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    US clears decks for export of 22 predator Guardian drones to India; will help maritime surveillance – Firstpost - July 2, 2017 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Washington: The US state department has issued the necessary license for the export of 22 predator Guardian drones to India, a government source here said, days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump had their first bilateral meeting at the White House.

    The state department has "issued the DSP-5 Guardian export licence" for India, the source told PTI. A DSP-5 category licence is issued for permanent export of military hardware as found in the US Munitions List, which is defined by the International Traffic Arms Regulations.

    The Guardian drones will enhance India's maritime surveillance capabilities in the Indian Ocean region and their sale was announced by Trump on 26 June after he met Modi for their first face-to-face meeting.

    The deal is one of the key takeaways from the Narendra Modi-Donald Trump meet in Washington last month. PTI file image

    The drones are estimated to cost around $2 billion and are being built by General Atomics, considered a pioneer in the unmanned aerial vehicles domain. The speed with which the Trump administration decided on India's request for the drones, the source said, is reflective of the desire in White House to strengthen India's military capabilities in the Indo-Asia Pacific region, where China's aggressive diplomatic and military posture has unnerved other countries.

    "We are extremely pleased that Trump and Modi have had excellent deliberations and the path forward for a game-changer in US-India defence relations has been charted," said Vivek Lall of General Atomics.

    Lall, who in his previous capacity at Boeing, was instrumental in the sale of high-tech military hardware to India, is believed to have played a role in convincing the Trump administration to accelerate the sale of the drones. "Given the Sea Guardian's capabilities, such a response to the Indian Navy's request demonstrates a major change in US policy as this type of aircraft capability is only exported to a very select few of America's closest defence partners," he said.

    "This represents tangible implementation of US Congress' designation of India as a 'Major Defence Partner'," said Lall.

    On Tuesday, Lall met US vice-president Mike Pence on the sidelines of the annual US-India Business Council summit, when Pence endorsed the deal to provide India with Apache attack helicopters, C-17 transport aircraft, besides the drones. The deal is seen as the biggest tangible takeaway from the Trump-Modi meeting towards the operationalisation of the major defence partner relationship.

    The Indian Navy requested for the drones early last year. But no tangible action was taken under the previous Obama administration, apparently because of the stiff opposition from the state department, which argued that this could upset Pakistan, America's ally in war against terror in Afghanistan.

    The Trump White House spearheaded the inter-agency process to make a significant policy change in favour of India by granting this technology based on government-to-government interactions, the source told PTI.

    India had been eyeing the Predator technology for years, and it was only the Trump-Modi combination that they were able to move the decision to this point, the source said. Pakistan is said to be actively lobbying Washington against the sale of the drones to India. However, the White House overruled all objections, paving the way for a new phase of India-US defence relationship.

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    US clears decks for export of 22 predator Guardian drones to India; will help maritime surveillance - Firstpost

    The Best Hearthstone Spring Championship Decks – Red Bull – Red Bull - July 1, 2017 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Red Bull
    The Best Hearthstone Spring Championship Decks - Red Bull
    Red Bull
    With players looking to gain every small advantage they can over their opponents, we look at the decks likely to dominate at the HCT Spring Championships in ...

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    The Best Hearthstone Spring Championship Decks - Red Bull - Red Bull

    Blizzard Finally Nerfed Hearthstone’s Quest Rogue Deck – Kotaku - July 1, 2017 by Mr HomeBuilder

    After stirring up loads of controversy, Hearthstones much-maligned Quest Rogue deck is finally getting nerfed. Instead of triggering the quest by playing four minions with the same name, now players will have to find a way to summon five, which might seem like a small change but is actually a significantly harder task.

    Quest Rogue is a deck that gives every minion a 5 health / 5 attack stat line when the player summons four minions with the same name. Since most minions in the deck can be summoned at a very low mana cost, the quest is one of the strongest in the game, and is practically unbeatable unless its up against a deck that specifically counters it.

    Apparently, in Blizzards eyes, the card was so strong it warranted some tweaks. Todays changes will make turn-three quest finishes near impossible to pull off, meaning that Quest Rogues will be weaker against aggro decks, but still potent against late-game focused decks that spend a lot of time stalling.

