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    Parking improvements offered to North Central | Local News | – San Mateo Daily Journal - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Mitigation measures for North Central San Mateo residents affected by the removal of 200 parking spots to add bike lanes are ongoing, with overnight parking programs and red curbs for driveways seeing significant neighborhood interest amid further city action.

    The city in July started its pilot King Center Overnight Parking program to help reduce parking congestion. The city issued 17 of 30 free permits in July to residents to provide parking in an off-street lot between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m., with permits available monthly on a first-come, first-served basis. City staff said some cars have remained in the lot beyond the time limit, but police warnings have led to compliance. The city is also close to completing the evaluation and installation of 12 on-street accessible parking spots for eligible neighborhood residents with a current ADA placard or hangtag. It has also completed the painting of close to 108 red curbs for driveways in the neighborhood at no cost. A driveway entrance program allowing some residents to park parallel on the street in front of their driveways has seen little interest.

    Staff also conducted a neighborhood survey about offering residential parking permits lasting from June to July 8. The survey was available online, and a mailed copy was sent to 3,000 households in the neighborhood. The city received 588 survey responses and is analyzing the data. Staff intends to return to the City Council in the fall with survey findings and permit program options for consideration. Public Works Director Azalea Mitch said the city is developing better ways to assess and make clear the public impacts of projects early in the planning process in light of the resident resistance to the Bike Lanes Project. Sustainability and Infrastructure Commissioner Adam Loraine was looking forward to the survey results to get a better understanding to improve parking issues for North Central residents.

    Im hoping that these options are helping North Central residents and this project is working better for them, Loraine said.

    The North Central Bike Lanes Project removed 200 spaces to bring in a bicycle boulevard and bicycle lanes on Humboldt Street and bicycle lanes on Poplar and Indian avenues to connect to the recently completed North San Mateo Drive project. It received significant resistance from neighborhood residents because of the parking loss in an already crowded neighborhood, with the city agreeing to significant parking mitigation measures to offset the loss. The high-priority project identified in the citys bicycle master plan is vital to improving connectivity to the east side of San Mateo through a west-east connection. The project would also reduce the citys carbon footprint, improve safety and likely reduce the risk and frequency of future collisions by removing bicyclists from shared lanes. From 2017 to 2021, there were 11 bicycle-involved collisions on the project corridor and 30 in the neighborhood.

    The citys ongoing paving projects will also add bicycle infrastructure in early 2023, like a bicycle boulevard on Sunnybrae Boulevard from South Delaware Street to South Amphlett Boulevard, a class two bike lane on South Humboldt Street from Fifth to Ninth avenues, and a bicycle boulevard on Fifth Avenue. The citys ongoing paving projects will also add bicycle infrastructure in early 2023, like a bicycle boulevard on Sunnybrae Boulevard from South Delaware Street to South Amphlett Boulevard, a class two bike lane on South Humboldt Street from Fifth to Ninth avenues, and a bicycle boulevard on Fifth Avenue from South Delaware Street to South Amphlett Boulevard, according to a staff report. The city has also been awarded funding for design and environmental review for a bike lane on 28th Avenue from Edison Street to El Camino Real to connect the existing bicycle boulevard, along with bike lanes and boulevard along Delaware Street south of Bermuda Drive for school kids.

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    Parking improvements offered to North Central | Local News | - San Mateo Daily Journal

    Shelton approves 30 apartments on Old Bridgeport Ave. – CTPost - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    SHELTON The citys apartment stock is receiving another boost.

    Blakemans plans call for construction of a building with 30 apartments and onsite parking on the site of the former Hunan Pan restaurant.

    The apartment building will match Brookview Apartments, the structure developed by Blakeman and already in place at 305 Old Bridgeport Ave. It would replace the two-story structure and paving presently on the site.

    Blakeman called his latest plans Phase Two, and the new building, as presently proposed, would be a carbon copy of the existing one, which was finished two years ago.

    Currently, the site is accessed from Sunwood Drive off Old Bridgeport Avenue. The plans state that a new driveway entrance into the proposed off-street parking area will be created to be accessed from Sunwood Drive.

    This was not lost on Commissioner Ruth Parkins, who said she was not opposed to Blakemans proposal, but ultimately voted against the plan.

    I do not want to be a situation where we are picking winners and losers, Parkins said. These are all PDDs (Planned Development District). We can say no. We dont have to say yes.

    Parkins said her concerns come from a housing market that again appears in flux. She said these latest changes in the market could lead to apartments being less attractive, leaving the city with an overabundance of such units.

    At this point, there are three high-density proposals in the zoning department pipeline a 43-unit proposal on Old Bridgeport Avenue, a 152-apartment plan at 435 River Road, and 94 apartments on Todd Road. These, along with Blakemans recent plan, were submitted prior to the establishment of the moratorium.

    Zoning consultant Tony Panico said such development proposals can take three to six months before final decisions are made, and these projects were all in the pipeline before the moratorium was even discussed.

    We can deny without prejudice, and let things settle down until the end of the moratorium, Parkins said. We can let them come back and waive all fees.

    Commission Chair Virginia Harger said a special commission subcommittee with commissioners Elaine Matto, Charlie Kelly and Parkins as members has been established but has not yet begun meeting.

    Shelton approves 30 apartments on Old Bridgeport Ave. - CTPost

    How to remove oil stains from a driveway – 4 budget hacks to instantly dissolve grease – Express - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Droplets of spilled oil are almost impossible to spot on gravel driveways but they are hard to ignore on bricks, paving stones, and concrete. These pesky stains can occur for several reasons, though it is most likely to be residue from the gas, brake fluid, antifreeze, or transmission in your car. While an increasing number of oil stains is almost certainly bad news for your vehicle, getting rid of them from your driveway is a lot easier to deal with.

    Before making a start on cleaning your driveway, it is advisable to always seek professional advice for your vehicle if you are concerned about a build-up of oil spills on your property.

    Not only will this ensure that your car is safe to drive, but also prevent all your hard work from going to waste once you have managed to clean away nuisance stains.

    Common household products are your best bet for removing oil stains, and theres a wide range of effective ingredients to choose from.

    READ MORE:Golden rule for removing toilet limescale with just 2 ingredients

    Cat litter, baking soda, laundry detergent, and even washing up liquid are all excellent tools for tackling oily residue, but the best results will come from using a mixture of both dry and wet ingredients.

    For fresh stains, start by soaking up the oily liquid using baking soda or cat litter.

