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    ‘Below Deck’: Kate Chastain Reveals That Eddie Lucas Was the Real Reason She Joined the Show (Exclusive) – Showbiz Cheat Sheet - January 13, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    In front of a packed audience, Kate Chastain from Below Deck revealed the real reason she wanted to become chief stew on the show.

    Chastain and Captain Lee Rosbach had a candid discussion in front of a Columbus, Ohio audience, sharing never-before-revealed details. The event, produced by Stars Marketing Group, was hosted by Colin Macy-OToole from Below Deck Mediterranean and the team didnt hold back spilling secrets.

    Chastain previously shared she wanted to join the show because she didnt like how original chief stew Adrienne Gang was doing her job. She told podcast host, Taylor Strecker, she thought she could do a better job. It was embarrassing to my friends and family members, Chastain told Strecker. I dont want them to see this girl doing the job this way and think thats what I do. Because shes not displaying it great.

    Although Chastain had her eye on the job, she also had an eye on bosun Eddie Lucas. Lucas was one of the original cast members and remained on the show for three solid seasons. Fun fact, Eddie was the reason I wanted to get on the show, Chastain said as the crowd went wild. He looked like a Kennedy.

    Hes like a New England Kennedy, Chastain recalls. But then I got there, and hes shorter than me! But then, on Watch What Happens [Live] he had a beard and hes looking real good.

    Chastain turns to Rosbach and says, Can you hire him back, please? I think Eddied be a great bosun! Rosbach agrees. I think hed be a really great bosun. When Rosbach and the crew appeared on WWHL for the 100th Below Deck episode, he also shared hed hire Lucas back.

    The good news for fans is Lucas would return to the show. He even identified a new crew member hed love to work with too. I would love to work withJosiah [Carter], Lucas told Bravos The Daily Dish. I think he would be great to work with. I connected with him a little bit last night, and he was a really nice guy. I feel like he would work really well [in] the group.

    Although Lucas would return, he is concerned about the darkness haunting season 7. When it comes to deck crew and everything, I dont know. I dont know who Id really like to work with I havent met yet, he said. I dont know if any of them, to be honest. Ive watched this current season, and it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth at times, so I cant really put my finger on any of them right now.

    Its been rough to watch, he continued. For me, my standards, I wouldnt really think its going too well for them. But Lucas gave props to Rosbach and Chastain. Im so proud ofCaptain Lee [Rosbach]andKate [Chastain]and everyone else who has turned this show into this amazing hit that is now today, and its just really amazing, he said. Its really exciting, and Im proud of the whole crew.

    Read the original:
    'Below Deck': Kate Chastain Reveals That Eddie Lucas Was the Real Reason She Joined the Show (Exclusive) - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

    Magic: Legends Will Have Card-Based Gameplay & Decks – Screen Rant - January 13, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The upcomingMagic: The Gathering MMO and action-RPG titleMagic: Legends will have card-based gameplay and deck design as part of its features, according to a new report that unveils more details behind the upcoming game.Magic: Legends was announced during The Game Awards 2019 at the end of last year and was quickly touted as a title with the potential to ensnare a lot of different players. TheMagic: The Gathering property has strong player retention already and, coupled with MMO feedback loops and compelling gameplay, there's a lot to like about whatMagic: Legends is trying to do.

    After its reveal, fans were left with a lot of questions about what the game might actually look like, and few details have been given at this time.Magic: Legends gameplay will put players in the role of a powerful planeswalker and will be set across several different iconic worlds inMagic: The Gathering lore.Magic: The Gathering has already been adapted intoDungeons & Dragons campaigns, so it's not surprising to seeMagic: Legends tackle a similar approach to narrative and world-building, leaning heavily into places that already resonate with fans. Players will be able to collect and upgrade spells, choose their own path, and fight on their own or with two other players, but just what that fighting looks like remains to be seen.

