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    Graves column: Deck the halls and hit the deck – Glenwood Springs Post Independent - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Yes, I am one of those people.

    About 30 minutes after Labor Day has officially ended, I feel a strange compulsion to binge on my mothers iced sugar cookies shaped like snowmen while listening to Nat King Cole croon about chestnuts. I usually resist breaking out my collection of international Santa figurines including Las Vegas Santa indulging his gambling addiction on the slots until after Halloween. But once Ive polished off my kids trick-or-treat candy, I go into full-out Christmas-prep beast mode.

    I realize that my premature Yuletide activities irritate some folks, and I place the blame partly on the retail economy, which starts celebrating HallowThanksMas around the time when we East Texans are suffering from acute Eskimo envy in the sweltering month of September. And I must admit that its a little disconcerting to go to Walmart for a new giant unicorn pool float and walk past a tempting display of Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes. Thankfully, I can usually limit myself to five or six family-size packs.

    Another reason for my pre-season holly-jolly spaz attack is the sheer magnitude of our Christmas swag. I spend most of the year expecting our ceiling to collapse under the mass of nativity sets, Christmas villages, and countless other seasonal dust magnets stockpiled in our attic. In fact, Im resigned to the probability that Ill eventually be taken out by a Rubbermaid tub full of decorative nutcrackers. Seriously, though, I figure if I dont start dragging out the dcor soon enough, Ill still be stringing up lights when its time to overdose on Velveeta dip and chicken wings during the Super Bowl.

    As an example of our fanatical festooning, we dont allow Santa to squeeze out of our gas-log fireplace until weve erected not one, but two Christmas trees in our living room. One serves as our fashionable tree, adorned with ornaments accumulated from several trips my wife and I took overseas before we had our three daughters and started hemorrhaging wads of cash on dance lessons, cell phones, and salted-caramel iced mochas.

    The other tree features mostly homemade ornaments, many of which include photos of our daughters at various ages. This tree is a favorite of my wife and me, and when the girls arent vociferously expressing their unmitigated disgust at the pictures of themselves with toddler bangs or missing baby teeth, they secretly compete to see who can maneuver their own photo ornaments to the highest and most visible branches.

    Eventually the tree develops a distinct top-heavy list, threatening to topple over and impale our full-figured Siamese cat, who spends most of the holiday lounging at the trees base and wistfully gazing upwards, wondering what it might be like to muster the energy to climb it or even paw at a low-hanging baby Jesus made of Styrofoam and pipe cleaners.

    The pinnacle of our home decorating frenzy involves the death defying installation of exterior lighting. Each year, I entertain the neighbors and risk permanent paralysis by hanging several strings of C-9 bulbs from the unnecessarily steep eves of our house. This process inevitably requires that I actually climb onto our roof for a public performance of uncoordinated acrophobia.

    Taking the advice of my dad a veritable Rembrandt of domestic holiday displays I stay as low as possible while Im scuttling around up there and trying to avoid hurling on the housetop. And Im usually able to pick all of the shingle grit out of my ears and teeth by the new year.

    Once all of the decorating is done and Im in my easy chair nursing a pulled groin and a mug of hot cocoa with extra mini marshmallows, I look around at the twinkling lights, the radiant poinsettias, and the stockings hung by the chimney-insert with care, and I realize that its worth all of the trouble.

    And if I start packing all of this away shortly, I can re-decorate the house in time for Valentines Day.

    Contact Jase Graves at

    Continued here:
    Graves column: Deck the halls and hit the deck - Glenwood Springs Post Independent

    What it takes to deck the halls for Christmas at the White House – Fox Business - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Melania Trump paid special attention to detail when decorating the White House for Christmas.

    Christmas spirit, in the form oftwinkly lights and bright red bows, has arrived at the White House.

    The walls, windows and grand rooms have been adorned with holiday traditions, thanks to first lady Melania Trump,who paid special attention to the Spirit of America-themed detail.

    Heres an inside look at how some of the most eloquent details emulate American tradition.

    The official White House Christmas tree is from Pitman, Pennsylvania, and stretches more than 18 feet in height. The Douglas fir tree is decoratedsymbolically with floral emblems, each representingone of the 50 states and territories. The tree portraysthe beauty and diversity of America.

