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    That new parking deck at the Gwinnett County courthouse is now open – Atlanta Journal Constitution - December 29, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The entirety of Gwinnett Countys new courthouse parking deck is now open.

    Phase II of the deck at the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center which houses courtrooms and government offices opened last week, adding 600 new spaces. Throw that in with the 850 spaces offered by an adjacent deck that opened in May, and visitors now have nearly 1,500 new places to park their Priuses and pick-ups.

    The new decks are located at the rear of GJAC, on the corner of Constitution Boulevard and Nash Street. The original parking lot at the front of the building is still open to the public as well.

    The new parking options are part of a long-awaited $75-million expansion at the courthouse.

    The larger project is already underway and will include adding a brand new 180,000-square-foot building with a larger jury assembly room,four additional courtrooms and room for several more to be added in the future.

    Eventually, the new parking decks will be connected directly to the courthouse via pedestrian bridge.

    The expansion was planned nearly a decade ago and is being paid for by 2009 SPLOST collections but was delayed by the Great Recession.

    Construction is scheduled to be completed in 2020.

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    That new parking deck at the Gwinnett County courthouse is now open - Atlanta Journal Constitution

    It Was All Hands On Deck For Concord Christmas Baby Delivery – Concord, NH Patch - December 29, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    CONCORD, NH Capital region first responders performed a Christmas miracle, literally, as they delivered a baby at just after midnight on Christmas Day on Interstate 93. Around 12:15 a.m., Concord fire dispatch received a call about a woman having a child inside of a car on I-93 South in the area of Exit 17 in Penacook. Engine 5 and Ambulance 5 headed to the area, looking for a silver vehicle, but were unable to find it.

    After about seven minutes, Concord EMTs informed dispatch they had met with New Hampshire State Police at the Exit 17 overpass and troopers told firefighters they had been both north and south on the highway and couldn't find the vehicle either.

    State troopers and firefighters then split up and attempted to search both sides of the highway again for the caller while staging on the overpass. Dispatchers also tried to reach the caller again and found out they were farther north, at mile marker 46.6 at the Canterbury-Concord line.

    Concord firefighters continued toward the vehicle while dispatch worked out protocols with Canterbury authorities.

    When EMTs arrived at the vehicle, Boscawen Police Officer Ryan Nolan was already in the passenger seat with the mother as the baby was coming out of her womb. A Concord paramedic coached Nolan, state troopers, and the mother through the birthing process.

    Concord EMTs then transported the mother and her new son, Dominic, to Concord Hospital as firefighters performed neonatal care, placenta cleanup, umbilical cord cutting, and other procedures on the way to the hospital. They arrived around 12:45 a.m.

    Dominic, his parents, and all involved were pretty pleased with the outcome.

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    It Was All Hands On Deck For Concord Christmas Baby Delivery - Concord, NH Patch

    Rhylee Gerbers Biggest Below Deck Regret This Season? That She Tried To Tone It Down – Decider - December 29, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Rhylee Gerber approves of the restaurant where were having lunch. Its a chilly December day in New York City, but the Alaska native is unphased, dressed in a short sweater dress and boots, her recently spray-tanned legs bare. The Below Deck star likes of Freemans decor which includes taxidermied animal heads mounted on the wall, quick to correct me that the one over the bar is not a moose as I incorrectly identified it. She doesnt have an attitude about it, which lets me know we wont be recreating the dining scene from her first night out with the crew this season when she flew to Thailand to fill Abbi Murphys vacant deckhand spot on the yacht.

    Instead, she orders her own omelet rather than requesting someone else choose a paleo snack so that she can fill up on calories in her drink instead but insists she wasnt embarrassed after all hell broke loose when Chef Kevin Dobson challenged her. If I was sitting at a nice fancy restaurant would I want to cause that kind of scene? she asks. No. Would I want to cause that kind of scene in any restaurant? No, but I also wasnt the only one involved in that scene and it was a beach restaurant. It was, whatever. She waves it away in a way that proves shes regret-free and not hung up on it, admitting Its not my finest moment, while also unwilling to accept any blame or guilt over the incident.