    While Blizzards balance team says that Quest Rogue decks arent single-handedly wrecking Hearthstones metagame, they say the change is meant to expand the deck options available to players, which is already a good thing. On top of that, though, the change will address the problem that pro players like Brian Brian Kibler Kibler struggled with: namely, that the deck feels like it has a limited axis of interaction.

    If you arent crazy lucky, and you dont kill a Quest Rogue before turn four, youre usually dead unless youre running a direct counter. Kibler actually recommended this exact change to the quest in his video addressing its problems, so he and other pros are happy to see the card changed:

    This nerf pattern will look familiar to anyone whos been following Hearthstone for more than a few months. Back in February, when Midrange Shamans and Pirate Warriors smashed almost everything else in the metagame, Blizzard stepped in and nerfed two cards that were key to those decks: Small-time Buccaneer and Spirit Claws. While the nerfs werent so intense that they made those decks irrelevant, they tweaked the game just enough to let other decks like Renolock and Jade Druid back into the mix.

    Its hard to know whether the changes to Quest Rogue will have a significant impact on the metagame, because right now, the highest tiers of Hearthstone play are already much more varied than they were back in February. While the Quest Rogue will likely rotate out of popularity, its hard to say whether thatll affect the rest of the tier list ecosystem.

    So why bother making the changes? Comparing Februarys nerfs to todays, the one thing that they both have in common is that theyre both set for release about a month before the launch of a new expansion. With Blizzard already dropping hints about an upcoming set of cards, the move is probably more of an attempt to prep for the next set than it is to shake things up in todays competitive scene.

    If Blizzard wants to release powerful new cards in the next set, it probably doesnt want boring, static Quest Rogue decklists running amok and deflating their appeal. This issue actually reared its ugly head earlier this month, when Cong Strifecro Shu reached top 20 in Hearthstones Wild mode using a fully-standard Quest Rogue decklist, which seems broken as hell when you consider that Wild players can use cards from every expansion ever released.

    If youve got your own Quest Rogue deck and are freaking out about the change, dont sweat it too muchas a consolation prize, once the nerf is live, youll be able to disenchant the decks defining card, The Caverns Below, for a full 1600 dust. Maybe hold onto it though, because with a new expansion coming out soon, who knows? The deck might get a card that brings it back to its former glory.

    Joshua Calixto (@hitherejosh) writes about esports, culture, and technology.

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    Blizzard Finally Nerfed Hearthstone's Quest Rogue Deck - Kotaku

    Gatherer – Magic: The Gathering - November 14, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