    The official White House Christmas tree decorated in the Blue Room on Monday, Dec. 2, 2019. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


    The White Houses gingerbread house is an exact replica of the South Portico of the White House. Some other national landmarks are featured next to the house, including the Golden Gate Bridge, Space Needle, Mount Rushmore, the Alamo, Gateway arch, Liberty Belland Statue of Liberty. The columns of the gingerbread White House are made of pasta noodles and the display used a total of 200 pounds of gingerbread.

    The gingerbread house is seen in the State Dining Room of the White House. Sunday, Dec. 1, 2019. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

    Each year, Melania Trump has carried out her tradition of hanging Christmas wreaths on the faade of the White House. There are a total of 106 wreaths hung throughout. Some other traditions that have returned include the Gold Star Family Tree, with more than 400 stars arranged, the Christmas card display and the White House crche.

    The Red Room of the White House. Sunday, Dec. 1, 2019. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


    The East Room is decked with dcor inspired by the American flag. Decorations include gilded eagle tree toppers, mirrored stars, and red andblue ribbons. Decorative elements in the East Colonnade highlight American innovation and architecture.

    The East Room of the White House, Sunday, Dec. 1, 2019. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


    Two hundred twenty-fivevolunteers,representing all 50 states, were selected to participate in decorating this year. Volunteers helped hang, dress and place the following:

    And, everything elsementioned above.

    The Grand Foyer of the White House, Sunday, Dec. 1, 2019. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


    The White House will host open houses, receptions and tours throughout the month of December for all to enjoy this years decorations.

    Read more:
    What it takes to deck the halls for Christmas at the White House - Fox Business

    Deck the Alley is Happening this Saturday in Philly – 94.5 PST - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    This holiday season you can visit the nation's oldest residential street right in Philly. This Saturday, Dec 7 from 3pm to 7pm, you will have the opportunity to go inside the houses onElfreth's Alley for "Deck the Alley."

    Elfreth's Alley is a National historic landmark. Every single house on that street was built in the 1700s and early 1800s. This Saturday they will all be decorated for the holidays. According to Philly Voice, on the cobblestone street, there will be colonial carolers and traditional loom weaving. Don't forget to bring the kids as well because Santa will be there as well. This is your chance to get pictured taken with Santa onnation's oldest residential street. Iconic!

    According to Philly Voice, ticketsfor this event are $25 for adults and $10 for children.You can also get agroup discount and a $60 family bundle are available, as well. The best part about it is you will automatically get free admission into the pop-up exhibit"Making Christmas."

    Read the rest here:
    Deck the Alley is Happening this Saturday in Philly - 94.5 PST

    Win Deck the Hall Ball Tickets and The 1975 Meet & Greets! – Talk Radio 1210 WPHT - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    A Level: Deck the Hall Ball (12.5.19)

    For the A Level: Deck the Hall Ball contest, enter for the chance to win December 5, 2019 by listening to the Station between 8:00am PT and 5:00am PT for the codeword to be announced on or about :05 after the start of each hour and using to complete the online entry form for the A Level: Deck the Hall Ball contest page, locatedHERE,by 6:00pm PT on December 5, 2019.On or about December 6, 2019, five (5)winners will be randomly selected and, upon verification,receive the qualifying prize of a pair of GA ticketstoDeck the Hall Ball 2019 and a pair of meet and greets for The 1975 on December 10, 2019,at WaMuTheatre, located at800 Occidental Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134, and one (1) vinyl copy and one (1) digital download code of The 1975'sA Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships. Digital download code is valid through December 31, 2019 and only in the United States. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Qualifying prize is valued at $154, courtesy of the Station and Interscope Records. From all of the qualifying prize winners, one (1) winner will be randomly selected to receive the grand prize of a signed vinyl cover ofA Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships and a signed fan pack forNotes On A Conditional Form. Grand prize is valued at $25,courtesy of the Station and Interscope Records.Otherwise, KNDD's general contest rules apply and are available by clickingHERE.

    Read more from the original source:
    Win Deck the Hall Ball Tickets and The 1975 Meet & Greets! - Talk Radio 1210 WPHT

    What life on Mars will REALLY look like Ikea decks out prototype space colony in Utah desert – The Sun - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    ON the barren surface of Mars, astronauts will battle deadly radiation, fierce storms and screws missing from their flat pack beds.

