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Nigeria Led Indoor Lighting Revenue and Growth Rate (2014-2026)Figure Global Led Indoor Lighting Production Status and Outlook (2014-2026)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Production by Player (2014-2019)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Production Share by Player (2014-2019)Figure Global Led Indoor Lighting Production Share by Player in 2018Table Led Indoor Lighting Revenue by Player (2014-2019)Table Led Indoor Lighting Revenue Market Share by Player (2014-2019)Table Led Indoor Lighting Price by Player (2014-2019)Table Led Indoor Lighting Manufacturing Base Distribution and Sales Area by PlayerTable Led Indoor Lighting Product Type by PlayerTable Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion PlansTable Hubbell Lighting ProfileTable Hubbell Lighting Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table Emerson Electric ProfileTable Emerson Electric Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table Philips ProfileTable Philips Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table Westinghouse ProfileTable Westinghouse Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table DECO Lighting ProfileTable DECO Lighting Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table RAB Lighting ProfileTable RAB Lighting Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table HUGEWIN ProfileTable HUGEWIN Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table GE Lighting ProfileTable GE Lighting Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table Toshiba ProfileTable Toshiba Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table Ligman Lighting ProfileTable Ligman Lighting Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table Osram ProfileTable Osram Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table LSI ProfileTable LSI Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table Cree ProfileTable Cree Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table Bravoled ProfileTable Bravoled Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table Acuity Brands ProfileTable Acuity Brands Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table MaxLite ProfileTable MaxLite Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table GEMCORE ProfileTable GEMCORE Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table Havells Sylvania ProfileTable Havells Sylvania Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table XtraLight ProfileTable XtraLight Led Indoor Lighting Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2014-2019)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Production by Type (2014-2019)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Production Market Share by Type (2014-2019)Figure Global Led Indoor Lighting Production Market Share by Type in 2018Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Revenue by Type (2014-2019)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Revenue Market Share by Type (2014-2019)Figure Global Led Indoor Lighting Revenue Market Share by Type in 2018Table Led Indoor Lighting Price by Type (2014-2019)Figure Global Led Indoor Lighting Production Growth Rate of <60w (2014-2019)Figure Global Led Indoor Lighting Production Growth Rate of 60w-100w (2014-2019)Figure Global Led Indoor Lighting Production Growth Rate of >100w (2014-2019)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Consumption by Application (2014-2019)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Consumption Market Share by Application (2014-2019)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Consumption of Healthcare Indoor Lighting (2014-2019)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Consumption of Commercial Indoor Lighting (2014-2019)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Consumption of Industrial Indoor Lighting (2014-2019)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Consumption of Home Indoor Lighting (2014-2019)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Consumption by Region (2014-2019)Table Global Led Indoor Lighting Consumption Market Share by Region (2014-2019)Table United States Led Indoor Lighting Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2014-2019)Table Europe Led Indoor Lighting Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2014-2019)Table China Led Indoor Lighting Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2014-2019)Table Japan Led Indoor Lighting Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2014-2019)Table India Led Indoor Lighting Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2014-2019)Table Southeast Asia Led Indoor Lighting Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2014-2019)Table Central and South America Led Indoor Lighting Production, Consumption, Export, Import (2014-2019)continued
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NOTE: Our report does take into account the impact of coronavirus pandemic and dedicates qualitative as well as quantitative sections of information within the report that emphasizes the impact of COVID-19.
As this pandemic is ongoing and leading to dynamic shifts in stocks and businesses worldwide, we take into account the current condition and forecast the market data taking into consideration the micro and macroeconomic factors that will be affected by the pandemic.
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Global Led Indoor Lighting Market Size, Share, Trends, Growth and Outlook with Company Analysis and Forecast to 2026 - Cole of Duty
Indoor Lighting | Comments Off on Global Led Indoor Lighting Market Size, Share, Trends, Growth and Outlook with Company Analysis and Forecast to 2026 – Cole of Duty
The market research report is a brilliant, complete, and much-needed resource for companies, stakeholders, and investors interested in the global Indoor Luminaires market. It informs readers about key trends and opportunities in the global Indoor Luminaires market along with critical market dynamics expected to impact the global market growth. It offers a range of market analysis studies, including production and consumption, sales, industry value chain, competitive landscape, regional growth, and price. On the whole, it comes out as an intelligent resource that companies can use to gain a competitive advantage in the global Indoor Luminaires market.
Key companies operating in the global Indoor Luminaires market include GE Lighting, Philips Lighting, Osram, EatonCooper, Toshiba, Panasonic, Acuity Brands, Thorn Lighting, etc.
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Segmental Analysis
Both developed and emerging regions are deeply studied by the authors of the report. The regional analysis section of the report offers a comprehensive analysis of the global Indoor Luminaires market on the basis of region. Each region is exhaustively researched about so that players can use the analysis to tap into unexplored markets and plan powerful strategies to gain a foothold in lucrative markets.
