Redneck Demolition: we are not in kansas anymore
By: davisjunker
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Redneck Demolition: we are not in kansas anymore - Video
Redneck Demolition: we are not in kansas anymore
By: davisjunker
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Redneck Demolition: we are not in kansas anymore - Video
US Economic Collapse 2013 Another Business Goes Down The Tubes (demolition time lapse )
US Economic Collapse 2013 Another Business Goes Down The Tubes Please Visit my Website : Facebook
By: uspimpclub
See the article here:
US Economic Collapse 2013 Another Business Goes Down The Tubes (demolition time lapse ) - Video
Demolition Ends In Tragedy
Epic demolition accident in Russia caught on tape. The guy who caught this video is the one hurt.
By: CraveToLaugh
See original here:
Demolition Ends In Tragedy - Video
Phillip SD Demolition Derby 2013 Heat 3
Phillip SD Demolition Derby 2013 Heat 3.
By: samjohnson3388
Here is the original post:
Phillip SD Demolition Derby 2013 Heat 3 - Video
Building Demolition Accident
A building demolition in Lipetsk Russia ends in tragedy, after debris is projected into a group of construction workers. One man was killed in this accident,...
By: GlobalLeaks
WAILUKU - A divided Maui County Council voted down a request by Mayor Alan Arakawa's administration Wednesday to expedite a bill that would amend the current county budget to explicitly call for the demolition of the Old Wailuku Post Office after the fact in an attempt to resolve a simmering dispute between the mayor and the council.
The council's 5-4 vote shot down an effort to have the measure skip the committee review process and to proceed directly to action by the full council. The bill, instead, will be referred to the council's Budget and Finance Committee.
The Arakawa administration had drafted the bill in an effort to resolve a dispute surrounding the demolition of the building that some council members believe should be formally investigated. The dispute centers on the use of about $1.5 million for the demolition of the building and for planning of a county campus expansion when the appropriation called for the "rehabilitation" of the more than 50-year-old building that stood at the corner of Wells and High streets.
Some council members say the action of the mayor's administration could be a violation of the County Charter.
But Arakawa's administration contends that the demolition project was highly publicized and not a secret. Administration officials discussed the building's situation with council members individually and told the council's Budget and Finance Committee in 2012 that requests for proposals were going out for the demolition set for the end of 2012 and into this year, according to a more-than-200-page document provided by the administration to council members and the public.
Some council members have said that they knew the demolition was going on but did not question where the funding came from. Questions by council members about the funding came after the building was demolished early this year.
The bill to amend the budget comes as a proposed formal investigation into possible misuse of funds by the administration in the building demolition makes its way to the full council. The council's Policy and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee on Monday voted to push forward a resolution to allow for the committee to conduct a formal investigation and to call administration officials and county staffers before the panel to answer questions.
The resolution is scheduled to be heard by the full council July 5.
At a special County Council meeting Wednesday, Managing Director Keith Regan asked the council to take up the bill to amend the budget and to approve it. He said the administration would continue to work with the council "to clarify our position" after the measure was approved.
By amending the budget, Regan said that it could help the county move forward with its campus expansion plans, which call for constructing a new county building on the site of the former post office. The new building will save the county nearly $2 million a year in rent, Regan said, adding that the county currently spends $150,000 a month on rent for its offices.
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Resolution to demolition dispute shot down
Claremont The city will not sign a contract for demolition of the outdoor pool, at least until after the July 10 City Council meeting, City Manager Guy Santagate said yesterday.
Santagate said there will be a motion presented to council in July to demolish the pool and if it passes, the contract can be signed.
It is their call, Santagate said.
At the June 12 council meeting, resident Jeff Barrette questioned whether the condition of the 60-year-old pool at Veterans Park was as bad as the recreation department said it was when the council voted to keep it closed last summer.
Barrette asked the council to allow him access to the pool so he could pay for his own assessment of the condition and obtain estimates for repairs. The city said full repairs to the pool could run as high as $600,000.
Barrettes request sparked a lengthy debate among councilors, during which it became clear there was no actual motion or vote to demolish the pool. In May 2012 the council voted 7-2 to close the pool and determine costs for removal.
Mayor James Neilsen asked Santagate to delay the contract signing and Santagate said yesterday the city would adhere to that request.
During the budget review in November, the council approved $50,000 for the demolition and some councilors believe that was a clear indication that the city could proceed with demolition. Bids were recently returned and a contract awarded, but not signed, for $23,000.
At the June meeting, Councilor Chris Irish was adamant that the council never voted for demolition and he wanted to have a conversation about the options and final look of the property .
Barrette said he plans to attend the July council meeting and make his case to hold off on demolition.
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Claremont Puts Off Pool Demolition
Staff Writer
There was no discussion necessary Thursday as the Hancock County commissioners called the roll on an agreement with the Ohio Historical Preservation Office that will allow for demolition of several dilapidated buildings along Findlay's North Main Street.