    That's if Ikea has anything to say about it, anyway. The Swedish furniture giant has unveiled an easy-to-assemble space pad for future colonies on the Red Planet.




    Slotted together at a Mars research lab in a US desert, the prototype pod has been designed to maximise space in cramped conditions.

    It boasts Ikea shelving units, stackable chairs and tables that double up as stools for flexibility and tidiness.

    Ikea designer Christina Levenborn envisioned the space habitat after a spell at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) in Utah.

    Built in 2001, the domed cylinder houses teams of six for weeks at a time to study how humans might live on the Red Planet.




    "We tried to work with products for small space living situation that could be arranged in a flexible and multifunctional way," Christina said.

    "For the habitat, we brought products on wheels for mobile living, stools for seating and table surfaces and stackable chairs for saving space."

    The MDRS is designed to recreate the physical and psychological challenges facing astronauts who eventually live on other planets.

    It includes a greenhouse, solar observatory, engineering pod, science building, robotics observatory - and a two-storey living space nicknamed The Hab.


    Just eight metres in diameter, the Hab has now been kitted out with Christina's Ikea redesign.

    It's unlikely space agencies like Nasa will be giving Christina a ring any time soon, but the faux-home gives space fans a glimpse into a Martian future.

    It is hoped that the redesign project will show how Ikea products can be improved to suit "micro-homes" that are increasingly popular in crowded cities.

    Christina said: "We hope to learn more about living in extremely small spaces and how our products can be used.


    Mars facts

    Here's what you need to know about the red planet...


    "There is also the question of the scarcity of materials, repurposing and sustainable living.

    "Preparing for this kind of scarcity on Mars puts a focus on all the good things we have on Earth that we take for granted.

    "We tried to work with products for small-space living situations that could be arranged in a flexible and multifunctional way.

    "In a small space where many people have to share workspaces, it is important to be able to adjust to everyone's needs."

    XMAS ROCKING Nasa braces for 2,000ft 'Boxing Day' asteroid to skim past Earth at 27,000mph

    WALK THIS WAY Scientists teach piece of plastic to walk in groundbreaking project

    CHEERS TO THAT Alcohol tolerance might have saved our ancestors from EXTINCTION


    Honey I'm E-Home We take a look at what could be in store in eco homes of the future

    JAW-DROPPING Centuries of inbreeding IS to blame for European royals' famed jaw deformities

    WENT DELHI UP Nasa spots India's doomed moon lander on lunar surface months after crash

    In other news, eagle-eyed space fans claimed to have spotted the letters"ET" imprinted on Marsin August.

    A crackpot conspiracy theorist said he'd dug up evidence of asarcophagus on the Red Planetin Nasa photos published that same month.

    And, Nasa recently managed to record the incredible sound of a "Marsquake" -which you can listen to here.

    Do you think humans will ever live on Mars? Let us know in the comments!

    We pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The Sun Online Tech & Science team? Email us at

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    What life on Mars will REALLY look like Ikea decks out prototype space colony in Utah desert - The Sun

    Ratan Tata puts startup pitch deck template on Instagram (and other top stories of the day) – YourStory - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Forget breaking the internet.Ratan Tata, in amonth of being on Instagram, has won thegame and the hearts of his700K followers. Afterwowingusall by posting rare pictures offeringa sneak peek into his personal life,the Chairman Emeritus of Tata Sons and Chairman of the Tata Trusts has something else in storethistime for the entrepreneursofIndia's fast-growing startup ecosystem.

    Turns out,Ratan Tatahasput together a startup pitch deck for entrepreneurs on his Instagramprofile.In a16-slide PowerPoint presentation, watermarked Office of Ratan Tata,thebusinessman has spelled out themost important aspects that should be covered in any pitch by a first-time entrepreneur.

    Foodtech 2019

    Foodtech remains a firm favourite with entrepreneurs, investors, and consumers. The bloodbath of 2016 may have led to the death of many foodtech startups, but the sector has bounced back.Foodtech continued to draw attention in 2019 as Tier II and III India started placing more orders, supply became the key focus, and Amazon announced its entry into the Indian market.

    Kiran Dham is the CEO and Managing Director of Globus Infocom, an edtech company that is at the forefront of providing innovative technological solutions to schools in India.

