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Our Town
Residents, as well as visitors staying at the community's many fine hotels and motels, can be in Manhattan in as little as 20 minutes via express bus. Or they quickly can be on their way to other points in via the New Jersey Turnpike or State Route 3, both of which pass through the town.
And just across the Hackensack River, a mile away, is the area's sports and entertainment center, The Meadowlands, home of the Giants, the Jets, concerts, circuses, ice shows, weekly flea market; and the Meadowlands Race Track.
Location! Location! Location! What makes Secaucus great for residents and visitors also makes it great for business. Secaucus is the corporate home of many major businesses and a distribution center serving Manhattan and Northern New Jersey. Its proximity to New York offers quick delivery.
This distribution center, cleverly separated from most of the town's residential areas, has spawned the other activity for which the community was once well known - outlet shopping. Outlets have greatly deminished in number. However, along with the manufacturers' outlets, you'll find the true warehouse outlets, where the store's in the front and racks of clothes are behind. Periodically the storehouses themselves are opened for that shopper's dream, a real warehouse sale!
The town has not neglected it's traditional business center, which residents call The Plaza. Flowers are pridefully planted in park areas in the center of town, where a beautification program was undertaken a few year's ago. There, businesses thrive, many in the hands of local families who have served their customers for generations.
Harmon Meadow, at the eastern side of Secaucus, has a pleasant town square atmosphere. There, you'll find many restaurants, some shops, a number of the major hotels, an attactive multiplex cinema and the Meadowlands Exposition Center. Nearby are the convenient big box stores that draw thousands of shoppers.
Secaucus has also become a communications hub, home of NBA Entertainment (and NBA draft), Major League Baseball Network, MY Channel 9 and news bureaus for other networks.
Sports and recreation abound for town residents. There's a swim center for summer and an ice rink for winter and a Recreation Center for year round activities. There's a soccer field and a roller hockey rink. There's a boat ramp into the Hackensack River. There are gyms and fields and organized teams for virtually all outdoor and indoor sports.
Nature is preserved in areas large and small; Snipes Beach Park, The Duck Pond, Schmidts Woods, and a major Meadowlands preserve, Mill Creek Marsh, in the northern sector of the town. The trailhead of the 1.5-mile long Mill Creek Marsh Trail is located adjacent to the big box stores, providing access for birding especially. With its patches of marsh grasses, mud flats and long winding brackish waterways, the Meadowlands is home to 260 bird species, including 15 state-endangered species.
Canoe and kayak trips through the meadows are available at Laurel Hill Hudson Country Park in Secaucus. The Hackensack Riverkeeper (201-920-4746) rents canoes and kayaks on weekends from April through October. The Hackensack Riverkeeper Cruise Program, (201-968-0808) offers two-hour guided naturalist trips on the river and through the marshes of the Meadowlands The park also boasts two floating docks and the only free, unrestricted public boat ramp on the River. The Meadowlands Enviornment Center is a short drive from Secaucus. More on eco-tourism.
While sports and recreation serve the young, the town has also remembered its older residents. Secaucus has led the State in Senior housing. Three major Senior Citizen residences and a Senior activity center serve the needs of those who have served the town.
Secaucus is community centered, with clubs and organizations - Kiwanis, Rotary, Lions, Masons, Unico. etc. One can become active with the Shade Tree Commission, or any number of other organizations. The Volunteer Fire Department is a focal point of activity and civic pride.
Secaucus offers fine schools for its children. There are two public elementary schools and a middle-high school. There, children get a caring education and are offered a range of extra curricular activities. The new Arthur F. Couch Performaning Arts Center was opened at the High Schoool/Middle School facility in 2005. There is a library preschool and day care centers for the town's youngest. The public school system uniquely offers full day kindergarten and pre-kindergarten programs.
The Secaucus Public Library and Business Resource Center offers outstanding facilities for research and recreational reading, plus ample computer facilities with free wi-fi access, a small-business center and meeting rooms.