    It occurred less than 48 hours after she stepped on Motor Yacht Valor during the middle of a charter in Thailand, where she discovered she would be significantly more uncomfortable physically than she was during her previous season on the Bravo series, due to feeling bloated. I think it was the heat, its horribly humid over there and I dont do well in heat, she explained. I thought, I do feel bloated but Ill be working hard and sweaty and last year in Tahiti I lost a bunch of weight because of how much water [I drank] and how much we were working. I think I gained weight in Thailand and not because I ate bad. I was very uncomfortable in my skin. Which is what prompted her to request a paleo snack during the group dinner out, as shes fully aware, I will gain weight if I look at anything tasty, so rather than eat poor decisions I want to drink my poor decisions. Of course this erupted into shouting across a table which then continued onto the nearby beach all because she was trying to avoid a carb. I just tick people off very well, she said.

    While gin is her drink of choice, if she was going for a high-calorie beverage she says, I would love a mudslide. Oh my god, Ill drink those and White Russians like crazy but thats heavy, heavy calories. While admitting she thought Chef Kevin was attractive at first, her stance now is as simple as I think Kevins a moron. I dont understand Kevin at all. Oh, but at least hes in good company as she has choice words for the rest of the male crew members. Tanners a fucking idiot, she offers of her fellow deckhand. I dont like Tanner, hes a moron. He thought I was embarrassing him for standing up for paleo [snacks]? Hes fucking embarrassing.

    Even though she clashed with the deck crew last season as well, Rhylee says she had no hesitation about coming back to Below Deck for another season, and that they shouldve called me sooner. I ask how this group of guys compares to last years which included Ashton Pienaar in a deckhand role, and Ross Inia taking over bosun duties after Chandler Brooks departed mid-way through the season. I think its same same but different. Same crew, different season.

    She even has a half-compliment for her new boss this season, saying, I think Ashton has all the qualities a bosun should have, without ever having been in the position myself. He can be a great leader if he remembers to keep his personal feelings aside. Because now youre in charge and its your responsibility to set that tone, and he very much shares his opinion with the crew so thats lacking leadership. However, when it comes to trying to plan things out and incorporate everybody, he did a much better job with that than Chander did.

    Shell still quickly admit she finds deckhand Brian de Saint Pern hot, after a recent episode documented her discovering his impressive abs in real-time. But in this case, it appears beauty is only skin deep. I dont like that on the After Shows you always find out these people are assholes in real life, she says, referring to recent clips of Brian and Tanner well, not quite singing her praises either. I do think Brians a nice guy but hes saying awful things about me. When you team up with somebody whos also not a fan its very easy for them to get lost in that thought instead of, is that how you really feel about me? Because Brian and I chat sometimes on DMs and hes nothing but nice.

    Though that wasnt quite her feeling when he recently told her to calm down on the show. I ask if its the worst thing someone can say to her and she replied, No, its not the worst thing, but its certainly offensive when Im not fucking doing anything. Im being calm. If you want to see me not calm then Ill show you not calm. And dedicated viewers of the series, currently in its seventh season and on track to racking up its highest ratings yet, have seen Rhylee when shes not calm. Of that moment, she says, It wasnt fitting. Theyre condescending to me all the time. I think it was more so that youre accusing me of something Im not doing. Im not being irrational, Im not doing anything other than standing here watching you run around. You calm down. Dont say it to me, it just pisses me off.

    In fact, the biggest misconception the fiery redhead wants to clarify about herself is That Im combative all the time, Im not. Im combative when someone is treating me poorly, and maybe thats not the right choice to be but its my choice. So do I need to refine how I approach situations, of course. Everybody can react better but its not me out the gate just being an asshole or trying to make things difficult or being disrespectful for no reason.

