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    Waterproof membranes and cement plaster over stairs or decks – Video - August 25, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Waterproof membranes and cement plaster over stairs or decks
    Waterproof membranes and cement plaster over stairs or decks Hi guys and gals, in this video I am explaining Waterproofing membranes and cement plaster over stairs or decks, as we have completed...

    By: Kirk Jason Giordano #39;s DIY plastering and stucco network

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    Waterproof membranes and cement plaster over stairs or decks - Video

    Hardwell Q&A // Behind The Decks // New Announcement #HardwellQA – Video - August 25, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Hardwell Q A // Behind The Decks // New Announcement #HardwellQA
    Show some love and vote for Hardwell I #39;m back with a new series of Hardwell Q A! Submit your questions about #39;Behind The Decks #39; NOW, so anything from mixing and...

    By: Hardwell

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    Hardwell Q&A // Behind The Decks // New Announcement #HardwellQA - Video

    Ethletic Fair Decks – Marc und Oscar haben Streit – – Video - August 25, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Ethletic Fair Decks - Marc und Oscar haben Streit -
    Die Fair Decks sind flache Sneaker von Ethletic - ohne Schnrung, dafr mit guten Karma. Mehr Info, Fotos, Preise: Die Fair Decks...

    By: Monagoo

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    Ethletic Fair Decks - Marc und Oscar haben Streit - - Video

    Composite Advantage Establishes FRP Bridge Installation Partner - August 25, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    DAYTON, Ohio Composite Advantage has established partner company FRP Constructors LLC to provide critical on-site delivery and installation services for its Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite bridges and bridge decks. Headquartered in Dayton, Ohio, Composite Advantage designs and manufactures a range of FRP bridge products under its FiberSPAN brand for pedestrian, bicycle and trail applications.

    Installation of FRP bridges and decks is straightforward because our products are prefabricated and light weight, says Scott Reeve, president of Composite Advantage. Customers and contractors sometimes have concerns though because the technology is fairly new to them. We can eliminate the guess work and ensure a projects success by giving them the option to have experienced personnel properly and quickly install our bridges and decks.

    In addition to installation of FiberSPAN products with railings, FRP Constructors can perform abutment work, bridge erection, finishing work, repair of structures with FRP materials and helical pile installation. Existing bridge structures can be removed for projects requiring bridge replacements.

    FRP Constructors also provides repair services that include damage assessment, removal of damaged materials, and new material replacement for FRP piping, panel and plate applications. The company has the capability to work with all types of FRP repair materials and can provide PE-stamped repair plans.

    FRP Constructors serves bridge customers in the Midwest region which covers Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Missouri. Installation in other regions is available for select projects.

    For more information visit:

    Media Contact:

    Ms. Lynn Stanley (937) 912-5158 Mobile (937) 760-5710 Email:

    Visit link:
    Composite Advantage Establishes FRP Bridge Installation Partner

    Small actions can reduce wildfire risks - August 25, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    By PHUONG LE Associated Press

    SEATTLE (AP) - As wildfires burn homes and thousands of square miles across the West, fire experts say simple actions like clearing brush around a home or removing pine needles from decks could make the difference in whether a house survives or burns to the ground.

    Fire science research over the last decade has produced strategies that can help reduce a home's chances of igniting, and fire officials are trying to spread the word in fire-prone areas that these little things are hugely important.

    "It hard to provide 100 percent guarantee on anything, but there are a number of things homeowners can do - and a lot of them are small but also important," said Steve Quarles, a senior scientist with the nonprofit Florida-based Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety.

    Whether a home makes it through a fire often depends on what is or is not in the zone surrounding it, known as defensible space, as well as the design and materials used in home construction, Quarles said.

    Property owners can reduce their risk of wildfire damage by choosing metal roofs over wood shake roofs, for example, keeping flammable materials such as firewood piles away from the home, spacing trees farther apart and by clearing brush from nearby roads.

    Increasingly, homeowners and communities are seeing the benefits of such strategies, and they're joining voluntary programs such as the National Fire Protection Association's Firewise Communities.

    "Interest is growing as people understand that they actually have a role to play," said Lucian Deaton, senior program manager for Firewise, which is partly paid for by the U.S. Forest Service.

    More than 1,000 communities in 41 states are recognized as "firewise" because they're taking steps to prepare their homes from wildfire risks.

    Still, that represents a small fraction of the estimated 72,000 communities located in wildfire-prone areas.

    See the rest here:
    Small actions can reduce wildfire risks

    Graveyard Decks are geting boring – Video - August 23, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Graveyard Decks are geting boring
    If you like this video please thumbs it up and subscribe for more content. Thanks for watching!

    By: weryugioh

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    Graveyard Decks are geting boring - Video

    [Hearthstone] – Funny Decks – E01 – HP Boost Priest – Video - August 23, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    [Hearthstone] - Funny Decks - E01 - HP Boost Priest
    Nov srie vide, ve kterch budu hrt rzn custom decky ๐Ÿ™‚ enjoy.

    By: APDGamerz

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    [Hearthstone] - Funny Decks - E01 - HP Boost Priest - Video

    Original Decks: Bujinsworn – Video - August 23, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Original Decks: Bujinsworn
    Part 1 of the Original Deck Series! Leave a like if you enjoyed the video! Sorry for the mumbling! Had to be quiet ๐Ÿ˜‰ DN: Psychotixz.

    By: ThePsychotixz

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    Original Decks: Bujinsworn - Video

    Khans of Tarkir Spoilers: Wedge Lands, Speed vs. Cunning Duel Decks, New Mechanics, and more! – Video - August 23, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    Khans of Tarkir Spoilers: Wedge Lands, Speed vs. Cunning Duel Decks, New Mechanics, and more!
    Khans of Tarkir Spoilers are already here! Check out some awesome Magic the Gathering (MTG) announcements. Live Stream: Like us on Facebook! -

    By: TheManaSource

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    Khans of Tarkir Spoilers: Wedge Lands, Speed vs. Cunning Duel Decks, New Mechanics, and more! - Video

    E-decks v1 deck – Video - August 23, 2014 by Mr HomeBuilder

    E-decks v1 deck
    My first deck from my sponsor.

    By: Two Fingers

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    E-decks v1 deck - Video

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