    Related:Magic: The Gathering: The 10 Most Powerful Planeswalkers, Ranked

    The newestGame Informer cover story will dive deep intoMagic: Legends, but before that happens, fans were teased by a minor reveal in the preview to that feature. According to the preview, players will "build a deck of 12 cards that constantly cycle" while employing "4 active cards and a slew of handy abilities" to fight through monsters and explore different maps.Magic: Legends gameplay will also combine a series of summons and buffs to help bolster the variety of what players experienced, and the preview also indicates that some of the planes available will be Shiv and the Caligo Morass.

    Consumers were certainly already interested in the idea of aMagic: The Gathering MMO experience, and tying in the most important part of that franchise - deck-building and card collecting - is a smart decision from developer Cryptic Studios. While it remains to be seen what the cards look like and function as, at least tangentially referring to the tabletop andMagic: Arena digital experience are clever ways to tie-inMagic: Legends gameplay with what fans already are familiar with.

    Magic: Legends gameplay will be unveiled soon, but for now, the game appears to be approaching its genre from something of a new angle. With the success of deck-building games likeSlay the Spire recently, can that same methodology be placed into an action shell and achieve the same level of renown?

    Next:10 Things We Know So Far About The Magic: The Gathering Netflix Show

    Magic: Legendswill be free-to-play and available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

    Source: Game Informer

    The Mandalorian Breaks One Of George Lucas Original Star Wars Rules

    Cody is Screen Rant's Games Editor. He joined the team in 2018 and has been reporting on games pretty well every day since - except on weekends, where he's typically playing them instead. He covers pretty much anything related to video games but has an especially large soft spot for JRPGs, MMOs, and card games.

    Originally posted here:
    Magic: Legends Will Have Card-Based Gameplay & Decks - Screen Rant

    Alexis Bellino and Boyfriend Andy Bohn Cant Keep Their Hands Off Each Other in Below Deck Sneak Peek – Us Weekly - January 13, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Back on Bravo! Alexis Bellino is showing off her new love, Andy Bohn, during the Monday, January 13, episode of Below Deck.

    Everyone needs to get divorced, the 42-year-old Real Housewives of Orange County alum declares in Us Weeklys exclusive sneak peak of the upcoming episode after telling Bohn that she loves him.

    The pair, who were first linked publicly in February 2019, pack on the PDA during their time on Valor much to Kate Chastains dismay.

    She just got divorced and I dont know if shes trying to prove it to her ex or her friends that shes doing fine, the 36-year-old chief stew says in the clip. But you can be doing fine without having a tongue down your throat.

    Alexis and Bohn are onboard on the yacht to commemorate her divorce from Jim Bellino being finalized. The former couple, who share 13-year-old old son James and 12-year-old twin daughters Melania and Mackenna, split in June 2018.

    It is with heavy hearts that we inform the public of our mutual decision to end our marriage but its important to us that you know we made this choice together, with love, and as the best decision for our childrens future, the duo said in a statement to Usat the time. We hold one another in the highest regards as spouses, and especially as parents. We have agreed on 50/50 custody of the children, and we ask that you respect our privacy by not theorizing about the reasons for our divorce.

    While Alexis told Us in November that her coparenting relationship with Jim is still a little bit rocky, she gushed about Bohn.

    Hes actually my best friend, before anything else, she told Us, revealing she could see herself walking down the aisle again. We cant wait to talk to each other [every day]. We never run out of things to talk about. We can just sit and talk for hours, and Ive never experienced anything like that.

    Alexis starred on RHOC for three seasons from 2009 to 2013. She made a cameo during season 14 in 2019.

    Below Deck airs on Bravo Mondays at 9 p.m. ET.

    See the rest here:
    Alexis Bellino and Boyfriend Andy Bohn Cant Keep Their Hands Off Each Other in Below Deck Sneak Peek - Us Weekly

    All Hands on Deck: Meet the Sherdog Staff – My Dinner With Andre – - January 13, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The ordering process for Ultimate Fighting Championshippay-per-views has changed: UFC 246 is only available on ESPN+ in theU.S.

