Learn how to build deck stairs. Use the stair calculator on decks.com to determine the number of stairs and the rise and run of each individual step. Watch as professional deck builders layout, cut, and attach stair stringers
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Learn how to build deck stairs. Use the stair calculator on decks.com to determine the number of stairs and the rise and run of each individual step. Watch as professional deck builders layout, cut, and attach stair stringers
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The third and final part of my SP deck analysis—including 4 of the best decklists for you to test! Thanks to Bebessearch.com for hosting my lists! Links to the lists (you can also click them at the end of the video: Palkia/Luxray lock: http://www.bebesSearch.com Luxray w/ techs Lady Gaga: http://www.bebessearch.com Dialgia/Garchomp: http://www.bebesSearch.com Luxray/Blaziken/Garchomp: http://www.bebesSearch.com As always, you can contact me at: The J-Wittz page on Facebook JWittz on pokegym, pokebeach, and heytrainer JWittz25@gmail.com Music by: Renae Antonelli and Kevin Macleod Music by: Renae Antonelli and Kevin Macleod
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In this episode, I talk about the top 10 best performing States decks, which I predict will be our best performers at Regionals (the format is still the same). Want premium strategy from the top Pokemon players, including myself?
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Toronto's Jeff Milligan (aka Algorithm) tears it up on 4 turntables at Club Yellow in Tokyo, Dec. 2004.
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Bad Boy Bill - Behind The Decks LIVE Trailer
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Download at ichi2.net One thing I forgot to mention in this screencast is that you can use the spacebar to answer the card, too. If it's a new card or the card was failed last time, pressing space is the same as pressing 2.