In a 3-0 vote, the commissioners approved the agreement and handed it back to Steve Wilson. Wilson, a former Hancock County engineer and now a project manager for the engineer's office, plans to hand-deliver the document to the preservation office in Columbus today. The Hancock County Prosecutor's Office already has the specifications for seeking demolition bids, Wilson said.
City officials signed the agreement with the preservation office on Wednesday.
The flood-prone buildings, located just north of the Blanchard River at 115, 117, 119, 120, 121, 123, 125 and 131 N. Main St., were bought by the Northwest Ohio Flood Mitigation Partnership following the August 2007 flood. The partnership had intended to quickly demolish them. However, the buildings are located within Findlay's Downtown Historic District and the state preservation office would not allow it, Wilson said.
He said the main concern was that historic artifacts could become buried beneath a permanent structure such a levee or flood wall. Now that it is apparent that levees and flood walls will not be part of flood-control efforts in Findlay, the preservation office has agreed to the demolition, under certain terms.
The agreement requires the preservation office to be consulted before future demolition of publicly-owned properties within the historic district.
The office is also asking to be consulted on any proposed rehabilitation or redevelopment of publicly- or privately-owned properties, vacant since August 2007, in the district. Wilson said the state office will then determine if the work meets the requirements of federal standards for the treatment of historic properties.
Wilson was instrumental in negotiating the agreement.
DEMOLITION work on Rhyls former Honey Club is progressing well.
It is expected work to create a 60-bed hotel on the site will start in September with Denbighshire Council and Chesham Estates working on a development agreement.
Cllr Hugh Evans, Denbighshires Leader and Cabinet Lead Member for Economic Development, said: This is really welcome news for Rhyl. The building was in a terrible condition and was an eyesore in a premium location on the Rhyl promenade.
The work will now make way for a brand new 60 bed hotel subject to planning permission which will improve the look of the area immensely and provide an improved tourist offer for the town as well.
A spokesman for the council said: The anticipated start date for construction is September/October, subject to planning consent.
Back in January 2012, the decision was taken to close sections of Water Street and Crescent Road, surrounding the building, over fears it was becoming structurally unsafe and an increased risk of falling debris and potential building collapse into the public highway. As the building is in a Conservation Area, permission needed to be given from the Welsh Government for demolition.
*A SECOND survey at properties due to be demolished on Gronant Street, Rhyl, has found no evidence of bats.
A number of properties on Gronant Street, Aquarium Street and John Street, Rhyl, are to be demolished as part of the West Rhyl Housing Improvement Project after the need for a new green space was identified during a public consultation.
Demolition is to take place in stages, the first of which is the north side of Gronant Street, numbers 2 to 30. Tenders for the demolition contract have been received by Denbighshire Council and work is due to commence on site from July 1.
A spokesman for Denbighshire Council said: Following the recent concern regarding bats in the properties, a further survey has been carried out and confirmed that no bats will be affected by the demolition.
See the article here:
Demolition work progressing well on Rhyl's former Honey Club
A member of the demolition team suddenly grabbed Maybellin Fronda, 2 years old, resulting in a spinal injury even if her mother was already about to leave their house to give way to the demolition.
MANILA While a nurse was preparing to put dextrose on 2-year-old Maybellin Fronda, she only stared at her. One of the nurses whispered that she is a rare patient. Children, she said, normally cry whenever they insert needles on them. Maybellin then let out a small cry and continued to stare as the nurses securely taped her dextrose.
Shes been a good fighter ever since we arrived here, Frelin Fronda, her 28-year-old mother, told
Maybellin was hurt during a demolition of an urban poor community in Bignay, Princeville in Hulo Dulo, Valenzuela City. The demolition team arrived early morning of May 31, 2013. No court order to demolish the homes was served to the residents. Instead, a representative from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWS) talked to the residents and advised them to leave their homes. Frelin said they were told that financial assistance would be given to the families.
According to urban poor group Kadamay, the community, where about 213 families reside, is considered by the government as a danger zone because it is right beneath the transmission lines of the National Power Corporation. The said demolition, however, occurred just two days after urban poor groups and the Department of Interior and Local Government signed an agreement that there would be no demolition along the so called danger areas in the National Capital Region until they meet again to discuss a possible solution for informal settlers.
The said pact was not only reported by media but was also posted at the DILGs website.
Frelin said before the election, they heard rumors that their houses would be demolished but not until after the election. The notice of eviction lapsed last May 21. Kadamay said, no less than 500 men in red shirts, who comprised the demolition team, implemented the demolition (on May 31) escorted by several trucks of policemen and a fire truck.
Frelin, not wanting to bring trouble to her children, agreed to go with the DSWD. But upon returning to her home to fetch her four children and their things, she saw members of Bantay Bayan, security forces from the city government, in their house.
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2-year old girl hurt in Valenzuela demolition