    To do this, sprinkle a generous amount of your chosen dry ingredient over the spillage until it is covered.

    Leave the substance to absorb the oil for a few minutes before brushing it away and rinsing it with some clean water.

    Dont be afraid to clean stains vigorously, especially on concrete and asphalt which can easily withstand the intensity of a hard-bristled brush.

    The more elbow grease you put into it, the better the results will be.

    If you want to use a powder laundry detergent, mix it into a paste with some water and scrub it onto your driveway.

    Continue to apply the paste and rinse it away as soon as it becomes dirty from surface residue on the driveway.

    A nylon brush is best for the paste method, though you should use the same vigorous motion to really lift the oily stain.

    Read more here:
    How to remove oil stains from a driveway - 4 budget hacks to instantly dissolve grease - Express

    Tourism, housing crisis contributing to increased trash in downtown Charlottetown – Saltwire - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. As someone who has lived downtown for 20 years, Andrea Battison is familiar with the noise and litter in Charlottetown.

    The COVID-19 pandemic gave the neighbourhood a break from tourism and foot traffic, but things have sped back up this year now that most public health restrictions have been dropped.

    Now, theres more than just some trash and loud talking.

    Its screaming and yelling at 2 a.m. when the bars close. Its people urinating on Battisons driveway and porch.

    Recently, Battisons husband caught a man literally with his pants down using their driveway as a toilet.

    For Battison, this issue isnt complicated. The city has been encouraging business growth and the foot traffic that comes with it, without also providing services like garbage cans and public washrooms, she said in an Aug. 18 SaltWire interview.

    How do you support the people you bring in?

    Battison pointed to downtown beautification initiatives that serve tourism, like the lights being installed overheadon downtown streets while leaving behind residents in the area.

    You can buy more light stands, and you can do all this paving, but you cant buy garbage cans. You come downtown and look for a garbage can, a public waste receptacle, theres none, she said.

    While Battison attributes much of the problem to increased businesses and customers, she also noted there aren't enough garbage cans in general, even without tourism traffic.

    I get it, that the city wants to increase business traffic, and I see theres a plus to that for some people, but not everybody, she said.

    SaltWire has been reporting on the housing crisis in Charlottetown and P.E.I. and has recently published stories on people living in tents, including in the downtown area.

    Battison, however, doesnt think the issues she is seeing are related to homelessness. It seems to be the typical post-bar rowdiness and messiness that comes in part from having nowhere to place garbage, such as pizza boxes, she said.

    Along with more garbage cans and possibly public washrooms, Battison suggested more security could help.

    She doesnt think this needs to be police, though. Just some kind of official security presence to act as a deterrent, she said.

    Tessa Rogers, a street outreach worker with PEERS Alliance, believes the increased garbage around Charlottetown is connected to the housing crisis and the rise of people sleeping rough.

    In her work, Rogers has been to encampments in the woods and met numerous Islanders sleeping in tents.

    What she hasnt seen are basic civic services, like garbage cans, public washrooms or even places to fill water, she said in an Aug. 17 SaltWire interview.

    People are trying to source out areas where theyre not going to be bothered by the police or bothered by the general community, so theyre going in more private areas that dont have resources surrounding them.

    While Rogers agrees with the need for more garbage services, she doesnt think more police will help the situation.

    Theyre definitely issues, like we dont want to have litter all over town. But thats as simple as talking to people and saying, OK, this is the area youre camping. Were going to bring in a big garbage can for you folks to use, and were going to come this day every week or every couple days to empty it.

    Instead of security, Rogers called for providing the services people have been asking for.

    When Battison first contacted SaltWire, she included an email chain that also involved several city councillors and Brad MacConnell, the chief of Charlottetown Police Services.

    Mitch Tweel, councillor for Ward 4, replied to the email, adding the citys CAO and public works manager to the chain, and saying he was sorry the issue was happening in the citys historic district.

    Alanna Jankov, councillor for ward one much of the downtown area also responded to Battison's initial letter outlining the issue, acknowledging it is a problem and noting CPS is working on a plan for more security.

    This will likely be private security, rather than police, Jankov said in a follow-up email to SaltWire.

    SaltWire emailed and called MacConnell to ask about the complaints and whether more security will be coming and what it might look like, but MacConnell directed SaltWire to speak with Todd Sutcliffe, CPSs bylaw officer.

    Sutcliffe did not respond by deadline to an Aug. 18 interview request.

    On Aug. 18, SaltWire also called Scott Adams, manager of Charlottetown Public Works, to ask about plans for more garbage services downtown.

    Adams hadnt personally heard complaints about the issue and didnt know of any city plan for more garbage services, but would check with his assistant manager, he said.

    SaltWire did not receive any further response by deadline.

    Logan MacLean is a diversity reporter with the SaltWire Network in Prince Edward Island. He can be reached by email at [emailprotected] and followed on Twitter @loganmaclean94.

    See the article here:
    Tourism, housing crisis contributing to increased trash in downtown Charlottetown - Saltwire

    54% of drivers want to switch to electric cars within the next 5 years, but confusion around home charging costs could be holding them back – Centrica - August 20, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Hive launches SmartCharge Saver tariff add-on- to help customers charge electric cars at the cheapest, and greenest time of the day saving up to 2.10 for a full charge for a 30 kWh battery

    August 2022, London: New data from smart home experts, Hive, reveals 54% of people are planning to make the switch to an electric car in the next 5 years and whilst 58% would consider a home charger, there is still widespread confusion and concern about the cheapest and most efficient ways to charge them. With the production of petrol cars banned from 2030, its essential drivers understand all aspects of electric car charging to encourage the transition.

    One of the major misconceptions is that over a quarter (27%) of people think home charging would be more expensive than public charging. With the cost-of-living crisis forcing most to tighten their belts more than ever, this incorrect assumption could be stopping people from making the swich, which may actually save them money in the long run. With the public charging network largely deemed inadequate due to a lack of charging points, its also less convenient and more expensive than home charging, costing up to 10 per charge at a public rapid charger*, which is much more than the at home cost.

    When asked how much they thought it would cost to fully charge an average electric estate car with a home charger, respondents estimated around 21**. In reality, the average cost is 7.50***, a stark contrast to current fuel costs, that average out at 1.86 per litre.**** Amidst rising living and fuel costs, over half (57%) are also concerned about the impact home charging would have on energy bills.

