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    Gault Heating & Cooling H.S. Football Preview: Western Reserve – WFMJ - August 17, 2024 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Gault Heating & Cooling H.S. Football Preview: Western Reserve  WFMJ

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    Gault Heating & Cooling H.S. Football Preview: Western Reserve - WFMJ

    Hometown Radio Interview: Chandler Nelson and Christopher Klijanowicz, Buds Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning & Electric [AUDIO] – WYDaily - August 17, 2024 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Hometown Radio Interview: Chandler Nelson and Christopher Klijanowicz, Buds Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning & Electric [AUDIO]  WYDaily

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    Hometown Radio Interview: Chandler Nelson and Christopher Klijanowicz, Buds Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning & Electric [AUDIO] - WYDaily

    Gault Heating & Cooling H.S. Football Preview: Warren Harding – WFMJ - August 17, 2024 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Gault Heating & Cooling H.S. Football Preview: Warren Harding  WFMJ

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    Gault Heating & Cooling H.S. Football Preview: Warren Harding - WFMJ

    Gault Heating & Cooling H.S. Football Preview: Grove City Eagles – WFMJ - August 17, 2024 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Gault Heating & Cooling H.S. Football Preview: Grove City Eagles  WFMJ

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    Gault Heating & Cooling H.S. Football Preview: Grove City Eagles - WFMJ

    Tyrese Maxey is heating up just in time to become a playoff X-Factor – Yardbarker - March 24, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Tyrese Maxey is heating up just in time to become a playoff X-Factor  Yardbarker

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    Tyrese Maxey is heating up just in time to become a playoff X-Factor - Yardbarker

    Types of Home Heating Systems Forbes Home – Forbes Advisor - February 27, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder

    When temperatures drop, its easy to find yourself cranking up the thermostat to keep your home warm. Choosing the right type of home heating system can ease the burden of your thermostat and help save energy. All heating systems share one goal: Transfer heat to living spaces to maintain a comfortable and toasty environment.

    Some homes have more than one heating system, particularly when they have a basement or an additional room heated by a different system than the rest of the house. Here are the 10 types of home heating systems that you should know as a homeowner (or prospective homeowner).

    Forced air distribution systems are by far the most common type of home heating systems. They use a furnace with a blower fan that delivers heated, conditioned air to the houses various rooms through a network of ducts. Because forced air systems share the same blower and ductwork as the air conditioner, they can also be used during the summer months.

    Older homes and apartments may have traditional boilers and radiator systems. These use a central boiler that circulates steam or water through pipes to radiator units around the house. This is best for providing zoned heating and cooling, but it isnt as efficient for heating more spacious areas of the house at once.

    Heat pumps are the newest home heating system technology. They use a system similar to an air conditioner by extracting heat from the air and delivering it to the home through an indoor air handler. A popular heat pump system is known as the mini-split or ductless heating system.

    This system uses a small outdoor compressor unit and indoor air handlers that can be placed in different rooms throughout the house. They can be a flexible addition since they can be switched to air conditioning mode during the summer months.

    Radiant systems provide even heat throughout the house. Most in-floor radiant systems use plastic water tubing inside concrete slab floors or attached to the bottom of wood floors. They are very quiet compared to other home heating systems. There are also in-floor radiant heating systems that use electrical wiring to work with ceramic or stone tile materials.

    While they are slow to heat up and adjust to temperature changes, in-floor radiant systems are energy efficient and provide heated comfort to every inch of the house.

    Electric resistance heating systems or electric heaters are not used as the primary home heating system due to the high cost of electricity. However, they are a good supplemental heating system for home offices, basements, season rooms and homes without other heating systems.

    Electric heaters are easy to install and relatively inexpensive. Theyre usually portable, making them easy to transport from room to room. They also dont have any moving parts, requiring virtually no maintenance, ductwork, air handlers or any other equipment.

    Hot water baseboard heater systems, also known as hydronic systems, are a modern form of radiant heat that can be highly efficient. Using a central boiler, these systems heat water that circulates through a system of water pipes to low-profile baseboard heating units. These are updated versions of the traditional upright radiator system. They help heated air rise from the baseboard unit while pushing cold air toward the unit for heating.

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    Also known as portable or plug-in space heaters, electric heaters can be affordable for homeowners who dont live in cold weather. These are excellent temporary solutions that can provide targeted and controlled heat within minutes of being plugged into an electricity source.

    Electric space heaters are oil-filled and convert electric current directly into heat, similarly to how a toaster works. Some modern electric space heaters also have cooling fans that can be used during warmer days, making them an excellent choice for studio apartments, home offices, basements and smaller rooms.