    Kyle Barrowman: Ken Shamrock.Aside from being my all-time favorite fighter, I would just love totalk to him about the early days of MMA, and in particular aboutthe early (secretive and still to this day mysterious) days ofPancrase. To hear his behind-the-scenes stories aboutcoming up in the Japanese professional wrestling circuit andinitially training with and then competing against legendaryfigures like MasakatsuFunaki and MinoruSuzuki, forming the Lions Den, competing in and becoming anearly champion of both the Ultimate Fighting Championship and Pancrase not to mention his additional behind-the-scenes stories from theAttitude Era of the WWF would be incredible. He has lived andexperienced such a historic life/career that I can only imagine howmany fascinating stories he has to tell.

    John Brannigan: I bet Quinton "Rampage"Jackson knows a good place or two to eat!

    Jason Burgos: Its atossup between two talented pugilists, and one I actually didinterview for a short spell this past spring. The first would beDanielCormier, and its (as my kid would say) obvi because he isDaniel-Freakin-Cormier. The man is one of the greatest ever. But,what makes Cormier special, and I felt it a bit at the post-fightpresser for UFC 230, is there is a welcoming warmth to him.Meaning, despite his legendary status, he would likely make thisregular ol MMA journalist feel like a long-time friend.

    The other would be ChaelSonnen. I spoke with Sonnen at the media day for Bellator 222,and he too has a very welcoming aura. However, it comes with ahumorous charisma that is quite enchanting. Plus, I have to get allthe details on the basement training session he told me aboutbetween himself and Georges St.Pierre years back. I would also find out why that session madehim believe Rush is the most talented fighter he ever competedagainst, even over legendary former opponents Jon Jones,FedorEmelianenko and AndersonSilva.

    Edward Carbajal: Bas Rutten.He's in the "pioneer" wing of the UFC's Hall of Fame, but I alwayssaw him as the first modern fighter, a strong striker that washungry to learn wrestling and submissions. He's a Kyokushin karateguy that knew he had to add to his toolbox of skills, and itinspired me as an Ishin-Ryu practitioner to add Brazilian jiu-jitsuto my own training. I know he's a grandfather now but I also knowhe used to have a good time.

    Tristen Critchfield: Ivenever been one to be enamored with celebrity, so Im going to go alittle outside the box and share a table with retired UFCmatchmaker Joe Silva. Assuming this meal will include candidconversation, I think Silva would have some of the best insight andmost interesting anecdotes regarding the formative years of thelargest promotion in mixed martial arts. During his tenure with theUFC, Silva largely preferred to remain behind the scenes andrejected most media inquiries. That, too, plays a big role in mychoice.

    Ben Duffy: Id go withElvisSinosic. As a pioneer of Oceanic MMAhe fought on the veryfirst modern Australian NHB card and was the first Aussie to fightin the UFC as well as the first to fight for a UFC titleand MMATwitters most vocal advocate of eating lots and lots of steak, Ican only imagine the stories and the food would both bestellar.

    Mike Fridley: I wouldbe honored to have a steak and a few lemonades with KazushiSakuraba, the best personality MMA has ever witnessed.

    Brian Knapp: ChuckNorris.

    Tudor Leonte: If I hadthe chance, Id love to have dinner with Gina Carano.She has Italian origins, so Id definitely take her to eat somespaghetti alla carbonara and taste some fancy Prosecco whilelistening to some of Adriano Celentanos songs. We would talk abouther career, we would blame CristianeJustino all night for inflicting the only defeat on the lovelyCaranos record and we would also discuss her recent role in "TheMandalorian." Next time she comes to Italy, I definitely have toask her out. After asking Kevin Ross blessing, of course.