    Most people (71%) are unaware that a home charger can be linked to their energy provider, showing the need for clear information in this area. To support customers, Hive SmartCharge Saver, a brand-new tariff add-on supplied by British Gas and powered by Hive is being trialled by 100 customers this week. Its an add-on that works with Hive EV charging and any British Gas tariff, using intelligent scheduling to charge a customers EV at the cheapest, and greenest time of the day. All the customer needs to do is tell Hive, via the app, when they need their car to be charged by and Hive will do the rest.

    Customers will get a discount of 2p per kWH whenever their EV is plugged in continuously for 6 hours and 7p per kWh if the car is plugged in for longer, equating to a max saving of 2.10 per full charge for 30 kWH battery and up to 4.20 saving for a 60kWh battery.

    Sustainability is also a big factor with almost a quarter (23%) of people concerned about the environmental impact of using a home charger. The new Hive tariff add-on takes care of this by effortlessly charging the car at the greenest time of day.

    Although there is a clear demand for home chargers, theres a lack of understanding around the installation process. Over three quarters (76%) are in the dark about what makes a home eligible for a home charger and 36% are worried they would need to make significant changes in order to have one installed, when they just need to own their own property and have a driveway. Hive guides customers through the EV charger process, from start to finish with an installation from an expert British Gas engineer and 24/7 support available on demand. The Hive EV Charger can be controlled via the Hive app enabling customers to charge their car from wherever they are and keep track of their expenditure

    Henry Duff, Head of Net Zero at Hive comments: Were getting closer to the ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles and with petrol prices at an all- time high, some people may be considering the switch to an electric vehicle. However, it is evident from our research that theres still confusion around EV charging, particularly when it comes to costs. This is one of the reasons were launching the trial of the EV SmartCharge Saver tariff add-on, with the aim of making it available to all EV-owning customers in the future. As a responsible, trusted supplier, its our job to ensure our customers are on the most energy and cost-efficient rates and this new add-on aims to do just that helping customers save money on running an electric car. We understand the move to electric cars can be daunting, so we want to make the transition as simple as possible for those where home charging is an option.

    To find out more about Hive EV Charging, please visit:

    To find out more about the Hive SmartCharge add-on, please visit:

    54% of drivers want to switch to electric cars within the next 5 years, but confusion around home charging costs could be holding them back - Centrica

    Glasgow Resin Driveways LTD Enjoy Rave Reviews Across The Glasgow Area – Digital Journal - July 26, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Innovative paving contracting company, Glasgow Resin Driveways LTD, continues to receive accolades from clients across Glasgow for their resin driveway service

    Homes, as well as businesses in different parts of Glasgow, are undoubtedly having the best of times working with Glasgow Resin Driveways LTD, judging by the reviews that have greeted the companys services in recent times. Glasgow Resin Driveways LTD has grown over the years to become a sought-after provider forresin driveway Glasgow, with a team of dedicated and experienced professionals bringing their expertise to bear to meet the paving and surfacing needs of clients.

    The demand for paving contracting services has increased tremendously over the years. In a related development, several solutions have emerged from manufacturers and other stakeholders in the industry to meet the growing and diverse needs of residential and commercial customers. However, many of the available solutions do not effectively address the concerns of clients in terms of durability, quality, and cost-efficiency. The situation is not particularly different in Glasgow and other parts of Scotland, which is where the team at Glasgow Resin Driveways LTD has been particularly helpful by deliveringResin Driveways Glasgow.

    As experts in drives, patios, paths, resin bound and paving installation, Glasgow Resin Driveways LTD specializes in block paving, resin bonded driveways, Indian sandstone, tarmac driveways, rubber crumb, and of course, resin driveway with free quotes to clients.

    Glasgow Resin Driveways LTD has continued to enjoy amazing reviews from customers as the locally established and family-owned and operated business expands its service to more areas in and around Glasgow. Glasgow Resin Drive Ways ltd installed a porcelain patio to the side of our cottage. The crew were fantastic, keeping us informed of improvement and finishes around the borders of the patio as they progressed. I wouldnt hesitate to recommend Johne and his team again.

    Video link:

    For further information about Glasgow Resin Driveways LTD and the services offered, visit

    Media ContactCompany Name: Glasgow Resin Driveways LTDContact Person: 79-82 Oswald StEmail: Send EmailPhone: 01416730332Address:Garry Glazier City: Glasgow G1 4PLCountry: ScotlandWebsite:

    Go here to see the original:
    Glasgow Resin Driveways LTD Enjoy Rave Reviews Across The Glasgow Area - Digital Journal

    Kingsport to start preservation paving in Lynn Garden – Kingsport Times News - July 26, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder


    United States of AmericaUS Virgin IslandsUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsCanadaMexico, United Mexican StatesBahamas, Commonwealth of theCuba, Republic ofDominican RepublicHaiti, Republic ofJamaicaAfghanistanAlbania, People's Socialist Republic ofAlgeria, People's Democratic Republic ofAmerican SamoaAndorra, Principality ofAngola, Republic ofAnguillaAntarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S)Antigua and BarbudaArgentina, Argentine RepublicArmeniaArubaAustralia, Commonwealth ofAustria, Republic ofAzerbaijan, Republic ofBahrain, Kingdom ofBangladesh, People's Republic ofBarbadosBelarusBelgium, Kingdom ofBelizeBenin, People's Republic ofBermudaBhutan, Kingdom ofBolivia, Republic ofBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswana, Republic ofBouvet Island (Bouvetoya)Brazil, Federative Republic ofBritish Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)British Virgin IslandsBrunei DarussalamBulgaria, People's Republic ofBurkina FasoBurundi, Republic ofCambodia, Kingdom ofCameroon, United Republic ofCape Verde, Republic ofCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChad, Republic ofChile, Republic ofChina, People's Republic ofChristmas IslandCocos (Keeling) IslandsColombia, Republic ofComoros, Union of theCongo, Democratic Republic ofCongo, People's Republic ofCook IslandsCosta Rica, Republic ofCote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of theCyprus, Republic ofCzech RepublicDenmark, Kingdom ofDjibouti, Republic ofDominica, Commonwealth ofEcuador, Republic ofEgypt, Arab Republic ofEl Salvador, Republic ofEquatorial Guinea, Republic ofEritreaEstoniaEthiopiaFaeroe IslandsFalkland Islands (Malvinas)Fiji, Republic of the Fiji IslandsFinland, Republic ofFrance, French RepublicFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesGabon, Gabonese RepublicGambia, Republic of theGeorgiaGermanyGhana, Republic ofGibraltarGreece, Hellenic RepublicGreenlandGrenadaGuadaloupeGuamGuatemala, Republic ofGuinea, RevolutionaryPeople's Rep'c ofGuinea-Bissau, Republic ofGuyana, Republic ofHeard and McDonald IslandsHoly See (Vatican City State)Honduras, Republic ofHong Kong, Special Administrative Region of ChinaHrvatska (Croatia)Hungary, Hungarian People's RepublicIceland, Republic ofIndia, Republic ofIndonesia, Republic ofIran, Islamic Republic ofIraq, Republic ofIrelandIsrael, State ofItaly, Italian RepublicJapanJordan, Hashemite Kingdom ofKazakhstan, Republic ofKenya, Republic ofKiribati, Republic ofKorea, Democratic People's Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKuwait, State ofKyrgyz RepublicLao People's Democratic RepublicLatviaLebanon, Lebanese RepublicLesotho, Kingdom ofLiberia, Republic ofLibyan Arab JamahiriyaLiechtenstein, Principality ofLithuaniaLuxembourg, Grand Duchy ofMacao, Special Administrative Region of ChinaMacedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic ofMadagascar, Republic ofMalawi, Republic ofMalaysiaMaldives, Republic ofMali, Republic ofMalta, Republic ofMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMauritania, Islamic Republic ofMauritiusMayotteMicronesia, Federated States ofMoldova, Republic ofMonaco, Principality ofMongolia, Mongolian People's RepublicMontserratMorocco, Kingdom ofMozambique, People's Republic ofMyanmarNamibiaNauru, Republic ofNepal, Kingdom ofNetherlands AntillesNetherlands, Kingdom of theNew CaledoniaNew ZealandNicaragua, Republic ofNiger, Republic of theNigeria, Federal Republic ofNiue, Republic ofNorfolk IslandNorthern Mariana IslandsNorway, Kingdom ofOman, Sultanate ofPakistan, Islamic Republic ofPalauPalestinian Territory, OccupiedPanama, Republic ofPapua New GuineaParaguay, Republic ofPeru, Republic ofPhilippines, Republic of thePitcairn IslandPoland, Polish People's RepublicPortugal, Portuguese RepublicPuerto RicoQatar, State ofReunionRomania, Socialist Republic ofRussian FederationRwanda, Rwandese RepublicSamoa, Independent State ofSan Marino, Republic ofSao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic ofSaudi Arabia, Kingdom ofSenegal, Republic ofSerbia and MontenegroSeychelles, Republic ofSierra Leone, Republic ofSingapore, Republic ofSlovakia (Slovak Republic)SloveniaSolomon IslandsSomalia, Somali RepublicSouth Africa, Republic ofSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSpain, Spanish StateSri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic ofSt. HelenaSt. Kitts and NevisSt. LuciaSt. Pierre and MiquelonSt. Vincent and the GrenadinesSudan, Democratic Republic of theSuriname, Republic ofSvalbard & Jan Mayen IslandsSwaziland, Kingdom ofSweden, Kingdom ofSwitzerland, Swiss ConfederationSyrian Arab RepublicTaiwan, Province of ChinaTajikistanTanzania, United Republic ofThailand, Kingdom ofTimor-Leste, Democratic Republic ofTogo, Togolese RepublicTokelau (Tokelau Islands)Tonga, Kingdom ofTrinidad and Tobago, Republic ofTunisia, Republic ofTurkey, Republic ofTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluUganda, Republic ofUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Kingdom of Great Britain & N. IrelandUruguay, Eastern Republic ofUzbekistanVanuatuVenezuela, Bolivarian Republic ofViet Nam, Socialist Republic ofWallis and Futuna IslandsWestern SaharaYemenZambia, Republic ofZimbabwe

    Read more from the original source:
    Kingsport to start preservation paving in Lynn Garden - Kingsport Times News

    Paving Work To Affect City Avenue Traffic This Week – Patch - July 26, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    LOWER MERION TOWNSHIP, PA City Avenue in Lower Merion will have lane closures during the daytime and nighttime this week, according to PennDOT.

    PennDOT said resurfacing work will force alternating lane closures from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., as well as overnight from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. the following morning, on a portion of City Avenue.

    The affected stretch of road is between Haverford Avenue and the City Avenue Bridge over the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia and Lower Merion Township.

    Work being done is prepping and paving operations, PennDOT said.

    Drivers are advised to allow extra time when traveling through the work areas because slowdowns will occur.

    All scheduled activities are weather dependent.

    Under this resurfacing improvement project, PennDOT is milling the existing roadway surfaces and repaving the state highways with new asphalt.

    The new pavement will seal the roadways and provide motorists with a smoother riding surface

    Paving Work To Affect City Avenue Traffic This Week - Patch

    Roadway Activity Report for parts of East and Middle Tennessee (July 21 – 27, 2022) – - July 26, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder


    CUMBERLAND COUNTY I-40 resurfacing from MM 333.5 to the Roane County line (MM 340.4) including SR-299 interchanges: Nightly lane closures on I-40 in both directions from MM 333.5 to MM 340.4. This will take place from 7:00 PM to 6:00 AM (Monday night through Friday morning).

    [Rogers Group, Inc./Crossville/CNV315]

    CUMBERLAND COUNTY I-40 resurfacing from near Plateau Road (MM 311) to near the Obed River (MM 318): Nightly lane closures on I-40 from near MM 311 to MM 317 working in both directions from 7:00 PM to 6:00 AM. Work consists of resurfacing the asphalt. Daily shoulder closures on I-40 in both directions from near MM 311 to MM 317 from 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Work on the shoulders consists of fabricating end walls and pouring concrete. Motorists should use caution when vehicles are entering and exiting the work zone.

    [Rogers Group, Inc./Crossville/CNW084]

    CUMBERLAND COUNTY SR-28 (S. MAIN ST.) Utility Work southbound at LM 13.5: Shoulder and single lane closures between West Adams Street and Elmo Drive. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 07/26/22 through 07/28/22 from 7:00 am 3:00 pm. [2022-409]

    CUMBERLAND COUNTY SR-28 (US-127) bridge construction and paving from north of I-40 (LM 17.8) to near Potato Farm Road (LM 22.7): Construction signs and erosion control measures have been installed. The contractor continues grading activities which will include embankment fill, storm drain installation, and placement of graded solid rock. Temporary lane closures and/or periodic traffic stoppages will be necessary for construction activities. Utility relocations for gas, water, sewer, and electric are in progress. Motorists should use caution while traveling through the work zone and be aware of reduced speed zones.

