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    Handyman to hold fund-raiser to help Preston woman – The Herald Journal - May 10, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A Cache Valley handyman is trying to raise funds for a Preston woman in horror story living conditions.

    Joseph Little, who operates Jumping Joe Handyman Services in Nibley, isn't content to just fix Preston resident Janet Stricko's floor, he wants to see her living conditions improved period.

    To do that, he's embarked on a fund-raising campaign to obtain the funds needed to improve her living space. On Friday and Saturday, May 8-9, Little, his friends, and his family, will be at the Stokes Parking Lot selling cookies, brownies, suckers, lemonade, and other snacks to raise funds for Stricko's home repairs. Some of her friends, church members and leaders are also helping, he said.

    "Hopefully, the community can rally around and help this lady," said Mayor Dan Keller. He has been trying to help the situation by researching health and welfare programs that can benefit Stricko.

    Littles' wife, Kaylyn, has also created a GoFundMe page for the same reason. It can be found To date, 32 donors have raised $2,917 of the $10,000 estimates is needed to help out Stricko.

    Original post:
    Handyman to hold fund-raiser to help Preston woman - The Herald Journal

    The 10 Best Handyman Services in Oklahoma City, OK 2020 - May 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    In some states, a handyman can provide plumbing services, but it may be in your best interest to call a plumber, particularly for issues more major than unclogging a drain or attaching a new sink. Hiring a plumber is important because mishandling your water and gas lines has the potential to do great damage to your home, your familys health, or even the safety of your neighborhood. A handyman is not legally required to have any training or licensing in plumbing matters, while a licensed plumber has undergone years of education and on-the-job training. In some cases, homeowners insurance wont cover damage caused by plumbing repair done by an unlicensed handyman.

    According to the U.S. Department of Labor, most plumbers learn their trade through a four- or five-year apprenticeship with 2,000 hours of paid on-the-job training. They also receive classroom education including safety, local plumbing codes and regulations, and blueprint reading. They also study mathematics, applied physics, and chemistry. After completing an apprenticeship program, plumbers are considered to be journey workers, qualifying them to perform duties on their own, according to the DOL. Licensed plumbers should do continuing education to keep abreast of safety and technology changes. Poor plumbing can lead to sewage backups, a flooded home or even natural gas leaks, so its best to leave it in the hands of a specialized professional.

    See the rest here:
    The 10 Best Handyman Services in Oklahoma City, OK 2020

    Colorados Safer at Home Order Permits Some Businesses to Reopen with Strict COVID-19 Suppression Measures – JD Supra - May 5, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    On April 27, 2020, Colorado began its phased relaxation of the statewide stay-at-home restrictions in place since March 25, 2020, with Governor Jared Poliss issuance of Executive Order D 2020 044, styled the Safer at Home Order. Colorado has thus joined the growing number of states permitting certain employees to report to work.

    Colorados approach, however, is distinct: its return-to-work guidelines are some of the most complicated measures in the country, as detailed in the 34-page Public Health Order 20-28 expounding on the Safer at Home Order, and the many pages of additional rules and guidance posted on the states designated COVID-19 webpage. These requirements include everything from mandatory daily temperature checks and symptom monitoring, to the designation of a COVID-19 workplace coordinator, and additional detailed rules applicable to specific industries.

    This Insight summarizes what the Safer at Home Order requires, to whom it applies, and various other important issues it raises. The state is issuing additional rules and guidance at a steady clip, so it is important for employers to stay updated on emerging developments.

    All Businesses Permitted to Open Must Follow Many Additional Requirements, Including Administering Daily Temperature Checks and Symptom Monitoring

    Before addressing the categories of businesses that may reopen, it is important to emphasize that all businesses that open must deploy a series of complicated procedures to comply with the Safer at Home Order. If these procedures are not implemented, the business risks being fined and ordered to close, among other penalties.

    Temperature & Symptom Checks. First, all employers that open must implement symptom monitoring protocols, which include daily temperature checks and monitoring symptoms in employees. In most cases, this will require having a designated person at the door check for symptoms and take the temperature of all employees, vendors, and visitors before they can enter the business, as well as ensuring that individuals queuing for the check maintain a six-foot distance from one another.