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    Alara Reborn Alliances Antiquities Apocalypse Arabian Nights Archenemy Avacyn Restored Battle for Zendikar Battle Royale Box Set Beatdown Box Set Betrayers of Kamigawa Born of the Gods Champions of Kamigawa Chronicles Classic Sixth Edition Coldsnap Commander 2013 Edition Commander 2014 Commander 2015 Commander 2016 Commander's Arsenal Conflux Conspiracy: Take the Crown Dark Ascension Darksteel Dissension Dragon's Maze Dragons of Tarkir Duel Decks Anthology, Divine vs. Demonic Duel Decks Anthology, Elves vs. Goblins Duel Decks Anthology, Garruk vs. Liliana Duel Decks Anthology, Jace vs. Chandra Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas Duel Decks: Blessed vs. Cursed Duel Decks: Divine vs. Demonic Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Kiora Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret Duel Decks: Elves vs. Goblins Duel Decks: Garruk vs. Liliana Duel Decks: Heroes vs. Monsters Duel Decks: Izzet vs. Golgari Duel Decks: Jace vs. Chandra Duel Decks: Jace vs. Vraska Duel Decks: Knights vs. Dragons Duel Decks: Nissa vs. Ob Nixilis Duel Decks: Phyrexia vs. the Coalition Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning Duel Decks: Venser vs. Koth Duel Decks: Zendikar vs. Eldrazi Eighth Edition Eldritch Moon Eternal Masters Eventide Exodus Fallen Empires Fate Reforged Fifth Dawn Fifth Edition Fourth Edition From the Vault: Angels From the Vault: Annihilation (2014) From the Vault: Dragons From the Vault: Exiled From the Vault: Legends From the Vault: Lore From the Vault: Realms From the Vault: Relics From the Vault: Twenty Future Sight Gatecrash Guildpact Homelands Ice Age Innistrad Invasion Journey into Nyx Judgment Kaladesh Khans of Tarkir Legends Legions Limited Edition Alpha Limited Edition Beta Lorwyn Magic 2010 Magic 2011 Magic 2012 Magic 2013 Magic 2014 Core Set Magic 2015 Core Set Magic Origins Magic: The Gathering-Commander Magic: The GatheringConspiracy Masterpiece Series: Kaladesh Inventions Masters Edition Masters Edition II Masters Edition III Masters Edition IV Mercadian Masques Mirage Mirrodin Mirrodin Besieged Modern Event Deck 2014 Modern Masters Modern Masters 2015 Edition Morningtide Nemesis New Phyrexia Ninth Edition Oath of the Gatewatch Odyssey Onslaught Planar Chaos Planechase Planechase 2012 Edition Planeshift Portal Portal Second Age Portal Three Kingdoms Premium Deck Series: Fire and Lightning Premium Deck Series: Graveborn Premium Deck Series: Slivers Promo set for Gatherer Prophecy Ravnica: City of Guilds Return to Ravnica Revised Edition Rise of the Eldrazi Saviors of Kamigawa Scars of Mirrodin Scourge Seventh Edition Shadowmoor Shadows over Innistrad Shards of Alara Starter 1999 Starter 2000 Stronghold Tempest Tempest Remastered Tenth Edition The Dark Theros Time Spiral Time Spiral "Timeshifted" Torment Ugin's Fate promos Unglued Unhinged Unlimited Edition Urza's Destiny Urza's Legacy Urza's Saga Vanguard Vintage Masters Visions Weatherlight Welcome Deck 2016 Worldwake Zendikar Zendikar Expeditions

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    Gatherer - Magic: The Gathering

    Decks NJ .com – Deck and Porch Railings | Deck Lighting - October 24, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Awnings NJ .com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TaxesMD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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    Decks NJ .com - Deck and Porch Railings | Deck Lighting

    Independent Home Improvements – Timber Decks - October 23, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Independent Home Improvements has been constructing awnings, carports, pergolas, decks, screened and glass enclosed rooms, garden sheds and much more throughout Sydney for the past 20 years. We pride ourselves on our extensive experience in the industry, our quality of work and most importantly, our high level of customer service.

    With our knowledge & your dreams Independent Home Improvements are able to design an addition to your home that will change your familys lifestyle and add value to your home. Each home improvement we undertake is unique to your home & family and is designed in consultation with you. The materials we use are Australian made, are available in a large range of colours & profiles and are built to last.

    We offer obligation free quotations on site at your home where we listen to what you want to achieve, discuss & explore the options available to come up with the perfect enhancement to your family home and lifestyle.

    If your home improvement requires council approval our team can take care of that for you. We will have plans expertly drawn up, will complete all relevant council forms and lodge to council, will engage a Certifier to oversee the project, all to give you total peace of mind and no stress.

    Call us now

    Independent Home Improvements

    Independent Home Improvements will design and construct your addition to suit your requirements and your budget. We offer an extensive range of designs, which will add value to your home and to your lifestyle.

    Unit 13/340 Hoxton Park Road, Liverpool New South Wales 2170 (02) 9608 3011

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    Independent Home Improvements - Timber Decks

    Wahoo Decks Aluminum Decking & Deck Railing - October 22, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Yet, we would be remiss if we didnt share with you what we can offerespecially since we truly believe we have the most superior deck and decking material choices on the market. Yes, you may find others who have replicated our patented designs but dont settle for a cheap imitation that just wont perform now but especially, over time.

    Aluminum decking is a great option if you are building or remodeling a deck. Aluminum is eco-friendly, durable, very low-maintenance, and cooler to the touch (and underfoot!) than traditional wood decking.

