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A recent study by the Rainer Group of over 300 recently completed church building programs highlighted in their report the benefit of completing a feasibility study prior to construction.
Their study validates and reinforces the need for careful pre-construction planning that we repeat over and over again in our ebook. Planning that most churches just are just not equipped to complete in a timely, objective and accurate manner.
It's Not the Church's Fault...
This is just not something that most churches have the necessary experience to do themselves. Ultimately a feasibility study does not have to cost the church anything.
It Needs to be Done...
But if you were honest with yourself, you would probably agree that as a whole, your church leadership team does not have the practical experience or training to do an effective and objective analysis.
There's Too Much at Risk...
Hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars are on the line, not to mention the effectiveness and the well-being of your ministry. Learn more about a feasibility study for your church and how it will save you time, money, stress and effort.
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Church Construction - Building your New Church
Give your Church the space it needs to grow while saving time and money with a steel church building.
Is your church running out of space? Think you cant afford to build right now? Most people just dont realize how affordable steel church buildings are. We can show you the way to save up to 50 % off the cost of conventional construction and have your church built in a fraction of the time. Steel church building designs are quickly becoming the most popular choice among many religious organizations. Steel buildings offer a cost effective, flexible, low maintenance and energy efficient structure that can be designed to fit almost any situation.
Most church buildings require large open spaces. One of the great advantages of steel church buildings is you can maintain a clear-span of up to 300 ft wide. Having a large space that is column-free, you gain the flexibility to satisfy even the most complex space design needs while still maintaining an obstacle free environment.
Steel church buildings no longer have to look like a warehouse. Most churches love the advantages of steel buildings but dont realize that a Steel Building can be designed to look almost any way you can imagine, including stone, brick, slate and stucco. Standard Steel also carries a complete line of personnel doors, roll-up doors, windows and accessories that can help you customize your new building project.
Financing can be an important part of your church building project. Standard Steel Buildings has made arrangements with several different lending companies that specialize in church building Financing. With dozens of different programs, from church start ups, to multi-million dollar projects, we can help with all your church building Financing.
Our steel church buildings are shipped from 21 manufacturing plants within the United States. All of our shipping points are AISC certified (American Institute Of Steel Construction) and in good standing with the MBMA (Metal Building Manufacturing Association). We take great pride in using American steel, ensuring that our customers receive only the best quality church steel buildings available.
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Church loans from The Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma help build local ministries while serving the higher calling of the Southern Baptist church. Rather than funneling dollars to secular organizations, Foundation loan recipients receive competitive loan rates while keeping their money within the Baptist ministry.The Foundation offers loans for new construction, facility renovation and expansion, and any other church-related purpose. And all of our church loans offer significant benefits, including:
All Interest Distributed to Kingdom Causes Interest paid on church loans through The Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma is distributed to more than 300 Southern Baptist ministries and charitable causes each year. In a typical year, almost $4 million in interest from church loans helps support Baptist and charitable organizations across Oklahoma, the nation, and around the world.
Competitive Terms and Interest Rates In most cases, the Foundation terms and interest rates are competitive, if not better, than other lending sources.
Low Closing Costs The only closing costs associated with the Foundations loan program are an Origination Fee, the cost of mortgage title, Insurance and a mortgage filing fee. The Foundation doesnt require a certified appraisal, a land survey of the churchs property, or EPA or other environmental reports.
No Prepayment Penalties We recognize that anytime a church borrows money, they want to get out of debt as quickly as possible. To that end, we never penalize a church for prepaying a loan.
Fast and Convenient Financing All that is required to begin the loan process is to submit a Church Building Loan application.
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Construction and Building Loans from a Christian Ministry
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Church Grants for Ministry Programs
Churches looking for grants and donations face a difficult challenge. Getting money for your church from the government has become an endeavor, that with few exceptions, is a waste of time, especially from the Federal and State sources. There are millions of dollars of money for ministry and faith based programs, unfortunately, most churches do not have the experience or training to compete for this money. Did you notice the word compete? You have to compete for the money.
There are hundreds of thousands of applications every year by churches and religious organizations for grant money from foundations and private contributors. Many of those non-profit organizations applying for funding are anything but Christian, but they do have more experience, and they are getting dollars that could be going to your faith based organization.
Many of the grants available for new church construction are limited to denominational, and in some cases, geographic resources. There are going to be few government resources for construction. However, most mainline denominations have grant programs for church development that can provide some funds for new church construction. There are also foundations that offer church grants for planting churches in rural or urban areas. In urban areas undergoing redevelopment, the local government might provide a church grants to assist in renovating existing property in the redevelopment area.