    Individuals whose temperatures test at 100.4F or higher should be told to exit the facility and to contact their supervisor for notification, while individuals with temperatures of 99.2 F or higher should monitor their temperatures twice a day and also notify their supervisor. Likewise, employees should be asked if they have dry cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, and/or nasal congestion, and those who have two or more symptoms should be told to leave the facility and notify their supervisor. Employees with an elevated temperature or symptoms of COVID-19 should also be referred to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)s symptom tracker.

    Procedures When Employees Show Symptoms of or Test Positive for COVID-19. Additionally, the Order requires a number of steps employers must take if an employee tests positive or shows symptoms of COVID-19. Namely, employers must increase cleaning in the facility and reiterate that staff must maintain social distancing of at least six feet, and exclude the employee with symptoms from the workplace until the individual is fever-free without medication for 72 hours and at least seven days have passed since their first symptoms. Additionally, if multiple employees have symptoms, the employer must notify the local health department.

    COVID-19 Workplace Coordinator. Further, the Order requires businesses to deputize a workplace coordinator(s) charged with addressing COVID-19 issues. This coordinator should be the point person for ensuring compliance with the Order, addressing questions related to COVID-19, and handling other issues that may arise regarding returning to work.

    Social Distancing and Sanitation Requirements. The Safer at Home Order reiterates that employers must continue to enforce Social Distancing Requirements. This includes taking steps to ensure that employees maintain six feet of separation; discouraging shared spaces; cleaning and disinfecting all high-touch areas in accordance with guidance from the CDPHE; posting signage for employees and customers on good hygiene; ensuring proper ventilation; encouraging breaks to wash hands or use hand sanitizer; phasing shifts and breaks to reduce density; and avoiding gatherings of more than 10 people.

    Vulnerable Individuals Must be Accommodated and Must Still Shelter in Place

    The Order requires employers to provide reasonable work accommodations for Vulnerable Individuals, such as telecommuting.

    Vulnerable Individuals are defined to include:

    These individuals must remain at home even if their workplace opens, and the Order is explicit that they cannot be compelled to work for any business or government function, even if the individuals place of employment is open for business.

    With regard to customers, the Order requires employers to create whenever possible special hours for Vulnerable Individuals only. For example, many grocery stores already have implemented hours where only Vulnerable Individuals may enter the store to minimize their risk of exposure to COVID-19.

    Provide Protective Gear, Like Masks, Gloves and Face Coverings. The Order requires employers that open to provide appropriate protective gear like gloves, masks, and face coverings to their employees, and encourage customers to utilize the same while on the premises. What is appropriate may vary by workplace.

    Other Requirements. The Safer at Home Order provides a number of additional requirements and recommendations. Employers should, to the greatest extent possible, provide flexible or remote scheduling for employees who may have child or elder care obligations, or who live with a Vulnerable Individual. Likewise, employers should continue to encourage and enable remote work whenever possible.

    Additional Requirements for Employers with 50 or More Employees: If an employer has 50 or more employees in a single location, it must also:

    Certain Business Permitted To Open

    Having addressed how to reopen, we turn next to who can reopen. The Safer at Home Order only permits certain authorized businesses to open, subject to the above requirements and some additional, industry-specific rules.

    First are Critical Business and Critical Government Functions,2which were allowed to stay open throughout the period that the now-expired Stay at Home Order was in effect. These same Critical Businesses and Critical Government Functions may remain open, but are now subject to the new restrictions described above.

    Non-Critical Retail, defined as, essentially, any retail service not included in the list of Critical Businesses, are also now permitted to open. Non-Critical Retail includes businesses like retailers of clothing, home goods, cell phones, mattresses, and appliances; thrift shops; apothecaries; vape and tobacco shops; craft, hobby and fabric stores; fishing tackle retailers; sporting goods stores; boutiques; and the like. Until May 1, 2020, however, Non-Critical Retail Businesses may operate and offer goods only through delivery, window service, walk-up, drive through, drive-up, curbside delivery, or any other manner allowing for strict compliance with mandatory social distancing requirements.

    As of May 1, 2020, retail businesses may open to the public at 50% capacity. They must still take additional preventative steps, such as limiting returns, installing Plexiglas screens at checkout counters, using contact-less payment systems, closing public seating areas, marking six-feet distancing measures in check-out lines, and the like. Please refer to the applicable guidance for more specific information applicable to retail businesses, and/or contact counsel.