    I know that Im reactionary, Ive always said that, she continued. I tried to be more approachable about the issues I had with Ashton. There will be a scene coming up where I tried to handle it better and it still had the same outcome. Im just gonna do me and if you dont like it, you dont like it, But Im not not proud of myself. My moms not not proud of me. Right now, its not getting me into an issue where Ive ever been fired, Im denied work, or my life is ruined in some field because of it. So until that directly affects something so personal in my life, its not something I feel like needs to be worked on that much where Im gonna alter myself to fit the needs of likability for everybody else. I like who I am.

    When I ask if she tried to do anything differently this time around on the show, she revealed, I actually tried to tone it down a little bit with how I reacted, which I shouldnt have done. After clearly expressing my surprise at this information, she added, Maybe it doesnt come across that way, but I was trying to be way calmer and I dont think that was the right move because it made me very quiet. I cry this season and I let things get to me. I just should practice better patience but other than that, you know, Ill still be just as vocal as I always am. And anyone would be a fool to think otherwise!

    I wondered if she was at all better received this time around, but she answered that with a succinct, Fuck no, same shit. I just had Kate in my corner this time. It was nice to have a friend. Rhylee said she loved rooming with chief stew Kate Chastain, noting that her only real downside was that Shes a little scattered shes so well put together with everything that she does [for her job] that when she gets to the room its just tossing clothes here and there. And I dont mind.

    It was her fellow crew members that did mind when the pair were the last ones to get ready for a recent crew night out and their subsequent day off. Oh, for fucks sakes, Rhylee rolled her eyes. I think we were like 10 minutes late? I get it, its inconsiderate to be late to an event, especially if its work or whatever, but this is getting ready to go out on a day off. Im not gonna be in a rush, Kates not one to be rushed, and its not any more offensive or inconsiderate as how the boys act. Theyre not picking and choosing their battles correctly here. Is there a battle they shouldve chosen, I ask. Yeah, not with me! she laughed.

    As far as the other females on the boat go, Rhylee said she liked Simone and that the two likely developed a friendship because she was there to listen to the stew when she didnt really have anyone else to talk to. With Courtney, she admits the two didnt really get to know each other until after they were off the yacht, initially labeling herquiet and rather boring thats derogatory, but since the show Ive seen her on social media, weve talked a lot, we hang out. Shes funny.

    Rhylee has also offered advice about how she handles the trolls online to her fellow yachtie, who she says is doing it very well. That advice? Go with your gut. Plus, shes got a system for the two types of messages she gets online. I send every fan whos reached out to me very nicely a message and I think that they understand the real me. When it comes to trolls, they do one of three things: they apologize, they block themselves or they stop and thats the three best options that could happen. If you appear stupid, Im gonna call you out on it and people love it. Ultimately, she says shes felt a lot of support this year, even more than last year, and that while she will never block a hater, she does like to put them on blast because it causes them to self reflect.

    But does all this social media activity get to her after a while? To say that it doesnt affect me one way or another would be inaccurate. Shes mostly tired of defending herself and reminding viewers that its possible they didnt see all the circumstances around a particular incident, and would only take it upon herself to self reflect if her mom had an issue with the way she was behaving. I dont think Im perfect but I am who I am. The only personality change she admits to envying is that I wish I was more witty and snarky like Kate, versus loud and yelling.

    And when shes not loud and yelling? Well, she semi-accidentally has been building a successful jewelry line in the last month. Its no surprise to anyone whos glanced at her Instagram account that Rhylee enjoys hunting, calling it a way of life in Alaska, though shes also enjoyed the sport all over the country including Texas, Kansas, Florida, and Georgia, encountering creatures from deer to alligators. When I hunt I not only hunt to eat the animal, but a part of it is trophy. If Im allowed one bull moose a season am I going to go after a bull moose with a small rack? No, Im gonna hold out for that moose that has an 80-inch rack so that I have bragging rights. But Im also gonna eat that moose and then Im gonna utilize as much of its body as I can. And even though she was speaking about something entirely foreign to my city-dwelling self, I still had to laugh at the way she said it, never breaking from her true personality, the one we see on every episode of Below Deck.

