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CISA sent an unusual warning late last week. The federal cybersecurity agency instructed government IT departments to drop everything and patch their Windows servers.
The source of all their fears? The Zerologon vulnerability, disclosed last week. Augusts patch Tuesday fixed the bug, but its feared many organizations will have delayed installing it on their AD domain controllers.
The thing is,Zerologon rates a perfect 10 on the CVSS scale. In todays SBBlogwatch, we run and hide.
Your humble blogwatchercurated these bloggy bits for your entertainment. Not to mention:Maiden Goes To Hollywood.
Whats the craic, Zack?Mister Whittaker reportsHomeland Security issues rare emergency alert:
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, better known as CISA, [is] requiring all federal departments and agencies to immediately patch any Windows servers vulnerable to the so-called Zerologon attackciting an unacceptable risk to government networks. Rated the maximum 10.0 in severity, [it] could allow an attacker to take control of any or all computers on a vulnerable network, including domain controllers.The bug was appropriately called Zerologon, because an attacker doesnt need to steal or use any network passwords to gain access to the domain controllers. With complete access to a network, an attacker could deploy malware, ransomware, or steal sensitive internal files.Although the CISA alert only applies to federal government networks, the agency said it strongly urges companies and consumers to patch their systems as soon as possible if not already.
AndDan Goodin addsAgencies that dont update must disconnect all domain controllers:
Microsoft published a patch last Tuesday. No later than 11:59pm EDT on Wednesday, agencies are to submit a completion report attesting the update has been applied to all affected servers or provide assurance that newly provisioned or previously disconnected servers will be patched.Its possible for attackers to exploit the vulnerability over the Internet [if] organizations expose their domain controllers. [Or, if they] have exposed Server Message Blockor Remote Procedure Call, [it] may be exploitable. Queries using the Binary Edge search service show that almost 30,000 domain controllers are viewable and another 1.3 million servers have RPC exposed.Zerologon is tracked as CVE-2020-1472. Further raising that stakes was the release by multiple researchers of proof-of-concept exploit code that could provide a roadmap for malicious hackers.Researchers continue to find evidence that people are actively developing attack code. Given the stakes and the amount of publicly available information about the vulnerability, it wouldnt be surprising to see in-the-wild exploits emerge in the coming days.
Feeling smug because you dont use Windows?Stop that, say Sambas Andrew Bartlett and Douglas Bagnall:
Installations running Samba asthe Active Directory DC [or] the classic/NT4-style DC [are] vulnerable. However, since version 4.8the default behaviour of Samba has been to insist on a secure netlogon channelequivalent to having server schannel = yes in the smb.conf.Versions 4.8 and above are not vulnerable unless they have the smb.conf lines server schannel = no or server schannel = auto. Samba versions 4.7 and below are vulnerable unless they have server schannel = yes. Each domain controller needs the correct settings in its smb.conf.Samba 4.10.18, 4.11.13, and 4.12.7 have been issued as security releases to correct the defect. Samba administrators are advised to upgrade to these releases or apply the patch as soon as possible.Our Code, Our Bugs, Our Responsibility.
Wait. Pause.?Why havent these IT people already done the job? v1 cant understand whats taking them so long:
The CVE was initially released on August 11. Funny theyre just now in a hurry to patch a severity-10 thats been out now for six weeks.Granted, it took Microsoft until last Tuesday to publish a patch, but any competent admin would have looked at that and said that goes on now and has already closed that barn door. Sure, tell the idiots to get it done immediately, then review the completion reports and fire everyone that waited until they were ordered to patch their servers, and hire competent replacements.
Butacdha reckons it aint that simple:
Youre missing the biggest reason: enterprise IT shops with strict change management processes and, especially in government, years of austerity budgets cutting resources for both sysadmins and rigorous testing.If you have a charge management process which takes a month to approve updates, the problem is not the sysadmin. If years of skimping means that the operators are afraid to patch because theyll be punished if it breaks things and they dont have a robust testing process, the problem is not the sysadmin.This is more expensive than people like to admit. You either need to accept lower security/reliability or spend more on staff, capacity, and licenses. Lots of places try to cut that corner and itll seem to work until, as Warren Buffet likes to say, the tide goes out.This is a really tricky problem in government because the pay scales can be very hard to change. Historically the higher-level positions were senior and relatively limited, so its not like you can just effortlessly bump all of your developer positions up to the highest grade without hitting budget caps. That probably means youre hiring people at lower levels which are more like entry level pay.
AndDeputy Cartmans been there done that bought the T-shirt:
Once organizations reach a certain size, they seem to instill a very very strong sense of Dont rock the boat if you dont have to mindset. You want to be proactive and apply a patch? Well what if it breaks something!? Just sit on your ***, keep looking at Tik-Tok, and counting down the days for your pension.Fix **** after the duct tape breaks, and move on with your life. Im already starting to feel this way at my defense company job due to its size. Fixing all the **** Im seeing thats pants-on-head stupid would go about as well as punching a concrete wall until my fists are hamburger.Just roll your eyes, take your time with that 8th cup of coffee, and just do what you can.
What went wrong, anyway?With a neat precis, heres tialaramex:
This is an amazing bug. What happens is, youre supposed to fill out a bunch of bytes as proof of who you are, and then a bunch of bytes that represent stuff like seconds since the start of the Unix epoch. If you cant do this, NetLogon figures you arent really who you say you are.The exploit is: Fill everything out with all zeroes. This will succeed one time in 256 on average.[It] isnt a bug in the code, its a design mistake: If you implement exactly what Microsofts design document says for NetLogon, one time in 256 all zeroes lets you in. By design. Stupid stupid design.It stands out how terrible Microsoft is at cryptographic design. Microsoft does this over and over.
