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James Mathis Imprisoned for Reporting Title 6 Violations
CHANGE.ORG PETITION: http://www.change.org WHITEHOUSE.GOV PETITION: petitions.whitehouse.gov Summary: "MR. MATHIS IS TO REPORT TO PRISON ON THE 16th FOR CONJURED "CONSPIRACY TO DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT-EPA" VIOLATION. THEY TRIED TO GIVE HIM 25 YEARS, THEN 14 YEARS. WHEN I GOT INVOLVED THEY COULDN #39;T RAILROAD HIM AS BADLY (FOR SPEAKING OUT AGAINST BEING A BLACK CONTRACTOR IN TENNESSEE AND NOT GETTING ANY OF THE FEDERAL FUNDED CONTRACTS) SO THEY GAVE HIM 18 MONTHS TO SERVE IN PRISON. THIS MAN DOES NOT DESERVE TO SERVE NOT ONE DAY!!! THIS IS A MEANS OF SHUTTING HIM UP --HE KNOWS TOO MUCH. MR. MATHIS IS A DEACON, A FAITHFUL HUSBAND -MARRIED 31 YEARS, A MILITARY VETERAN AND THE SON OF A SHARE-CROPPER. HE HAS LIVED AN HONORABLE LIFE AND DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE CAGED FOR PROFIT." Detail: "Mr. Mathis is a contractor who had done work for many years on several well-known projects (Morehouse College Gym, Atlanta. Georgia; The Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, Tennessee; Mead Paper Products Co. Chattanooga, Tn.; The Villages at Alton Park; Chattanooga, Tn.; South Carolina Aquarium in Charleston, SC; 2nd Phase Student Housing Project -Univ. of Tennessee at Chattanooga to name a few). He has been married for as long as he #39;s been in business (31 yrs.). A deacon in his church and a long standing community leader. Mr. Mathis has always had a good reputation --at least--until he did work for the "Fillers." Contracted to do their demolition James Mathis found that the building needed asbestos ...From:VizionaryInsightsViews:31 2ratingsTime:06:14More inNonprofits Activism
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Woman splashes shit on eviction guys to resist forced relocation
Landscaping demolition site in Haikou City, Hainan Province, a the women suddenly lug barrels stool, holding a long spoon to scoop up the droppings to go out into the demolition team who splashed, in order to block the demolition! Many dressed in the uniforms was a peasant woman with excrement splashed must flee, manure poured over, those who wear the uniform of the demolition by immediately controlling the peasant woman! Scene shouting cries a!From:MissReporter ChinaViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:28More inPeople Blogs
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Mega Man 1 - Bomb Man Perfect Run
It #39;s been over 2 years since I first made this account but finally I #39;ve uploaded something, preferably from my favorite gaming series ever. Ladies and Gents, welcome to the first of what could be many future Perfect Runs/LPs to come...hopefully. Needless to say, others have done this challenge...RoahmMythril in particular. I don #39;t consider myself as good as him by any means, plus the fact that I #39;d most likely bore you all out of nervousness and inexperience...so I #39;ll do my best to provide breakdowns of the levels, bosses, and other stuff in general. The first Robot Master is Bomb Man. A fun-loving but immature and reckless robot made specifically for mining and construction, if not bent on demolition. You #39;d think with that type of nature, that his stage would be dark and dirty from the destruction in his wake. Nope, it #39;s blue skies and somewhat happy 8-bit music that #39;s been engraved into my brain from playing this stage so often over the years. The first portion of the stage contains several enemies types looking to ambush or end your run...and they are: Fleas (I prefer to call them jumping beans or screws) that may catch you off guard the first time around due to their random high/low jumping fits. Bombombs, not to be confused with Bob-ombs from the Mario series, rocketing out of bottomless pits and exploding into several mini bombs. And Screw Bombers which pop out from the ceiling or floor, firing off two volleys of 4 way shoots before retracting back to the surface ...From:tapruslightfulViews:2 0ratingsTime:04:03More inGaming
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Black Ops 2 BEAST ROUND in Demolition with R870!