    Field Services. As of April 27, 2020, Field Services are also now permitted to be open. Field Service businesses are those that provide a service out in the field as opposed to a company property, such as real estate businesses, lawn care and landscaping, house cleaning, handyman services, and more. There are additional requirements specifically applicable to Field Services businesses, including:

    Personal Services. As of May 1, 2020, Personal Services may resume in-person services if they meet the requirements of the Safer at Home Order. Personal Services businesses are services and products that are not necessary to maintain an individuals health or safety, or the sanitation or essential operation of a business or residence, and include things like hair salons, massage therapists, pet groomers, and dry cleaners. Personal Services businesses must limit gatherings at the workplace to 10 or fewer people or 50% of the maximum occupancy for the location, inclusive of employees and customers.

    Non-Critical Office-Based Businesses. As of May 4, 2020, Non-Critical Office-Based Businesses may allow up to 50% of their employees to conduct in-person work. Notably, Colorado permitsoffice-based businesses with fewer than 25 employees to have their employees conduct self-temperature and symptom checks at home before coming to work, rather than being tested at the workplace.

    Business Not Permitted to Open

    The Order also specifies industries that still must remain closed to ingress, egress, use, and occupancy by members of the public for the immediate future. These industries are:

    However, the requirement to remain closed does not apply to:

    Social Distancing Requirements Remain in Effect

    The Safer at Home Order does not loosen many of the Social Distancing requirements in Colorado. It urges all individuals and businesses to limit gatherings to at most 10 people, maintain six feet distance between individuals, and to stay at home and to isolate when possible. Further, employers are encouraged to permit employees to work remotely when possible. Individuals are urged to wear face coverings in public.

    Variance Requests

    The Order expressly provides that local authorities may deviate from the terms of the Safer at Home Order. However, localities seeking to implement a different COVID-19 suppression plan must apply to the CDPHE for a waiver, and include in their application an alternative COVID-19 suppression plan endorsed by the local public health agency and adopted by the county commissioners or other county-level governing body, in addition to verification from local hospitals that they have the capacity to serve all people needing their care.

    Localities May Adopt Stricter Rules Than the Safer at Home Order, and Many Already Have Done So

    While there are limitations on counties loosening the restrictions from the Safer at Home Order, Colorado municipalities are free to adopt stricter approaches than the baseline set at the state level. Many Colorado municipalities have already indicated that, despite Governor Poliss relaxing of the statewide shelter-in-place order, they do not intend to relax the restrictions in place within their purview in the near future.

    For instance, the City and County of Denver has announced that its stay-at-home order will remain in effect through at least May 8, 2020, and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock has indicated that he plans to relax restrictions only when the city has the capability to test 1,000 people per day, nearly doubling its current testing rate of 550 people per day. Denver also expects to need to train approximately 100 people to trace contacts of those who test positive.

    To varying degrees, Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Gilpin, and Jefferson Counties have also extended restrictions in their jurisdiction beyond the baseline set by the Safer at Home Order.


    To say that navigating these myriad new and interconnecting rules is challenging is an understatement. Due to the complexities surrounding returning to work and the wide variation of regulations and permissible practices based on location, businesses should consult with experienced employment law counsel before implementing a return to work program.


    Here is the original post:
    Colorados Safer at Home Order Permits Some Businesses to Reopen with Strict COVID-19 Suppression Measures - JD Supra

    Bay Village mayor delivers state-of-the-city speech – - March 4, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    BAY VILLAGE, Ohio -- Mayor Paul Koomar addressed residents in his 2020 State of the City speech at the Dwyer Senior Center Feb. 26. He introduced his message by citing city visions from the master plan:

    Keeping a commitment to space

    Continuing dedication to quality parks, recreation and Lake Erie

    Diversifying housing options

    Establishing a pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly community

    Creating a more vibrant village center

    Maintaining and greening city Infrastructure

    Building community

    The elements of the vision statement from the master plan are echoed in most aspects by the public hearings currently being held to solicit resident opinions on the overlay zoning effort to establish more businesses and housing options in the city.