IT people deserve blame too.Coppercloud dreams up the best simile:
Wait, people have domain controllers present on the public internet? Like, no firewall, port forwarded or no NAT, no VPN? Just out there?This is plugging a hole in a leaky chicken fence and hoping it floats.
Cue:the inevitable conspiracy theory. jiggawatts approaches 88 mph:
I am now convinced that Microsoft is purposefully degrading the quality of the cryptography at the behest of the NSA. Microsoft products have all of the following current cryptographic problems: There is no support for TLS 1.3. HSTS is very hit and miss. Until very recently, youd have to jump through hoops to enable TLS 1.1 and 1.2. Across a forest trust, RC4 is the default cipher. If you try to enforce AES ciphers youll break some forms of single-sign-on from Azure AD. If you use ECC certificates, youre stuck with the handful of now very thoroughly legacy curves. You cant have elliptic curve certificates with: NDES, AD FS, SQL Server, SCCM until very recently, and in fact just about every Microsoft product except for IIS. Which I remind you still cant do TLS 1.3. Azure Key Vault cant issue anything but RSA certificates from third-party CAs. The NSA does exist. They do degrade cryptographic algorithms, either through national security letters or simply bribery. The Dual_EC_DRBG fiasco happened. It really happened. Private United States based organisations do cooperate with these programs, either willingly or because they are forced to.Its one thing to accuse a neighbour randomly of murder. Its entirely another thing if you see them putting a shockingly large and heavy rolled up carpet in the boot of their car.
Meanwhile,kaur thinks a thought experiment:
Every country in the world is [asking] questions: Why do we use a consumer OS built by an US company? Can we trust USA to be our ally and not abuse its power over Microsoft? Can we trust USA to stay our ally in the forseeable future?
Maiden Goes To Hollywood
Previously in And Finally
You have been readingSBBlogwatchbyRichiJennings. Richi curates the best bloggy bits, finest forums, and weirdest websites so you dont have to. Hate mail may be directed to@RiCHiorsbbw@richi.uk. Ask your doctor before reading. Your mileage may vary. E&OE. 30.
Image sauce: Ryan McGuire (via Pixabay)
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Feds Yell PATCH NOW over Windows AD Zerologon Vuln - Security Boulevard
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From a young age, Columbus native Shalee Darringer found herself drawn to the Crump Theatre.
Every time she passed it, shed look at the building and longed to go inside.
At five years old, Darringer had a dream: When it was time for her to do her senior project in high school, she wanted to involve the Crump in some way.
Now, in Darringers final year at Columbus East High School, that dream has become a reality.
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For her senior project, Darringer is focusing on helping the Crump Theatre and, as she put it, promoting "healthier lives in our community." As part of these efforts, shes organized a volunteer clean-up day for the Crump this Saturday, with two shifts: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Each shift has a maximum capacity of 80 people.
With the condition that the inside of the Crump is in right now, the only way that were going to be able to open that up or, like, actually begin the entire restoration process is if we go in there and clean everything out," she said.
In addition to the fire and safety hazards that have kept the building from reopening, Darringer said that the Crump has water damage, mold and mildew.
Theres been a crew thats been working on this for almost a year now, and theyve gotten a lot done personally, but I feel like the more people we have come in, the more well get done," she said.
To help get rid of the damage, some of the workers called the "demo crew" on Darringers sign-up page will be tearing out carpet, removing attached materials and getting rid of anything that can hold water. A hauling crew will then carry all "unnecessary items" outside.
Darringer said that both the demo and hauling crews will be provided with N-95 masks and gloves for their own safety. She stated that the building will be aired out before the first shift begins, and workers will be placed near doors on the first floor, away from any of the "extremely harmful spots."
She added that there will only be a relatively small number of people working inside the building; the majority of volunteers will be outside in order to socially distance.
The exterior maintenance crew will pull vines off the building and clean its front, and the outside cleaning crew will clean materials that are needed for fundraising.
Thats another part of Darringers senior project she plans to auction off items from the Crump to raise funds to buy protective gear for future cleanup efforts. She said this includes gloves and N-95 masks.
Darringer said that she and her project mentor, Jess Schnepp, are setting up an online auction on items from the Crump, including audio tubes and old marquis letters.
Theyre also planning another volunteer event in October to take down the "Love Letters to the Crump" curtains that hang on the buildings exterior wall as part of a 2019 Exhibit Columbus installation. Darringer said that the curtains will be repurposed into reusable shopping bags and sold or auctioned to raise more funds for protective gear.
Shes very passionate about the theatre," said Schnepp. "And she has been working her tail off."
Schnepp is also the community development coordinator for the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp., an admin on the "Save the Crump Theatre" Facebook group, and project coordinator for the "the Crump Project," separate from Darringers senior project.
We are in phase one, which is prevent and protect, and thats making emergency repairs that might need done to the building, while also accessing the building to see if theres any other repairs that need to be done," Schnepp said. She added that the work also includes working with volunteers to clean up the building and getting quotes from contractors on repairs.
Darringer said Schnepp was the one who told her that helping the Crump as part of her senior project was actually doable.
"Up until last year, that [the Crump] was my only reason I had not wanted to leave Columbus," Darringer said. As a senior, Darringer is looking into different colleges and doesnt necessarily plan to stay close to home.
But before leaving, she wanted to see the Crump get some much-needed love.