    The process of thermally-modifying wood to enhance its durability has been around for centuries. In the past 20 years, Europe has worked on perfecting the process with softwoods, and the thermo-treatment market has continued to grow both there and in the US with hardwoods. Thermo-treated woods are also eco-friendly as no chemicals are used in the treatment process and they allow rainforest woods to which this wood is similar to be left intact.

    AridDek, DryJoist, DryJoistEZ are branded products marketed by Wahoo Decks. DryJoist & DryJoistEZ hold US Patent No. 8,276,344

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    Wahoo Decks Aluminum Decking & Deck Railing

    Skateboard Decks | Warehouse Skateboards - October 22, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    ---------------------------------- -- For testing purposes only -- ---------------------------------- -- (s) BasketID = 92407850 -- (s) GiftBasketID = 0 -- (s) WishListID = 0 -- (s) CustomerID = 0 -- (s) backlink = #class=1D&sort=new&iPageCurrent=1&iPageSize=24 ---------------------------------- -- (c) admin = ALL_HTTP = HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH:0 HTTP_USER_AGENT:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/ HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL:/skateboard-decks HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL:/skateboard-decks ALL_RAW = Content-Length: 0 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/ X-REWRITE-URL: /skateboard-decks X-ORIGINAL-URL: /skateboard-decks APPL_MD_PATH = /LM/W3SVC/5/ROOT APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH = AUTH_PASSWORD = AUTH_TYPE = AUTH_USER = CERT_COOKIE = CERT_FLAGS = CERT_ISSUER = CERT_KEYSIZE = 256 CERT_SECRETKEYSIZE = 2048 CERT_SERIALNUMBER = CERT_SERVER_ISSUER = C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., OU=Domain Validated SSL, CN=GeoTrust DV SSL CA - G4 CERT_SERVER_SUBJECT = OU=GT35363019, OU=See (c)14, OU=Domain Control Validated - QuickSSL(R), CERT_SUBJECT = CONTENT_LENGTH = 0 CONTENT_TYPE = GATEWAY_INTERFACE = CGI/1.1 HTTPS = on HTTPS_KEYSIZE = 256 HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE = 2048 HTTPS_SERVER_ISSUER = C=US, O=GeoTrust Inc., OU=Domain Validated SSL, CN=GeoTrust DV SSL CA - G4 HTTPS_SERVER_SUBJECT = OU=GT35363019, OU=See (c)14, OU=Domain Control Validated - QuickSSL(R), INSTANCE_ID = 5 INSTANCE_META_PATH = /LM/W3SVC/5 LOCAL_ADDR = LOGON_USER = PATH_INFO = /classes.asp PATH_TRANSLATED = E:Siteswarehouseskateboards.comclasses.asp QUERY_STRING = section=10&class=1D REMOTE_ADDR = REMOTE_HOST = REMOTE_USER = REQUEST_METHOD = GET SCRIPT_NAME = /classes.asp SERVER_NAME = SERVER_PORT = 443 SERVER_PORT_SECURE = 1 SERVER_PROTOCOL = HTTP/1.0 SERVER_SOFTWARE = Microsoft-IIS/7.5 URL = /classes.asp HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH = 0 HTTP_HOST = HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/ HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL = /skateboard-decks HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL = /skateboard-decks

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    Skateboard Decks | Warehouse Skateboards

    Deck Contractors & Deck Builders - September 30, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Free Service. Fast Response. No Obligations.

    We can help you find a deck building professional in your area. The pros in our network provide free cost estimates for a variety of projects. We are a fast and easy way to find a local deck builder.

    Chances are that you have come to our site because you need to find a deck builder or contractor in your local area. Well, you have come to the right place. We will help you find a professional to take care of your project needs. It does not matter if it is a small project or a large project, we will find a pro to help you out.

    Deck building. A deck contractor can help you build the deck of your dreams. Deck contractors provide a variety of services, including 1) deck building, 2) home deck repair, 3) deck painting, 4) deck staining and sealing, and 5) deck pressure cleaning. The contractor will guide you through every step of the process, from securing a permit to finishing the project. Find local deck builders.