    The citys annual operating budget, Koomar said, is $33 million for all funds, with a general operating fund of $13.2 million. He noted that the city has secured more than $560,000 in external funding through grants.

    Employee numbers total 108 full-time staff, 63 part-time workers and 193 seasonal employees.

    Here are reports from various city departments:

    Finance Department

    The finance department reports excellent financial conditions that include:

    Property tax collection up 16 percent due to re-evaluations

    Total revenue increase of 10 percent

    Expenses increase of 6 percent

    Bond rating of Aa1

    The Finance Department has received the Ohio Auditor of State Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the past six years.

    Human Resources Department

    The human resources department has hired a Building Department inspector and two assistants to the director; a community services manager and over-60 coordinator; a police officer, two dispatchers and two school crossing guards; four new hires for the Service Department, as well as several promotions; a receptionist for the Finance Department; and a registered dietitian to work with the nurse practitioner in the Wellness Incentive Program.

    Workers Compensation Department

    The department noted that only one day of work was missed in 2019 due to an on-the-job injury.

    Community Services Department

    A total of 686 individuals participated in various Community Services programs, which is a 27 percent increase. There were 8,836 visits -- a 10 percent increase.

    In 2019, 19 tons of produce was distributed to 1,700 people -- a 22 percent increase. About 150 seniors receive fresh monthly produce at no cost.

    Meals on Wheels are now supplied through the Meals on Wheels program.

    The BV60+ program had the highest number attending events, averaging 25 to 30.

    Senior Center

    New activities introduced in 2019 at the senior center include Music Box CLE interesting speakers, a progressive dinner at area restaurants, Yappy Hour with dogs, evening cruises and kayaking.

    A new initiative -- Aging in Place -- focuses on housing options and services that help senior residents stay in their homes. Committees have been formed on housing, transportation, home repair/handyman services, snow removal/lawn care and senior companions.

    Police Department

    The Police Department now has 24 officers, four dispatchers, two clerks, one animal control officer, two jailers, one maintenance worker, 221 auxiliary officers and 14 school guards. A full-time School Resource Officer will be financed jointly by the schools and the city.

    Officers completed 4,010 hours of combined training in 2019, service calls totaled 14,463 and crisis response and safety training was completed for all employees.

    In addition, the U.S. Department of Agriculture culled 25 whitetail deer on public property.

    Fire Department

    The Fire Department has 24 firefighters/paramedics who responded to 1,565 calls -- 21 of them structure fire calls -- representing a 5 percent increase in call volume over the departments 10-year average.

    A demo model ladder truck at $200,000 replaced the 1996 model, providing the city with a 30 percent savings.

    Service Department

    The Service Department (sewers, streets, parks, city vehicles, plowing, bridges, culverts, parks, cemetery and more) has a staff of 40 full-time, three part-time and five to 12 seasonal employees. The departments annual budget is $8.4 million.

    Building Department

    The Building Department completed permits, construction and inspections totaling almost $28 million.

    Heritage Home and H.E.L.P. Loans were made available for technical assistance for improvements for homeowners totaling over $3 million; more than $696,000 was invested through the program.

    Recreation Department

    The Recreation Department had six new programs, with registrations of all programs totaling more than 2,000. More than 2,400 pool memberships were sold for the aquatic center, which averaged 800 visits a day.

    2020 City initiatives will include:

    Cahoon basin trail construction

    Master plan for development of the lakefront in Cahoon Park

    New library construction

    Sunset area improvements -- infrastructure and roads

    New accounting software system

    Playground equipment in Bradley Road Park -- Phase 2

    Note: The yearly information session for residents loans within the Heritage Home and H.E.L.P. Loans will be held at 6:30 p.m., Monday, April 6, in city council chambers at City Hall, 350 Dover Center Road. For more information, call 440-871-2200.

    Read more from the West Shore Sun.

    Continue reading here:
    Bay Village mayor delivers state-of-the-city speech -

    Volunteer of the Week: Concord resident Peter Boeing – Wicked Local Concord - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Rob Fucci


    Want more Concord news delivered right to your inbox? Sign up for our free weekly newsletter.

    The following is the most recent installment of the Concord Journal/Wicked Local Concord Volunteer of the Week, where we spotlight members of the community who have made significant contributions as volunteers.