Thanks for watching! Rate? MOAR tags: black ops 2 demolition beasting overtime 870 r870 shotgun orbital vsat blops2 demo black ops 2 gameplay commentary beast clip black ops 2 demolition beasting overtime 870 r870 shotgun orbital vsat blops2 demo black ops 2 gameplay commentary beast clip black ops 2 demolition beasting overtime 870 r870 shotgun orbital vsat blops2 demo black ops 2 gameplay commentary beast clipFrom:BewareTheDrViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:28More inGaming
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Nuketown 2025 Demolition: DSR 50 Gameplay 40+
Hey guys can we get 5 likes for 15 subs and black ops 2From:xxMYSTERYMAN14Views:0 0ratingsTime:02:33More inGaming
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A decision on a revised Demolition Delay Bylaw was delayed no more, as Town Meeting approved an amended version of the bylaw on Nov. 15 to allow owners of homes listed as historic a clearer path to appeal the designation.
One of the issues with the current bylaw is that its confusing to understand, said Town Manager Peter Hechenbleikner before introducing Article 13, which tackled the bylaw. if the agency that must implement it is unclear about it, that is a problem.
If a home is listed as historic, there must be a six-month waiting period if a homeowner decides to demolish the home, according to the bylaw. The changes are meant to clarify the appeals process, giving homeowners options if they feel the delay could result in personal hardship.
There is no downside [to being listed as an historic home] except the demolition delay, said Elaine Webb, a citizen member of the Demolition Delay Bylaw Working Group, which sought to inform the changes.
Changes to the Demolition Delay Bylaw has been a subject of debate for at least two years, with Town Meeting deciding against a decision on proposed changes last year when it appeared a satisfactory resolution was not yet in sight, leading to the formation of the working group.
For most of us here, our homes are the single biggest investment we make in our lifetimes, Webb said. When a something happens to that investment in which you feel you lose control, it is something you feel strongly about.
The Bylaw Committee made several recommendations to amend Article 13 in the Subsequent Town Meeting warrant to further refine the language in the proposed changes. However, the Historical Commission proposed another amendment to the article to do away with a proposed second appeal to the Board of Selectmen as part of the process. The Historical Commission is the deciding body in the first appeal.
Mark Cardono, chairman of the Historical Commission, noted the six-month delay is just that: a delay. He also noted that it is just a safeguard in case there is a reasonable way to save a home, pointing out the delay doesnt affect proposed renovations to a home, just demolition.
We feel strongly about property rights and dont want to take them away from anyone, Cardono said. Our aim is to try to convince the owner not to demolish the property and find an alternativeIts your house. You do with it what you want. We just want to save what [historic homes] we have. Once its gone, its gone.
He argued against having a second appeal by noting the six-moth delay is already a reduction from the previous 12-month delay required before demolishing a home listed as historic. Selectman Rick Schubert, who represented the selectmen along with Selectman John Arena on the working group, also asked to do away with the second appeal.
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pon3 clan ( Demolition Game Play blackops 2 dubstep we like all that hope u like watch plz )
JackleApp Mic the Microphone - One Trick Pony (The Living Tombstone #39;s Remix) youtu.be Eurobeat Brony - Discord (The Living Tombstone #39;s Remix) youtu.be Rudebrat (Feat. Twenty Ten) - Obsolete youtu.be Stony - No Interruption (Hoodie Allen) Neezy REMIX youtu.beFrom:DJKILLYOFACEViews:9 1ratingsTime:05:17More inGaming
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Demolition starts at former Blackburn high school
1:14pm Friday 16th November 2012 in News
DEMOLITION of the cramped, dark and damp old buildings that used to be Blackburns Witton Park High School started this week.
While pupils revel in their new super-school classrooms and state of the art facilities, the bulldozers have moved in next door to clear the debris of a previous educational era.
After teachers worked through August to make sure the new buildings complete with outdoor classrooms, multi-games areas, gardens and orchards were ready for students in September, the demolition teams have now moved in to clear the site of the former school structures.
Headteacher Dean Logan said staff and pupils were delighted with their new home packed with the latest ICT and state-of-the-art technology.
The school this year celebrated its departure from the old buildings with its best results ever with a 10 per cent increase in the number of children obtaining five A* to Cs including English and Mathematics.
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Hojack Bridge Rochester, NY Demolition 2012 Part 2
From:Lego BeatleViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:47More inEntertainment
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Thee 2013 Demolition Derby Cars
1972 Chrysler Town Country Wagon and 1994 Crown Vic LXFrom:09JrSmithViews:4 0ratingsTime:08:25More inAutos Vehicles
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