"I want to see something actually being done with that, and the way to make me feel better about that is to be part of doing so," she said.
Darringer and Schnepp started making plans for her senior project last November, just after the Crumps 130th "birthday." The celebration was the first time Darringer ever entered the Crump, after years of looking in from the outside and dreaming, from the age of five, about helping the theatre.
For Schnepp, five years old is also a milestone age its when she saw her first movie, "The Dark Crystal," at the Crump. She said the experience left a "lasting impression" on her.
Its that kind of memory that students hope to create by helping revive the Crump, Schnepp said. Darringer isnt the only one whos come to her about the theatre; another senior is planning his project around the theatre as well. In fact, Schnepp said that "students of all ages" have reached out to her about the Crump.
Some of them attribute their interest to the effects of isolation amid the pandemic.
After being quarantined because of COVID and having to do everything virtual, they really want to start having real-life experiences," Schnepp said. "They want to come see a concert. They want to go see a movie. You know, they want to go see a play or a comedian. They want to go do things. And so I think maybe thats part of the draw, is the possibility of a future where they have some place to go and do things.
If you go
To sign up for the Crump clean-up, volunteers can go to the "Clean Up the Crump" event page on Facebook and click on the link under the "Tickets" section, which will take them to a sign-up page for volunteer shifts.
There are two clean-up shifts: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 12:30-3 p.m. Each shift has a max capacity of 80 people. Volunteers can sign up for the following jobs:
The majority of volunteers will be working outside, so as to maintain social distancing. Those working inside will be spaced out.
Volunteers should wear close-toed shoes and clothes they dont mind getting dirty. The inside workers will be given N-95 masks and gloves to protect from mold and mildew.
Darringer said that theyre asking for the demo crew to bring carpet knives and other tools to help with their work. The cleaning crew is asked to bring glass cleaner and paper towels. The exterior crew is asked to bring tools to help with either landscaping or work on the marquis.
Where to learn more
More updates on Darringers senior project and Crump clean-up efforts are available at The Crump Theatre page on Facebook and the "Save the Crump Theatre" Facebook group.
Schnepp said that anyone with questions can email her at thecrumptheatre@gmail.com.
Shalee said that they are also partnering with BCSF to raise funds. With a minimum donation of $50 to the school foundation, individuals will receive Columbus Book which contains a "great picture of the Crump." Half of the proceeds will go to the project; the other half will go to the school foundation. More information is available at http://www.bcsfstars.org.
About senior projects
As part of their graduation requirement, all Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. students are required to complete a senor project.
According to Columbus Easts website, "The Senior Capstone Experience/Senior Project is a student-selected exploration of a topic which results in a research paper, a project or a product, and a presentation. The Senior Capstone Experience moves students away from departmentalized learning toward a more interdisciplinary approach. This approach is one which allows students to use a variety of skills in the areas of writing, speaking, research, and documentation. Upon completion of the Senior Capstone Experience, students have learned more about their topics, their community, and, most importantly, about themselves."
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Stage and screen and everything clean: East senior organizes Saturday Crump clean-up - The Republic
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Courtroom battles. Victories and appeals. Allegations of a judicial conspiracy.
Political parties are involved in a flurry of Ohio lawsuits surrounding the 2020 General Election before the first votes here have been cast.
The Ohio Democratic Party and other voter advocacy groups have filed lawsuits against Secretary of State Frank LaRose seeking to change certain aspects of how the election will be conducted.
Republican interests including the Trump reelection campaign have filed to intervene in each case, arguing any changes enacted could lead to a competitive disadvantage.
Here is an explainer of what the cases are about, and how the results may affect Ohio voters this election season:
Drop BoxesThere are two pending lawsuits related to the use of ballot drop boxes.
Background:Ohioans who request an absentee ballot have two available methods of returning it. They can mail it back to their countys board of elections office, or they can drop it off in a secure drop box located at that office.
Secretary LaRose issued a directiveto all 88 counties that they are to make one drop box available for the fall election. Ohio Democrats and voter rights groups want more drop boxes made available in other areas of Ohio, not just one located in each county seat.
The suits: Ohio Democrats sued LaRose in Franklin County Common Pleas Court with the hopes that a judge would deem LaRoses directive invalid thus letting county boards of elections install more drop boxes if they so choose.
In court, LaRoses lawyers argued that Ohio already provides numerous ways for people to vote safely and conveniently, with no further change necessary. The Democratic Partys lawyers argued that no existing state law prohibits the installation of more drop boxes.
The Democrats believe drop boxes are a useful tool for voting this fall, as both a way to avoid casting a ballot in person amid the pandemic and also to avoid any postal delays.
The Trump presidential campaign, the Ohio Republican Party, the Republican National Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee all jointly filed to intervene as party defendants. In essence, this means they appeared in court to argue against the plaintiffs case.
Collectively, they argued that changing the number of drop boxes in each county could alter the competitive environment for the 2020 election.
There is a second lawsuit related to drop boxes filed in federal court. The League of Women Voters and several other advocacy groups are also suing LaRose over the drop box issue. Republicans have intervened in the case. A hearing is scheduled for Sept. 23.
Result of lawsuits:In Franklin County, Judge Richard Frye ruled that existing state law does not support LaRoses one-drop box-per-county directive. Frye ruled it would be lawful for counties to install more drop boxes as they see fit.
After some legal back-and-forth, Frye wound up issuing an injunction to prevent enforcement of the drop box directive. LaRose has appealed the ruling, and the injunction is halted until the appeal can be heard.
