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More changes to Grand National fences -
January 19, 2013 by
Mr HomeBuilder
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Amy Mathieson, H&H news writer
17 January, 2013
The plan is in early stages, but following a successful trial on Becher Chase day at the end of 2012, the fences will be formed around birch and plastic cores rather than the traditional wooden stakes to make a kinder fence in this years race (6 April).
The fences outwardly will remain the same, but will have with a softer core to be more forgiving, following the deaths of two horses, including Gold Cup winner Synchronised, in last years Grand National.
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More changes to Grand National fences
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If good fences make good neighbors, it logically follows that ugly fences get neighborhoods riled up, said Beaumont City Councilman Mike Getz during discussion of an ordinance to control the type of fences visible from the street in Old Town.
The Council voted unanimously to approve an ordinance banning all fences except wood, wrought iron or brick in the Oaks Historic District, which was established in 1993 to preserve the historic character of the Old Town neighborhood. An overlay of city ordinances like the new one concerning fences is part of this effort.
The ordinance was proposed after an Old Town resident built a sheet metal fence that was deemed unsuitable to the character of the neighborhood, according to city documents.
Old Town residents are now prohibited from building fences (visible from the street) of sheet metal, chain link, concrete block, barbed wire or other building material without a variance from city council. The new ordinance also specifies height and location requirements, which are conditional.
Exceptions can be made for fences not in compliance if the applicant can prove it is historically sensitive or if absence of the fence poses significant hazard to life or property.
Getz said sheet metal fences are a hazard during hurricanes and also have other drawbacks, including being prone to rust and presenting a cutting hazard to children.
He proposed that the city have a work session to discuss expanding a fence ordinance to other neighborhoods in the city, not just Old Town.
No ‘ugly’ fences in Oaks Historic District
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Quincy Over Fences – Video -
January 14, 2013 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Quincy Over Fences
By: Ashton Garner
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Fences by Paramore(cover) – Video -
January 14, 2013 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Fences by Paramore(cover)
Mhm mhm idk what to put here so hi lol
By: ImSimplyTaylor
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Fences by Paramore(cover) - Video
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Minecraft PE: How Fences Work!
I know this may be SUPER obvious to some of you, but a lot of people actually ask me this very question, so.... yeah! Hope you liked the video, if you did, give it a you-know-what! Subscribe to join us in Ostrich Stadium, and to be updated on when new videos come out! Follow me on Twitter @TheJulacker for news on uploads, exclusive Pocket Edition news, and random fun stuff! twitter.com Go here to see how you can get sweet texture packs like mine! http://www.youtube.com Music: c418.bandcamp.com
By: TheJulacker
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Free Realms MEP Fences - Paramore (OPEN)
Info: 1. Anyone can join you can use any editor. 2. Comment with the part you want. 3. When you #39;re done with your part inbox me or make it a video response. (Don #39;t upload to Mediafire) 4. Add your watermark to your video. 5. There is no due date yet. I will set a due date when all the parts are taken. 😀 (Part 1) cutiekitty1003 ( #10003;) (Part 2) Mine () (Part 3) OPEN () (Part 4) OPEN () (Part 5) OPEN () (Part 6) OPEN () (Part 7) OPEN () I do not own this music. No copyright infringement intended. 🙂
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Jan. 10, 2013 Tiobe Barron, OVN correspondent
Regulations governing fences, sheds, walls and perhaps even doghouses could be changing for Ojai homeowners.
Tonight is a discussion of whether there is interest at the council level in making some changes to our zoning code to clarify certain regulations that are a challenge both to our staff and the public, Ojai Community Development Director Rob Mullane told the Ojai City Council at its meeting Tuesday.
So the question here is, do we have codes that are workable? Do we have development standards that make sense, that really give clarity not just to staff, but to the public? said Mullane. The question that is before Council this evening is, does the Council feel we ought to be either tightening up our standards or providing different standards than what are there right now, which have been problematic for these two areas?
Among Mullanes chief concerns were the lack of guidelines regarding the height, size and number of structures allowed in backyards; the regulations regarding the location and height of fences, many of which require variances because of overly-strict guidelines; and the ban on any accessory structures in backyard setbacks.
In my view, we are actually lucky we have not had more very challenging applications coming before the staff, said Mullane. We have a prohibition on any structures in the rear-yard setback, which is a little unusual in that it does not differentiate between structures that require a building permit and those that do not. So theoretically a doghouse in the rear-yard setback is illegal.
Most cities allow at least small structures like tool sheds in the setback, but we dont, explained Ojai City Manager Rob Clark in a recent interview. In neighborhoods with small homes and small lots with little storage, this is a legitimate need. On the other hand, most cities also have limits on the size for accessory structures that are smaller than the main house, whether or not they are in a setback. Also they tend to have limits on the number of accessory buildings and lot coverage. Ojai has none of this either. We have had some code complaints and felt the policy should be addressed before we go out enforcing.
Ojai resident Kathy Zotnowski, who has had a zoning complaint filed against her by a neighbor, told the Council she feels the rules are not being enforced uniformly.
Currently at least two City Council members, the city manager, the city inspector, these 50 neighbors and a minimum of 100 neighbors all within a few blocks of our home all have accessory structures in violation of these same setbacks.
Ojai resident Bob Daddi, who also has had zoning issues with the city, told the Council, I dont want staff to come up with the standards, I want the public to come up with the standards. I have been asking for five years for you to come in and amend these codes. They are confusing, they are contradictory and they are erratically enforced.