    However, no matter how much I dislike hearing about (let alone seeing) dead animals, it was fascinating to get her perspective on the practice and what its led to, as she began to use leftover parts to make accessories. In no way do I consider myself a jewelry designer or maker but thats kind of whats happened in the last month. I take some of these animal parts like porcupine quills and fish ear bones and the antlers and teeth and I turn it into earrings that have been so wildly accepted. Even a hater! Oh my gosh, a hater came after me for shark fishing the other week and then sent me a message about my earrings and she bought three of them. I was like, how do you berate me for shark fishing where I actually had in the caption tag and release, but now Im giving you dead animal parts to put in your ears?

    Once she started posting pictures of her creations, the orders started flowing, so she created a website for future activities and businesses that I do, and promised there will be more exciting news to come from her soon. Those interested in earrings and necklaces can visit as she explains to read a little bit about each piece of jewelry that I make, and tells me that she uses her website to get a little more educational versus sarcastic, which I am on social media. She takes the opportunity to explain that her coyote teeth earrings, made with silver and turquoise, came to be because the animals are legal to hunt in Alaska due to conservation because theyre a predator of Dall sheep. She mentions bison, and that porcupines werent harmed to create the funky pieces she uses their quills to design. Its taken off, unexpectedly so. It was just something I did for a friend and now its become a business on the side.

    Its an interesting aspect of her life, and one that shes clearly proud of. And while shell continue to hear from both the haters and the supporters as the rest of the Below Deck season airs on Bravo, I ask if theres anything else she wants people to know about her. I have a lot of amazing friends, I do a lot of fun, exciting things that I enjoy and I think people that take time to get to know me understand that. Dont be Ashton and well get along fine.

    Below Deck airs Monday at 9pm ET/PT on Bravo.

    Where to stream Below Deck

    Rhylee Gerbers Biggest Below Deck Regret This Season? That She Tried To Tone It Down - Decider

    ‘Below Deck’: Brian de Saint Pern Goes on Apology Tour While the Rest of the Men Remain Silent – Showbiz Cheat Sheet - December 29, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Many crew members were silent on social media after Monday nights shocking Below Deck episode. The final scenes of the show featured an extremely drunk crew not only getting into an altercation, but the fight could have become physical.

    The crew divided into two vans after a night of drinking. Deckhands Rhylee Gerber and Brian de Saint Pern joined stews Simone Mashile and Courtney Skippon in one van. The other van carried chief stew Kate Chastain, bosun Ashton Pienaar, chef Kevin Dobson, and deckhand Tanner Sterback. The van with de Saint Pern and Gerber was chill and fun. The van with Chastain and Pienaar was a horror show. Pienaar became outrageously angry with Chastain when she inquired about his mother. He lunged at her in the backseat and his behavior was so violent, Dobson asked the van driver to pull over.

    Thankfully, no one was hurt, but Chastain gathered her belongings and told producers she was going to quit after she and Pienaar got into another fight in the crew mess. Dobson, Pienaar, and Sterback did not tweet during the episode and Pienaar was dragged hard on social media. Of the men on the boat, de Saint Pern tweeted during the episode, apologizing along the way and taking it on the chin on Twitter.

    Preview clips teased the now-infamous van ride and de Saint Pern shared that he received a lot of questions regarding the voyage. Prior to the episode, he tweeted that he wouldnt be able to live-tweet since he was in South Africa. Sorry I cant live tweet tonight as it is 4am here in South Africa. Since alot of people are asking me about the Ashton/Kate incident, I will say this, what @AshtonPienaar does is NOT ON at all and @Kate_Chastain did not deserved to be treated like that. No women does.