    Jay Pettry: Instead ofpicking an active or retired fighter, I would opt to sit down withArt Davie for the good part of an evening. One of the creators ofthe UFC, an executive at K-1 USA and also the man behind the legendary sportXARM? The stories would be unlike any we could hear elsewhere, andit would serve as an inside look behind the curtain at how thesekinds of organizations get off the ground. It would be a way tolearn from a man involved from the very beginning how the sausagethat is MMA was made, and I am genuinely curious if he in hiswildest dreams believed what he put together all those years agowould turn into what we have today.

    Keith Shillan: DanielCormier. He has a great personality, appears to be someone thatis easy to talk to, and obviously can throw back a beer or two.

    Mike Sloan: If thisquestion is for living or dead, I would pick the late, great HenryArmstrong, who I consider the greatest pound-for-pound boxer inhistory. However, since this is most likely for combat sportsfigures who are still breathing, I would have to go withMarvelous Marvin Hagler. Hes the only elite all-time great boxerfrom the 1980s whom I havent yet met, and hes always been one ofmy all-time favorites.

    Tyler Treese: Pancrasefounder and legendary badass MinoruSuzuki.

    Anthony Walker: Id probablysit down with Gene LeBell.The stories hed share on his friendship with Bruce Lee, chokingout Steven Seagal, and his mixed-rules bout with Milo Savagewould be fantastic. Even though his mind is probably packed to thebrim with useful insights on hand-to-hand combat, I wouldnt go inexpecting a lesson to be applied at the next training session.Instead, Id just enjoy the moment. A medium rare steak, whiskey onthe rocks, and fun conversation with Judo Gene soundsperfect.

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    Read more from the original source:
    All Hands on Deck: Meet the Sherdog Staff - My Dinner With Andre -

    ‘Deck chairs on the Titanic’?: AMAG’s CEO departure, drug dumps may not right the ship, analyst says – FiercePharma - January 13, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    After forfeiting two board seats and undertaking a strategic review, AMAG Pharmaceuticals is saying goodbye to its CEO and two of its drugs.But with another medlikely being pulled from the market, AMAG's sudden decision to cut ties with its chief executive could be akin to shifting "deck chairs on the Titanic," one analyst said.

    AMAG CEO William Heiden has agreed to step downfollowing a strategic review spurred by activist investor Caligan Partnersthat also recommended the sale or spinoff of two women's healthdrugs, female libido treatment Vyleesi and painful sex med Intrarosa, the company said Thursday.

    Heiden will stay on with AMAG through the successor search, which the company expects to wrap upby mid-2020, it said.

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    It has been an honor and a privilege to lead the team at AMAG," Heiden said in a release."As we implement the strategic shift announced today, my fellow directors and I believe that this is the right time for the board to identify a new CEO for the next leg of AMAGs journey.

    RELATED:FDA experts vote to pull AMAG's premature-birth med Makena from the market

    Heiden's planned departure comes more than two months after an FDA advisory committee recommended AMAG pullpremature birth med Makena from the market in a 9-7 vote after confirmatory testing showed little clinical benefit in patients.

    Piper Jaffray analyst Christopher Raymond called the panel'srecommendation "surprisingly definitive" in a note to investors at the time and forecastthat the FDA would likely pull Makena's marketing approval and structure a phaseout through mid-2020.

    With Makena likely being taken off the market, AMAG said it would focus on the success of its iron deficiency medFeraheme as it moves ahead and has already received tentative interest from buyers for both Vyleesi and Intrarosa. With Heiden departing, Chief Financial Officer Ted Myles will assume the additional role of chief operating officer, and general counsel Joseph Vittiglio will assume the additional role of chief business officer.

    In a note to investors Thursday, Raymond said the "handwriting was on the wall' inHeiden's departure and the Vyleesi and Intrarosa divestures after both drugs showed little market impact in their short commercial lives. AMAG hasn't yet disclosed revenue contributions from Vyleesi, which the FDA approved in Juneand AMAG launched in September. And Intrarosa, approved in 2017, hit just $21 million in sales in 2019 despite promise of a more than$500 million market for the drug.