Global Indoor Luminaires Market Segment By Type:
,Incandescent Lamp,LED Lamp,Halogen Lamp,Fluorescent Lamp,Xenon Lamp,Others
Global Indoor Luminaires Market Segment By Application:
Competitive Landscape
Competitor analysis is one of the best sections of the report that compares the progress of leading players based on crucial parameters, including market share, new developments, global reach, local competition, price, and production. From the nature of competition to future changes in the vendor landscape, the report provides in-depth analysis of the competition in the global Indoor Luminaires market.
Key companies operating in the global Indoor Luminaires market include GE Lighting, Philips Lighting, Osram, EatonCooper, Toshiba, Panasonic, Acuity Brands, Thorn Lighting, etc.
Key questions answered in the report:
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1.1 Research Scope1.2 Market Segmentation1.3 Research Objectives1.4 Research Methodology1.4.1 Research Process1.4.2 Data Triangulation1.4.3 Research Approach1.4.4 Base Year1.5 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Impact Will Have a Severe Impact on Global Growth1.5.1 Covid-19 Impact: Global GDP Growth, 2019, 2020 and 2021 Projections1.5.2 Covid-19 Impact: Commodity Prices Indices1.5.3 Covid-19 Impact: Global Major Government Policy1.6 The Covid-19 Impact on Indoor Luminaires Industry1.7 COVID-19 Impact: Indoor Luminaires Market Trends 2 Global Indoor Luminaires Quarterly Market Size Analysis2.1 Indoor Luminaires Business Impact Assessment COVID-192.1.1 Global Indoor Luminaires Market Size, Pre-COVID-19 and Post- COVID-19 Comparison, 2015-20262.1.2 Global Indoor Luminaires Price, Pre-COVID-19 and Post- COVID-19 Comparison, 2015-20262.2 Global Indoor Luminaires Quarterly Market Size 2020-20212.3 COVID-19-Driven Market Dynamics and Factor Analysis2.3.1 Drivers2.3.2 Restraints2.3.3 Opportunities2.3.4 Challenges 3 Quarterly Competitive Assessment, 20203.1 Global Indoor Luminaires Quarterly Market Size by Manufacturers, 2019 VS 20203.2 Global Indoor Luminaires Factory Price by Manufacturers3.3 Location of Key Manufacturers Indoor Luminaires Manufacturing Factories and Area Served3.4 Date of Key Manufacturers Enter into Indoor Luminaires Market3.5 Key Manufacturers Indoor Luminaires Product Offered3.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Impact of Covid-19 on Indoor Luminaires Segments, By Type4.1 Introduction1.4.1 Incandescent Lamp1.4.2 LED Lamp1.4.3 Halogen Lamp1.4.4 Fluorescent Lamp1.4.5 Xenon Lamp1.4.6 Others4.2 By Type, Global Indoor Luminaires Market Size, 2019-20214.2.1 By Type, Global Indoor Luminaires Market Size by Type, 2020-20214.2.2 By Type, Global Indoor Luminaires Price, 2020-2021 5 Impact of Covid-19 on Indoor Luminaires Segments, By Application5.1 Overview5.5.1 Household5.5.2 Commercial5.5.3 Industrial5.2 By Application, Global Indoor Luminaires Market Size, 2019-20215.2.1 By Application, Global Indoor Luminaires Market Size by Application, 2019-20215.2.2 By Application, Global Indoor Luminaires Price, 2020-2021 6 Geographic Analysis6.1 Introduction6.2 North America6.2.1 Macroeconomic Indicators of US6.2.2 US6.2.3 Canada6.3 Europe6.3.1 Macroeconomic Indicators of Europe6.3.2 Germany6.3.3 France6.3.4 UK6.3.5 Italy6.4 Asia-Pacific6.4.1 Macroeconomic Indicators of Asia-Pacific6.4.2 China6.4.3 Japan6.4.4 South Korea6.4.5 India6.4.6 ASEAN6.5 Rest of World6.5.1 Latin America6.5.2 Middle East and Africa 7 Company Profiles7.1 GE Lighting7.1.1 GE Lighting Business Overview7.1.2 GE Lighting Indoor Luminaires Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.1.3 GE Lighting Indoor Luminaires Product Introduction7.1.4 GE Lighting Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.2 Philips Lighting7.2.1 Philips Lighting Business Overview7.2.2 Philips Lighting Indoor Luminaires Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.2.3 Philips Lighting Indoor Luminaires Product Introduction7.2.4 Philips Lighting Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.3 Osram7.3.1 Osram Business Overview7.3.2 Osram Indoor Luminaires Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.3.3 Osram Indoor Luminaires Product Introduction7.3.4 Osram Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.4 EatonCooper7.4.1 EatonCooper Business Overview7.4.2 EatonCooper Indoor Luminaires Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.4.3 EatonCooper Indoor Luminaires Product Introduction7.4.4 EatonCooper Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.5 Toshiba7.5.1 Toshiba Business Overview7.5.2 Toshiba Indoor Luminaires Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.5.3 Toshiba Indoor Luminaires Product Introduction7.5.4 Toshiba Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.6 Panasonic7.6.1 Panasonic Business Overview7.6.2 Panasonic Indoor Luminaires Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.6.3 Panasonic Indoor Luminaires Product Introduction7.6.4 