After the ruling was announced, the Ohio Republican Party issued multiple tweets and statements accusing Frye, a Democrat, of having colluded with the plaintiffs during the case.
Those Republican statements received immediate backlash,including a lengthy condemnationfrom Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen OConnor, a Republican.
Every one of Ohios 722 judges, 800 magistrates, and numerous active-retired judges should be greatly concerned and voice their dismay at the irresponsible Republican Party allegation that politics controlled the judges decision, OConnor wrote. This is a blatant and unfounded attack on the independence of the Ohio judiciary.
The tweets were later deleted. A lawyer for the Ohio Republicans told Frye the legal counsel was not involved with issuing the accusatory statements.
How do these cases affect voters?This legal result may be the difference between having a longer trip to the drop box or a quicker one.
If LaRose prevails, there will still be one drop box available in each county. If not, some county boards of elections may choose to quickly install other boxes before early voting begins Oct. 6.
Online absentee ballot requestsBackground:In Ohio, eligible voters must request an absentee ballot before receiving one.
LaRose issued a directive to the 88 counties that they should only accept absentee request forms that are dropped off or mailed to the board of elections office.
Ohio lawstates an absentee ballot application need not be in any particular form, but must contain specific pieces of voter information such as an address and date of birth.
Voting rights advocates want to see this system modernized to allow for online ballot requests, as it already does for military and overseas voters. (Ohio also currently allows for online voter registration.)
LaRose has said he supports this change, but believes it must come from a new law passed by the state legislature. State Sen. Theresa Gavarone, R-Bowling Green,introduced legislationto this effect in 2019 but it has not gained much traction.
The Ohio Democratic Party sued LaRose in Franklin County Common Pleas Court, with the phrase need not be in any particular form at the center of its lawsuit. The suit hoped to have a judge declare that boards of elections could accept absentee ballot requests from all voters by digital means.Once again, Republicans and the Trump campaign intervened and argued such a change could alter the elections competitive environment.
Result of lawsuit:On Sept. 11, Common Pleas Judge Stephen McIntosh ruled in favor of the Democrats. McIntosh issued an injunction to prevent enforcement of LaRoses directive.
LaRoses office quickly appealed the ruling to the 10th District Court of Appeals in Ohio. The injunction is halted so that the appeal can be heard.
LaRose said in a statement that McIntoshs ruling would make Ohio vulnerable to cyberattacks. He takes issue with elections officials having to potentially download emailed attachments of completed ballot applications.
Todays ruling rolls out the red carpet to Russian hackers painting a giant bullseye on the back of our election system and upending the significant progress Ohio has made on elections cyber security, he said.
The appeal is pending.
How does this case affect voters?The ruling would impact the way in which voters would be able to request absentee ballots over the next six weeks.Election Day is Nov. 3; an absentee ballot request must be received by an elections office at noon on Saturday, Oct. 31 in order for it to be processed.
Should the lower courts ruling hold up, voters would be able to send in the request digitally rather than through the mail.
Regardless of form, LaRose has urged Ohioans to not wait until that final available day to submit the ballot request he warned it may be impossible for a ballot to be mailed out to a voter and returned in time to be counted.
An absentee ballot must be postmarked by Nov. 2, the day before the election, in order to count. Or it can be dropped off at a ballot drop box up until polls close at 7:30 p.m. on Election Day.
Signature matchingBackground:In Ohio, voters have to sign their absentee ballots and ballot request forms. Elections officials compare these signatures to the one on a voters original registration. If its a match, the ballot is deemed valid. If not, it may be rejected.The Associated Press reportedthat thousands of Ohio absentee requests were denied in 2018 because of missing or mismatched signatures.
The signature check is viewed as a way to verify the correct person is filling out an absentee ballot. Voting advocacy groups believe the system is too subjective and leaves otherwise eligible voters vulnerable to disenfranchisement.
In July, the League of Women Voters of Ohio and the A. Philip Randolph Institute filed a lawsuit against LaRose in U.S. District Court.
The lawsuit seeks that the court declare the signature matching process (as currently practiced) to be unconstitutional. The plaintiffs want to see uniform standards put into place, and hope the court will issue an injunction to prevent county boards of elections from carrying out signature matching checks until such standards are enacted by LaRoses office.
Republicans have intervened in the case.
Result of lawsuit:Judge Michael Watson has yet to decide on the matter of issuing an injunction.
How does this case affect voters?This depends on how the court rules, and in what way absentee voter verification may be altered for future elections.
LaRose has said county boards will work to contact voters directly if there are issues with their ballots, with a cure period in place to get valid ballots properly counted.
Tyler Buchanan is an award-winning journalist who has covered Ohio politics and government for the past decade. A Bellevue native and graduate of Bowling Green State University, he most recently spent 6 1/2 years as a reporter and editor of The Athens Messenger and Vinton-Jackson Courier newspapers. He is a member of the BG News Alumni Society Board and was a 2019 fellow in the Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism.
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What's going on with all the Ohio elections lawsuits? An explainer - The Highland County Press
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Edwardsville American Legion Post 199 is among the organizations that say it can benefit from video gaming.
Edwardsville American Legion Post 199 is among the organizations that say it can benefit from video gaming.
Photo: Intelligencer File Photo
Edwardsville American Legion Post 199 is among the organizations that say it can benefit from video gaming.
Edwardsville American Legion Post 199 is among the organizations that say it can benefit from video gaming.
'It came as a shock': Edwardsville groups react to gaming ban
EDWARDSVILLE When a revised version of an ordinance allowing video gambling was voted on by the Edwardsville City Council on Sept. 25, proponents of the measure felt certain that it would pass.