    Worse times could be coming, Raymond said, comparing AMAG's plight to shifting "deck chairs on the Titanic"particularly with Feraheme soon to face generic competition.

    "While (Feraheme)has been a stalwart, recall that beginning (around)July 2021, Sandoz can launch its generic version of Feraheme," Raymond wrote. "Combining this with a substantial debt burden from the acquisitions of these and other assets, we would avoid the stock."

    RELATED:AMAG bails on proxy fight standoff with settlement for 2 board seats

    Just weeks before the FDA committee vote, AMAG opted to give two board seats to activist investor Caligan after the venture capital firm pushed for change at the top. The move temporarily expanded AMAGs board to 11 seats before the companys 2020 annual meeting, when nine permanent directors will be chosen.

    Caliganacquired10.3% of AMAGs shares in early August, aimingto push the company to find an international marketing partner forFeraheme and investigate opportunities for its womens health business. Caligan alsofloated the idea ofsplitting upthe drugmaker.

    In mid-September, in a proposal seeking to take four of AMAGs board seats, Caliganlambasted AMAGs share priceand what it called the failure of the drugmakers five-year strategic plandespite the immense value of some of its pharmaceutical portfolio. The firm said AMAGs board, recently elected in May, was approved because shareholders lacked options.

    Read more here:
    'Deck chairs on the Titanic'?: AMAG's CEO departure, drug dumps may not right the ship, analyst says - FiercePharma

    Hannah Ferrier Is Auctioning off a Part of Below Deck History to Help Those in Her Native Australia (UPDATED) – Bravo - January 13, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    UPDATE (Jan. 8, 2020, 12:27 p.m.):Hannah shared more details about her relief efforts withThe Daily Dishvia email. "The money will go directly to the Rural NSW Fire Service who have been working around the clock to contain these awful fires," she said. "Its important we all try to help, in any way possible to help those affected.

    TheBelow Deck Medchief stew also shared how she and her family, who live in Australia, have been coping during this difficult time. Its horrible. The air quality is so bad that you cant go outside. My family has been fortunate thus far, but the fires are nearing my dads home and the casualties are increasing," she shared."We need to do something and help those who are in need. There are more than 100 uncontrolled fires still burning in NSW [New South Wales] alone and they desperately need help.

    The original story continues below.

    Hannah Ferrier is doing her part to help those affected by the wildfires in her native Australia.

    The Below Deck Mediterranean chief stew shared in a post on Instagram on January 3 that she is auctioning off her favorite pair of sunglasses, which we've seen her wear throughout her time on the show, in an effort to raise money for relief efforts. "Hi guys. I hope 2020 is treating you well. As you may be aware Australia is in dire straits at the moment and my hometown of New South Wales has been declared in a state of emergency," Hannah shared in the post. "Ive been racking my brain of how I can help and Ive decided to auction off my absolute favourite pair of sunglasses."

    Hannah continued, "Youve been watching me wear these@celine [sunglasses]for 3 seasons now and I have had HUNDREDS of DMs asking where they are from - heres your chance to own them! They are no way in perfect condition but they hold a lot of sentimental value to me and lets be honest - have had a lot of air time!"

    Hannah shared several photos of herself wearing the sunglasses on Below Deck Med, as well as during some of her own notable life moments like meeting Chrissy Teigen. She said she planned to auction the sunglasses off through Instagram now through January 13. "Every little bit is going to help those in need and this is what I came up with. Please dig deep," she wrote. "Thank you in advance."

    The chief stew said in her post that she hoped to raise at least $500, but the bidding has farexceeded her expectations, earning $3,100 as of January 6. "And the amazing woman who was outbid is still going to donate the $3000 so all up $6100 raised!! Which is amazing," Hannah said. "And thank you so much to all the people who have donated what they can."

    In addition to raising money, Hannah has also been raising awareness of the devastation to Australia as thewildfires continue to rage on. She has been sharing heartbreaking updates on the destruction to her home country with her followers through her Instagram Stories.

