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    Judgement SpellBooks Vs Elemental Dragons (THE TOP TIER DECKS) – Video - April 20, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Judgement SpellBooks Vs Elemental Dragons (THE TOP TIER DECKS)
    Check out my Other channels 🙂 Gaming: Me IRL Ill answer a few FAQ #39;S just in case you had them Q: How...

    By: AznEyesWhiteDragon

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    Judgement SpellBooks Vs Elemental Dragons (THE TOP TIER DECKS) - Video

    Alexa Chung hits the decks at launch of Pas De Calais flagship store - April 20, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Friday 19 April, 2013

    Alexa Chung looks typically stylish at the New York launch of Japanese fashion label Pas De Calais



    Once again, Alexa Chung was her usual stylish self in one of the sweetest spring dresses weve seen in a long time, at the launch of the Pas De Calais US flagship store launch in SoHo.


    The fashion label, founded in 1998, is named for a lace-making region in France and with twenty stores in Japan is set on making it big in the US with its first store on the streets of SoHo.


    The launch party last night saw Alexa, wearing a dress from the Pas De Calais Spring Summer 2013 collection, jump on the decks to play DJ and she celebrated the launch (seen here with designer Yukari Suda and Tsukasa Kobayashi). We love her casual, monochrome look that seems perfect for warm spring weather especially those embroidery-detailed slippers and feminine plaited hairstyle.Nailed it once again!

    By Sarah Musgrove

    See the rest here:
    Alexa Chung hits the decks at launch of Pas De Calais flagship store

    Decks cleared for clubbing allowances with basic pay for PF deduction - April 20, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Decks have been cleared for clubbing of allowances with basic pay for PF deductions under the EPFO scheme, a move that will increase savings but reduce take-home pay of over 5 crore subscribers.

    A review committee, constituted to look into the nitty-gritty of clubbing of allowances with basic pay for PF deductions, has supported the idea for enhancing the social security benefit under the EPF scheme run by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO).

    The committees suggestion would be vetted by the Labour Ministry and would be put before the EPFOs apex decision making body the Central Board of Trustees (CBT) for taking final call on it, a trustee and Secretary Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh B N Rai said.

    On the issue of clubbing of wages, even the employers representatives supported the view that all such allowances which are regularly and uniformly paid to workers should form part of basic pay for PF deductions, said Mr Rai, who was the member of the review panel.

    The suggestions of the committee have been already sent to Labour Ministry for scrutiny, EPFO officials said.

    On November 30, the outgoing Central Provident Fund Commissioner R C Mishra brought out a notification to club all allowances which are regular in nature, with basic pay.

    The notification had said: All such allowances which are ordinarily, necessarily and uniformly paid to the employees are to be treated as the basic wages.

    The notification was an effort to check the practice of splitting of wages by employers to reduce their provident fund obligations.

    However, the notification was put in abeyance following reports which criticised the move of the retirement fund body.

    On limiting the period to 7 years for initiating inquiry against employers for lapses in maintaining EPFO accounts, Mr Rai said: The Committee has favoured keeping such inquiries open-ended if it is found that employers have not been depositing the PF contributions.

    Read the rest here:
    Decks cleared for clubbing allowances with basic pay for PF deduction

    Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol F1 – Remix Decks DJ Set – Video - April 18, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol F1 - Remix Decks DJ Set
    A mini 10 min jam session in my studio with my 2 x Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol F1 #39;s Traktor 2.6 Remix Decks. http://www.isaacs...

    By: Isaac Sunkes

    See the article here:
    Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol F1 - Remix Decks DJ Set - Video

    HBIC DUEL NEWS: The Ultra Rares In The Blue-Eyes Structure Decks – Video - April 18, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    HBIC DUEL NEWS: The Ultra Rares In The Blue-Eyes Structure Decks
    READ THE DESCRIPTION (100++ LIKES Would Be AMAZING) threadID=444598 highlight= Blue-Eyed Maiden 1 Star/LIGHT/S...

    By: Vexacus4666

    Go here to read the rest:
    HBIC DUEL NEWS: The Ultra Rares In The Blue-Eyes Structure Decks - Video

    Standard: 4 Decks vs Jund – Part 3 – Video - April 15, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Standard: 4 Decks vs Jund - Part 3 In Part 3, Jarvis playtests Fog of War vs Jund. For more information, like deck lists, go to:

    By: GatheringMagicVideo

    Go here to see the original:
    Standard: 4 Decks vs Jund - Part 3 - Video

    Standard: 4 Decks vs Jund – Part 1 – Video - April 15, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Standard: 4 Decks vs Jund - Part 1 In Part 1, Jarvis playtests Bant Control vs Jund. For more information, like deck lists, go to:

    By: GatheringMagicVideo

    Standard: 4 Decks vs Jund - Part 1 - Video

    Weca Decks – Video - April 15, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Weca Decks
    PLEASE _ Watch in [HD 720p] Videeeeooo With my Nyyyyann Caaat deck Yeeeeeeeeaaah ! Amazing decks !!! Sorry for the long time without videos, but I was sick.....

    By: Emma Martinez

    See original here:
    Weca Decks - Video

    Radiant Rides From Damaged Decks – Video - April 15, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Radiant Rides From Damaged Decks
    George Rocha, an innovative SF-based skatepark builder, has a beautiful way of salvaging used and broken skateboards. He turns them into entirely new skatebo...

    By: wired

    Visit link:
    Radiant Rides From Damaged Decks - Video

    Devpro testing fun decks – Video - April 14, 2013 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Devpro testing fun decks

    By: TeamAku1

    Read the rest here:
    Devpro testing fun decks - Video

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