But they were in for a surprise.
The council voted 3-4 against video gaming, with aldermen Jack Burns, Craig Louer and Art Risavy voting for the amended ordinance, which would have allowed the areas fraternal organizations, the Knights of Columbus, the Loyal Order of the Moose and the American Legion post, along with Class A and Class D liquor license holders to conduct video gaming.
The original video gaming ordinance would have allowed many bars and restaurants and other local businesses to have video gaming.
On Sept. 10, the administrative and community service (ACS) committee unanimously voted to modify the original ordinance.
With a limit on indoor dining and indoor drinking [due to the coronavirus], we have lost a lot of revenue, said Steve Bollman, manager of On the Hill Golf Course and Lounge at Edwardsville American Legion Post 199. Video gaming would be a great source of revenue that historically fraternal organizations have had. We had a couple of people from the city tell us that we had nothing to worry about and we would be getting the machines.
They said that the city cares about the fraternal organizations and the veterans organizations and they wanted to make sure [the video gaming ordinance] goes through to help those organizations, which are struggling at this time. That some of them went back on their word and changed their vote is kind of a sore subject.
Rob Eberhardt, a Post 199 board member and former post commander, is among those who spearheaded the push for video gaming.
Like Bollman, he was surprised not only by the amended ordinance being voted down but by some businesses being excluded.
It came as a shock because we felt we had enough support from the city, Eberhardt said. Running a restaurant is tough enough and running a Legion post is just as tough. Throw the pandemic on top of it and youve got some people who are in critical condition in terms of economics.
When Mayor [Hal] Patton came up with the proposal [for video gaming], it made great sense and he told me he hoped it would help the businesses that were struggling, as well as the service clubs in the area. He did extensive research on the impact that video gaming would have in the area and the new revenue that would be produced is significant.
The rejection of video gaming left some members of fraternal organizations feeling like they had been misled by the city. They feel that the alderman that voted against the ordinance are not representing the views of most residents.
Its not so much what you think its what the people of Edwardsville think, said Jim Acra, governor of Edwardsville Moose Lodge 1561. There was not one person that came to these meetings to oppose this. It was very disappointing because people didnt stand up and vote the way the way they need to vote.
I feel bad about the businesspeople of Edwardsville who are going to miss out on this. Then they turned around and voted so that nobody will be able to have it.
For organizations such as the Moose Lodge, video gaming could have a huge financial impact at a time when it is needed most.
Our gaming people have done games at the Moose Lodge for 30 years and they told us conservatively that if we bring in these machines, it could bring in $10,000 a month, Acra said. The big portion of our money was from renting our hall for parties and fundraisers and we havent had anything like that since March.
We did get a loan, but we also had money in the bank, so were blessed in two ways. But its still a huge challenge for us. If we get this money [from video gaming], we could do things like put down new carpeting in our social quarters, which is the bar area, and we could do some other improvements.
Bollman, likewise, cited a growing need for additional revenue at the American Legion.
We have much-needed maintenance on our building and we need money for scholarships, Eberhardt said. A lot of that money [from video gaming] can go to good things up here, including the citys Fourth of July fireworks display. They had to move it this year, but hopefully, we will get it back.
Were a not-for-profit, so there are no owners that benefit from the money we make here. It all goes back into the place or around the community. It helps us keep the prices low for hall rentals, weddings and fundraisers on the golf course. Events like that are what keep this place open.
For owners of bars and restaurants, the loss of potential revenue from video gaming is equally disappointing.
I didnt go to the first city council meeting [on Sept. 1], but Steve Seibert [co-owner of Big Daddys with Tim Bauer] told me about the second one, said Jason Armbruster, co-owner and operator of the Foundry Public House in Edwardsville. We didnt know a lot about it, but once we got into it, we found that could help so many people out.
Theres a lot of talk about addiction, but we as bar owners deal with that every day. If we have a bad drunk, we kick them out, and if we had bad gamblers, we would get them out too. Thats our responsibility to the public.
Armbruster was especially upset that bars and restaurants were excluded from the video gaming ordinance before it even came to a vote.
It was a weird situation and they tried to give it just to the fraternal organizations and gas stations, which is totally unfair, and even a lot of people in the fraternal organizations said you cant do that, said Armbruster, whose business partner at the Foundry is Rodney Lanham. In a day and a half, we got 370 signatures [supporting video gambling], but no one from the council ever came to my bar and got my opinion about it.
For a lot of people on the council, everything was I this and I that, and it doesnt seem like they are representing the people. It seems like they have their own agenda.
Armbruster said that if video gaming eventually is approved by the city, the Foundry does not intend to have any machines installed. But he supports the rights of other businesses and organizations to have video gaming.
Were fortunate enough that we have a huge patio, so were doing way better than most, even if were down 60 percent on the year, Armbruster said. But places like the Corner Tavern can totally use that revenue stream and the city could use it. Youre talking hundreds of thousands of dollars if everybody gets on board with it.
The earliest that the issue could be put before the voters is the April 6, 2021, consolidated election.
Proponents of video gaming feel they would have the voters support.
Were looking to have this put on the ballot in April, but its unfortunate that it has to do that long, Acra said. At the Moose Lodge, were going to move on and do what we need to do to survive. I know several of our members are going to be adamant about not getting some people reelected to the City Council, and that also comes up in April.
The citys share of the tax revenue would have been directed to water system improvements, business development programs, including faade improvement grants and historic renovation grants that directly benefit businesses.