    This week, the spotlight shines on Concord resident and Council on Aging volunteer Peter Boeing.

    Can you explain your volunteer work?

    I chose to volunteer as a handy man for the COA when most of what I do is install the lock boxes which allow the Police and Fire departments to enter a dwelling if there is an emergency. I do get involved with other fixes (small repairs) for people that need them.

    How did you get started?

    I basically did so because I knew that in later years I would eventually need their services and thought I should build some good will.

    What keeps you coming back?

    The work gives me the opportunity to meet new friends and re-visit some old ones.

    What is/was your profession?

    I retired from the publishing business nine years ago.

    What is your life like in Concord? Family? Children? Lifelong resident or recent arrival?

    My wife and I have lived here for 32 years and between us we have two sons, a daughter, three granddaughters and a grandson.

    From the COA

    Peter tossed his volunteer cap to the COA in 2010. He initially offered his "handyman" services and those quickly evolved into Peter becoming Concords official LockBox installer. The LockBox program is available to all Concord seniors age 60+ who request a lockbox be installed on their homes which holds a house key inside. The key can be accessed only by the Concord Fire Department and police in case of concern and emergency. Peter has avidly installed a few hundred lockboxes in his tenure; he never allows bad weather to deter him, he is concerned every senior who requests a box be served and seniors report he is immensely helpful and considerate. Peter quietly and dutifully performs a superb service to Concord seniors. -- Vikki Jacobson, volunteer and public relations coordinator

    If you know someone who should be profiled, send an email to Robert Fucci at You can answer the questions below and include a headshot for an upcoming edition of the Concord Journal and Wicked Local Concord.

    Read this article:
    Volunteer of the Week: Concord resident Peter Boeing - Wicked Local Concord

    GIVING THANKS: Helping our seniors – Midland Daily News - November 29, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Senior Services of Midland County has an important mission: To help seniors keep their independence and stay in their homes as long as possible.

    Charlie Schwedler, the organizations executive director, said all of the organizations programs and service are centered around this goal.

    We try to do whatever we can do, whatever is possible, to help people stay in their homes for as long as they would like to stay in their homes, Schwedler said.

    Senior Services has five centers: the Greendale Center, Mills center, Coleman Center, Sanford Center and Trailside Center in Midland.

    Those centers are hubs that host several activities and events for seniors: congregate meals, exercise classes, educational sessions on a number of topics, Tuesday Ted Talks, card games and more.

    The center also offers support and education classes for caregivers, which Schwedler said is important because caregivers dont always have support in difficult situations. There are education classes about the brains functions and about conditions like Parkinsons, dementia and Alzheimers to help caregivers understand what their loved one is going through.

    Through their partnership with Family & Childrens Services, the organization offers free counseling for seniors. Because transportation can often be a barrier when it comes to seeking mental health services, the center offers transportation services as well.

    Senior Services relies heavily on volunteers, especially for its transportation and programs such as Meals on Wheels, Friendly Visitors and Handyman Services, which are all composed entirely of volunteers. The organization has more than 500 volunteers in all of their programs combined.

    If we didnt have volunteers, we simply couldnt do what we do, Schwedler said.

    Senior Services owns 14 vehicles, all driven by volunteers who pick seniors up and take them to doctors or counseling appointments, shopping, hair appointments or whatever their transportation need might be. They also transport seniors to and from the center. All volunteers go up to the seniors doors and help them walk in and out of the car, Schwedler said.

    Volunteers are also the force behind Friendly Visitors, a program in which seniors can sign up to have someone simply come visit with them and spend some time with them. Lately, Schwedler said the organization has placed a focus on programs like Friendly Visitors that can help seniors feel less lonely.

    One of the things were finding out, were really focusing on this lately, is that isolation and loneliness has a direct effect on your health, whatever age you are but especially for older adults, Schwedler said.

    Another Senior Services program is Team Handyman, which is a partnership with the Midland Fire Department and Mid-Michigan Health. Volunteers for Team Handyman fulfill a number of services to make sure seniors have safe home, such as ensuring that they have up-to-date fire alarms in their homes, installing or ordering handrails around the home or anything else they might need to make sure their home is safe.

