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    Rene Bourgeois – The Beast in me – Video - December 19, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Rene Bourgeois - The Beast in me
    The Next One Tracked Shaker Plexx Vinyl + Digital Release coming up with a true Peaktime Beast. Release Date Vinyl and Beatport (Exclusive till Jan 1st): 19.12.2012 Early Support by: Luciano, The Scumfrog, Luca Morris, Pig and Dan, Aruba, Robert Owens, Oliver Klein uvm. Get your Copy of that Beast here: Video Credits: Luvation, Timur Sezgin, Francesco Calabrese Video - Cut by OsnabeatsFrom:Shaker PlatesViews:3 0ratingsTime:04:07More inMusic

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    Rene Bourgeois - The Beast in me - Video

    Kyle Leeper - December 19, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Kyle Leeper Tony Karr Take to the NY Streets
    Follow Stereo riders Kyle Leeper and Tony Karr as they cruise through the streets of New York on a recent Stereo trip. Styles for miles! Stereo #39;s Cereal Box 45 Series decks are in stores now with pro models for Clint Peterson, Benny Fairfax, Ben Gore and Kyle Leeper. Filmed by Eric Lesar John "Sully" Sullivan Editing motion graphics by Mark Spencer Music: "Don #39;t Bring me Down" - The Pretty ThingsFrom:TheStereoSoundAgencyViews:243 34ratingsTime:01:32More inSports

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    Kyle Leeper

    Gloomy Winters Now Awa – Video - December 19, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Gloomy Winters Now Awa
    Garcia - Gloomy winters now awa Gloomy winter #39;s now awa #39;, Saft the westlan #39; breezes blaw, #39;Mang the birks o #39; Stanley-shaw The mavis sings fu #39; cheerie, O! Sweet the crawflower #39;s early bell 5 Decks Gleniffer #39;s dewy dell, Blooming like thy bonnie sel #39;, My young, my artless dearie, O! Come, my lassie, let us stray O #39;er Glenkilloch #39;s sunny brae, 10 Blithely spend the gowden day #39;Midst joys that never weary, O! Towering o #39;er the Newton wuds, Laverocks 1 fan the snaw-white cluds, Siller saughs, 2 wi #39; downy buds, 15 Adorn the banks sae briery, O! Round the sylvan fairy nooks Feath #39;ry breckans 3 fringe the rocks, #39;Neath the brae the burnie jouks, 4 And ilka 5 thing is cheerie, O! 20 Trees may bud, and birds may sing, Flowers may bloom, and verdure spring, Joy to me they canna bring, Unless wi #39; thee, my dearie, O!From:jojobatresViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:14More inMusic

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    Teaser: ERICK DECKS – FACEDROP (Pyro Records) [Beatport Dec.21, 2012] – Video - December 19, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Teaser: ERICK DECKS - FACEDROP (Pyro Records) [Beatport Dec.21, 2012]
    New ERICK DECKS on PYRO RECORDS. Beatport release 21st Dec. 2012 Connect to PYRO RECORDS: WEB BEATPORT http FACEBOOK TWITTER SOUNDCLOUD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2012 Pyro Records GbR - All rights reserved. Only for streaming. Copying and/or downloading is strictly prohibited and leads to criminal complaint. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------From:PyroRecViews:18 1ratingsTime:00:36More inMusic

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    Teaser: ERICK DECKS - FACEDROP (Pyro Records) [Beatport Dec.21, 2012] - Video

    PlayStation Home Personal Space Tour – The Dream Yacht: Arctic Voyage – Video - December 19, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    PlayStation Home Personal Space Tour - The Dream Yacht: Arctic Voyage - Treat them to the sights of the breathtaking glaciers, giant ice formations and crystal blue waters with the dram Yacht Arctic Voyage. Explore three decks, chill out on the private ice shelf and collect 20 unique rewards. Live the dream! More Information can be found at the following address: http://www.yourpshome.netFrom:YourPlaystationHomeViews:56 6ratingsTime:07:44More inGaming

    Originally posted here:
    PlayStation Home Personal Space Tour - The Dream Yacht: Arctic Voyage - Video

    Snappin’ Pokemon – Monday Nitro Pickups 24.2 Thriftdweller – Video - December 19, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Snappin #39; Pokemon - Monday Nitro Pickups 24.2 Thriftdweller
    From the new Game Room - Pokemon Snap CIB, More from the "PS2 Kick" and How many SNES decks are enough? Check out PART 2 right now. Feel free to drop us comment, message and sub if you wish. We appreciate all the support! (Also see our secret handshake!) ROOM TOUR comming soon!From:thriftdwellerViews:7 1ratingsTime:05:43More inEntertainment

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    Snappin' Pokemon - Monday Nitro Pickups 24.2 Thriftdweller - Video

    Mexican Insurance Store Decks its Halls for the Busy Holiday Season With New Increased Liability Limits - December 19, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Mexican Insurance, a trusted online source of Mexican auto insurance solutions, has announced that it is ready for the busy holiday travel season with new increased liability limits. ACE standard policy $300,000 liability limits are now available during the holidays for the same premium as $100,000.