    A more modern home heating system, active solar heating, uses solar energy to heat a fluid and transfers solar heat directly into the interior space or a storage system for later use. These are usually supplemented by radiant heating systems, boilers or heat pumps. But active solar heating systems can distribute the heat using the radiant floor, hot water baseboards or a central forced-air system.

    Unfortunately, active solar systems still rely on other home heating systems to be 100% efficient.

    Hybrid heating home systems combine the energy efficiency of a heat pump system with the power of a gas furnace. Most of the time, the heat pump operates at total capacity to heat the home. Then, during extreme weather conditions, the furnace will complement the system to reach the desired temperatures.

    Because both systems complement each other, there is significantly less strain on each system, which means less repairs and replacements.

    A modern version of the traditional furnace heating system, gravity air furnaces distribute air through ducts. However, rather than forcing air through a blower, gravity air furnace systems let warm air rise and cool air sink. A furnace in the basement heats the air, which rises into the rooms through the doors, and cool air returns to the furnace via another system of cold-air return ducts.

    Understanding the many types of home heating systems will allow you to make the best decisions about how to heat your home, or decide which system youd prefer when searching for a home. Knowing which system works best for you could help you save time and money down the road.

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    Heating | process or system | Britannica - February 27, 2023 by Mr HomeBuilder


    heating, process and system of raising the temperature of an enclosed space for the primary purpose of ensuring the comfort of the occupants. By regulating the ambient temperature, heating also serves to maintain a buildings structural, mechanical, and electrical systems.

    The earliest method of providing interior heating was an open fire. Such a source, along with related methods such as fireplaces, cast-iron stoves, and modern space heaters fueled by gas or electricity, is known as direct heating because the conversion of energy into heat takes place at the site to be heated. A more common form of heating in modern times is known as central, or indirect, heating. It consists of the conversion of energy to heat at a source outside of, apart from, or located within the site or sites to be heated; the resulting heat is conveyed to the site through a fluid medium such as air, water, or steam.

    Except for the ancient Greeks and Romans, most cultures relied upon direct-heating methods. Wood was the earliest fuel used, though in places where only moderate warmth was needed, such as China, Japan, and the Mediterranean, charcoal (made from wood) was used because it produced much less smoke. The flue, or chimney, which was first a simple aperture in the centre of the roof and later rose directly from the fireplace, had appeared in Europe by the 13th century and effectively eliminated the fires smoke and fumes from the living space. Enclosed stoves appear to have been used first by the Chinese about 600 bc and eventually spread through Russia into northern Europe and from there to the Americas, where Benjamin Franklin in 1744 invented an improved design known as the Franklin stove. Stoves are far less wasteful of heat than fireplaces because the heat of the fire is absorbed by the stove walls, which heat the air in the room, rather than passing up the chimney in the form of hot combustion gases.

    Central heating appears to have been invented in ancient Greece, but it was the Romans who became the supreme heating engineers of the ancient world with their hypocaust system. In many Roman buildings, mosaic tile floors were supported by columns below, which created air spaces, or ducts. At a site central to all the rooms to be heated, charcoal, brushwood, and, in Britain, coal were burned, and the hot gases traveled beneath the floors, warming them in the process. The hypocaust system disappeared with the decline of the Roman Empire, however, and central heating was not reintroduced until some 1,500 years later.

    Central heating was adopted for use again in the early 19th century when the Industrial Revolution caused an increase in the size of buildings for industry, residential use, and services. The use of steam as a source of power offered a new way to heat factories and mills, with the steam conveyed in pipes. Coal-fired boilers delivered hot steam to rooms by means of standing radiators. Steam heating long predominated in the North American continent because of its very cold winters. The advantages of hot water, which has a lower surface temperature and milder general effect than steam, began to be recognized about 1830. Twentieth-century central-heating systems generally use warm air or hot water for heat conveyance. Ducted warm air has supplanted steam in most newly built American homes and offices, but in Great Britain and much of the European continent, hot water succeeded steam as the favoured method of heating; ducted warm air has never been popular there. Most other countries have adopted either the American or European preference in heating methods.

    The essential components of a central-heating system are an appliance in which fuel may be burned to generate heat; a medium conveyed in pipes or ducts for transferring the heat to the spaces to be heated; and an emitting apparatus in those spaces for releasing the heat either by convection or radiation or both. Forced-air distribution moves heated air into the space by a system of ducts and fans that produce pressure differentials. Radiant heating, by contrast, involves the direct transmission of heat from an emitter to the walls, ceiling, or floor of an enclosed space independent of the air temperature between them; the emitted heat sets up a convection cycle throughout the space, producing a uniformly warmed temperture within it.