Panasonic Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.7 Acuity Brands7.7.1 Acuity Brands Business Overview7.7.2 Acuity Brands Indoor Luminaires Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.7.3 Acuity Brands Indoor Luminaires Product Introduction7.7.4 Acuity Brands Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments7.8 Thorn Lighting7.8.1 Thorn Lighting Business Overview7.8.2 Thorn Lighting Indoor Luminaires Quarterly Production and Revenue, 20207.8.3 Thorn Lighting Indoor Luminaires Product Introduction7.8.4 Thorn Lighting Response to COVID-19 and Related Developments 8 Supply Chain and Sales Channels Analysis8.1 Indoor Luminaires Supply Chain Analysis8.1.1 Indoor Luminaires Supply Chain Analysis8.1.2 Covid-19 Impact on Indoor Luminaires Supply Chain8.2 Distribution Channels Analysis8.2.1 Indoor Luminaires Distribution Channels8.2.2 Covid-19 Impact on Indoor Luminaires Distribution Channels8.2.3 Indoor Luminaires Distributors8.3 Indoor Luminaires Customers 9 Key Findings 10 Appendix10.1 About Us10.2 Disclaimer
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Indoor Luminaires Market Study for 2020 to 2026 Providing Information on Key Players, Growth Drivers and Industry Challenges - Cole of Duty
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UV-C technology is nothing new -- it's been used before in consumer devices such as the PhoneSoap, pictured -- but safety concerns are on the rise as companies claim their UV-C light devices kill the coronavirus.
With man-made hand sanitizer in short supply, many people are turning to what's been called "nature's hand sanitizer," or ultraviolet light. UV light is the latest popular tool in the ongoing race to find ways to prevent oneself from catching SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
Disinfection by way of UV light is nothing new: The International Ultraviolet Association says it's been a useful technology for over 40 years, contributing to clean water and clean air. Many consumer devices also use UV light to disinfect things, such as self-cleaning UV light water bottles and UV-emitting cases that clean your dirty phone.
When it comes to the coronavirus, though, things aren't so clear-cut. There are risks that come with using UV light devices, especially when using them on your skin. Before ordering the first UV light sanitizer you see, read up on the current evidence about UV light disinfectants and the potential risks of using them on yourself.
A quick primer on UV light: UV light comes primarily from the sun, but there are also man-made sources of UV light, including tanning beds and the currently buzzed-about UV disinfection lamps.
There are three classes of UV light: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C.
UV-A and UV-B light cause sunburns and premature skin aging, and exposure to both is associated with the development of skin cancer. UV-C light, which has the most energy of all three types, is the most harmful, but it fortunately doesn't reach the Earth's surface because our atmosphere absorbs it.
There's man-made UV-C light, too: It's what's in the UV light sanitizers that companies claim kill the coronavirus. According to the National Academy of Sciences, it's probable that this is true, because UV light has been used to disinfect surfaces and water for a long time, and it's generally successful.
It works because UV-C light is strong enough to destroy the genetic material -- either DNA or RNA -- of viruses and bacteria. There's no evidence right now that typical sun exposure can kill the coronavirus, so no, going outside on asunny daywon't reduce your risk of catching it.
Based on the available scientific evidence that UV light can destroy various viruses, it's probably true that UV light can kill SARS-CoV-2 -- but keep in mind that no published, peer-reviewed studies to date have looked specifically at the effect of UV light on the virus that causes COVID-19.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine reported that ultraviolet light probably can kill the coronavirus. "UV light has been shown to destroy other coronaviruses, so it will probably work on the novel coronavirus," the website reads. This includes the deadly Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus, aka MERS-CoVand severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus, or SARS.
But there's one huge caveat: "UV light damages human skin, so it should only be used on objects or surfaces," the NASEM continues.
This means you should not use UV light as a hand sanitizer. Stick to washing your hands with soap and water (following proper hand-washing guidelines), or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water aren't available.
The WHO echoes this, reporting on its coronavirus myth-busters webpage that people should not use UV lamps to disinfect their hands or other areas of skin, as UV radiation "can cause skin irritation and damage your eyes."