    Perris, CA (PRWEB) December 18, 2012

    One way in which Mexican Insurance has readied itself for the holiday onslaught is by tweaking its website so that it runs more efficiently. The site has always loaded quickly, but the company has taken additional steps to ensure that it continues to do so. "The last thing we want is for someone to have to wait and wait to buy insurance," says one of the company's IT professionals. "We perform regular maintenance on the site and on our servers to ensure that everything runs smoothly. We're all set for the holidays."

    More people are accessing the Mexican Insurance Store site through mobile devices than ever, so the company has also taken steps to make its site friendlier to such devices. Like many companies, Mexican Insurance is going to create mobile versions of its site as well. "We keep a close eye on our statistics, and we've seen a surge in the number of people who are visiting from mobile devices," says the IT professional. "It comes as no surprise, and we've been focusing on the matter to ensure that people can visit the site from mobile devices over the holidays."

    Mexican Insurance Store has also stepped up its social media efforts in the weeks leading up to the holiday season. The company has drummed up a lot of new business through these efforts. "I've never been to Mexico, but I'd like to go over the holidays," says one customer. "I did some searching around on Twitter and learned that I would need quality Mexican auto insurance solutions. While searching, I also ran across information that was shared by Mexican Insurance Store. I ended up buying my insurance from them, and it couldn't have been easier."

    While many companies tend to slow things down during the holidays, Mexican Insurance Store has no plans to do so. The company will remain open throughout the holidays, but there will be slightly fewer customer service reps available. "On Christmas Eve, few people are actually buying policies," says Gray. "By that time, most people have what they need. We still offer limited customer service, though, and our site is always up and running." The company plans to announce some exciting changes for 2013 shortly. "People are going to be really excited when they hear what's in store for 2012," adds Gray.

    Linden Gray Mexican Insurance 888-800-9988 Email Information

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    Mexican Insurance Store Decks its Halls for the Busy Holiday Season With New Increased Liability Limits

    PRISM LIVE #04 | VIBES – Video - December 18, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    It all got a bit messy and ended up as free for all on the decks, people got naked and Christmas trees we #39;re involved, Vibes. KentViews:3 0ratingsTime:14:04More inMusic

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    PRISM LIVE #04 | VIBES - Video

    What the Deck? Rakdos Aggro – Video - December 18, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    What the Deck? Rakdos Aggro
    Alright guys here #39;s a new series that I don #39;t know how frequent it will be, but I #39;m gonna run through decks I #39;m using or working on and look for your opinions. And first up is most definitely my most successful deck.From:Darthsword8Views:0 0ratingsTime:24:51More inPeople Blogs

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    What the Deck? Rakdos Aggro - Video

    Idle Thumbs 62 – The Silken Goku – Video - December 18, 2012 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Idle Thumbs 62 - The Silken Goku
    Don the Silken Goku. Enthusiastically pore over our collection of galactic maps, carefully curated battle decks, and lushly rendered hexagonal tiles, while we try to tell you about game development, girls, and sports. Originally aired August 9, 2010 01:23 mdash; Intro - Sean is here and Chris is leaving for Irrational 02:55 mdash; Civilization V - Strategy mode aka Nick mode 03:59 mdash; Civilization V - It #39;s beautiful 07:55 mdash; Civilization V - UI and approachability 09:00 mdash; Civilization V - City-states and artisanal uranium 12:24 mdash; Civilization V - Yeah, fuck yeah, humanity 13:53 mdash; Classy Logos - Civ V, BioShock, and XCOM 15:23 mdash; Civilization V - Deal with it 16:34 mdash; BioShock 2: Minerva #39;s Den - We got fish 18:55 mdash; Jeff Goldblum - He says "The Wizard" 20:06 mdash; BioShock 2: Minerva #39;s Den - Working with a small team 26:30 mdash; PSP - It has an output for your TV 27:14 mdash; High School Baby - No available on UMD 29:23 mdash; Look Who #39;s Talking Now - Featuring Sean Vanaman being pushed down a flight of stairs 31:29 mdash; Metal Gear Acid 2 - The card-based Metal Gear game 35:46 mdash; Dreams - I thought I took a math test, but I was actually playing Far Cry 2 37:37 mdash; Cyborgs - They wear Silken Gokus 39:16 mdash; Cunga Galunga - Hillary Clinton says "The Wizard" 40:11 mdash; StarCraft II - Pacing between missions and research 44:27 mdash; StarCraft II - User Interface and Jake porn 46:51 mdash; StarCraft II - WebMD: Reckoning 49:51 mdash; StarCraft II - Writing and voice acting 53:41 mdash; Big Trouble in Little China - Characters undercutting ...From:idlevideosViews:3 2ratingsTime:01:47:09More inGaming

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