    For bigger tasks such as installing ramps or making a home wheelchair accessible, the center has a partnership with Home To Stay Housing Assistance Center.

    Through Senior Services Care Coordination and Care Management program, seniors can get help with setting up health benefits such as their own programs like Meals on Wheels and transportation.

    Senior Services also has volunteer and staff experts available through their Health Benefits hotline to walk seniors through Medicare open enrollment, help them figure out their health care and prescription coverage option, enroll them in these programs. In the last year, the hotline received more than 426 callers. Schwedler said no matter what the callers concern is, they will find a way to help them.

    If we cant help them, we find the group in the community that can help them, Schwedler said.

    Meals on Wheels is one of the organizations biggest programs. All of the nearly 200 people who drive and deliver the food to seniors in Midland County are volunteers, Schwedler said. The Meals on Wheels and the congregate meals hosted at the center are all prepared by a nutrition staff, led by a dietician.

    More than 130,759 meals were delivered to 983 seniors from 2018-2019, according to the organizations annual report.

    The organizations day facility called Seasons, located on Dublin Avenue, offers respite care to seniors with Dementia, Parkinsons or anything else they may need assistance with throughout the day. There are nurses, recreational therapists and aids who work with people who come in. Schwedler said the day facility is another effort to lessen the emotional and mental load of caregivers.

    It can be almost as much for the caregiver as is it for the person with their ailment, so (respite allows people to go to work, go shopping, or just have a minute to themselves because, folks need that. Its a tough duty when you are supporting a person who has these kinds of issues, Schwedler said.

    A big aspect of Senior Services is helping seniors has a sense of community, whether it be through their meals, exercise classes, their Ted Talks, and the other many programs they host at their center.

    Its all about keeping yourself active, yourself engaged, and connecting with other folks that have similar issues or similar backgrounds, Schwedler said. "Our community is really big, and obviously we would like it to be bigger than it is, we would like more people to come we believe were still one of the best kept secrets.

    Schwedler said a lot of people, even lifelong Midland residents, arent aware of everything Senior Services offers. Thats why theyve begun offering tours of their services, for people to come in, see their facility and hear everything that they offer.

    To learn more about Senior Services of Midland County, or how to volunteer with the organization, visit In addition to general volunteering, there is an option on the website for people to volunteer a specific skill of theirs, such as working with healthcare or insurance companies, handyman skills and more.

    View original post here:
    GIVING THANKS: Helping our seniors - Midland Daily News

    AIATSL Recruitment 2019: Walk-in-Interview for 46 Posts on 15th December 2020, Check here for Eligibility and Selection Process – PaGaLGuY - November 29, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Indian largest Airlines i.e. Air India Air Transport Services Limited (AIATSL) has welcomed applications for the Customer Agent, Handyman/Handywomen and other posts. The qualified persons can appear for a walk-in-interview scheduled on 15 December 2019.

    Vacancy Details

    The vacancy Includes-

    Eligibility Criteria

    Educational Qualification

    The candidate should be a Graduate from a distinguished university under 10+2+3 pattern with knowledge of basic computer operations. Preference will be given to candidates having Diploma in IATA-UFTA or IATA-FIATAA/IATA-DGR/IATA-CARGO/Candidates having the relevant experience in Airline.

    The candidate shall be SSC/10th Standard Pass. Knowledge of English and Hindi Languages, ie., ability to understand and speak is desirable. Airport Experience will be preferred.

    The candidate shall have Three (03) years Diploma in Engineering recognized by the State Government/ITI with NCTVT (Total 3 years) in motor vehicle Auto Electrical/Air conditioning/Diesel Mechanic/Bench fitter/Welder, after passing SSC/Relevant examination with Hindi/English/local language as one of the subjects. AND Applicant must carry an original valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License at the time of appearing for the Trade Test.

    The candidate shall be Min. Class 10th Pass Must carry original valid HMV driving license at the time of appearing for Trade Test.

    Pay Scale:

    The pay scale shall be Rs. 19,350 per month.

    The pay scale shall be Rs. 14,610 per month.

    The pay scale shall be Rs. 19,350 per month.

    The pay scale shall be Rs. 16,530 per month.

    How to Apply?

