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    Feng Shui Now Showing! (The Philippines biggest horror blockbuster movie continues!) – Video - January 2, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Feng Shui Now Showing! (The Philippines biggest horror blockbuster movie continues!)
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    Feng Shui Now Showing! (The Philippines biggest horror blockbuster movie continues!) - Video

    PREDICTII FENG SHUI 2015 MARIAN GOLEA – Video - January 2, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder



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    Bhavishyavani | Jan 1, 2015 – Video - January 2, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Bhavishyavani | Jan 1, 2015
    Watch BHAVISHYAVANI with Acharya Indu Prakash, who tells your daily horoscope, numerological fortune, alphabetical fortune and gives tips on vaastu shastra and feng-shui along with astrological...

    By: IndiaTV

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    Bhavishyavani | Jan 1, 2015 - Video

    Feng Shui Keywords 2015 – Video - January 2, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Feng Shui Keywords 2015
    The Feng Shui keywords for 2015.

    By: Dick Evers BV

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    Feng Shui Keywords 2015 - Video

    Feng shui Wikipdia - January 2, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre.

    Le feng shui (chinois simplifi: ; chinois traditionnel: ; pinyin: fng shu, qui signifie littralement le vent et l'eau) est un art millnaire d'origine chinoise qui a pour but d'harmoniser l'nergie environnementale (le qi, /) d'un lieu de manire favoriser la sant, le bien-tre et la prosprit de ses occupants. En Chine, on l'appelle gnralement la discipline fng shu xu (, tude du vent et de l'eau). Cet art vise agencer les habitations en fonction des flux visibles (les cours d'eau) et invisibles (les vents) pour obtenir un quilibre des forces et une circulation de l'nergie. Il s'agit de l'un des arts taostes, au mme titre que la mdecine traditionnelle chinoise ou l'acupuncture, avec lesquelles il partage un tronc commun de connaissances[1].

    La premire trace dutilisation des principes de base du feng shui en Chine remonte approximativement entre 4000 et 4500 ans avant Jsus-Christ. Dans la province de Yangshao, on a dcouvert des tombes o tait appliqu un systme de placement et dorganisation suivant des principes qui fonderont plus tard les bases du feng shui. Cet art ancien porte le nom de Kan Yu ou Kwan Yu. Les premiers lments remarquables sur ce site taient bass sur les principes des quatre Animaux clestes et des orientations cardinales.

    L'on doit Fu Xi (vers 4000 avant Jsus-Christ) la dcouverte des huit trigrammes (bagua ), qui constitueront les 64 hexagrammes du Yi Jing, et Wen Wang leur transcription. Fu Xi fait partie des trois Augustes de la mythologie chinoise (, snhung). La mission de l'Empereur, l'poque, tait de conduire son peuple dans la scurit (guerre, conflit) et l'abondance (viter les famines).

    La nature du sol, la configuration de l'environnement, la prdiction du climat, des pidmies, tous ces lments vont tre tudis par ces Sages, durant plusieurs millnaires, pour arriver une comprhension globale des mcanismes terrestres, humains et clestes. Telle est la raison d'tre du feng shui.

    Depuis des sicles, les Chinois s'y rfrent pour concevoir leurs cits. La ville de Ganzhou dans la province de Jiangxi a t la premire ville construite suivant les principes du Yang Gong feng shui, il y a 1200 ans par un des plus grands matres Yang Yun Song[rf.ncessaire].

    Le feng shui a gagn ses lettres de noblesse au service de l'Empereur des dynasties chinoises.