    Deck options. Your deck contractor will help you plan the size, location, and layout of your deck. They will also help you choose materials. Decks can be made of several different natural woods (cypress, cedar, pressure-treated wood, etc.) or they can also be made of composite materials. They will also help to plan the location of staircases, railings, and footings. The contractor may even help you design a patio enclosure, if you are looking to build a screened-in deck or porch. Find local deck builders.

    Deck repairs. If your current deck is need of repair, a deck contractor can help you get it up to code. They can address structural issues or cosmetic concerns. Whether you need to replace rotting pieces of wood or re-inforce footings to ensure the deck is stable, we can help you find a pro for your project. Receive free deck repair quotes.

    Deck painting and staining. Deck contractors can also help you paint or stain your existing deck. A fresh coat of paint or stain can make your deck look like new. You may also considering sealing your deck. This will help protect the wood for moisture which will prevent premature rotting or mold and mildew growth. Get a quote from a deck staining professional.

    Deck cleaning. Deck contractors can help you pressure wash your existing deck. Before your deck can be repainted or re-stained, it may be necessary to have it pressure cleaned. The pressure cleaning will remove excess dirt and surface stains that can build up over time. A simple cleaning can give new life to an old deck and many other exterior surfaces. For example, the contractor may also pressure wash your driveway, pathways, or fence, in addition to your deck and patio. Receive free quotes from deck cleaners.

    Deck accessories. In some cases, it may be necessary to install electrical wiring as part of a deck building or remodeling project. For example, if you wanted to install a sound system or specialty lighting outside with your new deck, this may require the services of a licensed electrician. Get matched to a deck electrical contractor.

    How much does it cost to build a deck? The cost of building a home deck will vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. It will also depend on the materials you choose. For instance, building a deck with composite materials will typically cost more than a deck built with pressure-treated wood. If you are interested in finding out how much it will cost you to hire a deck contractor, we suggest you get a quote from one of our professionals. Receive free cost estimates from deck building pros.

    Find a good deck contractor. It is not easy to find good, qualified professionals. Maybe we can help. Complete a request form with information about your project. We will help match your request with a professional in our network. You will receive a price estimate without cost. Our service is time efficient and you have no obligation to hire the professional we match you to. Get matched to a deck contractor.

    Our site will save you the hassle of looking in the phone book, calling someone, waiting for a call, and then scheduling an appointment. With our service, you submit your request outlining your project details. Businesses that are interested in completing your project request contact you and provide you a quote. The companies that have the time and interest will contact you. Receive free home deck price quotes.

    We suggest that you review the license and insurance of the professional you select. We also suggest that you call references or review the ratings and reviews from previous customers.

    Please note: When using our site, understand that it is your responsibility to select the professional you are interested in working with. Any contract or agreement you have with a contractor is between you and the company you select and does not involved our program. By using our website, you agree that should you have a dispute with any company, you must address such dispute directly with the business that performed the work. You also agree to release C. David Venture Management, LLC (and our officers, directors, affiliates, directors, affiliates, employees, and agents) from any damages or claims arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.

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    Deck Contractors & Deck Builders

    Top 2016 Wood Deck Designs Ideas & Pictures - September 27, 2016 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Wood decks are a popular outdoor addition to any home, providing an extra room in the house as well as a space to relax and enjoy the outdoors. If you are considering adding a wooden deck to your front or backyard, then this is the site for you. Here you can find the best wooden decking material reviews with easy to build design plans, ideas and pictures. There are many different wood materials to use when constructing a deck, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. The price of your wooden deck will vary depending on the material you choose, however, you can use an outdoor wood decking material calculator help choose the best option. Common outdoor materials to use for building a deck include wood, plastic, or composite lumber. Wood decks and patios are the most popular choice among homeowners because of the natural aesthetic appeal of real woods. In addition, it is readily available, innately durable and comes in a variety of types, colors and textures.