    The Daily Dish is your source for all things Bravo, from behind-the-scenes scoop to breaking news, exclusive interviews, photos, original videos, and, oh, so much more. Subscribe to The Daily Dish podcast, join our Facebook group, and follow us on Instagramfor the latest news hot off the presses. Sign up to become a Bravo Insider and be the first to get exclusive extras.

    Read more from the original source:
    Hannah Ferrier Is Auctioning off a Part of Below Deck History to Help Those in Her Native Australia (UPDATED) - Bravo

    A Below Deck Alum Is Engaged and Wants Captain Lee Rosbach to Officiate the Wedding – Bravo - January 13, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Past and present Below Deck crew members reunited to celebrate the series' 100th episode on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen on January 6 (clip above). And boyare we glad they did, because there was a lot to discuss from the show's seven seasons.

    However, we were most excited to get all the major life updates on the crew members we haven't seen on-screen in a while, including what's going on with each of them in the romance department since, you know, that's always a major part of Below Deck.

    Well, Connie Arias certainly had some news to share. The Season 3 deckhand revealed that she had gotten engaged following her time on the show. The big moment seems to have actually occurred around May 21, 2017, according to a post on Instagram from that date in which Connie wrote, "I said yes."

    Connie, who now has a boat management company in Melbourne, Florida, opened up more about her engagement during an interview with The Daily Dish backstage at Below Deck's 100th episode celebration. "I am engaged to a lovely guy. We live together in Melbourne, and he's got a great family business, and I have my own business, which gives us a lot of freedom to be able to do things," Connie shared. "But he's probably out with Ellis, Amy [Johnson]'s boyfriend at the moment, probably drinking beers and having fun. See, I'm happy. I found a really great guy."

    Connie and her fianc, Scott, are still figuring out the details for their big day. "I don't have any set plans. I'm not very traditional. I'm not into the white dress and the dance and the music and the cha-cha and all the other sh-- that they do at a wedding," she said. "I'm sorry if anybody in here's done it; it's just not for me. It's not my thing."

    However, she has one idea abouthow she'd like to say "I do." "I was like, I should have Captain Lee [Rosbach] marry us. How fun would that be?And, I mean, he's a captain, he can do it," Connie said. "He's been so good to me. He called me on my birthday the other day, not texted me, not Facebook, he called me: 'How's it goin', kiddo?' I'm like, 'You're so Captain Lee.' He's just been so close and such a good guy. That would probably be a fun thing for me to do."

    This wouldn't be unprecedented. Captain Lee previously married two charter guests back in Season 1 of Below Deck. So officiating the wedding of an actual Below Deck crew member would just be that much more epic.

    Relive the Below Deck nuptials, below.

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    The Daily Dish is your source for all things Bravo, from behind-the-scenes scoop to breaking news, exclusive interviews, photos, original videos, and, oh, so much more. Subscribe to The Daily Dish podcast, join our Facebook group, and follow us on Instagramfor the latest news hot off the presses. Sign up to become a Bravo Insider and be the first to get exclusive extras.

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    A Below Deck Alum Is Engaged and Wants Captain Lee Rosbach to Officiate the Wedding - Bravo

    Of Course Rocky Had to Make The ‘Below Deck’ Reunion Awkward AF – Decider - January 13, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    The Below Deck 100th episode celebration on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen was fun and cheerful and exciting for the majority of the hour-long episode. Everybody from Seasons 1-6 looked great and happy and kept things positive in their memories of the show and current life updates. In fact, the only time things got a little rocky was when, well, Rocky showed up.

    Season 3s polarizing third stew Rocky Dakota looked great and seemed nice and refreshed after her flight in from Hawaii where shes currently a yoga teacher. She even offered her former chief stew a fist bump at one point! But after Kate Chastain dropped one minor comment (really, a fact), Rockys face and energy changed and she demanded answers.