Eight churches and a Hindu temple serve the religious needs of the community. The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour, First Reformed, Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic, St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran and Shree Swaminarayan Hindu Temple each maintain their own religious centers. Quimby Community Church meets at The Church of Our Saviour, and North Jersey United Pentecostal Church meets at the First Reformed Church.
All this and more in a town of 16,000 residents! It's a great place to live, work, raise a family, and a great place to visit.
Secaucus Data: The following are external links. To return to this page use back button on your computer.
Click here for detailed community profile.
Click here for US Census profile
Click here for NY Times profile.
Click here for NJ Schools Report Cards for Secaucus Schools
Click here for map of Secaucus and vicinity.
Click here for detailed weather data from the Harmon Cove Weather Station in Secaucus.
Click here for detailed weather data from the Hudson County OEM Weather Station in Secaucus.
Click here for detailed weather data from the Park Drive Weather Station in Secaucus.
Click here for normal Secaucus tides (not adjusted for storms, etc.).
Click here for New Jersey property tax charts
Secaucus.org online shopping
Secaucus High School Secaucus Middle School Clarendon Elementary School Huber Street Elementary School
Bergen County Scholastic League
Secaucus Adult School
Arthur F. Couch Performaning Arts Center
New Jersey Schools Report Cards for Secaucus Schools
Immaculate Conception School Harmony Early Learning Center Secaucus Day Care Center High School Marching Band
Churches and Temples Directory of Churches and Temples
Town Government Town of Secaucus Construction Code Enforcement: Health and Fire Inspections Mayor and Council Town Clerk Municipal Court Public Works Recreation Social Services Senior Center Taxes and Assessments Town of Secaucus Municipal Phone Directory E-mail Links to Secaucus Town Officials Secaucus Fire Department Secaucus Fire Department - Clarendon Tower Two Secaucus Fire Department - Engine Company No. One Secaucus Fire Department - Washngton Hook and Ladder Public Library and Business Resource Center
Secaucus Northend Association
Secaucus Medical Services Directory MDs, Chiropractors, Dentists, Optometrists, Pharmacists, Veterinarians, Hospitals, etc.
Banks in Secaucus List of secaucus Bank Branches
Secaucus Web Directory Classified and Alphabetical Listings
Map of Secaucus Link to map and driving directions
Secaucus in Poetry In a Prominent Bar in Secaucus
Meadowlands License Plate available!
The Motor Vehicles Commission offers a license plate to support land preservation and conservation in the Hackensack Meadowlands and River Watershed.
For details click here.
Other MVC information, and the location and operation hours of the Secaucus MVC Inspection Station.
Our Town | Residents' Zone | TV | Movies | Lodgings | Transportation | Shopping | Tourism | Links | web directory | e-store affiliates
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Secaucus, New Jersey
Church Builders Southeast is a full-service design-build church building contracting firm specializing in design-build services & construction management. We utilize an in-house design team, giving you a unique advantage in construction process. We are creating value for our Churches by offering conceptual plans and cost estimates that can be delivered to Church Committees and Congregations.
At Church Builders Southeast we also specialize in assisting our Church clients in securing financing options for new construction projects. We give you a total cost analysis and we ask the difficult, but necessary, church construction questions and we give your Church Committees or Congregations the answers they need to make informed decisions.
Church Builders Southeast is a company committed to excellence. We are building state of the art, award winning church buildings on time and on budget in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Alabama. We have designed sanctuaries, built schools, and constructed over 45 church buildings in our more than 450 construction projects over the past 30 years. Our expertise will ensure your church, sanctuary design, family life center, classroom, expansion or building project is a success.
Follow these links to being designing your next Church Project:
Church Builders Southeast | Our Church Construction Services | Answers to Your Church Building Questions
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Church Builders South East - A division of Canco General ...
"...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31
Welcome to PAR Church Builders, Inc. PARprovides its clients a single-source design and build church construction solution. Our construction company specializes in building churches from the ground up, and we can also provide remodeling, resurfacing, and repurposing of existing churches. When it comes time to design and build your new church, the craftsmanship provided by the PAR construction team cannot be matched. Our main office islocated in the great state of Georgia, just south of the Atlanta metropolis. Because we have been blessed with success building churches in the southeast region, including Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, and Alabama,PARnow has church construction projects all over the United States. We have built churches in Massachusetts, Texas, Michigan, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Delaware. FuturePAR church construction projects include taking our enterprise global.
