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The trunk (North America and Jamaica) or boot (Commonwealth English) of an automobile or car is the vehicle's main storage compartment. In South Asia the trunk is usually called a dickie/dicky or slang diggy (Native: /// ).
The trunk or luggage compartment is most often located at the rear of the vehicle. Early designs included an exterior rack mounted on the rear of the vehicle to which it was possible to attach a real luggage trunk.[1] Later designs integrated the storage area into the vehicle's body and evolved to provide a streamlined appearance.[2][3] The main storage compartment is normally provided at the end of the vehicle opposite to which the engine is located.
Some mid-engined cars have luggage compartments both in the front and in the rear of the vehicle.[4] Examples include the Volkswagen Type 3, Porsche Boxster, and Toyota MR2. The mid-engined Fiat X1/9 also has two storage compartments, although the rear one is small, easily accessible, and practically cuboid in shape.[5]
Rear-engined cars (such as the Volkswagen Beetle, Tucker 48, and the Porsche 911) have the trunk situated in front of the passenger compartment.[6][7]
Sometimes during the design life of the vehicle the lid may be restyled to increase the size or improve the practicality and usefulness of the trunk's shape. Examples of this include the Beetle redesign to the 1970s 'Super Beetle' and the pre-war and 1950s post war Citron Traction Avant.
The door or opening of a trunk may be hinged at the top, side, or bottom.
If the door is hinged at the bottom it is termed a tailgate, particularly in America. A bottom opening door is common on a station wagon, pickup truck, or sport utility vehicle (SUV).[8][9] Traditional U.S. station wagons included a roll down window. Because of the potential for carbon-monoxide fumes, the tailgate window on station wagons should be closed whenever the engine is running.[10] Tailgates may contain accessories like a "pocket" for storage purposes. Traditional station wagon and pickup tailgates can also serve as a mount for a workbench.[11] A 3-way tailgate is hinged at the side and bottom so it can be opened sideways like a car door, or downwards like a truck tailgate.[citation needed] The window can be opened to load small items. The door and hinge mechanisms of the 3-way tailgate are designed with special handle(s) for opening in the selected direction. In the late 1970s, it was the most common station wagon tailgate arrangement.[citation needed]
If the door is hinged at the top it is termed a hatch, and is used on a hatchback.[9][12]
The trunk lid (in the U.S. automotive industry sometimes also called decklid or deck lid[13][14]) is the cover allows access to the main storage or luggage compartment. Hinges allow the lid to be raised. Devices such as a manually positioned prop rod can keep the panel up in the open position. Counterbalancing torsion or other spring(s) can also used to help elevate and hold open the trunk lid. On cars with their trunk in the rear, lids sometimes incorporate a center mounted third brake light. A rear lid may also have a decorative air spoiler. On many modern cars, the trunk lids can be unlocked with the car's key fob.
The locking of the trunk may be achieved together with the passenger compartment.
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Because a deck is a particularly good investment returning about 87% of its original cost, according to Remodeling magazines annual Cost vs. Value Report its a good idea to establish a routine of upkeep thatll protect your deck and prevent expensive repairs.
Heres a simple maintenance schedule to help keep your deck safe, sound, and looking great.
Late Spring: Wash the Deck
An unwashed deck is an invitation to mold and mildew, which can cause rot. Heres how to wash your deck:
1. Remove debris from between deck boards using a putty knife. Pay special attention to the areas where deck boards cross the joists the structural members underneath the decking.
TIP: For a makeshift extension thats a real knee-saver, try pushing the handle of your putty knife into a length of 1-inch PVC pipe. Some putty knives squeeze right in. Or buy a pole-type groove and crevice cleaner.
2. Protect all shrubs and plantings. Wet them and cover them with plastic sheeting.
3. Thoroughly sweep the deck. 4. Choose an appropriate cleanser.
5. Clean the deck. Choose a cloudy day when the decking is cool and the sun wont evaporate the cleaner.
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New Jersey State Police say they discovered 16 bricks of heroin inside a vehicle during a traffic stop Saturday in Hope Township. Express-Times File Photo
New Jersey State Policearrested two men and seized 16 bricks - or about 800 wax folds- of heroin during a traffic stop Saturday night in Hope Township, court records say.
Sgt. Jeffrey Flynn, a state police spokesman, said troopers stopped a white Mitsubishi Eclipse at 8:20 p.m. on Interstate 80westbound and discovered the passenger, Joseph Poliandro, 28, of Hawley, Pa., had a $500 warrant for his arrest out of Mt. Olive Township.
Thedriver, Kyle Martinho, 26, of Newfoundland, Pa., failed field sobriety tests and was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs, police said.
After securing a search warrant for the vehicle, troopers discovered 700 wax folds of heroin labeled "Game On" and another 81 decks with the word "Methadone" stamped on them, court records say.
Nearly a dozen empty bags with suspected heroin residue were also found in the car, along with a spoon and syringe, court records say.
Both men, of Wayne County in Pennsylvania, were charged with several drug-related crimes, including being under the influence and possession of heroin with intent to distribute. Martinhowas also charged with DWI, police said.
If convicted of the possession charge, each mancould face up to 10 years in prison.
Poliandro and Martinhomade their first appearances Monday in New Jersey Superior Court in Belvidere and are being held in the Warren County jail in lieu of $150,000 bail.
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Pennsylvania men arrested with nearly 800 decks of heroin in Hope Township traffic stop, police say
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During the Vietnam War, American soldiers started hearing rumors that the Vietnamese were very superstitious about the ace of spades. So Cincinnati's U.S. Playing Card Co. responded by printing decks of nothing but ace of spadesand sending them for free to GIs in Vietnam for the purposes of "psychological warfare."
Colin Dickey, author of Afterlives of the Saints, brought this fact to my attention on Twitter, where he links to a site that still sells the Bicycle 52 ace of spades deck. Supposedly the Vietnamese saw the ace of spades as a "deadly omen."
The Bicycle brand deck was particularly prized because it had two symbols of bad luck: The ace of spades and a woman printed on the back. The military's Stars and Stripes newspaper had claimed that the Vietnamese also considered seeing a woman before battle as bad luck. American troops started to leave the ace of spades on the bodies of people they'd killed and scatter the cards in fields when they were out on patrol.
But were the Viet Cong actually superstitious about the ace of spades? Probably not.
The 2009 book Cowboys Full: The Story of Poker by James McManus raises doubts about just how superstitious the Vietnamese were about that particular card. Some soldiers called it simply a case of "transposed symbolism." Apparently it was just as likely interpreted as a phallic symbol and one Captain claimed that it might even be suggesting to the Viet Cong that American GIs were "involved in necrophilia" because the cards were being left on dead bodies.
In all likelihood it was simply feared because it came to be a calling card of the Americans, not because the ace of spades had any particular significance in Vietnamese culture.
"Did it work? I'm not sure," one solider is quoted as saying in Cowboys Full. "Did it help our morale? I definitely think so! In our company and others throughout Vietnam, I think the cards did something to encourage the men that were just trying to survive during a difficult time."
Below, a 1966 article from the Corpus Christi Caller-Times about American GIs and their adoption of the ace of spades on the battlefield.
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Card decks with 52 aces of spades were used for psych warfare in Vietnam
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Mr HomeBuilder
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