Your Biggest Source of Money is Probably Sitting in Your Pews! All too often churches start looking for money outside the congregation when they should start a little closer to home! According to a recent Barna report, only about 5% of Christians give 10% or more to the church. It varies by demographic group, 24% of born-again evangelicals tithed, while 20% of conservatives did, and only about 2% of Catholics did. The good news is that there is a vast untapped potential right in your own church.
A proven church stewardship program can increase giving in your church 20, 30, or 60% in just 5 weeks! If you would like to increase giving and help grow people spiritually in the important grace of giving, the Dynamic Giving Stewardship Program has been used in over 1,000 churches in 13 countries.
If you are planning on building and feel your members are already giving well to the general fund, you should investigate a church capital campaign.
The Abundant Giving Capital campaign is a biblical and proven method that will help your church raise money for building, relocation, or debt retirement.
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Building For TomorrowToday Evangelic Pentecostal Church NJ District Council Assemblies of God Sacred Heart R.C. Church St. Andrew the Apostle R.C. Church St. John R.C. Church St. Francis of Assisi R.C. Church Evangelic Pentecostal Church Union City, New Jersey
New 22,000 s.f. church building inclusive of worship space with balcony, fellowship hall, commercial kitchen, offices, classrooms, baptismal pool, parking garage and elevator. Project involved installing 185 wood piles for foundation support.
New 18,000 s.f. Assemblies of God Headquarters inclusive of meeting rooms, board room, offices, full kitchen with cafeteria, work rooms and elevator. Site work entailed extensive work on an 11 acre site.
Complete interior painting and restoration inclusive of plaster repair, mural restoration, gold leafing and lighting upgrades.
New Narthex addition to existing church building inclusive of double grand entrance staircase, elevator, sacristy and gathering area.
Complete interior renovation inclusive of flooring, painting, woodwork refinishing and reconfiguration of Chapel of Reservation.
Complete interior painting and decorating inclusive of glazing and gold leaf highlighting.
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HiFive Development Services is a leader in providing design-build construction services in the Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana region. As a design-builder, we offer a one-stop shop for all of your church construction project needs church design, church architects, financing assistance, church capital campaign consulting, land consulting, and much more.
Design-build construction when a single company both designs and builds a facility offers advantages that cant be found in other project delivery methods, especially for faith-based organizations. HiFive Church Group was created to ensure our clients capitalize on those advantages with every project.
Single point responsibility With HiFive, you have a single point of project responsibility. There is no finger-pointing. Your project team is focused on delivering quality and meeting your goals rather than protecting their individual interests.
Minimized claims and changes HiFive is responsible for both supplying the designs and specifications for the project, and bringing them to life during construction. You wont face the delays and additional construction costs arising out of errors, ommissions and ambiguities in plans found in traditional construction methods.
Improved coordination and cooperation HiFive is a single, coordinated team focused on serving you and delivering a quality, exceptional facility. Team members make decisions cooperatively. Communication is simplified and chances of miscommunication are reduced when there is a clear source of project responsibility and a focused project team.
Shortened project delivery time Because there is a single source of project responsibility, design and construction activities can overlap, resulting in reduced time to project completion and cost savings.
Limited risk With design, construction, and cost knowledge working together cooperatively to develop a quality facility, you have better control of design and cost. Communication errors, conflicts of interests, and fragmented construction responsibility are risks the HiFive team will control.
Explore more of HiFive Church Group at Church-Designer.com >
Below, youll see a video with testimonials of the work weve done with other churches, as well as a portfolio with a selection of our church projects.
Church Design And Construction | HiFive Development Services
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Often pastors or building committees come to us with nothing but an idea for their church or religious building. That vision quickly turns into reality through our complete Design Build General Contracting services in Tampa. Miller Contracting offers the conceptual thinking and project leadership skills to turn a simple sketch into a new worship center or fellowship hall. From early sketches and concepts we will begin developing accurate estimates to produce a design of a project within your budget, an important consideration when you want your entire congregation behind the endeavor. When you want to build a church, pre-engineered steel church buildings are often a great choice. The church building sites showcase our projects of church construction in Tampa.
A 7,100 square feet masonry, wood truss and terra cotta tile roof church with full kitchen, ancillary offices, nursery and choir room was constructed while services were being held in an adjacent modular structure. The site was completely altered so that all the parking was paved, a complete storm water retention system installed including a re-grading of 500 of right of way to convey overflow from the pond to the state highway. Over 700 of sidewalks were constructed in the right of way including a small bridge over the outfall from the pond.
A 6,000 square feet pre-engineered steel church building with stucco applied over wire lathe over steel wall panels to save costs over conventional masonry construction. A design build project utilizes a septic system with pump to convey effluent to a remote drain field behind the existing church offices. Extensive precautions were taken throughout the construction to protect the large oak trees that surround the church.
