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    Admiral King demolition to start soon - February 13, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    By Morning Journal Staff @MorningJournal

    LORAIN Demolition of the former Admiral King High School is set to begin within the next two weeks, said Associate Director of District Operations Jeff Hawks.

    D & R Demolition will be moving excavating equipment to the schools site, 2600 Ashland Ave, early this week.

    Demolition hours will take place between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. depending on weather conditions.

    Last month, asbestos abatement was completed by Quality Environmental Services Inc. allowing demolition to continue as scheduled.

    The abatement and demolition will be paid for by state money through the Ohio Schools Facilities Commission and can only be used for construction and demolition, Hawks said. Money from the general fund will not be used.

    Hawks said asbestos needed to be removed from the building as well as an oil tank that was used when the old high school was an emergency center.

    Every community has their feelings with their old high school coming down, Hawks said. A lot of people have called wanting bricks from the old building. But its exciting and signifies new beginnings.

    As part of its overall demolition plan, the district has set aside an estimated 30,000 bricks roughly 2,500 from each demolished building that are being stored in a district warehouse without any apparent purpose, said board member Jim Smith.

    When demolition is complete, construction can begin for the new state-of-the art $70 million Lorain High School.

    See more here:
    Admiral King demolition to start soon

    The fencing and the houses under demolition in Valikaamam ‘HSZ’ in Jaffna – Video - February 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The fencing and the houses under demolition in Valikaamam #39;HSZ #39; in Jaffna
    The so-called High Security Zone occupied by the SL military in Jaffna, is now being carved into a permanent enclave for the occupying Colombo. The occupied zone now includes the Kaankeasan-thu #39;rai (KKS) harbour and the Palaali airport.

    By: TamilNetCom

    The fencing and the houses under demolition in Valikaamam 'HSZ' in Jaffna - Video

    Emden Barenburg Abriss Glaspalast Stand 11.02.2013 Cat 5080 Caterpillar Demolition Crawler – Video - February 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Emden Barenburg Abriss Glaspalast Stand 11.02.2013 Cat 5080 Caterpillar Demolition Crawler

    By: amSeehafen

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    Emden Barenburg Abriss Glaspalast Stand 11.02.2013 Cat 5080 Caterpillar Demolition Crawler - Video

    Demolition Mayhem Indiegogo Campaign video.wmv – Video - February 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Demolition Mayhem Indiegogo Campaign video.wmv
    We are raising funds for a new reality show about demolition derbies. Please view or video and our indiegogo,com campaign for more information. What it is: Are you tired of the reality shows on television like pawn shops, tow truck drivers, swamp treasure hunters, or southern redneck kids that are scripted for entertainment purposes? Well if you are, Demolition Mayhem is an unscripted weekly reality show on demolition derbies that we are going to start filming in mid-April. We want to bring this sport that is watched by many into the homes of millions more. Demolition derbies have been around since the early 1930 #39;s using worn out Model T #39;s, but have not received much television coverage. There has been a short documentary on the history of demolitions derbies, every once in a while you can catch a scene in a movie of one, and of course we cannot forget about the original demolition derby driver on television....the Fonz from Happy Days. We want to bring the thrills and chills of demolition derbies, the drivers who get behind the wheel, and the inner workings of selecting and building the cars that are used. Please help if you can to bring this real, unscripted reality show to television so everyone can enjoy a sport that is big, but does not get the recognition that it deserves. What makes ours different from others? First and foremost, our show will detail a driver #39;s journey from finding a car, building the car, and finally driving the car in a demolition derby, along ...

    By: Robert Grandall

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    Demolition Mayhem Indiegogo Campaign video.wmv - Video

    39-0 start demolition | support streaks? – Video - February 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    39-0 start demolition | support streaks?
    leave a like and subscribe for more!!

    By: PrincipalCash

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    39-0 start demolition | support streaks? - Video

    Black Ops 2 Cross Map Combat Axe – DRONE (DEMOLITION)(Almost Got First Blood) – Video - February 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Black Ops 2 Cross Map Combat Axe - DRONE (DEMOLITION)(Almost Got First Blood)
    Black Ops 2 Cross Map Combat Axe - DRONE (DEMOLITION)(Almost Got First Blood) The First Clip You See is that it clearly hit him but he didnt die i thought that should be on youtube because i think i should have gotton the kill. Skipe to 1:40 for the cross map. It didnt Bankshot the combat axe hit him it was epic.I hope you enjoyed the video Comment Rate And Subscribe.My psn is livinginhell40 i got this on my other account TAPOUT148. I get alot of cool and awsome kills so stay tunned for more videos.I love getiing cross map combat axe kills i love to here therew reactions.Watch In HD.

    By: greg112156

    See the rest here:
    Black Ops 2 Cross Map Combat Axe - DRONE (DEMOLITION)(Almost Got First Blood) - Video

    PAN Building Newcastle NSW Demolition on 12 Feb 2013 – Video - February 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    PAN Building Newcastle NSW Demolition on 12 Feb 2013
    Some men working hard with sledge hammers, smashing the top part of the front wall. The PAN building is a former Oddfellows Hall.