    Larry Page (L) and Sergey Brin (R); Source : theguradian

    Google's iconic co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin are exiting their active roles at parent company Alphabet. Larry and Sergey, who're often touted as the fathers of the modern internet, are relinquishing management control of the company to Google's current CEO Sundar Pichai.

    Simarpreet Singh, Founder, Hartek Solar Pvt Ltd.

    Forbes 30 Under 30 finalist Simarpreet Singh founded his startup to foster a culture of community-driven clean energy through its customised residential rooftop solar kits.

    Startup Bharat Trends

    Apart from increased consumption patterns and growth, 2020 for startups in Bharat will be about focussed growth and mentorships. But will there be an increase in the all-important investments as well?

    Around the year, SMBStory covers the inspiring stories of SME entrepreneurs who have not only contributed to the Indian business ecosystem but have also seen growth by implementing a sustainable business model. These entrepreneurs have surely set an example for current and future generations by showing just how essential it is to build businesses that last.

    Rajdeep Ghosh (right), Head, COE, Dr Reddy's Labs, is seen with Chandra Balani, Head Geographic Incubation, India and Saarc, at AWS.

    On the sidelines of AWS re:Invent 2019, Rajdeep Ghosh, the head of Dr Reddys Labs digital centre of excellence, speaks about how digital transformation can help drive learning, growth, and scale.

    Now get the Daily Capsule in your inbox. Subscribe to our newsletter today!

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    Ratan Tata puts startup pitch deck template on Instagram (and other top stories of the day) - YourStory

    Deck the Halls with a Mannheim Steamroller Christmas at The Warner Theatre – Erie Reader - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Friday, Dec. 13

    Next Friday, the "Ultimate Holiday Tradition" comes to Erie in the form of Mannheim Steamroller's Christmas tour. With 35 years of Christmas magic under their collective belt, the Omaha, Nebraska-based neoclassical new age group is bringing their annual holiday tour to The Warner Theatre this season. For this special performance, Mannheim Steamroller billed as "the number one Christmas artist of all time" will be performing the album that started it all, 1984's Mannheim Steamroller Christmas, in its entirety.

    Mannheim Steamroller Christmas features a number of contemporary holiday classics, including their renditions of "Deck the Halls" and "We Three Kings." The album helped launch Mannheim Steamroller into mass popularity, landing them a number 50 spot on the Billboard Top 200 Album chart; it has since been certified platinum six times over by the Recording Industry Association of America and has sold over 3.5 million physical copies in the U S. alone. To further cement the album's legacy, a special 35th anniversary vinyl pressing of Mannheim Steamroller Christmas will also be available. For Mannheim Steamroller, the holiday is more than a tradition; it's a festive celebration that they would be more than happy to have the Erie community join them in. Aaron Mook

    7:30 p.m. // Warner Theatre, 811 State St. // Tickets start at $44 //

    Excerpt from:
    Deck the Halls with a Mannheim Steamroller Christmas at The Warner Theatre - Erie Reader

    Below Deck Star Captain Lee Rosbach Names Real Housewives Of New Jersey Star Hed Want To Work With – Reality Tea - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Below Deck has become one of the hottest franchises on Bravo. People love to watch the glamorous yacht life and the drama between the crew. Captain Lee Rosbach is somewhat of a pop culture icon at this point. Unlike Captain Sandy Yawn, Captain Lee rules his crew with an iron fish. There is no room for BS, and you need to get your work done. It takes a strong person to work under someone like him.

    Before Below Deck, the ruling franchise on Bravo was The Real Housewives. Think for a second and imagine what a crossover might look like. Imagine if Captain Lee hired one of the Housewives to work on his yacht. There is no shortage of Housewives to choose from, but some may lack the work ethic required. Luckily for inquisitive fans, Captain Lee is FINALLY revealing which Housewife hed want to work with.

    In an interview with HollywoodLife Captain Lee revealed which RHONJ has what it takes to work with him. He said,I think Melissa might. I like her attitude.

    Melissa Gorga is usually down for anything on The Real Housewives of New Jersey, so that could be really fun. Imagine Melissa on display for all of Thailand on a superyacht?

    However, Captain Lees ideal position for her isnt the glitzy spot wed imagine for Melissa. He says, If she can handle it, probably second stew. Melissa answers to Teresa Giudice all the time on Housewives, so why not do the same with Kate Chastain. Sprinkle cookies for everyone!