    While most fans applauded de Saint Pern for sharing, others still wouldnt let go that he called Chastain a bitch during the previous episode. Yet you can call Kate a bitch? one person responded. But de Saint Pern didnt put his altercation with Chastain in the same category as what occurred with Pienaar. Dude come on Not the same thing. And for the hundredth time @Kate_Chastain I am sorry for calling you the B word, he responded.

    Another fan wondered if de Saint Pern would have called out Pienaar for his behavior. I wonder if Brian would have told Tanner or Aston to calm down while at work. This is clearly about Gender, this is about the boys club, this is about the clear disrespect that they all have towards women. Mind you, this is in front of the camera, can you imagine behind doors?? But de Saint Pern said he has told Pienaar to relax. If you watch the season from the begining you will see that I have told Ashton to calm down.

    Apparently de Saint Pern was in an apologetic mood Monday night as he ended up apologizing to Skippon for not realizing how miserable she was at the club. Sorry that you had to go to that club @courtneyskippon would of taking you home if I could. Remember sitting outside the bathroom waiting for you while you were upset and thinking how to cheer you up, he tweeted.

    Later he apologized to Chastain, even though he was not in the van at the time. Sorry @Kate_Chastain didnt realise how intense this situation was. Now I can see why you left. Once the vans arrived at the boat, de Saint Pern immediately went to his bunk. He was not in the crew mess during the final fight.

    Although he kept apologizing, fans werent in the forgiving mood. Several point out he continues to support Pienaar, even after this incident. While he doesnt condone Pienaars behavior in the van, he still backs the bosun. What he did in that Van was not acceptable at all and Ive expressed my opinion on that. I support Ashton as my Bosun because he was a really good Bosun, he wrote.

    See the article here:
    'Below Deck': Brian de Saint Pern Goes on Apology Tour While the Rest of the Men Remain Silent - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

    Raptors need all hands on deck looking for their shot – Toronto Sun - December 29, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    BOSTON There is a movement afoot among the veterans on this Toronto Raptors club and from the coaching staff to push a handful of newer players, or players newer to big minutes, to start looking for their own a little more.

    Earlier this week, Fred VanVleet said it was a case of some players being a little too passive and how that had to change.

    Before Saturdays game in Boston, Nick Nurse referred to it as getting some of his group a little more involved in the offence.

    Without Pascal Siakam to lean on, the offence can bog down at times and that means everyone from the guy who never hesitates to take a shot to the guy who rarely takes one has to become a little more shot-happy when an opening presents itself.

    We have to get some of these other guys OG (Anunoby), Pat McCaw, Rondae (Hollis-Jefferson), Terence (Davis) to play a little bit more involved in the offence, Nurse said when asked what he had learned about his group in the four games since Siakam, Marc Gasol and Norm Powell went down.

    Through the four games since that costly win in Detroit, the Raptors are 2-2. They are scoring at about the same pace they were before the most recent losses, but are giving up about seven points per 100 possessions more than they had previously.

    Nurse isnt sure that trend will continue.

    Not really what I expected, he said, but I dont read a whole lot into that. You have to consider the competition and the frequency of the games and some of that stuff. But we have had a few more moments of our man-to-man defence not being where we would like it to be, which is probably why we spend a lot more time in zone and some of the other things in some of these games.

    The focus, though, is squarely on getting each and every Raptor a little more willing to expand their offensive threshold.

    McCaw has heard the plea and hes going to do his best to comply, but he admits its not something he does naturally. His first instinct is to create for others.

    Thats always been my game, McCaw said ahead of Saturdays morning shootaround. I think just because I dominated the ball in college, me giving up the ball and distributing to teammates kind of freed me up for open shots. So when I had open shots or driving lanes I would take them. Here, its whenever I can get an open shot I almost have to take that shot because it might destroy the rhythm of the offence. Its something I have to get adjusted to.