    When Andy asked if Rocky has a favorite and least favorite moment from her season of the show, Kate offered, Jumping off the boat was iconic. Youre a legend. And while the two infamously did not get along so great on the show, this seemed like a nice bridge, a hopeful sign for the future.

    But Kate continued, Youre not the best yachtie but you are so entertaining and so talented. I could never dive like you, I could never swim like you, youre so talented. Now, to anyone unfamiliar with this particular season of the show, this seems like a lovely compliment and it is. But to those that watched, well, we know Rocky and we know better.

    And so instead of taking the compliment and letting the first part of the statement (again, a fact) go, Rocky suddenly got serious and replied, And how come you say Im not the best yachtie? Well Rocky, perhaps its because Kate lived through it, tried her best to work with you, and then watched it all over again on TV as a double confirmation that you werent so great at the job. Maybe thats why?

    But instead, Kate answered, Because you jumped off the boat in your underwear. Do you like it? Are you still doing it? You could be, I dont know. At the time you didnt seem to love it, she said of Rockys relationship with yachting.

    But as Rocky explained, Well I went to culinary school and I thought I was gonna be the sous chef, and then I was the third-ranking stew, the lowest ranking cleaning lady. I never cleaned a yacht in my life.

    I just think youre really talented, Kate repeated, doing her best to put a civil end to a nonsense discussion.

    You just said I was really talented but then you just said that I was not a good yachtie, Rocky continued, because of course she did.

    At this point, Captain Lee leaned over to Andy and said, Its like deja vu all over again.

    This really took a turn I did not expect, Kate stated.

    Well when you say something negative then I just want to know where its coming from, Rocky pushed.

    From when you jumped off the boat in your underwear, Kate replied calmly, letting her unimpressed facial expressions reveal how she truly felt.

    Well, my underwears bigger than my bikini! And I thought I was gonna quit, was Rockys response to it all.

    Ever the professional in the situation, Kate gave her a Thats a very valid point, and Andy moved the conversation along. Now Kate can now go back to the regularly scheduled programming of defending herself against the misogynistic d-bags on the current season of the Bravo series.

    Below Deck airs Monday at 9pm ET/PT on Bravo.

    Where to stream Below Deck

    Go here to read the rest:
    Of Course Rocky Had to Make The 'Below Deck' Reunion Awkward AF - Decider

    ‘Below Deck’: This Charter Guest Says Chef Kevin Cost the Crew ‘Thousands of Dollars’ in Tip Money – Showbiz Cheat Sheet - January 13, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Below Deck charter guest Justine Vastano shared that the reason the crew didnt receive a better tip was because chef Kevin Dobson served diner food during the charter.

    Vastano and Dobson clashed during the charter when she tried to give him advice on the food. Vastano is a private chef in Charleson, South Carolina. But, after seeing that Dobson was missing the mark, she visited him in the kitchen to suggest he go higher end with his dishes. After she left, Dobson seemed furious and brushed off any suggestions or advice she offered.

    However, when the guests later noticed that Dobson was delivering the type of fare they anticipated, Vastano returned to the kitchen to offer praise and apologize. But he was still angry. He avoided making any eye contact with her and told stew Courtney Skippon to leave the garnish off Vastanos dish.

    Despite food snafus and one guest riding the couch for a few nights, the Charleston crew still left a healthy tip of $17,700 ($1,600 per crew member). But Vastano says the tip could have been better but Dobson blew it. So yeah great professionalism, Vastano said in her Instagram story. I thought when I was entering the kitchen that I was going to be speaking to a professional. Not some high school girl.

    Everybody on the boat was calling his food cracker ball soup not matzo ball soup, she continues. Because it tasted like saltines thrown into soup. Worst pizza theyd ever tasted. Didnt know why we were eating diner food on this luxury vacation that we all paid the same amount for and we were all expecting a similar experience for.