    I couldnt imagine any of the Housewives doing the menial tasks given to second stew. Some of them have glam squads and a million nannies. How many of them would be realistically up to the task?

    If Melissa thinks she has a shot at Chief Stew, she should think twice. Why is that? Captain Lee said, Because nobody can replace Kate. I MEAN TRUE. Kate actually puts a lot of effort into each and every charter. Not all Chief Stews are up for that. Isnt that right,Hannah Ferrier?

    Melissa probably has some things she could offer to the guests though. Perhaps she can give them a live singing performance (please dont). If that doesnt work, how about some pole dancing lessons? Wait, she wasnever a dancer. Scratch that.

    As hilarious as it would be watching Melissa be a second stew, theres someone else thatd be funnier. Imagine the Chanel Queen with 17 thrones Jennifer Aydin doing those tasks?

    I just cannot picture Jennifer doing any kind of real-life chores like that. She complained over roughing it in Oklahoma. Maybe Melissa is the Jersey girl best suited for this after all. We need to see this at some point!

    A crossover between Real Housewives of New Jersey and Below Deck is not something I ever thought of. However, now that its been discussed, I NEED IT. Even if none of them are working on the boat, they could vacation! Teresa could table flip someone overboard. Now that would be iconic.


    [Photo Credit:Charles Sykes/Bravo]

    Here is the original post:
    Below Deck Star Captain Lee Rosbach Names Real Housewives Of New Jersey Star Hed Want To Work With - Reality Tea

    Deck the halls and hit the deck – San Marcos Daily Record - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Yes, I am one of those people.

    About thirty minutes after Labor Day has officially ended, I feel a strange compulsion to binge on my mothers iced sugar cookies shaped like snowmen while listening to Nat King Cole croon about chestnuts. I usually resist breaking out my collection of international Santa figurines including Las Vegas Santa indulging his gambling addiction on the slots until after Halloween. But once Ive polished off my kids trick-or-treat candy, I go into full-out Christmas-prep beast mode.

    I realize that my premature Yuletide activities irritate some folks, and I place the blame partly on the retail economy, which starts celebrating HallowThanksMas around the time when we East Texans are suffering from acute Eskimo envy in the sweltering month of September. And I must admit that its a little disconcerting to go to Walmart for a new giant unicorn pool float and walk past a tempting display of Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes. Thankfully, I can usually limit myself to five or six family-size packs.

    Another reason for my pre-season holly-jolly spaz attack is the sheer magnitude of our Christmas swag. I spend most of the year expecting our ceiling to collapse under the mass of nativity sets, Christmas villages, and countless other seasonal dust magnets stockpiled in our attic. In fact, Im resigned to the probability that Ill eventually be taken out by a Rubbermaid tub full of decorative nutcrackers. Seriously, though, I figure if I dont start dragging out the dcor soon enough, Ill still be stringing up lights when its time to overdose on Velveeta dip and chicken wings during the Super Bowl.

    As an example of our fanatical festooning, we dont allow Santa to squeeze out of our gas-log fireplace until weve erected not one, but two Christmas trees in our living room. One serves as our fashionable tree, adorned with ornaments accumulated from several trips my wife and I took overseas before we had our three daughters and started hemorrhaging wads of cash on dance lessons, cell phones, and salted-caramel iced mochas.

    The other tree features mostly homemade ornaments, many of which include photos of our daughters at various ages. This tree is a favorite of my wife and me, and when the girls arent vociferously expressing their unmitigated disgust at the pictures of themselves with toddler bangs or missing baby teeth, they secretly compete to see who can maneuver their own photo ornaments to the highest and most visible branches.

    Eventually the tree develops a distinct top-heavy list, threatening to topple over and impale our full-figured Siamese cat, who spends most of the holiday lounging at the trees base and wistfully gazing upwards, wondering what it might be like to muster the energy to climb it or even paw at a low-hanging baby Jesus made of Styrofoam and pipe cleaners.

    The pinnacle of our home decorating frenzy involves the death defying installation of exterior lighting. Each year, I entertain the neighbors and risk permanent paralysis by hanging several strings of C-9 bulbs from the unnecessarily steep eves of our house. This process inevitably requires that I actually climb onto our roof for a public performance of uncoordinated acrophobia.