    [Jones Bros. Contractors, LLC/Crossville/CNV009]

    CUMBERLAND COUNTY SR-282 resurfacing from Dunbar Road (LM 0.0) to SR-101 (LM 3.7): Crews will close one lane while work is being performed. Flaggers will be on site to direct traffic through the work zone. Motorists should use caution when driving through this work zone.

    [Tinsley Asphalt, LLC /Crossville/CNW013]

    CUMBERLAND COUNTY SR-462 from SR-28 (US-127N / LM 3.1) to SR-298 (Genesis Road / LM 4.6) in Crossville: Interstate Drive has been re-opened from Stout Drive to Genesis Road. The temporary traffic signals at the intersection of Woodlawn Road and Genesis Road are still active. Construction activities are in progress. These activities will require temporary lane closures and/or traffic stoppages on Interstate Drive and Genesis Road as well as short term closures of city streets. The right lane of Genesis Road south is closed from Interstate Drive to north of Woodlawn Road. Crews will be working along Genesis Road.

    [Rogers Group, Inc./Crossville/CNV010]

    CUMBERLAND AND FENTRESS COUNTY SR-28 (US-127) widening from near N. Lowe Rd (LM 29.2) to north of SR-62 (LM 1.9): The contractor will be on site beginning utility work along SR-28 in Cumberland County. Motorists are encouraged to use caution and obey posted speed limit signs through the construction zone. The contractor will have equipment and personnel adjacent to the roadway during this work.

    [Jones Bros. Contractors, LLC/Moore/CNV300]

    DEKALB COUNTY SR-26 (US-70) grading, drainage, and construction of retaining walls and paving from near SR-53 (LM 2) to near SR-96 (LM 6.1): The contractor continues grading activities throughout the project. Temporary lane closures and/or periodic traffic stoppages will be necessary for construction activities. Motorists should use caution while traveling through the work zone and be aware of construction personnel.

    [Twin K Construction/James/CNV012]

    DEKALB AND WARREN COUNTY SR-56 construction of bridges and paving from south of Warren-Dekalb County line (LM 24.5) to East Bryant St. (LM 2.9): This week the contractor will shift traffic for SR-288 at the SR-56 intersection on 07/21/22. Motorists should use caution at the intersection of SR-56 and SR-288 and be mindful of the new traffic pattern. There is a traffic shift between LM 24.4 in Warren County through LM 1.0 in Dekalb County. There is a detour in place for Sink Creek Road. Motorists should follow posted signs in the area. The contractor will continue installing concrete box culverts and drainage structures. Grade work, bridge work, and paving operations on the new roadway alignment are ongoing. The contractor is utilizing flagging operations throughout the project in multiple areas for grading operations. Traffic has been shifted onto the detour between SR-288 and Old Blue Springs Road for the contractor to complete grade work in the area. There are several traffic shifts in Smithville City Limits from South College Street to the end of project to allow contractor to complete work. The speed limit has been reduced to 45 mph in the construction zone

    [Jones Bros. Contractors, LLC/Harris/CNT011]

    OVERTON COUNTY SR-111 safety improvements from west of SR-294 (LM 17.4) to east of Dove Lane (LM 17.9): The contractor is scheduled be onsite continuing work on flashing beacon installation along SR-111. During this work, intermittent lane closures will be used to allow work to occur. Flaggers will be used to facilitate the flow of traffic through the work zone. Motorists are encouraged to use caution through the work zone.

    [Mack Construction, LLC/Moore/CNV306]

    OVERTON COUNTY SR-85 (HILHAM HWY.) Utility Work both directions from LM 4.52 to LM 3.2: Mobile lane closures along SR-85 between Old Standing Stone Road and Jerry Bilbrey Lane. Motorists should use caution and be aware of personnel and equipment when traveling through the work zone. Signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 02/17/22 through 07/30/22 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. [2021-457]

    OVERTON AND PUTNAM COUNTY SR-84 resurfacing from the Putnam County line (LM 0) to SR-85 (LM 14.8) and then on SR-84 from near Poplar Street (LM 9.8) to the Overton County line (LM 13.4): The contractor has completed resurfacing operations and will be on site intermittently to complete work on pavement markings. During this work, intermittent lane closures may be used to facilitate the flow of traffic. Motorists are encouraged to use caution and be prepared to stop as they approach the work zone.

    [Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc./Moore/CNW033]

    PUTNAM COUNTY SR-135 (BURGESS FALLS RD.) Utility Work both directions from LM 3.25 to LM 5.57: Shoulder and single lane closures from Cane Creek Road to the intersection of Cookeville Boatdock Road and Burgess Falls Road. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 02/17/22 through 07/30/22 from 9:00 am 2:00 pm. [2021-771]

    PUTNAM COUNTY SR-136 (S. JEFFERSON AVE.) Utility Work southbound from LM 2.385 to LM 2.415: Shoulder and single lane closures from Interstate Drive and S. Walnut Avenue. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 07/19/22 with rain date of 07/27/22 from 10:00 pm 5:00 am. [2022-361]

    PUTNAM COUNTY SR-136 construction from north of the SR-111 interchange to south of the I-40 interchange: The contractor continues grading activities throughout the project. Temporary lane closures and/or periodic traffic stoppages will be necessary for construction activities including installation of barrier rail. Utility relocations are in progress. Motorists should use caution while traveling through the work zone and be aware of construction personnel.

    [Rogers Group, Inc./James/CNV284]

    PUTNAM COUNTY SR-164 (S. Chestnut St) at LM 0.3 and SR-84 (S. Holly St) at LM 9.7 railroad crossing improvements: The contractor has completed installation of new signals. The contractor is scheduled to be on site removing old signal heads and poles. Intermittent lane closures are possible during this work. Motorists are encouraged to use caution through the work zone and watch for construction equipment and personnel adjacent to the roadway.

    [Stansell Electric Company, Inc./Moore/CNV072]

    PUTNAM COUNTY SR-24 (US-70N) construction at the intersection of SR-56 (LM 11.6) in Baxter: The contractor will be on site continuing Phase 1 construction. During this work, the turning lane from SR 56 northbound onto SR-24 (US-70N) will be closed. Motorists will be allowed to make the right turn from the four-way intersection. The turning lane from SR-56 to 1st Avenue will also be closed; motorists will be allowed to make the right turn from S-56 south. The right turn lane on SR-56 south will also be closed; motorists will be allowed to turn right on SR-24 (US-70N) from the four-way intersection. Motorists are encouraged to use caution through the work zone and to watch for construction equipment and personnel adjacent to the roadway.