    Air temperature and the effects of solar radiation, relative humidity, and convection all influence the design of a heating system. An equally important consideration is the amount of physical activity that is anticipated in a particular setting. In a work atmosphere in which strenuous activity is the norm, the human body gives off more heat. In compensation, the air temperature is kept lower in order to allow the extra body heat to dissipate. An upper temperature limit of 24 C (75 F) is appropriate for sedentary workers and domestic living rooms, while a lower temperature limit of 13 C (55 F) is appropriate for persons doing heavy manual work.

    In the combustion of fuel, carbon and hydrogen react with atmospheric oxygen to produce heat, which is transferred from the combustion chamber to a medium consisting of either air or water. The equipment is so arranged that the heated medium is constantly removed and replaced by a cooler supplyi.e., by circulation. If air is the medium, the equipment is called a furnace, and if water is the medium, a boiler or water heater. The term boiler more correctly refers to a vessel in which steam is produced, and water heater to one in which water is heated and circulated below its boiling point.

    Natural gas and fuel oil are the chief fuels used to produce heat in boilers and furnaces. They require no labour except for occasional cleaning, and they are handled by completely automatic burners, which may be thermostatically controlled. Unlike their predecessors, coal and coke, there is no residual ash product left for disposal after use. Natural gas requires no storage whatsoever, while oil is pumped into storage tanks that may be located at some distance from the heating equipment. The growth of natural-gas heating has been closely related to the increased availability of gas from networks of underground pipelines, the reliability of underground delivery, and the cleanliness of gas combustion. This growth is also linked to the popularity of warm-air heating systems, to which gas fuel is particularly adaptable and which accounts for most of the natural gas consumed in residences. Gas is easier to burn and control than oil, the user needs no storage tank and pays for the fuel after he has used it, and fuel delivery is not dependent on the vagaries of motorized transport. Gas burners are generally simpler than those required for oil and have few moving parts. Because burning gas produces a noxious exhaust, gas heaters must be vented to the outside. In areas outside the reach of natural-gas pipelines, liquefied petroleum gas (propane or butane) is delivered in special tank trucks and stored under pressure in the home until ready for use in the same manner as natural gas. Oil and gas fuels owe much of their convenience to the automatic operations of their heating plant. This automation rests primarily on the thermostat, a device that, when the temperature in a space drops to a predetermined point, will activate the furnace or boiler until the demand for heat is satisfied. Automatic heating plants are so thoroughly protected by thermostats that nearly every conceivable circumstance that could be dangerous is anticipated and controlled.

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    Heating | process or system | Britannica

    Heating Analysis – IEA - June 21, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Hydrogen is scarcely used in the global buildings sector, although low-carbon hydrogen-based solutions are being tested. A number of challenges, including efficiency losses relative to other low-carbon alternatives, safety considerations, the cost of grid retrofits, and zero-carbon hydrogen production capacity still need to be investigated.

    In Japan, the number of ENE-FARM hydrogen-ready fuel cells deployed annually remains steady, with a cumulative 350 000 units installed at the end of March 2021.

    In Europe, the ene.field demonstration, launched in 2012, has installed more than 1 000 small stationary fuel-cell systems for residential and commercial buildings in ten countries. Another project is the H21 demonstration in the United Kingdom, which will demonstrate the potential for direct hydrogen use to reduce the carbon intensity of heat demand using steam methane reformers with CCS.

    The Sustainable Gas Institute of Imperial College London develops analyses to improve understanding of the role of gas in future low-carbon energy systems. In addition, the UK Hy4Heat project, which is also evaluating hydrogen potential for heating and covers all stages from appliance certification and quality standards to demonstration, is set to be launched in the second quarter of 2020.

    Government-supported hydrogen-blending demonstration projects injecting low-carbon hydrogen into a local gas network are emerging in several cities, including Dunkirk (France) and Adelaide (Australia). The first injections, using a 6% hydrogen blend (by volume), were realised in June 2018, and further blends of up to 20% will be tested, depending on the price of renewable electricity.

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    Heating Analysis - IEA

    Heating, Cooling & Electrical in Everett, WA | G&S Heating - June 21, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    To our Customers and Employees,

    We are reaching out to inform you that G&S Heating, Cooling & Electrical is taking the spread of COVID-19 very seriously. We are fully operational to serve the comfort needs of our customers, and as we continue to provide service and installations throughout the greater Puget Sound area, we want to assure you that the well-being of our community is our top priority. Following recommendations from both the CDC and the Washington State Department of Health, we have taken and are continuing to take measures of precaution to ensure the safety and wellness of our customers and employees.