For now, though, neither the city, nor local businesses and organizations, will be able to generate revenue from video gaming. Edwardsville, Glen Carbon and Maryville all banned video gaming. It is allowed in Madison County.
There are a lot of businesses that wont reopen unless they get something like this, Armbruster said. Its legitimate help and its not a handout. The businesses and the city can gain revenue and the state will get their cut.
Theyre constantly making it sound like were going to have degenerates coming in here and were going to put big neon signs in front of our building saying Slots. Its unfortunate that every other county around us has gaming and Edwardsville doesnt.
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'It came as a shock': Edwardsville groups react to gaming ban - The Edwardsville Intelligencer
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Trunk organizers are game-changers. They can quickly turn a cluttered, mess of an interior into a neatly packaged, nice place to spend time. This is especially true if you have kids, or love to go on long trips. Thinking about picking up an organizer for your car? Here are our favorites.
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Drive Auto's collapsible trunk organizer is the best-selling organizer on Amazon right now, and for good reason. It uses hooks to mount into place, so it doesn't move around while the car is in motion. There's also plenty of side pockets to all sorts of items, including work folders, mugs, phones, tablets, tools, and more.
Honey-Can-Do Folding Car Trunk Organizer
On a budget? This simple organizer from Honey-Can-Do has everything you need to get your trunk sorted out, all while being priced under $15. There are two main cargo areas, a handful of side pouches, and even handles on either end for easy transportation.
Picnic at Ascot Heavy Duty Rigid Base Trunk Organizer
On the higher end of the price spectrum sits Picnic at Ascot's heavy-duty trunk organizer. It's the most expensive item on this list, but its also the biggest, and comes with a removable cooler you can take with you once you arrive at your destination. If you're willing to drop the cash, you won't be disappointed.
FORTEM Car Trunk Organizer With Foldable Cover
If you want to keep your stuff covered or hidden from view, we recommend picking up Fortem's modular trunk organizer for your ride. It also uses hooks to hold itself in place, and comes with a handful of removable dividers, meaning you can modify it for your specific needs.
YoGi Prime Backrest-Mounted Car Trunk Organizer
Unlike your average box-type organizer, which sits on the floor of your back seat area or trunk, YoGi Prime's design is mean to be hung from your car's headrests. This saves space and makes for easy organization and access. Installation is easy, and hiding valuables is simple thanks to the built-in pouch covers.
Knodel Sturdy Car Trunk Organizer With Cooler Bag
Going on a road trip with family, and want to keep your snacks fresh? This organizer by Knodel comes with a built-in insulated cooler section perfect for keeping items at the right temperature for extended periods of time. Available in two- or three-compartment configurations, it's a must-have for long journeys.
Multipurpose Cargo Organizer Blocks
If your trunk consists of larger or heavier items, it might be worth it to pick up a few of these organizer blocks to keep everything in place. Designed to be mounted to the carpet of any wool trunk, they're perfect for keeping big items from sliding around.
High Road CargoCube Trunk and Car Organizer Bins
Want to keep things simple? These two "CargoCubes" from High Road are the perfect things for your trunk. They're basically nicely-dressed boxes with handles, easy for keeping stuff contained. There are front mesh pockets for storing smaller items, and handles for easy movement.
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Preston Thompsons Carpet Shoppe in Dickson celebrated 50 years in business last month.
Owners Preston and Brenda Thompson opened their store on East College Street (where First Federal Bank and Walgreens are today) in August of 1970 and relocated to its current location at Henslee Drive after Highway 46 was built in 1983.
The Thompsons are natives of Bon Aqua and Lyles but have spent all of their adult lives in Dickson County. Their son, Phil, is now the operations manager for the carpet store. He recently talked about some changes (and non-changes) to the store in the past five decades.
Our products, waterproof laminate, hardwood flooring, carpet, vinyl, Benjamin Moore Paint, etc., have gotten more beautiful and incredibly durable over the years, and technology has made it easier to reach out to our customers, Phil Thompson said.
Styles, taste, and fashion are always changing, but the one thing that will never change is our business philosophy. We know we would not be here today if not for our customers. They are our bosses, and we work for them. We listen, ask them questions about what they want or need, and then guide them towards the type of products that fit their needs.
The business offers a 45-day, no questions asked guarantee to replace flooring, a lifetime labor warranty (If your carpet starts to wrinkle or pull away from the wall 14 years after installation, call us and well take care of it) and all of the sales staff has at least 25 years of floor covering experience.
Thompson said that the stores customer service sets it apart from similar businesses in the area and have contributed to its longevity.
One of the significant advantages and challenges of doing business in Dickson is that if our customers had a great experience with us, theyll tell everyone about it, but if they didnt, theyll tell everyone about it, he said. Word of mouth spreads quickly in a small community, so if we arent putting out the best business, well soon be put out of business.
Location: 207 Henslee Dr., Dickson
Owners: Preston and Brenda Thompson
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Contact: https://www.PrestonThompsonsCarpetShoppe.com or (615) 446-6415
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Thompsons have covered Dickson's floors for 50 years | News - Dickson Post
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The Town of West New York, situated upon the New Jersey Palisades, is in the process of making a major upgrade to three of the city's well-known sports fields with the installation of premium-grade synthetic turf from Shaw Sports Turf.
WEST NEW YORK, N.J. (PRWEB) September 03, 2020
The Town of West New York, situated upon the New Jersey Palisades, is in the process of making a major upgrade to three of the city's well-known sports fields with the installation of premium-grade synthetic turf. The three fields include Centennial Field, Miller Stadium and Patricia McEldowney Field.
