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    Demolition | WWE - September 16, 2018 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Two words described the ultimate goal of Demolition pain and destruction.

    Clad in black leather and spikes, Ax and Smash steamrolled into WWE from Parts Unknown in the late 1980s and made it painfully clear that they were going to demolish any team that stood in their path. In the ring, they removed their black monster movie masks to reveal painted faces that intimidated opponents before the match even started.

    Once the bell rang, Demolition made an immediate impact in the tag team ranks, using brute force to pound their opposition into submission. Few teams, if any, could muster enough offense to stagger Ax or Smash, establishing the painted warriors as a force to be reckoned with in WWE.

    Though they were initially managed by Luscious Johnny V, the bruisers ditched the loud New Yorker for the subdued, yet devious Mr. Fuji. It was a match made in heaven (possibly hell), as Fuji passed on all of his tricks to Ax and Smash, giving their brutal brawling style a cunning new edge.

    It wasnt long before Demolition had titles around their waists as the pair bulldozed through Strike Force, Tito Santana and Rick Martel, at WrestleMania IV to capture the World Tag Team Championships. Ax and Smash went on to dominate WWE as champions for the next 478 days a record that stood for 28 years until until it was surpassed by The New Day's 484-day tenure in 2015-16.

    Ax and Smash captured the titles two more timesbefore deciding that their team was missing a little something. They added another member during their third championship reign in the massive Crush. The three wreaked havoc throughout 1990, with Smash and his new partner taking care of business inside the ring. Ax watched intently from ringside, running interference when necessary to protect their championships.

    When their final reign as champions ended, Ax left, paring Demolition down to a duo once again. Looking to regain some of their former success, Smash and Crush reunited with Mr. Fuji briefly before exiting WWE in 1991.

    The path of destruction Demolition carved through WWE would never be forgotten. No team has come close to causing the devastation that the original Demolition duo, Ax and Smash left in their wake,

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    Demolition | WWE

    Alaskan Way Viaduct – Demolition - August 31, 2018 by Mr HomeBuilder

    After the new State Route 99 tunnel opens to drivers, the Alaskan Way Viaduct along Seattle's waterfront will be removed to make way for a new surface street built by the City of Seattle. This project will help transform Seattles waterfront while removing a vulnerable structure from our road network.

    On May 16, WSDOT announced Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. as the apparent-best-value contractor, which means Kiewit submitted the best combination of technical proposal and price for completing the work. We will have more information to share late summer/early fall about the contractors schedule and approach to the work.

    The Alaskan Way Viaduct was built in the 1950s to carry roughly half the number of vehicles it carries today. After the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake, WSDOT repaired and strengthened the viaduct, but the structure is showing its age. While it remains safe for daily use and is inspected twice a year, it remains susceptible to damage or collapse in a future earthquake. The viaducts functionality will be replaced by a new tunnel that provides a direct route between the stadiums and Seattle Center, and a new waterfront Alaskan Way surface street being built by the City of Seattle.

    WSDOTs primary goal is to remove the viaduct safely and with as little disruption as possible. The contractor will be required to adhere to a variety of safety standards and industry best practices in conducting the work, and WSDOT will monitor their work to ensure it is done safely.

    WSDOT is combining three projects into one in order to save overall construction time, lower costs and improve efficiency. The scope of the combined project includes:

    Removal is expected to take approximately six months, with the viaduct being removed in sections. We will have more information to share in the coming weeks about the contractors proposal for the work, but their work plan will adhere to the requirements of the contract (PDF).

    *These timelines are early estimates from the contractor. All schedules are subject to change.

    WSDOT used a best-value approach and a design-build contracting method to select a contractor for the work. Best value means we selected the proposal that was the best value for the price, not simply the lowest price. Design-build is a contracting method that asks the bidding contractors to propose how they would design, schedule and conduct the work (within restrictions and limits).

    This approach encourages innovative and cost-effective proposals, and allows the state to benefit from the contracting industrys expertise and experience. This is also why we didnt know the methods and schedule for viaduct removal prior to awarding the contract.

    Under a design-build contract, the contractor is responsible for both project design and construction. By WSDOT issuing requirements for the finished product instead of outlining a particular approach for the work, the contractor gets increased flexibility and efficiency, and WSDOT gets a better product at a better value. Design-build is an alternative to the traditional design-bid-build project delivery method, in which the contractor is hired to build a design that we have fully completed.