    True to his word, McCaw was trying to be more decisive and in doing so had perhaps the game of his young career Saturday night in Boston.

    He finished the evening with 18 points, one shy of his career high, a career-best eight assists and seven rebounds along with a steal and a block in 43 minutes.

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    Raptors need all hands on deck looking for their shot - Toronto Sun

    The pitch deck that Honey used before PayPal’s $4 billion acquisition – Business Insider - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    "Have a promo code?"

    More than 160 million online shoppers got asked this question during checkout in 2014, according to Honey, a startup that makes a browser extension for finding coupons. The problem is that many of them left the merchant's website to search for a promo code and never came back to place their order.

    In 2012, Honey's founders set out to solve for one of e-commerce's biggest profit eaters. When a user is online shopping, Honey scours the web for available coupons and surfaces the best ones in a browser extension. The company takes a commission on every transaction it helps close, and last year, it booked $100 million in revenue.

    Honey's promise to merchants that it could turn shoppers into customers, lowering cart abandonment made it an irresistible acquisition for the payments company PayPal, whose services are focused on checkout. In November, the company cofounded by Peter Thiel said it agreed to buy Honey in a $4 billion cash deal, its biggest acquisition ever.

    PayPal has some 24 million merchants signed up for its payments solutions. An integration with Honey makes its service more valuable to them, Daniel Schulman, PayPal's president and chief executive, said in a recent call with analysts.

    "Almost 40% of all e-commerce is done through some sort of trigger event," Schulman said. "There's a personalized offer that comes in. There's a deal that somebody sees. ... We think that Honey actually has the leading platform and capabilities around that. And that adds a tremendous amount of relevance to our consumers."

    Considering many shoppers already search for deals before placing an order, PayPal could persuade customers to check out using their PayPal account more regularly if it integrated the browser extension's features into its checkout experience, Business Insider Intelligence's Daniel Keyes wrote.

    Schulman said the transaction had "the potential to be transformative for us."

    But before Honey sold for $4 billion, it nearly ran out of money. In 2012, founders Ryan Hudson and George Ruan tried to raise outside capital and were mostly rejected. They struggled to convince investors to put money into a browser extension for the desktop as mobile became the computing platform du jour. They pooled their savings to pay a small team of engineers. One founder took a day job as a product manager at an adtech company to make ends meet.

    Honey's users grew in number, and two years later, the company had an easier time raising funds. A small group of investors who were mostly based in Los Angeles, where Honey has its headquarters, poured $1.8 million into a seed round. Based on the company's value in the sale to PayPal, those early investors have seen roughly 300 times returns on their original investment.

    In 2015, Honey pulled in half a million dollars in a bridge round to cover its expenses before the next big raise. The founders used this eight-slide pitch deck to convince investors of their worth. Check it out:

    Here is the original post:
    The pitch deck that Honey used before PayPal's $4 billion acquisition - Business Insider

    Deck The Halls: Washington Monument Lighting Marks Holiday Season In Baltimore – CBS Pittsburgh - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    BALTIMORE (WJZ) The stage is set, the fireworks are wired and the lights have been hung.

    The historic Washington Monument in Baltimore is ready to put on a show.

    This is really the start of the holiday season in Baltimore, Mike Evitts said. Thats how everyone in the neighborhood treats it.

    For the 48th year, the Downtown Partnership is hosting the ceremony. WJZ was there as they finished up the final touches.

    Were just in setup mode and were waiting for the music and crowds to arrive, Evitts said.

    The park, transformed into a holiday village, with food and drinks and a surprise or two for the little ones.

    Santas chair just arrived, Evitts said. So well have Santa and crafts for the kids with help from docents.

    Mayor Jack Young will flip the switch illuminating the 178.5-foot tall monument.

    Timed with the lighting of the monument, the fireworks, upward of 2,500 of them, will be set off during a five-minute performance.

    Its great, Chief Pyrotechnician Rich Lanez said. These things go up, they go tall, a lot higher than you would expect.