    Please inform us in advance of your appointment if you or anyone in your household are showing any of the symptoms of the Coronavirus or have tested positive for the Coronavirus. The World Health Organization has identified symptoms as shortness of breath, fever, and persistent cough. We will work together to find a solution for the services you need while ensuring the safety of everyone involved.

    Should we find that any changes to our scheduling is necessary during this time, we will let you know as soon as we know. We are continuously monitoring the COVID-19 situation and will take whatever measures are necessary to ensure the safety of you and our staff.

    Lastly, there are a couple of things found to be very effective in keeping the air in your home clean and safe. First, ductwork collects dust, dirt and pollen and over time can become a breeding ground for mold, mildew and germs that can irritate allergies and create odors. Annual duct cleaning can prevent the spread of these pollutants in your home. Second, indoor air quality products actually prevent these contaminants from getting there in the first place. They work to continuously destroy cold and flu viruses and other pollutants both in the air and on surfaces before they have a chance to spread. If our staff can answer any questions about these ways to keep your home safe, please let us know.


    Chris Baisch

    General Manager

    G&S Heating, Cooling & Electrical


    Heating, Cooling & Electrical in Everett, WA | G&S Heating

    New data reveals extraordinary global heating in the Arctic – The Guardian - June 21, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    New data has revealed extraordinary rates of global heating in the Arctic, up to seven times faster than the global average.

    The heating is occurring in the North Barents Sea, a region where fast rising temperatures are suspected to trigger increases in extreme weather in North America, Europe and Asia. The researchers said the heating in this region was an early warning of what could happen across the rest of the Arctic.

    The new figures show annual average temperatures in the area are rising across the year by up to 2.7C a decade, with particularly high rises in the months of autumn of up to 4C a decade. This makes the North Barents Sea and its islands the fastest warming place known on Earth.

    Recent years have seen temperatures far above average recorded in the Arctic, with seasoned observers describing the situation as crazy, weird, and simply shocking. Some climate scientists have warned the unprecedented events could signal faster and more abrupt climate breakdown.

    It was already known that the climate crisis was driving heating across the Arctic three times faster than the global average, but the new research shows the situation is even more extreme in places.

    Sea ice is good at reflecting sunlight but is melting away. This allows the darker ocean below to absorb more energy. Losing sea ice also means it no longer restricts the ability of warmer sea waters to heat up the Arctic air. The more ice is lost, the more heat accumulates, forming a feedback loop.

    We expected to see strong warming, but not on the scale we found, said Ketil Isaksen, senior researched at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and who led the work. We were all surprised. From what we know from all other observation points on the globe, these are the highest warming rates we have observed so far.

    The broader message is that the feedback of melting sea ice is even higher than previously shown, he said. This is an early warning for whats happening in the rest of the Arctic if this melting continues, and what is most likely to happen in the next decades. The worlds scientists said in April that immediate and deep cuts to carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases are needed to tackle the climate emergency.

    This study shows that even the best possible models have been underestimating the rate of warming in the Barents Sea, said Dr Ruth Mottram, climate scientist at the Danish Meteorological Institute, and not part of the team. We seem to be seeing it shifting to a new regime, as it becomes less like the Arctic and more like the North Atlantic. Its really on the edge right now and it seems unlikely that sea ice will persist in this region for much longer.

    The research, published in the journal Scientific Reports, is based on data from automatic weather stations on the islands of Svalbard and Franz Josef Land. Until now, this had not been through the standard quality control process and made public.

    The result was a high-quality set of surface air temperature measurements from 1981 to 2020. The researchers concluded: The regional warming rate for the Northern Barents Sea region is exceptional and corresponds to 2 to 2.5 times the Arctic warming averages and 5 to 7 times the global warming averages.

    There was a very strong correlation over time between air temperature, sea ice loss and ocean temperature. Isaksen said the rapid temperature rise would have a very big impact on ecosystems: For instance, here in Oslo, we have a temperature rise of 0.4C a decade and people really feel the disappearing snow conditions during winter. But whats happening in the far north is off the scale.

    Isaksen said the new information on heating rates in the area would help research by other scientists on how changes in the Arctic affect extreme weather in populous areas at lower latitudes. There is evidence that the rapid heating changes the jet stream winds that encircle the pole and influence extreme weather.

    Sea ice loss and warming in the Barents Sea in particular have been isolated in previous work as being especially relevant to changes in winter-time atmospheric circulation that are tied to extreme winter weather events, said Prof Michael Mann, from Pennsylvania State University, US. If this mechanism is valid, and theres some debate over that, then this is yet another way climate change could be increasing certain types of extreme weather events [and which] isnt well captured by current models.

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    New data reveals extraordinary global heating in the Arctic - The Guardian

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