    [Rogers Group, Inc./Moore/CNV098]

    WHITE COUNTY SR-111 (STATE HWY. 111) Utility Work both directions from LM 7.3 to LM 14.2: THP assisted rolling roadblock between Fred Hill Road and O'Conner exit. Message boards, cones, and signage will be present. Motorists should be aware of personnel and equipment, reduce speed and be prepared to stop on 07/24/22 between 6:00 am and 7:30 am, with a rain date of 07/31/22. [2022-348 & 2022-438]


    BLEDSOE COUNTY SR-28 (US-HWY. 127) Utility Work southbound from LM 0.01 to LM 9.3: Mobile lane closures along SR-28 between the intersection of US-127 and Kelly lane and the intersection of US-127 and Old Union Road. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 06/16/22 through 09/15/22 from 9:00 am 2:30 pm. [2022-270]

    BLEDSOE AND RHEA COUNTY SR-443 from SR-30 (LM 0) to near New Harmony Rd (LM 3.9) and in Rhea from the county line (LM 0) to SR-30 (LM 6.8): During the day, the contractor will be resurfacing and performing safety improvements at two locations on SR-443 in Bledsoe and Rhea Counties. The SR-443 Bledsoe County location will be from SR-30 (LM 0.00) to Near New Harmony Rd (LM 3.93). The SR-443 Rhea County location will be from the Bledsoe County Line (LM 0.00) to SR-30 (LM 6.87). Traffic will be reduced to one lane controlled by flaggers at each location. Please use caution when driving through the work zones.

    [Rogers Group, Inc./Voiles/CNW124]

    COFFEE COUNTY I-24 TDOT Bridge Inspection eastbound at MM 109.9: On 07/26/22, there will be single lane closures with an attenuator truck in order to perform bridge inspections. Work will be performed between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM.

    COFFEE COUNTY SR-127 bridge construction over Bradley Creek (LM 4.7): Construction work on this project continues. SR-127 at MM 4.66 will be closed until 09/30/2022 to support bridge construction work over Bradley Creek. A detour route will be provided via Prairie Plains Road and Miller Crossroads Road during construction work, signs and message boards are in place guiding motorists through the detour. Motorists should be alert to the new traffic pattern and encouraged to use caution and be alert to construction personnel and equipment.

    [Dement Construction Company, LLC/Hussein/CNV303]

    COFFEE COUNTY SR-2 (US-41) repair of bridge over Blue Spring Creek (LM 21.0): Construction work on this project continues. The roadway will be reduced to one lane controlled by a temporary traffic signal. One lane will be open to traffic with the restriction of all wide loads, the maximum lane width is 12. Motorists should be alert to a new traffic pattern and are encouraged to use caution and be alert to construction personnel and equipment.

    [Mid-State Construction Company, Inc./Hussein/CNV145]

    COFFEE COUNTY SR-55 (NEW MANCHESTER HWY.) Utility Work both directions from LM 11 to LM 12: Shoulder and single lane closures from Royal Trail and Edgewood Drive. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 07/21/22 through 07/27/22 from 9:00 am 11:00 am. [2022-367]

    FRANKLIN COUNTY SR-130 resurfacing near High Street (LM 13.2) to near SR-15 (US-64 / LM 14.3): During this reporting period, the contractor will have intermittent lane closures on SR-130 to install construction signs, followed by daily lane closures to perform resurfacing and roadway repair operations. Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone and watch for flaggers assisting with traffic control.

    [Tinsley Asphalt, LLC /Hussein/CNW085]

    FRANKLIN COUNTY SR-15 (US-41) intersection improvement at University Avenue (LM 27.9): Project activity continues. The roadway will be reduced from four lanes to two lanes. Motorists should proceed with caution through the area and be aware of signage, personnel, and equipment.

    [Dement Construction Company, LLC/Hussein/CNV062]

    GRUNDY COUNTY SR-2 (US-41) miscellaneous safety improvements at the intersection of SR-50 (LM 1.4): Project activity continues daily with various roadway construction activities being performed. Lane shifts are in place at the intersection of SR2 and SR50. Motorists should proceed with caution through the area and be aware of signage, personnel, and equipment.

    [Superior Traffic Control, LLC/Inc./Hussein/CNW082]

    GRUNDY COUNTY SR-2 (US-41) TDOT Maintenance both directions from LM 7.2 to LM 7.4: SR-2 is reduced to one lane of traffic due to a slide. Temporary traffic signals are in place.

    [TDOT/Maint - Dunlap/MAINT]

    MARION COUNTY I-24 (US-64) rockfall mitigation westbound between MM 136.2 and MM 140.3: The contractor will be working on I-24 WB at MM 141 140, MM 139.0 137.0, and MM 136.0 135.0. On Thursday 07/21/22 the contractor will be blasting rock on I-24 WB at MM 136.0 and MM 137.0. This work will require a rolling roadblock to slow traffic down long enough to blast the rock and clean up the road. The roadblock and blasting will begin at 2:00 PM CT and only last as long as it takes to clear the road. Tennessee Highway Patrol and truck mounted attenuators with message boards will be on site during this work. Travel lanes at the remaining sites have been shifted and are open to traffic as usual. Please use caution when traveling through the work zones.

    [Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc./Voiles/CNV912]

    MARION COUNTY I-24 resurfacing from west of Martin Springs Road Exit (MM 141) to east of Big Fiery Gizzard Creek (MM 146): The contractor will continue resurfacing operations on I-24 from MM 140.8 (West of the Martin Springs Rd exit) to MM 146.0 (East of Fiery Gizzard Creek). Work will occur Sunday through Friday from 7:00 PM 6:00 AM each night. Work will take place in both directions and will close one lane at a time. Tennessee Highway Patrol and a truck mounted attenuator with message board will be on site each night.

    [Rogers Group, Inc./Voiles/CNV314]

    MARION COUNTY I-24 TDOT Contractor both directions from MM 161 to MM 166.6: On 07/24/22 and 07/25/22, lane one will be closed for pavement testing and analysis from 6:00 PM central time to 6:00 AM central time between the Nickajack Lake Bridge and the Georgia State Line. Rain dates are 07/26 and 07/27 for this work.