    Gates for the event open at 5 p.m.

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    Deck The Halls: Washington Monument Lighting Marks Holiday Season In Baltimore - CBS Pittsburgh

    Deck The Trees | The – - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Ottawa's Washington Square is getting brighter.

    Crews were at the park starting at 7:30 a.m. Thursday to hang additional lights after the public expressed disappointment that the amount of lights was reduced from the previous years.

    Commissioner Marla Rodriguez and Mayor Dan Aussem were on-site to lend a hand.

    Rodriguez said many of the lights were donated, in addition to the work of crews with trucks and lifts to hang them high in the trees.

    "We're adding a little color that we don't usually have and a lot of snowflakes and stars that will be added," Rodriguez said.

    The trucks were kept on the sidewalks after Aussem expressed concern the ground may be too soft to support a lift, and parking lanes were blocked to allow the machines some room to move.

    Around 10 to 12 volunteers showed up by 9 a.m. with more expected to follow.

    They couldn't assist with the lifts but found their own ways to help.

    Stephanie Stacy, of Garden's Gate, was erecting white birch poles in the planters around the fountain area and stringing white lights over them with other volunteers.

    "This is what I thought we could contribute to help," Stacy said.

    Aussem told The Times earlier in the week that the city "failed" when lighting the park this year. He said he was told La Salle Street was too dark last year and as the city had trimmed the lower branches of trees at Washington Square, those lights were moved to double up on La Salle Street.

    There also were issues with extension cords in the park due to dew and moisture on the grass.

    Ottawa resident Dylan Conmy expressed interest to local media in creating a "Light Up Ottawa" fund following the frustration with fewer lights.

    Originally he considered taking donations where he works at Prairie Fox Books but is instead determining another way to best to collect funds for next year's festivities. He said he'll share information on how to donate when it's available.

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    Deck The Trees | The -

    Dallas Stars Daily Links: Deck the Halls – Defending Big D - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    With the New Jersey Devils heading towards potentially another 1st overall pick, Taylor Hall has picked up a lot of steam as a major trade candidate. Wes made the case for the Dallas Stars trading for Hall earlier this week, and now the Stars crew over at The Athletic have taken a crack at it in a roundtable discussion:

    Considering Halls talent, I dont foresee him having any issues integrating into Jim Montgomerys system. Off the ice and in the locker room, this would undoubtedly be a major plus. If acquiring Mats Zuccarello was a message that the front office is all-in on the championship window right now, Hall would do the same in an amplified form.

    Of course, there are several issues with a Hall trade for Dallas. Not only would it come at an extremely high price, but it would likely strictly as a rental, as squeezing Hall in under the cap would be a problem for future seasons:

    The market is going to be too rich, and the Stars dont have the draft picks to afford the buy-in for a seat at the table. It would certainly be a fun transaction and an exciting one for this season. But given the long-term implications, Dallas doesnt make much sense as a trade partner for the Devils when it comes to Hall.

    You can read more about what Sean Shapiro, Saad Yousuf, and Bob Sturm have to say about the topic here.

    Its gameday! Dallas will try and get revenge against the Winnipeg Jets tonight after their embarrassing loss on Tuesday:

    Everyone ready for the inevitable Patrik Laine goal?

    Missed out on Winter Classic tickets? Theres still a chance to go:

    In a battle between recent Stanley Cup champions, the Pittsburgh Penguins prevailed 3-0 over the St. Louis Blues. [Pensburgh]

    One of the Penguins goals came courtesy of Plano-native Stefan Noesen, who joined Dallas on a PTO this preseason and recently signed an NHL deal with Pittsburgh:

    Speaking of former Stars scoring goals, check out this beauty from Valeri Nichushkin:

    That ended being the game-winner for the Colorado Avalanche, who beat the Toronto Maple Leafs 3-1. [Mile High Hockey]

    Remember when the Minnesota Wild were supposed to be bad? They may not be, but...