"We decided to move away from natural grass because our fields were in disrepair and we wanted to make a solid investment in something that would hold up nicely over the years," said Town Administrator Jonathan Castaneda. "The new turf fields are something our residents will be proud of, as well as suit their athletic needs," said Castaneda.
The Town of West New York will be installing a total of 210,000 square feet of synthetic turf across the three locations. Each field will be using a different Shaw Sports Turf product.
Centennial Field, used mainly for soccer, will feature Shaw Sports Turf's Legion NXT. This is a hybrid system that offers realistic aesthetics with an electrifying degree of durability. This system features Shaw's patented Thunderbolt fiber and is built for strength, built for pushing the envelope and providing endurance through even the toughest of match-ups.
The field at Miller Stadium, named Anthony R. Ferrainolo Field after New Jersey's winningest high school baseball coach, will be using Shaw Sports Spike Zone Pro. Using a combination of fibers, Spike Zone synthetic turf systems by Shaw Sports Turf are designed with that same confidence in mind. The tall fibers support the requirements for the ball and athlete to perform well, while the thatch layer adds another level of consistency for each step. This historic stadium is best known for once hosting baseball greats Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig.
Patricia McEldowney Field, used for both softball and mini soccer, will feature Shaw Sports Turf's Legion. This system not only looks like natural grass and allows for better ball roll, but it also has added durability and infill control. It features our two-ends-per-needle manufacturing process, which results in the most uniform field with no streaks and a predictable playing surface.
"This installation is going to take our athletic programs and the vision of Mayor Gabriel Rodriguez to the next level. Starting our children in various sports and refocusing on developing world class athletic programs reduces the socioeconomic impact and other factors that affect our community. This reclaims our kids and refocuses them on what they need to focus on, their mind, body and spirit," "said Castaneda.
Installation of the synthetic turf systems are set to be completed at Centennial Field by mid-September 2020, Miller Stadium by mid-October and Patricia McEldowney Field by early spring 2021.
"Shaw Sports Turf is very proud to have been selected to provide the synthetic turf surfaces for this long-awaited West New York revitalization of Centennial Field, Miller Stadium and McEldowney Park. We applaud and congratulate Mayor Rodriquez, the Board of Commissioners and the design team from Remington Vernick Engineering," said Territory Manager, Lee Defreitas.
A wholly-owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Shaw Industries is a full flooring provider to the residential and commercial markets. Shaw supplies carpet, hardwood, laminate, resilient, and tile/ stone flooring products, as well as synthetic turf. Shaw Sports Turf is one of the leading synthetic turf companies in North America and has represented quality and innovation for more than two decades with over 3,500 successful installations, including an impressive list of high-profile field installations. For more information please visit http://www.shawsportsturf.com, call 866-703-4004 or find us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.
For the original version on PRWeb visit: https://www.prweb.com/releases/town_of_west_new_york_selects_shaw_sports_turf_for_sports_field_revitalization_project/prweb17372439.htm
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Town of West New York Selects Shaw Sports Turf For Sports Field Revitalization Project - Benzinga
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Viviana Mall rolls out the red carpet as it reopens post-Covid
By Retail4Growth Team |September 03, 2020
The Thane-based mall gave a royal reception to its customers as it reopened after six months. The mall reloads with surprises, royal treatment, assured safety and quirky recreational set-ups for customers to have a nice leisure-time inside.
The Thane-based Viviana mall had a grand opening after the Thane Municipal Corporation permitted malls to reopen in Thane from Wednesday. It rolled out the red carpet to welcome its customers after lockdown of almost six months.
Rima Kirtikar, Chief Marketing Officer, Viviana Mall stated, We understand from our surveys and loyalty program members feedback that there was a certain eagerness to visit the mall and we wanted to create the perfect ambience and experience to welcome our valued patrons back. In keeping with our punch line of Celebrate Everyday, we rolled out the red carpet as a step towards #EkNayaKadam or a new normal. We have also ensured all necessary protocols for the safety and security of our patrons. The industry benchmark, hygiene and sanitisation coupled with a vigilant staff and mall partners will ensure that our customers not only have a grand experience but also a safe and hygienic one.
Customers being the most crucial part of the mall, receive a royal reception at the entrance. The idea of giving out surprise gifts to first few random customers while they indulge in a shopping spree increases customer engagement. The creative set-up for selfies points at several locations in the mall adds to the recreational element, as added by the company.
ALSO READ:Inorbit malls open doors for customers with video shopping and curb side pickup facility
All of us were eagerly waiting for the malls to reopen. As a responsible shopping centre, we have taken all possible precautions to make our premises safe. We would request all the visitors to adhere to Covid-19 safety guidelines in ensuring you and those around remain safe. As an additional safety measure, every night the entire mall premises will be disinfected to welcome guests the following day. We have adopted several other measures as well to provide a controlled and safe environment. Malls safety and sanitisation processes are gold standards certified by London-based RSM Astute Consulting, exclaimed Manoj K. Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer, Viviana Mall.
The installation of sanitisation tunnels at all the entrances along with Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) treatment and scanning of bags are great initiatives to ensure safety. The UVGI technology is integrated with the air-conditioning system to keep coils continuously clean and disinfected. The mall takes care of habitual deep cleaning and fumigation along with other precautionary measures such as lane marking, distancing at the food court, restrictive entry at stores and heightened cleanliness. Additionally, the use of Ultra Violet rays to disinfect common areas in the mall and escalator belts is done for a much safer context.
The mall reloads with surprises, royal treatment, assured safety and quirky recreational set-ups for customers to have a nice leisure-time inside.