PARstrives to provide churches with a magnificent, intricately designed, and state-of-the-art worship facility, where your community's congregation can come and praise God, as well as enjoy partaking in a communal celebration. The PAR website offers examples of our work, which can be viewed on thePAR Portfolio page. We are experts in the commencement of church planning, as well as implementing all phases of church construction. The PAR team will prove an excellent general contractor for you church building needs, and, with the help of professional and trusted subcontractors, we promise to build a marvelous worship space for your community.
PARChurch Builders prides itself in providing church building excellence, the right way, every time. We understand what it takes to build a church that the pastor envisions, and where the congregation will love giving praise to God. PARknows how difficult the process of building a new church is on your community, which is why we promise to stand side-by-side with you every step of the way: from breaking ground, until we hand you the keys to your new worship facility. This is an integral part to the fellowship we develop with the community. PAR believes in building an everlasting relationship with both the pastor and congregation.
Please enjoy the PARwebsite. You will see our vast portfolio of wonderful and beautifully constructed church layouts, along with detailed information regarding our church design process. You will have the opportunity to learn more about the PARcompany, along with the exceptional team responsible for the continued success regarding our church construction projects.Once you have thoroughly viewed the website, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions concerning how to plan your church build, or the phases of church construction.
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Par Church Builders
Something NEW is here! But before I introduce it to you let me first welcome you to the Information Gateway of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. Established in 1952, RCCG is a growing church with Parishes of the church in over 178 countries of the world.
In other to bring our members closer to the heartbeat of God we have provided them with useful resources that will enrich their spiritual life from this platform. Among other resources available for you on this platform includes: Life transforming Video & Audio Messages, Image Galleries, Sunday School Manuals, Digging Deep & SOD Manuals, Newsletters & Spiritual blogs. These resources will certainly help you to grow. We have new additions to this, kindly click on the RCCG ePRODUCTS to download our REDEMPTION HYMNAL, 2014-2015 SUNDAY SCHOOL manual. Please make sure you download versions compatible to your mobile devices.
Beloved, David once faced a Lion that was the champion of the forest and killed it. This was what gave David the boldness to confront Goliath the champion of the city saying to him that the Lord who gave me strength and wisdom to kill a Lion & a bear that attacked my flocks the same Almighty God will give me wisdom and strength needed to do the same thing to Goliath of Gad.
Your ability to achieve a particular goal is a function of the ones you have achieved in the past through the help of the Almighty God. When the Lord decided to move us from the FIRST AUDITORIUM at the Redemption Camp, there were many people who felt that the auditorium we were moving from was the biggest they had ever seen or had. Also, when the Lord decided to move us away from the SECOND AUDITORIUM to the ARENA where we presently worship, many said it was impossible, but it happened. Today, the Lord is set to move us to a bigger arena because the children need to occupy the present one.
Many of us have lost our miracles because we stopped too soon. A divine champion sets goals believing that with God, nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37). I have been challenged by people who say, what we want to do now is impossible. The moment you say it is impossible; I will want to show you that it is possible. It could take some sweating, fasting, night vigils and a little extra effort, but whatever goals divine champions set before God, they will get it. As a divine champion, it is not all the time you set a goal that you realize it at first instance. Many times, you have to try and try over and over again before you succeed. The important thing is that as a child of God you will win at the endand there is a reward of everlasting victory and permanent joy for every divine champion that achieves his divine goals.
To this end I want to encourage you to join hands with us in completing our NEW AUDITORIUM and if you are ready kindly click on NEW AUDITORIUM to put in your widows mite. You can also click on NEHEMIAH BUILDERS to join a number of committed brethren who had decided to task themselves a little bit more to ensure we achieved this goal for the Lord our God in our time. God bless you in Jesus name.
Let somebody shout Hallelujah!
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Official Website of The Redeemed Christian Church of God