    When using natural wood for a deck, the top choice among homeowners in 2016 is red cedar. Many people choose cedar wood for decks because it is a solid softwood that is strong, durable and innately resistant to fire and rot. In addition, cedar is a great lumber to use in deck planks because it is inexpensive and easy to use. Another commonly used natural wood is redwood. This type of wood is similar to cedar in that it is a strong softwood, however, it contains more natural chemicals that make it even more resistant to fire and rot. Oak is another great type of wood to use in decking design ideas because it is readily available, inexpensive and also resistant to decay. Although these materials are full of natural chemicals that make them stronger, over time natural wood tends to become cracked, warped, discolored or dried out. Deck cleaning and staining is the best way to maintain your woods color and beauty, however sealing it is your best option. Easy deck cleaning and sealing can be done with a simple wash and an epoxy sealer with water and UV resistance for optimum results.

    Popular idea for 2016, bamboo wood decking is also a popular material choice, especially among eco-friendly homeowners. Bamboo is naturally weather and insect resistant and also very durable. In addition, bamboo is a great alternative to wood because it is a fast growing and renewable. Bamboo needs to be cleaned and sealed regularly to maintain its beautiful look. If the maintenance of natural wood and bamboo is a shortcoming for you, but you still want real wood, consider using tropical hardwoods such as IPE lumber. Ipe wood decks are made from Brazilian walnut and are extremely durable and water resistant. This material is so weather resistant that it is commonly used to construct docks and boardwalks. However, the strength and durability of IPE does not come without a cost. IPE is more expensive than any other wood so make sure to consider this in your budget plan. Another great real wood option is pressure treated lumber. This type of engineered hardwood decking is chemically infused with weather, rot, and insect resistant coatings to extend the lifespan of the material.

    Pressure treated lumber is less expensive that cedar and redwoods, requires less maintenance and is more durable. A different wood option is composite decking, which is an artificial plastic lumber. These fake wood deck boards are made from a combination of plastics and wood fibers and are very durable and resistant to moisture. Composite decking ideas vary because it comes in an assortment of colors and textures to create beautiful wood-like decks at a lower cost. When comparing composite vs pressure treated wood, composite is more expensive however it does not require restaining or resealing like treated lumber. Wood pool deck ideas often make use of composite materials because they can withstand the constant exposure to water. If you are choosing between a natural wood or composite deck, the advantage of real lumber is the visual appeal, but composite is easier to maintain and more durable. Azek decking and fiberon decking are the top composite wood manufacturers and the most popular choice of 2016.

    Other popular flooring options for decks are wood tiles. Wood decking tiles can be placed overtop your existing deck to create a type of floating surface that does not damage or destroy the present flooring. The tiles join together with connecting tabs, allowing them to be set up and removed quickly, making installation easy. Tile over a wood deck is a great way for homeowners who want to quickly remodel their deck at a low cost. Images of wood for decks show that another trendy outdoor design tactic is to paint or stain the deck. Paints and stains add color to the area and help protect the deck from water and UV damage. In addition, adding a new coat of paint or stain is a great way of refinishing a deck at a low cost. The best paint for a deck is a water-based paint because it is durable, easy to use, cheap and environmentally friendly. Great deck construction tips suggest that lighter paints are ideal for outdoor spaces in the south or areas that are prone to high sun exposure to prevent overheating. Wood decking pics show whites and cream colors to be the most popular.

    Not only is there a variety of materials to choose from, but there also are an assortment of design styles to pick as well. The top pictures of decks in 2016 show large, open spaces with outdoor kitchens or living rooms, roofed structures, and beautiful pool patios. Outdoor living is a popular way to extend your home outside and create extra rooms to relax in. Veranda decking is a stylish way to add a roof to your deck. Veranda decking ideas include long, thin porches extending down the side of your home, large columns supporting the roof, and small railings for dcor. The addition of a railing is a great feature for your deck because it provides both safety and decoration to the area. Pics of wooden decks show a variety of different styles of rails that can be left on their own, or adorned with or potted plants or flowers. Deck railing ideas that have been popular in 2016 include painted or stained wood balusters and wrought iron rails. It is also common to combine the two styles, using wood posts with iron balusters in between.

    Originally posted here:
    Top 2016 Wood Deck Designs Ideas & Pictures

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