    But uh yeah good job Kevin, she says giving the camera a thumbs up. On taking thousands off of everybodys tip because we really wanted to leave more. But we couldnt. Because of you.

    Dobson referred to Vastano as an Instagram chef and rolled his eyes about her qualifications. When she saw him call her an Instagram chef she said, Lets go. One, I dont take pictures of all of my food because Im busy working and serving my food at the correct temperature.

    Two, I said to Kevins face that my job is nowhere near as demanding as his. Im a private chef, I didnt choose to work on a charter where I have to please people 24/7. Three, I went to the French Culinary Institute.

    She adds, Four. What separates a cook from a chef is their demeanor, their sanitation, and their overall professionalism. I went into the kitchen to say Hey listen, sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night. You did a great job last night and I knew you could step it up. And he chose to not look me in the eye, say F**k her and tell Courtney not to garnish my food as everybody else got garnished. Vastano also shared the clip of Dobson learning she was a private chef during the preference sheet meeting. Shes a private chef, he asks in the episode looking annoyed. Well, whatever. Vastano added that Dobson had it out for her even before the charter began.

    Originally posted here:
    'Below Deck': This Charter Guest Says Chef Kevin Cost the Crew 'Thousands of Dollars' in Tip Money - Showbiz Cheat Sheet

    Maroons Deck the Halls Over Break – The Chicago Maroon - January 13, 2020 by Mr HomeBuilder

    While students returned home for the holidays, many varsity teams continued their competitions and training over the winter break. Varsity swimmers and divers traveled to San Diego for their annual training trip, and varsity wrestlers competed in two meets. Varsity mens basketball competed in three decisive games with impressive displays from new and old players alike.


    Varsity mens basketball started their winter training with a victory against Caltech on December 17. This game saw five Maroons scoring double-digit points, with an exceptional display of talent from first-year Bryce Hopkins. Following this game, the Maroons lost to Claremont-Mudd-Scripps in a tight game. While the final score (6766) saw the Maroons defeated, their energy and zeal for competition created a dynamic game. Fourth-year Cole Schmitz dominated in the game as the top scorer with 25 points. With a final backdoor reverse layup, the Stags secured victory, leaving the Maroons with a one-point defeat.

    However, the Maroons rang in the new year with a win against North Park University on January 4. Winning with a 20-point margin, the Maroons dominated throughout the game. Third-years Dominic Laravie and Brennan McDaniel came away as the Maroons top scorers with 17 and 16 points respectively.

    The mens basketball team will continue its season with a game on Saturday, January 11, against Washington University in St. Louis.


    Hosting the Chi-Town Invite, the varsity wrestling team performed successfully with multiple titles. The invite took place on December 29 at the Henry Crown Field House, with over 50 wrestlers competing. After a long day of competition, the Maroons came away with six weight class champions of the 10 weight classes. Maroon victors included fourth-year Steve Bonsall, third-year Will Britain, fourth-year Kyle Peisker, second-year Ben Sarasin, fourth-year Nick Carola, and first-year Cole Fibranz.

    Following the Chi-Town Invite, the Maroons competed at the Division III National Challenge in Cleveland. The team came away with successful play against Alma College and Case Western Reserve University before finally losing to Millikin University.

    The Maroons will be back on Wednesday, January 15, to compete against North Central at the Henry Crown Field House.


    The swimming and diving teams went on their annual training trip over winter break. This year, they were based in San Diego, spending a week undergoing intensive training. Fourth-year Audrey Mason explains, Training trip was definitely the toughest week of practice all year, but the whole team did a great job of pushing through and completing an excellent week of training before winter break. Im really excited to see how all of our hard work shows at our end-of-season meets next month.

    Following winter break, all of the winter varsity teams are gearing up to start or continue their official seasons. Be sure to turn out at the Myers-McLoraine Pool or Henry Crown Field House to cheer the Maroons on!

    Go here to read the rest:
    Maroons Deck the Halls Over Break - The Chicago Maroon

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