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Pauper Gauntlet S02 R03 People of the Sun vs DelverFiend
Deck list: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/31-08-14-people-of-the-sun/ THE PAUPER GAUNTLET Season Two What is the Pauper Gauntlet?
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With decks cleared for assembly polls in the state, Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Satish Upadhyay on Wednesday asked Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal to identify the seven good deeds that his government had achieved during its 49 days in office.
Upadhyay maintained that Kejriwal had done nothing of note during his 49 days in office except staging protests, speaking lies, posting wrong tweets, climbing on the secretariat wall and cheating the people.
"He used to talk about providing 700 liters of water, but the poor don't have water connections inside their huts. He also talked about reducing electricity bills, but he gave subsidies after taking money from the plan head, that too not permanently, and even if it was permanent, then why did he run away," he said.
Upadhyay further said that it is the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) which came up with various pro-people schemes, and added that Kejriwal did nothing except talking.
With the Union Cabinet recommended the dissolution of the Delhi Assembly and setting the stage for fresh elections in the days to come, the political parties have begun finalizing their poll campaign strategy to grab power here.
The BJP, which was single largest party in the last polls here, is pinning its hope on Prime Minister Narendra Modi who will be their star campaigner in the forthcoming polls.
President's rule was imposed in Delhi since February after Kejriwal-led AAP government stepped down after remaining in power for 49 days. (ANI)
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Kejriwal achieved nothing as Delhi CM: Satish Upadhyay
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Dancing On the Decks Of The S S Kyle // Neil White // Writter Composer
Folk Music .//
By: Neil White
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Deck Talk Ep.14 Special Guest Noxious
Check out nox giving us the basics of deck building and ways to tech your deck for the meta. Decks:Stand v2.0 http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/116050-priest-ver2-0 Doomerino Yserino ...
By: The Chiv
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ASMR Binaural Whisper | Show and Tell: Tarot Decks | Tapping, Brushing More
http://www.gregoryscott.com Open the description Hi everyone! I #39;m so excited to present you with my first ASMR video! Yes! I finally did it! For this ASMR premiere I chose a topic...
By: Gregory Scott
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ASMR Binaural Whisper | Show and Tell: Tarot Decks | Tapping, Brushing & More - Video
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MTG News: Fate Reforged Spoilers, Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Kiora, and Dragons of Tarkir!
Fate Reforged Spoilers are already here! Check out some awesome Magic the Gathering (MTG) announcements. Like us on Facebook! - http://www.facebook.com/TheManaSource Follow us on Twitter!
By: TheManaSource
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MTG News: Fate Reforged Spoilers, Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Kiora, and Dragons of Tarkir! - Video
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Hearthstone - Warlock Vs Priest - Custom Decks - Round 16 of Many
Welcome to Hearthstone - Warlock Vs Priest - Custom Decks - Round 16 of Many. In this episode Athrun challenges me to a duel on my Warlock deck, something I #39;m not really used to playing. So...
By: FunkySpud
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Yugioh Top 5 Competitive Decks of all Time - Featuring TheCaliEffect
TheCaliEffect #39;s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/thecalieffect ---------------------------------------------- How to find me on the Web: Dueling Network Screen Name: GalacticGod DevPro...
By: GalacticGod
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TULSA, Oklahoma -
During its meeting Monday, the Oklahoma Transportation Commission awarded a $38-million bid for pavement reconstruction and replacing several bridge decks on a three-mile stretch of Tulsa's Interstate 244.
The bid is for a section between Delaware Avenue and 73rd East Avenue.
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation says the project will require the removal of all existing concrete and the replacement of four bridge decks over Admiral and 73rd East Avenue over a 15-month period beginning sometime in early 2015.
Raymond Alberty drives on I-244 every day and said the road, in its current condition, beats up on his car.
"It would be nice, you know, because there are certain stretches of 244 that are pretty rough on the car, you know, tires, shocks, other things, you know. You have to practically straddle traffic to avoid some of them," he said.
Drivers, like Masoud Moazami, are welcoming the project.
"It's not easy to drive in the road that has a pothole and is uneven, yes it does, I paid a heavier price for it, but I'm hoping that we'll be able to continue the progress for Oklahoma," Moazami said.
Driver Valerie Hager said, "It feels unsafe, like I want to hold on to the wheel a bit tighter, not good to drive on."
ODOT completed the section from the split with I-44 to just west of Memorial more than a year ago.
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Orange Barrels To Return To Tulsa's I-244 Starting In 2015
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Man Lifts and Platforms -
November 3, 2014 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Man Lifts and Platforms
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Scissor Decks are multi-height adjustable, spring assisted connectable maintenance work platforms. Deck widths from 20 inches 40 inches with handrail & wheel choices, deck padding and tool trays. Deployable option with removable lower frame. Fold...
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For advertising information, please call Mike Ringstad at 800-547-7377 x1307.
New Powered, Self-Propelled Cranes for GSE Maintenance & Support SC Series floor crane, models to 6,000 lbs. capacity, lift to 13 ft. Wired pendant controls allow one person operation Battery electric...
The JLG1500SJtelescopic boom lift handles dual 1,000/500-pound loads and provides immediate access to work at elevated heights by lifting operators 150 feet. A 25-foot telescoping jib offers work envelope flexibility and additional outreach at...
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