    The qualified persons can appear for a walk-in-interview scheduled on 15 December 2019. Kindly write your Full Name, & Mobile No. at the reverse side of the Demand Draft.

    See the original post:
    AIATSL Recruitment 2019: Walk-in-Interview for 46 Posts on 15th December 2020, Check here for Eligibility and Selection Process - PaGaLGuY

    Handyman Services, Handyman Services Near Me – - October 18, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Online Form **MAIN FORM**

    If you are in need of Handyman Services, look no further than our convenient online directory. We have partnered up with a network of the top handyman service providers across the nation. No matter what your project may be, there is someone who will take the time to do it right without large corporation prices. We offer a Free Handyman Price List to help you determine what a fair price is for any job. You can then look at the reviews and ratings of various handyman service providers in our network. We are committed to making a screening platform that helps you choose the best handyman for your job from a full and active directory.

    Call Now 800-606-6129

    Painting When it comes to painting your home exterior, interior, garages, shudders, or fences, always find the handyman who has an extensive repertoire of photos to show you as proof of their work. Experience and the right tools can make all the difference in hiring the right painter.

    Also, be sure to ask what kind of paint the handyman service uses. A quality service will offer name brand paints such as Sherwin-Williams, Behr, and Benjamin Moore. Many of these paints offer functional value beyond the color palettes. The ideal paint for a bathroom, laundry room, or kitchen may offer mold or even bacterial protection.

    Most qualified painters will suggest that you dont paint your ceilings unless you are changing the color because the paint rarely gets stained, damaged, or noticeably faded like the paint on the walls. If you are doing a renovation, it is always best to work with a painter who respects your budget. A good painter will also put a lot of work into preparing the surface to prevent paint splatter and by smoothing out and cleaning surfaces to ensure maximum adhesion.

    Furniture Assembly Services When it comes to assembly services, the best handyman for the job has the right tools and a delicate touch. They will take that large box of parts and transform it into whatever it was intended to be without losing fittings or scratching the surfaces. The instructions for assembly furniture, fences, decks, cabinets, clubhouses, toys, or bicycles can be very confusing. A good handyman will use hand tools and rely on their experience to save you time and money by assembling the pieces quickly and easily.

    Electrical Services A qualified handyman will be able to install and repair a large variety of electrical fixtures. They will be fully insured, trained, and licensed to work on your home without worries of shorting out components and causing fires. You might hire them to install ceiling fans, new fixtures, dimmer switches, motion detectors, timers, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and more. They will easily be able to fix loose and damaged switches and electrical sockets. They will even assist people in installing light bulbs in areas where it is hard to reach or switching over the bulbs in a house with modern low-wattage LED bulbs.

    Installation Services When it comes to handyman installation services, a large number of our handyman service providers can assist you. You may need help installing a new television, new cupboards, a new kitchen sink, or even a new sump pump in your basement. No matter what your installation needs may be, trust in us to connect you with the perfect small job contractor. We always offer free quotes with no obligation to help you find the handyperson who fits your budget.

    A qualified installation expert will have experience in a wide variety of installation jobs and will list experiences on their profile pages. This will help you find someone who will give you the most value for your time and back it with the most wisdom. Sometimes, it is the little things that only come with time that count the most.

    Call Now 800-606-6129

    Carpentry Woodworking is usually the pride of many handyman service providers. A qualified candidate will be able to build custom cabinets from scratch, fireplace mantles, furniture, and more. They will also be able to repair crown moldings and other pieces of wood that were damaged or rotted out. A qualified handyman will have all the modern tools to do the scrolling and sawing as well as the painting, varnishing, and installations. They may have photos of pieces that theyve installed in other homes to inspire you.

    Maintenance A professional handyman service may provide power washing services to maintain your driveway, sidewalks, and home exterior. They may replace bad drywall, attic insulation, tiles, bathroom grout, broken drawers, faucets, shower doors, garage windows, damaged stucco, rotted fence posts, broken decks, leaky rain gutters, and more. A true handyman will be able to keep up the appearance of your property and return anything to like-new condition. A quality handyman service will be objective and goal-oriented when they carry out home maintenance by assessing the damage and explaining how they will make the repairs.