    MARION COUNTY SR-2 (US-HWY. 41) TDOT Maintenance both directions from LM 25.7 to LM 26.0: SR-2 is reduced to one lane with temporary traffic signals. Ongoing slide repair project below the roadway requires this closure.

    MARION COUNTY SR-27 between LM 26.9 and LM 27.9 slide repair and bridge and retaining wall construction: The contractor will be working on SR-27 (Suck Creek Road) at LM 26.9 and LM 27.9 to construct a new bridge and repair a slide. Both work zones, at LM 26.9 and LM 27.9, have the travel lanes reduced to one lane controlled by temporary traffic lights. Also, at LM 26.9 there will be intermittent road closures controlled by flaggers for the safety of drivers when trees are being cut down. Please use caution when traveling through each work zone.

    [Dement Construction Company, LLC/Voiles/CNV307]

    SEQUATCHIE COUNTY SR-28 (US-127) Utility Work southbound from LM 9.31 to LM 11.16: Mobile lane closures along SR-28 between the intersection of US-127 and Kelly lane and the intersection of US-127 and Old Union Road. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Trucks, signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 06/16/22 through 09/15/22 from 9:00 am 2:30 pm. [2022-270]


    BRADLEY COUNTY I-75 resurfacing from north of SR-311 (US-74 / MM 21) to north of SR-60 (MM 25.5): During this reporting period, the contractor will have weekend closures on I-75 SB at MM 21.6 to perform bridge repairs. Beginning at 7:00 PM on Friday 07/22/22 through 6:00 AM Monday 07/25/22 the left lane of I-75 southbound will be closed. Motorists are advised to expect delays in the area and reduce speed in the work zone. Following the weekend bridge work, nightly lane closures will be in place Sunday through Thursday 7:00 PM to 6:00 AM to support resurfacing operations.

    [Talley Construction Company, Inc./Wagner/CNW045]

    BRADLEY COUNTY SR-2 (US-11) resurfacing from Old Highway 11(LM 18.2) to near the Hiwassee River (LM 20.9): During this reporting period, the contractor will have brief intermittent lane closures on SR-2 (US-11) to install construction signs. Shoulders and sidewalks will also be closed through Charleston for curb ramp upgrades. Motorists are asked to reduce speed in the work zone and watch for flaggers assisting with traffic control.

    [Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc./Wagner/CNW158]

    BRADLEY COUNTY SR-312 (HARRISON PK.) TDOT Maintenance both directions from LM 3.1 to LM 3.2: During this reporting period, TDOT maintenance forces may have temporary lane closures on SR-312 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM to continue repair work on a storm drainpipe. Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone and watch for flaggers assisting with traffic control.

    [TDOT/Maint - Benton/MAINT]

    BRADLEY COUNTY SR-60 widening from the 4-lane north of I-75 (LM 17.2) to SR-306 (LM19.9): During this reporting period, the contractor will be performing earthmoving operations, utility relocation and storm drainage installation. Crews will also be working on foundations for a new bridge over Candies Creek. Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone, watch for flaggers assisting with traffic control and for trucks entering/leaving the highway. Speed limit through work zone will be reduced from 45 MPH to 35 MPH.

    [Summers-Taylor, Inc./Wagner/CNV130]

    HAMILTON COUNTY I-24 interchange improvement at SR-2 (US-11, US-41, US-72, Broad Street) and SR-58 (Market Street): Williams Street is closed to all traffic at the I-24 underpass to support the installation of new storm drainage structures for the new frontage road. Traffic will still be able to access the ramps to I-24 and US-27, but no through traffic will be allowed on Williams Street between West 21st Street and West 25th Street. Traffic will detour around the closure via West 21st Street and Broad Street. Signs will be posted. The contractor will be working on new bridge construction, storm drainage structures, and utility relocation. Chestnut Street is closed at the I-24 underpass and will remain closed until the construction of bridge #2 is complete. Detour routes are posted. The US-27 NB on-ramp at William St. has been closed and it will be closed until the new alignment for this ramp is completed. There will be marked detour signs to use the Broad St. US-27 on-ramp.

    [Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc./Curtis/CNU011]

    HAMILTON COUNTY I-75 concrete repair from MM 6.6 to MM 12.8: During this reporting period, the contractor will close two lanes on I-75 North between MM6.6 and 12.6. Starting on Friday July 22nd at 9:00 PM thru Monday July 25th at 6:00 AM, the contractor will have the two outside lanes closed on I-75 North from MM 6.6 to MM9.8 and will shift traffic to the inside shoulder and the inside lane as the contractor removes certain sections of the concrete roadway and pours it back this weekend. There will be two lanes of traffic open during weekends operation. It is recommended that the motoring public use alternate routes through this area because there will be a possibility of long wait times. During this reporting period, the contractor will be having lane closures in both the Northbound and Southbound directions on I-75 from 9:00 PM 6:00 AM.

    [Summers-Taylor, Inc./Curtis/CNW046]

    HAMILTON COUNTY SR-2 (BROAD ST.) Utility Work southbound from LM 7.04 to LM 7.16: Shoulder and single lane closures between W. 26th Street and W. 19th Street. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 07/26/22 from 9:00 am 2:00 pm, with a rain date of 07/27/22. [2022-427]

    HAMILTON COUNTY SR-2 (E. 23RD ST.) Utility Work both directions from LM 9.1 to LM 9.7: Center lane closure on E. 23rd Street S. Holly Street to S. Willow Street. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 07/18/22 through 07/29/22 from 10:00 pm 5:00 am. [2019-543]

    HAMILTON COUNTY SR-29 (US-27) slide repair between LM 29 and LM 30: The travel lanes on US-27/SR-29 in Hamilton County between LM 29 and LM 30 will be reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction for the duration of the slide repair. Loads over 14 wide will have to find an alternate route. [TDOT/Wallace/Maint] RESTRICTIONS: Loads over 14 wide will have to find an alternate route.

    [GeoStabilization International, LLC /Maint - Chattanooga/MAINT]

    HAMILTON COUNTY SR-317 (Apison Pike) improvement project from SR-321 (Ooltewah-Ringgold Road) to east of Layton Lane: Lane closures and flagging operations will be required on SR-317, Apison Pike, to install power poles and transfer lines. The flagging operations will be performed on 07/21/22, 07/22/22, 07/25/22, 07/26/22, and 07/27/22 from 7 AM to 1 PM and 3 PM to 7 PM. Closures will last about 2 hours per location. The contractor will have intermittent flagging operations during daytime non-peak hours for utility work, delivery of materials and equipment. A portion of Tucker Road has been closed from Spalding Drive to 5400 Tucker Road to allow for grading and utility operations. Flagging will be required on Spalding Drive for bridge one operations.