    By: dabble778

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    PAN Building Newcastle NSW Demolition on 12 Feb 2013 - Video

    Photo gallery: Mysterious demolition work on Detroit's east side generates speculation for third straight week - February 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    DETROIT, MI - Mysterious demolition work continues within a six-block radius between St. Aubin and Chene on Detroit's east side, and its led to plenty of speculation in the neighborhood.

    For the third straight week, demolition crews that appear to be from Oakland and Genesee Counties have been hard at work tearing down blighted buildings and grading soil for a secret project.

    Why is the project secret? None of the demolition crew members I caught up with over the weekend appear able or willing to say.

    All they could say was that they're getting orders from people who often patrol the area in black FBI-looking sedans.

    Detroit resident Marc Alan, who owns several buildings and parcels of nearby land, claims he's under the impressive crews are clearing the way for urban farmland.

    "It's going to be an extension of Eastern Market," Alan said from his car parked near Chene and Erskine. "I'm convinced; they're clean it all up.

    "It will be a farm; I will bet on it."

    Alan told me he recently sold 30 lots he owned in the city, and then he handed over a business card with his number and the name "J.C. Moneymaker" on it.

    "I'm always ready to sell," said Alan, who claims to own buildings and land from St. Aubin to McDougal, including the Downtown Boxing Gym on St. Aubin. "You'll see Detroit boom 20 to 50 years from now, but you need about five years to stabilize first.

    "But it's 20 to 50 years from now where people will start picking up greenspace."

    The rest is here:
    Photo gallery: Mysterious demolition work on Detroit's east side generates speculation for third straight week

    Firefighters and demolition crews work overnight as Camillus Cutlery factory comes down - February 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Camillus, NY -- Demolition and fire crews worked overnight to extinguish a fire at the Camillus Cutlery factory that has burned since early afternoon.

    The bulk of the massive fire was contained by 9:30 p.m., but Camillus Fire Chief Doug Groesbeck ordered the remainder of the building demolished to search for pockets of fire hidden by the collapsed structure.

    The fire started at 1:20 p.m. when a portion of wall caught fire during demolition work inside. A worker escaped on his own.

    More than eight hours later, two large backhoes ripped into the collapsed portion of the structure. As debris came crashing down, small flames appeared from the mangled skeleton.

    Around 10 p.m., a Camillus police officer led a reporter through the fire scene to the area where the blaze started. All that remained was a pile of charred debris obscured by billowing smoke.

    The fire began in the building's midsection. It traveled quickly throughout the century-old structure, consuming all three floors of the building near the fire's source. Further away from the fire's center, closer to Route 5 and Newport Road, there wasn't as much apparent damage.

    About 50 feet separates the fire-ridden factory from another building that housed the company's office, showroom, packing facility and warehouse. That building was not damaged by the fire and is slated for renovation.

    A bridge between the two buildings was demolished earlier Monday evening to keep the fire from spreading.

    It was not clear how much of the factory building could be demolished overnight. A large portion of the third floor had completely collapsed, burying pockets of fire. A fire truck sprayed down the building to keep the fire at bay as the backhoes took it down.

    Around 11 p.m., the backhoe uncovered a large pocket of fire and had to retreat until firefighters could extinguish it.

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    Firefighters and demolition crews work overnight as Camillus Cutlery factory comes down

    Fultondale orders demolition on two more structures - February 12, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    FULTONDALE, Alabama - The city of Fultondale approved a resolution to demolish two more homes that have been declared unsafe by the building inspector.

    Following a final public hearing Monday night regarding homes at 2605 Walker Chapel Road and 144 Franklin Road, city leaders voted to condemn the structures, to order demolition and to place a lien against the property owners for the expense.

    "We're glad to get this done," Fultondale Mayor Jim Lowery said. "It's been hanging over us for a long time."

    In January, the council ordered demolition on three vacant homes, and in 2012, the city condemned and removed a total of nine structures. Many of these structures were damaged in the 2011 tornado.

    In other business, the city approved a resolution calling for the city to enter into an agreement to work with the Center Point Fire District and informed the public that new trash cans will be issued for waste removal service.

    In the pre-council meeting, Councilman Josh Bryant said Center Point recently passed a resolution for inter-jurisdictional mutual aid in times of emergency and asked Fultondale to do the same.

    "It doesn't change anything we already do with our neighbors, it just puts it in writing," Bryant said of the agreement. "It's something they are doing across all their borders."

    Citizens in Fultondale will be receiving correspondence regarding their trash service. New 95-gallon plastic trash cans with wheels will soon be distributed to residents. The free trash cans will include fact sheets, including instructions on what direction to place the cans so the trucks can pick them up. There will also be information for those who feel the garbage cans are too big and wish to receive 60-gallon cans instead. Trash service for Fultondale will remain unchanged. Trash will still be picked up two times each week.

    For more stories on Fultondale, click here.

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    Fultondale orders demolition on two more structures

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