Dr. Tyler Hollmig, director of dermatological surgery at University of Texas Dell Medical School in Austin
Though scientists are working on ways to make these powerful disinfecting products safe for people to use, current devices are not safe to use on your body. This is partly because many (if not most) of these products are not FDA-approved or approved by any governing health agency, for that matter.
This means what you see may not be what you get -- an extremely important consideration, because although very low-dose, far-range UV-C light may not harm humans or animals, using too powerful a dose too close to your skin can indeed be harmful.
These devices "tend to come in many different shapes, sizes and strengths, and thus their antimicrobial ability may be variable," says Dr. Tyler Hollmig, director of dermatological surgery at University of Texas Dell Medical School in Austin. Consequences of using UV-C light on your body can include severe sunburn-like burns and retinal damage.
Plus, Dr. Hollmig continues, as UV light devices "are often not cheap -- especially relative to more standard disinfectants that we know work -- these may not be the most efficacious way to clean. It is also worth at least just reinforcing the fact that no UV light device should be a substitute for hand washing, mask-wearingand distancing."
UV light can damage your skin, so you shouldn't use UV light sanitizers on your body.
Dr. Hollmig helps break down UV light as it relates to skin health. UV light is classified into types based on wavelength, he says, with UV-A light (the longest wavelength) being most associated with skin aging and also with certain skin cancers, and UV-B light (middle wavelength) being associated with sunburn and most skin cancers.
"UV-C light has the shortest spectrum of wavelengths, but is probably the most toxic," Dr. Hollmig says. "Fortunately, the atmosphere filters out UV-C, so our skin and eyes are typically not exposed to it."
UV-C light is what's used by sanitizers to kill or inactivate microorganisms by destroying and disrupting their nucleic acids, Dr. Hollmig explains, so if the device is properly tested and properly used, it works to kill pathogens -- but something that powerful also has the potential to harm skin. Some potential problems? It can cause burns and is a known carcinogen (as is all UV light), Dr. Hollmig says.
All types of UV light, "including those reaching the Earth's surface from the sun and those emitted by tanning beds, have not been shown to be protective against the novel coronavirus and can certainly harm the skin," Dr. Hollmig says. "Additionally, since UV sanitizers employ UV-C light, which can be dangerous, care should be taken to avoid exposure to the skin and eyes. These devices are not designed to be used to disinfect the skin and can be dangerous if used improperly."
Other consumer devices that are intended to disinfect or purify a surface or substance like thisPhoneSoap caseshould be safe to use if you follow the instructions carefully. Self-cleaning water bottles that use UV-C rays to kill germs likeLarqshould also be safe when used properly, because they typically only work when the cap is screwed on tight, so no UV-C light can leak out.
Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is still the gold standard for disinfecting skin, and there's no risk of giving yourself a severe sunburn-like reaction.
Consumer devices aren't the only place to find UV light sanitization. Some brick-and-mortar businesses are installing UV light fixtures in their facilities in an attempt to completely disinfect the building and mitigate the risk of contracting COVID-19 through air or surfaces.
Again, because UV light is the primary germ-killer in the natural environment, it makes sense to take this approach. This practice, called "ultraviolet germicidal irradiation," has long been used in hospitals where pathogens abound.
New York-based Magnolia Bakery is one such business, claiming to be the first business in the city to install human-safe UV light fixtures, including a portal through which all customers walk in an attempt to destroy any pathogens that may be living on the skin. In a press release, Magnolia Bakery says the dose is low enough to avoid health complications such as burns or eye irritation.
The Healthe Cleanse Portal that Magnolia Bakery has installed in its New York locations.
While the effectiveness of environmental UV sterilization on surfaces such as floors has been confirmed, however, further research is needed about the safety of indoor UV light fixtures, as well as its efficacy at sterilizing clothes and human skin.
Plus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sayUV light "germicidal effectiveness and use is influenced by organic matter; wavelength; type of suspension; temperature; type of microorganism; and UV intensity." To effectively kill viruses, UV-C light must be emitted in a range of 200 to 280 nanometers, which has potential for harm.
That's a lot of stuff to consider, and something that manufacturers who are trying to quickly create UV lights may inadvertently (or purposely) ignore. It's happened before: In the past, the Federal Trade Commission called out manufacturers for making false claims about what their light-based products could do.
The International Ultraviolet Association concurs with the CDC, reporting that inactivation of viruses with UV light has been "demonstrated under controlled conditions in the laboratory," and that "the effectiveness of UV light in practice depends on factors such the exposure time and the ability of the UV light to reach the viruses in water, air, and in the folds and crevices of materials and surfaces."
In sum: Don't use any UV light devices directly on your skin. Be careful about using UV light devices on in-home surfaces. Do your research before going to establishments that have installed UV light fixtures. And definitely do not try to get any form of UV light (or any disinfectant, for that matter) inside of your body.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
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