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Rule changes could be coming for Ojai fences, walls, backyards and doghouses
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Farmers told to remove illegal fences -
January 13, 2013 by
Mr HomeBuilder
On a visit to the North at the end of last year, Deputy Minister of Lands and Resettlement Theo Diergaardt told traditional authorities and communal land boards of the Omusati, Ohangwena, and Kavango regions that all illegal fences, especially those erected after March 2003, must be removed within the next few months. The Ministry of Lands and Resettlements chief development planner in the Ohangwena Region, Paulus Amaambo, told The Namibian that 17 farmers in the region had received legal notices to remove illegal fences before the end of next month. A source at the Kavango communal land board also told The Namibian yesterday that five farmers in that region had been served with legal notices to take down their fences before the end of February. In the Omusati Region, five farmers have been served with the same notices. Amaambo said the farmers could appeal the notices in court, which many farmers reportedly have already done. This might delay the removal process as legal aspects thus have to be followed. Because if the courts still find them guilty, they [farmers] will still have the right to appeal to a higher court and even to the Supreme Court, Amaambo said. In July last year Cabinet directed the Ministry of Lands to reinforce measures against those fencing off communal areas. Diergaardt said the removal of illegal fences was in any case one of the major activities of the ministry. In December last year it was decided that charges would be laid with the police if the courts rule against offenders. Diergaardt said cases of illegal fences must be given the necessary attention of the police once cases are reported by the traditional authorities or communal land boards, and that the police must be involved at all times during the physical removal of the fences. It was also decided that the lands ministry would request exemption from the Tender Board to appoint contractors to remove illegal fences. There is no need for High Court orders to remove illegal fences because those may be removed after police investigations are completed. It was also decided that money from the Communal Land Reform Fund be used for the removal of illegal fences erected after March 2003. The Otjozondjupa communal land board was the first to have issued notices to farmers to remove illegal fences. The board in November last year gave eight farmers notices to that effect after they had erected fences in the Na #Jaqna conservancy.
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Farmers told to remove illegal fences
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TWENTY-SEVEN farmers in northern Namibia, found to have illegally fenced off large tracts of land in communal areas, have been issued with legal notices to remove their fences before the end of next month or face the wrath of the law.
On a visit to the North at the end of last year, Deputy Minister of Lands and Resettlement Theo Diergaardt told traditional authorities and communal land boards of the Omusati, Ohangwena, and Kavango regions that all illegal fences, especially those erected after March 2003, must be removed within the next few months.
The Ministry of Lands and Resettlement's chief development planner in the Ohangwena Region, Paulus Amaambo, told The Namibian that 17 farmers in the region had received legal notices to remove illegal fences before the end of next month.
A source at the Kavango communal land board also told The Namibian yesterday that five farmers in that region had been served with legal notices to take down their fences before the end of February.
In the Omusati Region, five farmers have been served with the same notices.
Amaambo said the farmers could appeal the notices in court, which many farmers reportedly have already done.
"This might delay the removal process as legal aspects thus have to be followed. Because if the courts still find them guilty, they [farmers] will still have the right to appeal to a higher court and even to the Supreme Court," Amaambo said.
In July last year Cabinet directed the Ministry of Lands to reinforce measures against those fencing off communal areas.
Diergaardt said the removal of illegal fences was in any case one of the major activities of the ministry.
In December last year it was decided that charges would be laid with the police if the courts rule against offenders.
Namibia: Farmers Told to Remove Illegal Fences
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A Portland-based group that builds fences for dogs chained outdoors is in desperate need of crew leaders and volunteers for Southwest Washington projects, Fences For Fido team members said.
In addition, the group is seeking an extra-large, insulated dog house for a Great Dane/lab mix thats awaiting a fence in Castle Rock, according to Dolores Handy of Longview, Fences For Fidos Southwest Washington coordinator.
Unfortunately, we cant find anything that big, and we cant build his fence until we get a shelter, Handy said last week, adding that the insulated dog houses built by a Salem volunteer arent large enough for the giant dog.
Fences For Fido, an all-volunteer, nonprofit group formed in 2009, is dedicated to improving the lives of dogs kept outdoors by removing chains, building fences, providing new dog houses, offering medical care and free spaying and neutering. The group typically builds eight to 10 fences each month and usually has about 20 dogs on its waiting list.
The dogs owners arent charged a cent for the work, which runs an average of $600 per project, including the fence, insulated dog house and spay/neuter, according to http://www.fencesforfido.org. The group is funded by donations. Neighbors can anonymously request a fence for a dog, too, using a form on the website.
The dogs owners arent charged a cent for the work, which runs an average of $600 per project, according to http://www.fencesforfido.org. The group is funded by donations. Most clients are low-income and cannot afford to build their own fence, but there are no income requirements. Fence projects are based on the dogs needs rather than the familys financial status, according to the group.
Fences For Fido has built 46 fences for 81 dogs in Cowlitz, Wahkiakum and southern Lewis County. The groups Southwest Washington chapter could help more dogs if it had more local people willing to take charge of leading fence construction projects and getting the materials, Handy said.
So far, were having to rely on people coming up from Portland ... but Portland is booked out until April, Handy said. We would love to build a house every single weekend, but so far, we have not been able to find enough people to fulfill that need. ... We have so many dogs up here who need help.
Just on Wednesday, a volunteer discovered two painfully skinny dogs chained outside in Cathlamet by a ramshackle dog house. Fences For Fido volunteers brought over food and bedding and created makeshift shelters for the dogs until their cozy new dog houses arrive. The dogs owners, who said they couldnt afford to feed the dogs enough, accepted Fences For Fidos offer to build a fence, Handy said.
Fence building is easy, she said. Volunteers dig holes for cedar posts and cement them into the ground. (Within Longview city limits, however, a permit is required, and a city inspector must approve the holes before theyre cemented, which adds a couple of days to the project, Handy said). Volunteers return the weekend after the post-setting to erect a wood-and-wire fence.
Busy Fences for Fido group looking to add local volunteers
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