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Leard State Forest Demolition – Video -
February 9, 2013 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Leard State Forest Demolition
The demolition of Leard State Forest has started. Does Tony Bourke have the cahones to prevent the total destruction of the entire Leard State Forest, of is Tony going to continue pimping Australias Forests, aquifers, rivers and agricultural lands to fascist totalitarian states. How can BuRKE create jobs by destroying the environment, the very thing that supports life... Peter Garret sang "It belongs to them lets give it back", Garret meant give it to mining companies NOT Aboriginal people....
By: Leard Troy
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Suffolk County Demolition Bulovas Restorations Inc 631-627-3230
demolition and tear-outs
By: BulovasRestorations
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Ninja Plays Minecraft - Episode 8: Blaze farm, demolition and taming the sea
I start some demolition on the old wheat farm, visit my Etho blaze farm and show how I #39;m taming the seas! Etho #39;s Blaze Farm Tutorial: http://www.youtube.com
By: MrNinjaChopstick
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Ninja Plays Minecraft - Episode 8: Blaze farm, demolition and taming the sea - Video
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Demolition derby at Osceola county fair 2013
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
By: square9294
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Team Fortress 2-SHE doesn #39;t mind remix control point epic game DOMINATION-demolition-soldier,heavy
first gameplay control point epic game =) DOMINATION X)..
By: asdaagain
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Team Fortress 2-SHE doesn't mind remix control point epic game DOMINATION-demolition-soldier,heavy - Video
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Frankston Scout Hall Demolition GoPro
Frankston Scout Hall Demolition filmed with GoPro and Nikon D3s Justin from Wheelan the Wreckers kindly allowed me to attach the GoPro to his wrecking machine. Samuel Sherlock Hall was a single-storey red-brick building with a gabled corrugated iron clad roof and flat roofed entry porch. It had a relatively austere parapeted facade divided into three bays by capped brick pilasters. The hall was subject to a number of alterations including the bricking up of the entry porch doors and the window openings on the west elevation. All the windows on the east elevation were replaced and there was a disabled access ramp to this side. There are also substantial modern additions to the rear. This was demolished on Janruary 31, 2013 to make way for the new Frankston Aquatic Centre.
By: Mike Fletcher
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Concern over the demolition of the historic Park Hall Mansion last year helped spur the Frederick Board of Aldermen to unanimously approve an ordinance Thursday to delay destruction of older buildings in the city.
Under the new law, which will apply to both private and public properties, the city Planning Commission must review plans to tear down buildings that are more than 50 years old before presenting its findings to the five aldermen for final approval.
The maximum wait for review is 30 days, under the ordinance, which takes effect immediately.
Alderman Karen Young (D) who conducted the public hearing Wednesday because Mayor Randy McClement (R) was delayed in returning from a conference of Maryland mayors said the ordinance was needed to preserve the citys historic character.
If you talk to anybody, whether they live here or theyre a tourist or theyre throughout the state, when you think of Frederick, you think of its rich historical tradition and architecture, she said. I would make a case thats what drives our economic development. You start denigrating that, and you start tearing at the core of what were about. If we dont put something in place we will lose more historic properties.
The ordinance was motivated in part by the demolition of the Park Hall Mansion on East Patrick Street last summer, which began without a permit.
The mansion, built in the 1800s, is owned by Dewey Jordan Inc., which started to tear down the building without getting city approval. A permit was issued after the demolition had begun.
Alderman Michael OConnor (D) said the new process would prevent such issues in the future.
There was no ability to review that property, Park Hall, when it was demolished without a permit, OConnor said. Against the law, illegally demolished. There was no opportunity. This creates a process that allows for a property such as that to be reviewed for its historic nature....
This doesnt require a property to be preserved. It doesnt say a property cant be torn down. Its a tool to make sure a resource that has value doesnt get torn down before we have a chance to review the value, he said.
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Gazette.Net: New Frederick city law would delay demolition of older structures
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February 8, 2013 Updated Feb 8, 2013 at 9:51 PM CST
PEORIA,Ill. -- Another piece of the puzzle in the downtown Peoria Marriott Hotel project clears a hurdle. Demolition of the former Big Al's strip club has finally begun.
Leading the pack, Developer Gary Matthews was the first man to take a claw at the old Big Al's Strip club in downtown Peoria on Friday.
"It's huge, this is a milestone for me cause I was very anxious to get going on the next building," Matthews said.
Matthews says the building will come down beginning Monday to make way for a new Marriott Hotel complex, which will sit adjacent to the Pere Marquette.
Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis says the $92 million project will be key to more downtown development.
"It's not the final piece in the puzzle. We really expect this is just gonna be a stepping stone for further redevelopment here in downtown. It's very nice to see this old nasty building coming down," Ardis said.
For Big Al's owner Al Zuccarini, it was a bitter sweet moment.
"A little sad, but it was pretty exciting actually. I look forward to the new hotel and main street. It's about time we start moving forward," he said.
Matthews says demolition could take up to two weeks and construction on the new Marriott could begin in March.
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Demolition begins on former Big Al's strip club
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osu! SYNC.ART #39;S feat.Kaori - Absolute Demolition [Insane] *NEWEST*
osu.ppy.sh Jetphase achieved rank #50 on SYNC.ART #39;S feat.Kaori - Absolute Demolition [Insane] Mods Used: Hidden + Hard Rock PHEW... I DID IT!! This was never a real hard map but I HATE hard rock. Not too shabby... can be improved though 😀
By: Gutbuster76
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osu! SYNC.ART'S feat.Kaori - Absolute Demolition [Insane] *NEWEST* - Video
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Cool Hotwheels Stopmotion Demolition Derby. Video Game Heros
By: bumper3241
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