    WSDOT has used design-build successfully on several projects, including the SR 99 Tunnel Project, the SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Program, Tacoma Narrows Bridge, I-5 Everett HOV, SR 519 and several I-405 projects.

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    Alaskan Way Viaduct - Demolition

    Demolition Permit Review – Historic Preservation - August 31, 2018 by Mr HomeBuilder

    When is Review Required?

    Demolition permit applications for non-designated buildings over 50 years old requires review and approval by the Historic Preservation program. The intent of the demolition review process is to prevent the loss of buildings that may have historic or architectural significance and to provide the time necessary to consider alternatives to demolition.

    The fee for the review is based on the age of the building. Once approved, submit the demolition permit application to a Project Specialist.

    For the purposes of reviewing applications, Section 9-16 Definitions, B.R.C., 1981defines"Demolition (Historic)" asan act or process that removes:

    50 percent or more of the exterior walls of a building as measured contiguously around the building coverage; or

    50 percent or more of the roof areas as measured in plan view; or

    any exterior wall facing a public street, but not an act or process that removes an exterior wall facing an alley.

    Approximately $282 for primary buildings built before or during 1939.

    Approximately $51 for primary buildings built between 1940 and 1968(50 years) and accessory buildingsover 50 years in age.

    If the building is determined to bepotentially eligiblefor landmark designation, the application is referred to the full Landmarks Board for review.An additional fee of approximately $1,504 is required.

    Initial Review: Staff or the Ldrc determines whether there is probable cause to believe the building may be eligible for landmark designation.

    Landmarks Board Review: The criteria for the Landmarks Boards review of a demolition permit is found in 9-11-23(f) B.R.C. 1981:

    When considering the condition of the building and the projected cost of restoration or repair as set forth in paragraphs (3) and (4) above, the board may not consider deterioration caused by unreasonable neglect.

    The Landmarks Board may 1) issue the demolition permit, 2) place a stay of up to 180 days to explore alternatives to demolition or 3) Initiate landmark designation.

    The historic preservation signature is valid for 180 days and cannot be extended. If the application isnt finalized within this period, a new demolition permit application is required.

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    Demolition Permit Review - Historic Preservation

    Anderson Rock & Demolition Pits Providing You With … - August 16, 2018 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Whatever rock you need for your driveway or road and if you need landscape rock or wall and column rock, call Anderson Rock at (509) 965-3621. Anderson Rock & Demolition Pits has all types of rock which can be delivered or picked up at our site at the top of Cowiche Hill on Summitview-Cowiche Road. Pick-ups and trailers are welcome. Also, our limited purpose landfill accepts demolition debris, concrete, asphalt, and brush. You may also bring it to our site by the pick-up or trailer load. Call (509) 965-3621 for more information on particular acceptable materials and for all rock orders.

    Anderson Rock also has roll-off boxes which can be delivered to your site for demolition removal. Anderson Rock also offers truck and or pup rental service by the hour for all your trucking needs! And Anderson Rock also has a dumpsite for all your petroleum contaminated soils needs (prior approval required).

    For more information on services or to order your gravel, call Anderson Rock today at (509) 965-3621!

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    Home | R3 Deconstruction and Demolition | Selective … - July 2, 2018 by Mr HomeBuilder

    We Specialize in Deconstruction and Demolition

    R3 is a mid-sized demolition company based in Edmonton, AB. We take on an array of selective demolition contracts in Western Canada ranging from a one-day renovation to an industrial plant shut down.

    R3 is different.Being a sustainable company is our name, our passion, and our future. We approach every contract and work with every customer with the assurance that were doing the right thing. Our capable employees evaluate how we can reduce the waste going to the landfill, what we can salvage and introduce to a second phase life cycle, and how best to recycle whats still usable.

    Our customers choose us because they want an organized, efficient, and established team with processes and systems in place that stand out in the field demolition.

    R3 not only extends a conscientious disposition to environmental sustainability, but also to societal sustainability. Investing in people helps society grow. Providing further training and important industry contacts to our employees are only scratching the surface.