    Taking the advice of my dad a veritable Rembrandt of domestic holiday displays I stay as low as possible while Im scuttling around up there and trying to avoid hurling on the housetop. And Im usually able to pick all of the shingle grit out of my ears and teeth by the new year.

    Once all of the decorating is done and Im in my easy chair nursing a pulled groin and a mug of hot cocoa with extra mini marshmallows, I look around at the twinkling lights, the radiant poinsettias, and the stockings hung by the chimney-insert with care, and I realize that its worth all of the trouble.

    And if I start packing all of this away shortly, I can re-decorate the house in time for Valentines Day.

    Deck the halls and hit the deck - San Marcos Daily Record

    Seahawks bouncing back from injuries, illness with Rams matchup on deck – Fox Sports Radio - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    RENTON -- The injury report for the Seattle Seahawks is far less populated than its been in recent weeks.

    Only nine players in total appeared on the report for Wednesday's walkthrough practice for Seattle. By contrast, nine players sat out practice completely on Saturday with a total of 24 names being listed with various injuries and ailments ahead of Monday night's game against the Minnesota Vikings.

    Additionally, all six players that had been dealing with illnesses last week from a flu wave that swept through the locker room were not listed on Wednesday's practice report.

    "My stomach will hurt a little bit but I just have that after cough now," said wide receiver David Moore, one of the six players to fall sick last week.

    "It came right after practice on Wednesday. Thursday was probably my worst day, was for sure the worst day. Friday wasn't much better. Thursday for sure took the cake."

    Wide receiver Tyler Lockett, cornerback Tre Flowers, defensive tackle Poona Ford, linebacker Shaquem Griffin and center Jordan Roos also were afflicted by the illness last week.

    "It was pretty crazy," Flowers said. "They tried to send me home, I wasnt taking that for an answer, I had to put on the doctor mask. Then I looked I was going to die out here. Im glad all of that is over with, were trying to get back to normal.

    Tight end Luke Willson (hamstring), fullback Nick Bellore (quadriceps) and cornerback Neiko Thorpe (core/groin) were the three players to miss the Vikings game with their injuries. All three remained sidelined on Wednesday. Additionally, linebacker Mychal Kendricks and left tackle Duane Brown sat out practice on Wednesday.

    Kendricks played just 26 snaps against the Vikings due to a hamstring strain. Cody Barton filled in with 11 snaps on defense when Kendricks was unable to be on the field.

    Meanwhile, Brown continues to get time off from practice due to biceps and knee injuries that he manages throughout the season.

    On a positive note, defensive end Jadeveon Clowney did not appear to have his core muscle injury worsen following the win over Minnesota. Clowney was able to take part in practice on Wednesday and appears ready to go again this week against the Los Angeles Rams.

    "Pretty good," head coach Pete Carroll said of Clowney's status. "He's practicing today and that's a really good sign. A really good sign."

    Fellow defensive end Ziggy Ansah was also limited after sustaining a stinger late in the fourth quarter of the game against the Vikings. Carroll said it will take until later in the week to know for sure if he'll be able to play or not.

    "He looks like he's doing OK so far," Carroll said. "We won't know for a couple days if he's clear and all that. He had a stinger in the game. Just got to make sure he's OK."

    Ansah is coming off his best stretch of the season. He had 1.5 sacks and a forced fumble in the team's win over the Philadelphia Eagles, including a second full sack that was negated due to a defensive penalty. Ansah produced three quarterback hits against the Vikings as well, which led the team in the victory.

    Tight end Jacob Hollister was limited due to a quadriceps injury, presumably sustained when running back Chris Carson collided with in five plays into the Vikings game. Guard Mike Iupati was also limited due to a neck injury.

    Injury Report:

    Photo Credit: SEATTLE, WASHINGTON - DECEMBER 02: Kirk Cousins #8 of the Minnesota Vikings is hit by Ziggy Ansah #94 and Jarran Reed #91 of the Seattle Seahawks in the fourth quarter during their game at CenturyLink Field on December 02, 2019 in Seattle, Washington. (Photo by Abbie Parr/Getty Images)

    Seahawks bouncing back from injuries, illness with Rams matchup on deck - Fox Sports Radio

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