A 5,000 square feet masonry wall and pre-engineered steel church building roof with HVAC package units located at exterior of the rear of the church to save interior space. This design-build project was completed in 4 months once on site construction commenced.
Four interior columns and wood girder trusses support this distinctive clerestory roof of this Buddhist Temple.
This pre-engineered steel building church has a full kitchen, fellowship hall and several classrooms.
A mirror was placed above the baptistery so that the ceremony can easily be seen from anywhere in the sanctuary. Extensive lighting and sound equipment was installed for the choir productions that the church is known for hosting.
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Church Construction Tampa | Miller Contracting , Inc.
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Home – Secaucus, NJ -
June 10, 2016 by
Mr HomeBuilder
Last night the Mayor was admitted to the hospital and received treatment for a stroke. He is currently under doctors care. The doctors are continuing to provide expert treatment to facilitate his recovery. We are waiting for further updates on his condition and on his expected return. We do not have any information as to how long he will be in the hospital.
The road work originally scheduled for Wednesday June 8th has been moved to Thursday June 9th.
Please remember that Residential Parking is enforced from 9:00 am-4:00 pm Monday through Friday. Read more ...
Due to an issue with Verizon's 911 emergency phone lines that run underneath Meadowlands Parkway, Verizon crews will be working to repair the system for at least the next two weeks between9 am to 4 pmon weekdays and7 amSaturdays to7 pmon Sundays in an effort to complete this important work as expeditiously as possible. During this work it will be necessary to close lanes on Meadowlands Parkway and you may experience traffic delays. Please plan you travels accordingly.
A complete list of events taking place this month throughout the community
On Monday, May 9, police Chief Kevin Flaherty announced the Secaucus Police Departmentwent live with a new State of the Art Motorola Police Radio System. Chief Flaherty said, Thenew system provides crystal clear radio transmissions from both the car and portable radios atany location within the town. Read more ...
The Town of Secaucus is excited to announce the upcoming events, concerts, and movies for the summer season.
Download the Summertime in Secaucus brochure (movies, tot center, parks, pool and summer camp)
Download the Summer Concert Series Brochure
Register online at Community Pass: coming soon - check back
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Home - Secaucus, NJ
Clayton Construction Company has a deep Christian foundation that perpetuates through its daily operations and guides the company in all its endeavors. Our company has worked diligently over the past three decades to establish a solid reputation of excellence in the religious community.
Through our ability to work together with church leaders and the entire church community, Clayton Constructionhas proven its reliability and trustworthy nature on diverse church building construction projects in Greenville, Spartanburg, and surrounding Upstate, SC areas. We strive to make the construction process a great experience that has a deep impact on the lives of those who worship, work, and play in spaces we build.
Hilton Head, SC
Camden, SC
Spartanburg, SC
Pickens, SC
Spartanburg, SC
Boiling Springs, SC
Spartanburg, SC
Spartanburg, SC
Central, SC
Boiling Springs, SC
Boiling Springs, SC
Greenville, SC
Pelzer, SC
Greer, SC
Lyman, SC
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Church Building Construction | Greenville & Spartanburg SC
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The North Carolina Annual Conference is in a unique position when it comes to helping your congregation when in need for construction/renovation project assistance. Through the NC Conference Board of Missions Incorporated, our Conference is itself, a licensed General Contractor within the State of North Carolina.
No project is too large or too small for us to be in consultation with you, and through our construction consultant, we can assist you with total new construction, new additions, renovations and historic preservation.
What makes us unique is that we attempt, where possible, to blend the use of professional sub-contractors with volunteers arranging with you to tap into the volunteer pool within your own congregation, or from other church communities beyond. We view this as an opportunity for mission outreach and connectional growth.
Whether you are in a position to raise all of the funds you need, or need to take advantage of loan opportunities through the Conference or traditional lender, our general policy is to offer a compensation program that could significant lower the congregations construction costs.
A vision of possibility
The Board of Missions Incorporated, also offers a very competitive revolving-loan ministry. Loan rates are competitive and fixed. The only additional cost borne by the congregation is the loan filing cost with your local county. Typically these fees are less than $50. Also, there are no penalties for early loan pay-off. All proceeds from interest charged are rolled back into the construction ministry.
In addition to offering construction oversight, we do strive to be a good host in partnership with the congregation doing the building and in providing a hospitable environment for out-of Conference individual and group volunteers.
You can learn more about the NC Conference construction ministry and see updates on the latest jobs at
For more information, please feel free to contact the Board of Missions at: Church Construction Ministry
800-849-4433 ext 256 or contact Kathy Duncan at kduncan@nccumc.org
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