    We want to help grow productive, educated, and environmentally conscious members of society by allowing them the opportunity to succeed and giving them a job they can look forward to returning to all week


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    Explosion to kick off Pontiac Silverdome demolition - October 17, 2017 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The long-awaited demolition of the Pontiac Silverdome is expected to start within 45 days of early June. JC Reindl, Detroit Free Press

    Diesel Volkswagen and Audi vehicles that VW bought back from consumers sit in the parking lot of the Pontiac Silverdome on Aug. 4, 2017 in Pontiac.(Photo: Jeff Kowalsky, AFP/Getty Images)

    The Pontiac Silverdome will have anexplosive start to its final chapter.

    The empty stadium's long-awaited demolition could start before year's endand kick off with a celebration featuring a minor implosion,Pontiac Mayor Deirdre Waterman said Friday.

    "There is going to be an implosion a small implosion," Waterman said.

    The implosion won'ttake down the entire structure, the mayor said, and the bulk of the demolition wouldbe done with hydraulic excavators over several months. The demolition crews will take down the structure"from the inside out,"she said.

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    The city is planning tomark the start of demolition with a special event that could featureformer Detroit Lions players. The highlight of the event could be someone pressing a button to set off the explosives.

    "We may call it a farewell to the Silverdome," Waterman said. "We might even have an auction on who wants to push the button."

    Detroit-based contractor Adamo Group has beenunder private contract for the demolition work with theSilverdome's owner, Triple Investment Group. A company representative could not be reachedFriday.

    Demolition of the Detroit Lions' former home was mandated earlier this year by ajudgment in50th District Court ina nuisance-abatement case brought by the city against Triple Investment.

    Waterman said the implosion will have to waituntil Adamo finishes blowing up the Georgia Dome, former home of the Atlanta Falcons, in an implosionset for Nov. 20. The mayor is hopeful theSilverdome explosion canhappen before year's end.

    "We need to wait for them to do that," she said.

    The Silverdome opened in 1975 and has been used only sporadically since 2002, when the Lions moved to Ford Field in Detroit. The stadium's inflatable roof was damaged in a winter storm several years ago, exposing everything inside and speeding its physical decay.

    Triple Investment bought the stadium from the city in a 2009 auction for $583,000. After failing to find a buyer for the site, the firm announced a possible spring 2016 demolition, but that date slipped.

    Most recently, the parking lot around the Silverdome has been used to store nearly 9,000 Volkswagens that were recalled as part of the German automaker's diesel-emissions scandal. At least 69 of the vehicles were stolen from the propertylast summer.

    Waterman said the 127-acre property will be easier to market forredevelopment once the Silverdome is gone. It is one of six sites that Oakland County offered up to help Detroit in itsregional bid to landAmazon's second headquarters.

    Contact JC Reindl: 313-222-6631 or Follow him on Twitter @JCReindl.

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    Explosion to kick off Pontiac Silverdome demolition

    Demolition | Denver Development Services Project Guide - October 17, 2017 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Before you start your project, you need to know what regulations apply to your property and what factors may impact your project. You'll need to consider:

    Historic Landmark Status

    Any project that involves changes to the exterior of landmark structures or properties in historic landmark districts must be reviewed by Landmark Preservation staff before you begin. The appropriate zoning, building, curb cut, or revocable permits needed for the project will be issued only after design review has been completed and the project has been approved. To determine your propertys landmark status, use the DevelopDENVER tool to the right. Then, visit thedesign reviewweb page for more information.


    Zoning establishes standards for things such as the size and location of structures and acceptable uses for your property. Before you begin construction, you need to be sure your project is in compliance with theDenver Zoning Code. Use the DevelopDENVER tool to the right to determine the zoning for your property. In the results, click on your zone district fordescriptions and definitions; then, click on your neighborhood context for more information on zoning in your area.

    Denver Forestry

    If any portion of your project has the potential to affect the trunk, canopy or roots of the street trees around your property, before you begin, you must contact Denver Forestry by email ( or phone (720-913-0651) to evaluate your project. Any removal, trimming or planting of trees within the public right of way must be permitted through the City Foresters Office. Damages to street trees may result in the issuance of administrative citations and/or fines. Visit theDenver Forestry web pageand click onProperty Owner Resourcesfor information on hiring a licensed tree service company or requesting a permit.

    Building Code

    Denver Building Code provides minimum standards for building in order to safeguard public safety, health and welfare. The permitting and inspection process ensures that all home projects meet these standards and that all dwellings are safe and habitable at the time of construction.