    Interdit sous le rgime de Mao Zedong, il est aujourd'hui redevenu populaire et les peuples d'Asie de l'Est y font appel pour amliorer leur qualit de vie, leur sant au sein de leur habitat, la rentabilit de leurs locaux commerciaux.

    l'oppos des pratiques du feng shui de l'arrangement du Ciel postrieur qui concerne la vie de l'homme en tant qu'tre vivant (Yang), l'autre variante du feng shui est l'utilisation de l'arrangement du Ciel Antrieur (Yin). Celui-ci est principalement utilis pour l'organisation des lieux de spulture, ceux-ci tant choisis et orients suivant des principes permettant d'assurer la prennit des descendants sur plusieurs gnrations. Ces lieux taient gards secrets afin d'viter les malveillances envers les familles. Agir sur la configuration d'un lieu de spulture correspond, selon la pense extrme-orientale, faire une action sur tous les membres des descendants de cette famille.

    Le terme signifie littralement vent (fng) et eau (shu). Cet art fut tout d'abord appel kny sh (/) (ou simplement kny (/), kn(/) observation et y (/) char, puis terre et sh signifie art. Kny sh signifie donc l'art de l'observation de la terre; certaines interprtations considrent que kn dsigne la voie du ciel et y la voie de la terre. Le nom fng shu apparat pour la premire fois dans le zngsh (/) ou Trait des spultures crit par Gu P ( 276-324) [2]:

    Feng shui Wikipdia

    Priest: No to feng shui; yes to hard work, perseverance, prayer - January 2, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    MANILA, PhilippinesPracticing feng shui and similar rituals to attract good fortune in the new year might invite evil instead, a Catholic priest warned, adding that hard work, perseverance and prayer are the three key elements to achieve success and prosperity in 2015.

    Fr. Michell Joe Zerrudo of the Diocese of Cubao said that obsessing about feng shui and other superstitions could open one to attacks of the devil. This Chinese practice and faith contradict each other, he added.

    Feng shui is a traditional Chinese concept used to facilitate or harness the power of nature to bring harmony and balance in ones life and environment. Practitioners often cite the spatial arrangement, orientation and design of buildings and objects as crucial in attracting good energy and fortune.

    If one makes use of sipag, tiyaga at dasal (hard work, perseverance and prayer), why would there be a need to harness the elements of nature through feng shui?, Zerrudo said in an interview with CBCP News, the official news service of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines.

    Demonic spirits in nature

    The parish priest of the Holy Family Church in Roxas District, Quezon City, also cited St. Pauls Letter to the Ephesians which spoke of the principalities of air and water to warn us of demonic spirits living in and influencing nature.

    That is why harnessing the elements of nature to ones advantage means attempting to influence these principalities and the powers of air and water to work for our advantage, Zerrudo said, adding that feng shui and wearing lucky charms and amulets meant to attract luck could instead open one to attacks of the devil.

    In a talk at the Arzobispado de Manila in Intramuros last year, Msgr. Jay Bandojo aired a similar warning against yoga, occult practices, astrology, horoscopes, transcendental meditation, cursing and other practices that he said allowed demons to have a claim over a person.

    When you practice yoga, you are told to empty your mind while saying [the mantra] om, so you can feel relaxed. But when you empty yourself, youre opening yourself to possession. You have to be careful because demons might take advantage of (this) empty [vessel of your soul] and possess it, said Bandojo, who has special permission to perform exorcisms.

    Contrary to religion

    Go here to see the original:
    Priest: No to feng shui; yes to hard work, perseverance, prayer

    What is Coco Martins next dream project after Feng Shui 2? - January 2, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Home Headlines What is Coco Martins next dream project after Feng Shui 2? What is Coco Martins next dream project after Feng Shui 2?

    1/02/2015 10:52 AM

    The actor admitted that doing Feng Shui 2 felt like he was doing an indie movie again. Sabi ko nga yung experience ko habang ginagawa ko to parang gumagawa ako ulit ng indie movie kasi medyo mahirap kasi yung mga eksena namin. Actually yung location din namin napakaganda niya pero habang shino-shoot namin mahirap kasi nasa paligid kami ng isang lugar na puro tubig pero at the same time ang liit ng bangka na sinasakyan namin pero kailngan namin pagkasyahin yung motor na kunwari ginagamit ko.