    Think you know the NHL rulebook? Of course you dont who does?

    Its never too early to look ahead to the NHL Draft. You know, just in case:

    I always joke about how the Norris Trophy is seemingly awarded by November every season, but it really is John Carlsons to lose this year:

    Finally, Chicago Blackhawks goaltender Robin Lehner opens up about the recent reckoning of NHL coaches and second chances:

    Read the original post:
    Dallas Stars Daily Links: Deck the Halls - Defending Big D

    No, Japan Isn’t Going To Install Catapults And Angled Decks On Its Izumo Class Carriers – The Drive - December 5, 2019 by Mr HomeBuilder

    I have been bombarded with questions from readers today regarding a Powerpoint slide that has leaked depicting a drastically refitted Japanese Izumo class helicopter carrier with a pair of catapults and an angled landing area with arresting cables. In other words, the slide, which is from General Atomics, shows a Catapult Assisted Take-Off Barrier Arrested Recovery (CATOBAR) reimagining of Japan's two largest warships. Then it was proclaimed by another site that Japan "has grand ambitions" to do this and buy the F-35C to pair with it. The problem here is that there is no actual evidence of this being the case. It's recklessly uninformed at best, straight-up fantasy at worst.

    In other words, no, General Atomics is not a ship designer, builder, or a complete ship systems integrator. So, this is very likely, if not absolutely some lighter concept art to pitch their catapult capabilities to Japan based on a theoretical designa common tactic in the blue sky world of future defense capabilities discussions. There is a rendering for virtually everything.

    The fact of the matter is that Japan is already buying 43 short-takeoff and vertical landing F-35Bs and is modifying its Izumo class carriers for this aircraft, specifically. This process has been made easier because, just as posited, the Japanese Ministry of Defense kept this possibility in mind when it originally ordered what are the country's largest warfighting vessels since the end of World War II.

    In the single slide we have, the modified Izumo class looks pretty cool as a conventional aircraft carrier, but the amount of work that would be required to realize such a conversion would be massive. In addition, although it seems that most people think slapping catapults and an angled flightdeck on an existing helicopter carrier is a relatively straightforward way of making a CATOBAR aircraft carrier, it's not.

    The added systems, mass, and huge changes in weight distribution that the ships were never designed for have snowballing impacts, regardless of cost. The vessels' sea handling, speed, and fuel economy alone can be heavily impacted, and large parts of their interiors would have to be redesigned. That's not saying it is impossible, but it makes little sense. Beyond that, the design shown in the slide is something of a nightmare for CATOBAR operations on multiple levels. A very limited amount of deck space and the inability to launch any aircraft while recoveries are underway are just a couple issues that are glaringly apparent.

    The Essex class from World War II is probably the best example of a relatively straight-forward flattop being turned into a post-WWII-era jet-capable carrier, but that was also a major undertaking and those ships were already designed as fixed-wing carriers. More so, in an era where the F-35B is available, an aircraft capable of 'first day of war' operations alongside its A and C variant cousins, such an intricate and risky project has small advantages for this size of ship. Even the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps are still learning just how much combat capability they can squeeze out of their own similar amphibious assault ships with a heavy contingent of F-35Bs embarked.

    If Japan really wanted to go with a conventional carrier design, then it would be best off just building those ships specifically for the task, not tearing apart the helicopter carriers they already have that were already designed with the F-35B in mind. But once again, there is no great reason for this nor is it anything but a hypothetical drawing as far as well know, and Japan has never shown interest in such an undertaking or footing the bill for introducing a CATOBAR capability into its force structure in the first place.

    So, fun picture. We can always dream. But unless there is a whole story we don't know, this image is little more than a common marketing exercise, and no, Japan has no intention of executing such a vision.

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    Read the original post:
    No, Japan Isn't Going To Install Catapults And Angled Decks On Its Izumo Class Carriers - The Drive

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