    [Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc./Osbonlighter/CNT336]

    HAMILTON COUNTY SR-319 (Amnicola Highway) bridge repair over SR-153: The contractor will be performing bridge repair operations on the Amnicola (SR-319) bridge over SR-153. During this project, SR-319 will have lane closures in place. During repair operations at least one lane of traffic will remain open in both directions. Bridge repair over SR-153 will be performed between 6:00 am & 6:00 pm. In addition, nightly work will be performed between 7:00 pm & 6:00 am from 07/25/2022 to 07/29/2022. Motorists are advised to use caution in this vicinity and remain aware of construction activities.

    [Mid-State Construction Company, Inc./Osbonlighter/CNV053]

    HAMILTON COUNTY SR-321 (OOLTEWAH-RINGGOLD RD.) Utility Work both directions at LM 1.96: Shoulder and single lane closures at the roundabout of Ooltewah Ringgold Road and Standifer Gap Road. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 05/26/22 through 07/27/22 from 10:00 am 2:00 pm. [2021-782]

    HAMILTON COUNTY SR-58 slide repair near LM 17: During this reporting period, the contractor will have SR-58 North at LM 17 reduced to one lane for the duration of the project.

    [Talley Construction Company, Inc./Curtis/CNW199]

    HAMILTON COUNTY SR-8 (CHEROKEE BLVD.) Utility Work southbound from LM 10.63 to LM 11: Shoulder and single lane closures on Cherokee Blvd from W. Bell Avenue to Gurley Street. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 07/14/22 through 07/27/22 from 9:00 am 2:00 pm. [2022-302]

    HAMILTON COUNTY SR-8 (TAFT HWY.) Utility Work both directions from LM 22.01 to LM 22.2: Shoulder and single lane closures between Fairmount Road and Dowler Lane. Motorists should reduce speed and be prepared to stop. Signage, cones, and flaggers will be present, 02/15/22 through 07/27/22 from 9:00 am 2:00 pm. [2021-636]

    HAMILTON COUNTY SR-8 (US-41, US-76) Bachman Tubes cleaning: On Thursday night of this reporting period, the contractor will close the tunnels from 8:00 PM 6:00 AM for cleaning. There will be a signed detour for traffic to follow to navigate around the closure.

    [Diamond Specialized, Inc./Curtis/CNW197]

    HAMILTON COUNTY The construction of an S.I.A. to VW: The contractor will be performing operations at the intersection connecting the S.I.A. route, Ferdinand Piech Way, & Volkswagen Dr. The new 4-way signalized intersection has begun operation & traffic has been shifted to the new alignment. Ferdinand Piech Way will still be closed to through traffic. Drivers should be cautious of the new traffic pattern in effect including a lowered speed limit. Drivers should also be alert to the entrance and exit of construction vehicles & staff on and around the jobsite and the connecting roadways. Flaggers may be onsite directing traffic.

    [Talley Construction Company, Inc./Osbonlighter/CNU221]

    MCMINN COUNTY SR-163 resurfacing from near SR-2 (US-11 / LM 2.5) to west of County Road 750 (LM 8.9): During this reporting period, the contractor will have daily lane closures from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM to perform resurfacing and roadway repair operations. Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone and watch for flaggers assisting with traffic control.

    [Wright Brothers Construction Company, Inc./Wagner/CNW112]

    MCMINN COUNTY SR-307 resurfacing from north of Tellico Avenue (LM 1.9) to the Monroe County line (LM 8.5): Starting this reporting period, the contractor will have intermittent lane closures on SR-307 during the day. There will be flaggers and possible pilot cars directing traffic as the contractor works.

    [Rogers Group, Inc./Curtis/CNW126]

    MEIGS COUNTY SR-304 repair of bridge over Big Sewee Creek (LM 4.8): The contractor will be performing bridge repair operations on the SR-304 bridge over Big Sewee Creek. During this project, SR-304 will have lane closures with 10 ft width restrictions. A detour will be in place redirecting SR-304 truck traffic onto Watts Bar Hwy & SR-58. During repair operations, only one lane of traffic will remain open for local traffic. A temporary traffic signal will be in place to direct traffic thru the construction zone.

    [Mid-State Construction Company, Inc./Osbonlighter/CNV305]

    MEIGS COUNTY SR-58 resurfacing from east of the Hiwassee River (LM 5.8) to east of Roberts Road (LM 15.3): During this report period, the contractor will have intermittent lane closures while performing resurfacing operations. Flaggers will be on-site to assist traffic flow. Drivers should be aware of construction vehicles entering and exiting the work-zone.

    [Rogers Group, Inc./Osbonlighter/CNW130]

    POLK COUNTY SR-40 (US-64) bridge over the Ocoee River: During this reporting period, the contractor will be working on reconstruction of side streets and removal of the old bridge over the Ocoee River. Intermittent lane closures are possible for moving equipment across US-64 (SR-40). Motorists are advised to reduce speed in the work zone and watch for flaggers assisting with traffic control.

    Here is the original post:
    Roadway Activity Report for parts of East and Middle Tennessee (July 21 - 27, 2022) -

    Business of the Week: Vestal Asphalt – WIVT – NewsChannel 34 - July 26, 2022 by Mr HomeBuilder

    BINGHAMTON, NY (WIVT/WBGH) Vestal Asphalt is the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce Business of the Week.

    The company started in 1969 when founder Neil Guiles bought and refurbished a bulldozer and began his own excavation business.

    Now, the company does road work throughout New York and Pennsylvania.

    A majority of the work at Vestal Asphalt is done on city and county roads.

    The company provides a variety of services, such as sealing cracks, coal paving, and the grinding of roads.

    The Director of Human Resources and Safety at Vestal Asphalt, Mark Ward, said that the company has a 95 percent retention rate with its employees.

    If your people arent happy in doing a good job then youre not going to be doing business, said Ward. If your employees are happy and are doing a good job, business comes to you. And thats what happens here, from everything Im seeing. So I believe in supporting the community whether its myself or my wife individually or a part of the company. Just to say thank you because theyre why Im here.

    Ward said that every person he has assisted in hiring this year was referred by someone else.

    He said that Vestal Asphalt has at least 2 crews out working every day.

    You can get more information of services and pricing on their website at

    Original post:
    Business of the Week: Vestal Asphalt - WIVT - NewsChannel 34

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