    Plumbing When it comes to plumbing, most handyman services are well-versed. They can replace damaged and leaking pipes, install new faucets or tubs, unclog drains, and even help you run new plumbing to a renovated garage or room. They can repair toilets and install pipe and water heater insulation to save energy. A qualified handyman will be able to solder copper piping, cut steel piping, and help you select the types of fixtures you need for your water type and needs. They will also be able to assess the quality of your water and determine what type of whole house filters you may need if any. They can help you solve hard water problems, rusty water, and even sanitation of well water problems.

    Remodeling One of the most economical values may be to hire a handyman for renovation services. They can add instant value to your home by upgrading the kitchen, bathrooms, and windows. They can also help you expand your living quarters by building a finished basement, garage, or attic. A qualified handyman will have the right tools for the job and a portfolio of finished results to help you feel confident in their ability to build things to industry standards. This is the benefit of our service in helping people screen and sort the best man for the job by allowing clients to write feedback and recommend workers who served them well.

    Repairs A good handyman will have the knack to repair anything that is malfunctioning around the home. If you have a stove that is not operating, a refrigerator that is not freezing, or a washer that is no longer spinning, a handyman may be able to offer you assistance as the alternative to paying top dollar for a dedicated specialist. Check out the ratings of the services in your area and find the best deals on your home repairs. We offer free quotes with no obligation.

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    Handyman Services, Handyman Services Near Me -

    A+ Handyman Services | Tucson AZ Home Improvement and Repair - October 18, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A+ Handyman Services is the leading home remodeling company serving Tucson, AZ, and the surrounding areas. As a fully licensed, bonded and insured general contractor, you can depend on our professionals for all your interior and exterior home improvement and repair needs. From roofing repair and siding to electrical and plumbing work to new construction projects, no job is too large or small for our experts. Contact us today for a free quote!

    Improve the appearance and value of your home or business with professional services from A+ Handyman Services. As a locally owned and operated business with over 25 years of experience, we serve both residential and commercial property owners throughout Tucson, AZ. We pride ourselves on our detail-oriented services. We ensure 100% customer satisfaction on every job!

    Our team can tackle any home improvement task, no matter how challenging it may be. Regardless of the size of your project, you can rely on us for exceptional workmanship and competitive prices. We offer same day assistance for most repairs and maintenance. Whether you need carpentry work, plumbing repairs, security light installations, roof coating, stucco work or air conditioning repairs, call today!

    Call A+ Handyman Services in Tucson AZ at 520-589-2899.

    A+ Handyman Services | Tucson AZ Home Improvement and Repair

    Handyman in Nashville, TN | The Nashville Handyman - October 13, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Nashville Handyman is all about top quality service, great craftsmanship and an overall enjoyable experience for our clients. We are locally owned and operated and highly skilled in all aspects of home repair and maintenance. Whether you just need a handyman to take care of that ever growing honey-do list or you need a brand new garage built, The Nashville Handyman is here to serve you.

    Services we offer and more! If you dont see it listed, just ask.

    Plumbing faucets, hose bibbs, toilets, repair leaks, dishwashers, water heaters

    Drywall patch and repair walls and ceilings

    Electrical light fixtures, ceiling fans, switches, upgrade to GFCI outlets

    Painting interior/exterior painting, wood staining

    Carpentry custom builds, replace rotted wood, deck repair, carport repair, shelving

    Pressure washing decks, patios, driveways, gates, fencing, sheds, siding, shutters

    Landscaping Lawn aeration, overseeding and fertilization

    Welding wrought iron railing, gates, fencing, benches, window grills

    Honey do lists hang pictures/mirrors, fix door jams, tighten screws/hinges, change lightbulbs, change air filters, mount window AC unit, change batteries in smoke alarm, recaulk tub/shower

    Installation appliances, mailbox and post, locks, doorknobs, bathroom grab bars, windows, doors, tiles, flooring, shower curtain bar, vanities

    More services squirrel traps, freshen up old plantation shutters, gutter cleaning, clean out dryer hose, indoor/outdoor furniture assembly, repair exterior siding/trim

    Remodel projects We would be happy to send one of our experts out to you for a free quote.

    To learn more about us, click here.

    Did you now we serve the Knoxville area too? If you are looking for our Knoxville site, click here.

    See original here:
    Handyman in Nashville, TN | The Nashville Handyman

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