    Coco said that he truly enjoyed doing the horror movie. Ang sarap pala gumawa ng horror pero isa siya sa pinaka-challenging sa akin kasi hindi mo kailangan umiyak hindi mo kailang magalit, ang kailangan mo iba yung maipakita mo dito hindi pwede yung takut-takotan lang kailangan tumagos siya sa manonood.

    Now that he has fulfilled his dream of doing a horror film, what is his next dream project? Ako honestly makagawa ng mga ginawa dati ni Chito Roo yung mga La Vida Rosa kasi para sa akin feeling ko lang kasi gustong-gusto ko yung mga makakatutuhanan yung mga totoong nangyayari. Siyempre ang pelikula iba yung pagkwento nito sa pag-gawa ng soap opera eh at siyempre iba rin yung pagkwento namin, pag gumagawa kami ng indie. Gusto ko yung ma-experience sabi ko nga nong napapanood ko noon yung pelikula ni direk Chito kahit hindi pa kami nagkatrabaho yon yung mga gusto ko kasi nakaka-relate ako at alam kong totoong nangyayari.

    Excerpt from:
    What is Coco Martins next dream project after Feng Shui 2?

    Is your animal sign lucky this year? - January 2, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    MANILA - As Filipinos begin their preparations for the coming Chinese New Year, a feng shui expert revealed his predictions for the various animal zodiac signs and his advice on how to attract more luck.

    In an interview with DZMM on Friday, popular Filipino Feng shui practitioner Dr. Anthony Fugoso said the Year of the Wooden Sheep, which will officially start on February 19, will be extremely lucky for those born in the Year of the Rat, the Dragon, and the Tiger.

    He noted that all three signs are blessed with the "wealth star," which suggests a prosperous year in terms of money, and said that those born under the animal signs should look to start a business to take advantage of the several opportunities that will come this year.

    Fugoso, however, warned of travelling often as this year will be a year of "metal-related" accidents. He added that, despite being a year of an animal known for its more docile nature, 2015 will be filled with heated arguments.

    For the other animal signs, Fugoso singled out the Rabbit. He predicted that while those born under the animal sign will experience less luck compared to last year, he said that Rabbits will still be "lucky" as it shares a "harmonious" relationship with the Sheep.

    He also explained that those born in the Year of the Snake will need to travel more and spend time with their family in order to attract more luck, while those born under the Year of the Monkey will only prosper on the business side of things.

    Fugoso went on to warn those born in the Year of the Horse of their health, and said that they will need to be extra careful when it comes to driving on the road.

    He also said that those born in the Year of the Dog will need to refrain from engaging in extramarital affairs, and added that this will be a great year to stay loyal and spend more time with their family as it will also attract more luck.

    For those born in the Year of the Rooster and the Ox, Fugoso said that these two animal signs will experience "bad luck" compared to the other animal signs.

    Being a natural enemy of the Sheep, those born Ox will need to be avoid dangerous activities such as hiking. Roosters, on the other hand, was warned to stay away from hospitals and cemeteries so as not to worsen their luck.

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    Is your animal sign lucky this year?

    Feng Shui (Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao) – Video - January 1, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Feng Shui (Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao)
    Subscribe to the ABS-CBN Star Cinema channel! - For the latest movie, news, trailers exclusive interviews visit our official...

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    Flying Star Feng Shui 2015 – Will your front door be lucky in Year of the Wood Goat? – Video - January 1, 2015 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Flying Star Feng Shui 2015 - Will your front door be lucky in Year of the Wood Goat?
    Want more tips? Register for my FREE Feng Shui for 2015 Webinar at As we head closer to the Chinese New Year, it #39;s time to make su...

    By: Feng Shui and Prosper

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    Flying Star Feng Shui 2015 - Will your front door be lucky in Year of the Wood Goat? - Video

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