    Location of Utilities

    When designing your project, you need to know where utilities are located. You cannot build over existing utilities. Before you dig, contact the Utility Notification Center of Colorado at 1-800-922-1987 or 811 to mark underground utilities for your project.

    Location of Existing Sewer Lines

    If you plan to build a new structure over or within 2 feet of the existing sanitary sewer, you will need to replace the sanitary sewer with approved materials. A plumbing contractor can help you locate the sewer lines on your property. VisitWastewater Sewer Use and Drainage Permit (SUDP)for application, guidelines and other specific information. Contact the Department of Public Works at 303-446-3759 for additional details.

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    Demolition | Denver Development Services Project Guide

    McDonagh Demolition Company Chicago-Commercial & Industrial … - October 14, 2017 by Mr HomeBuilder

    As a Chicago-based, Class A Demolition Company, McDonagh Demolition specializes in demolition and wrecking; and when we say we specialize, you can rest assured that we have all of the requisite knowledge, experience and expertise, married with the right, highly trained staff and equipment, to get it done right, safely and without unnecessary headache and incident.

    McDonagh Demolition can and will perform a wide variety of demolition related services, from interior demolition (and sometimes renovation), to the exterior projects to include excavation, grading, concrete removal, concrete installation, underground services, utility management from deconstruction to installation, all site work, both sewer and water, and also water management, contaminated soil removal, hazardous waste removal, oil and fuel tank removals and all of the services described here, are performed for any sized project from residential to the commercial and industrial sectors.

    McDonagh Demolition, Inc., owns, operates and maintains a substantial fleet of equipment, enhanced by our substantial complement of talented, experienced, professional, personable and reliable Staff, Crews and Subcontractors. With our experienced and expert team, we complete your projects with best practices, effectively and efficiently, on time, and within budget. From initial mobilization to completion, McDonagh Demolition has the know-how and expertise to coordinate everything necessary, the Can-Do attitude to get it done, from expert permit processing, engineering and testing, to the onsite management by our expert teams. We operate and broad scale of managing multiple contracts and all of the trades because, we can handle it all. Call upon us today, and let McDonagh Demolition, Inc., demonstrate to you our professional experience, the experience necessary to satisfy any project schedule, and fulfill your construction needs, under any conditions.

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    Dallas Demolition – #1 Demolition Company in Dallas … - October 14, 2017 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Dallas Demolition is a full service contractor specializing in Industrial, Commercial, and Residential demolition.

    Dallas Demolition has served Texas and the surrounding states since 1963 and are capable of handling any size project in the U. S. We own and maintain a fleet of heavy equipment with all the modern attachments for all types of demolition. We consider it a privilege to be in this business and love to solve complex demolition, remediation and recycling projects. We treat all of our customers as if they were family and would love to make you a part of ours.

    Dallas Demolition takes the health of our environment seriously and use every available option to recycle, re-purpose or reuse construction materials. Our company has demolished High rises, Industrial plants, Smoke stacks, Malls, Apartments, Tunnels, Skybridges, Bridges and single family housing. We look forward to serving you or your company soon. So please dont hesitate to contact us for all of your demolition needs.

    You can contact us 24 hours, 7 days a week.

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    Concrete Demolition | Penhall Company - October 14, 2017 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Penhalls field performance is excellent. Their crews show up when scheduled with good equipment and a well-trained professional crew. From very small to larger demolition projects, Penhall is our first choice for our structural demolition needs. Frank P. Petrilli & Son, Inc.

    Demolition has been a core competency of Penhall Co. since the very beginning. We make it our business to supply safe, scalable demolition services for a wide variety of commercial and residential applications. From concrete and highway demolition projects, to a full range of building demolition services, Penhall is your one stop solution for any requirement. Demolition & Recycling magazine named Penhall as one of the top three demolition contractors in the world. We have proven ourselves as a leading provider of demolition services for commercial and residential applications. Whether its soft, hard, partial, or total demolition, our extensively-trained structural demolition team is known for getting time-critical jobs done safely and efficiently. Experience the difference decades of experience makes on your next demolition project. Penhalls industry-leading concrete demolition experience extends across a wide range of sectors and structures, including:

    With every structural demolition project, Penhalls priorities are to minimize risks, maximize productivity, and ensure zero lost time. In addition to employing robotic hammering, and other advanced concrete demolition techniques, our dedicated demolition crew evaluates every aspect of the project to prevent hazards and protect employees, partners, and the environment.

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