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This years annualBerlin Art Weekis ready to open around the German capital. In a year marred by cancelations, the decentralized event is one of the few dates on the art calendar that has not been moved or erased completely.
With a truly wide-ranging schedule of shows that occur at small project spaces, private collections, and even a nightclub, it can sometimes be hard to know where to head first. Thats why we decided to ask those who probably know best.
Below, ninetalented Berlin-based curators tell us which exhibition they are most looking forward to seeing next week and why its worth a look.
PICK: Aby Warburg: Bilderatlas Mnemosyne at Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Studio Berlin at Berghain
Aby Warburg: Bilderatlas Mnemosyne The Original. at Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Installation view. Silke Briel / HKW
In the 1920s, the historian of art and culture Aby Warburg created his Bilderatlas Mnemosyne, tracing recurring visual themes and patterns across time, from antiquity to the Renaissance to contemporary culture, setting a new understanding of art history. His way of reading and connecting images over epochs, geographies, cultures, and civilizations is still one of the richest sources for visual and media studies.
This exhibition, realized in collaboration with the Warburg Institute in London, creates a very special occasion that brings together all panels of Warburgs unfinished magnum opus for the first time after his death. It is a must-see for everyone who is intrigued with reimagining the world.
Equally, Berghain has been the place bringing many scenes together in Berlin and it has been deeply missed by many in the city since its closure in March due to COVID-19 measures. The club has been engaged with realizing different visual projects before, but so far Studio Berlin will be the most expanded project to take place at the large former power facility, with around 80 artists involved. We will see how site-specificity will acquire new meanings in this project devoted to Berlin artists.
PICK:Lerato Shadis Maru a Pula Is a Song of Happiness at KINDL Zentrum fr zeitgenssische Kunst
Lerato Shadis Lefa Le (2019). Photo: dewil.ch (cc by-nc-nd), 2019. Courtesy Kindl zentrum fr zeitgenssische kunst.
I am excited to see the exhibition of Lerato Shadi at the KINDL Zentrum fr zeitgenssische Kunst. Shadi works primarily with performance and in her works negotiates established systems of suppression and exclusion.
So far, I only know the video workMabogo Dinku(2019). In this piece you can see a hand gesturally moving back and forth. Shadi is singing a verse of a folk song in Setswana, her mother tongue. The song talks about the history of her people, who were excluded during apartheid and whose history is lost in the history of the colonizers.
This is one of the reasons why she does not use a translation or subtitles. She refuses to accept the western system of historiography and language. I look forward to seeing more works and learning more from her.
Shoufay Derz, not this, not that. Installation view, Knstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin. Photo: David Brandt
To learn about some dynamic positions slightly far from the gallery crowds, I strongly recommend a visit to Knstlerhaus Bethanien, an artist-in-residence program with workspaces for professional artists and exhibition spaces. Their current exhibition provides insights into five diverse practices featuring installations by a selection of their 2020 resident artists: Yang Chi-Chuan, Rie Nagai, Shoufay Derz, Katsuhiko Matsubara, and Yurika Sunada.
Yang has produced ceramic works, which take their shapes and colors from climbing gyms and discarded items of trash. Nagai created a series of paintings that evoke her experience of Berlins night life.Derz presents over 24 photographic prints and a new video work, deriving from her Loving the Alien performance/project. Matubara is showing 15large-scale canvases comprised of thick layers of vibrantly hued oil paint, provoking a visceral reaction in their audience. Sunadas installation features a slowly moving spot-lit sphere made from curved lengths of shiny steel, reflective of her experience of time during lockdown in Berlin.
Vivian Suter, studio view, Panajachel, Guatemala, 2018. Courtesy of the Artist and Gladstone Gallery, New York/Brussels; House of Gaga; Karma International; and Proyectos Ultravioleta. Photo: David Regen
I am excited to see Vivian Suters exhibition at Brcke Museum. The building and interior, especially the carpets, are very particular and Im keen to see how Suter positions her works amongst the collection, a selection made by her mother, artist Elisabeth Wild. Collages by Wild will also be in the show, and in my mind this proposes a matriarchal lineage counter to [and inserted] amongst Kirchner, Nolde, Schmidt-Rottluff, Heckel, Mller, Pechstein, and Kaus.
Michael Mllers studio, 2020. Photo: Marco Funke. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Thomas Schulte, Berlin
Michael Mller is clearly unstoppable: Having started his career in the medium of drawing, he spent the last decade or so creating ever more complex conceptual installations crisscrossing all artistic genres, from meticulous mega-drawings to seemingly casual scribblings, from ready-made sculptures to artisanal objects, from scripted audio plays to ambitious sci-fi animations.
This insatiable tour through artistic strategies, all of which he champions brilliantly, arrives at a new chapter: this is his first exhibition focusing on painting. One could quite rightly call this hunger for peeing on every tree presumptuous. But just as well one could follow this highly inquisitive, inventive, and clairvoyant mind expediting art way beyond what one usually gets to see.
I am very much looking forward to seeing the works of indigenous Canadian artist Walter Scott, presented at the project spaceAshley Berlin [fulldisclosure: Artnet Newss EU Editor Kate Brown is a co-organizer of the show]. Ivebeen following his constructed character Wendy for some time now; it chronicles the adventurous and tiresome reality of a young woman artist placed into a sinister,satirical, funny, and true-to-life version oftodays contemporaryart world.I thought about Wendy last week when someone said that sometimes the art world can be the worst mixture of exhausting andboring at the same time.Im excited to see how his long-term investigation into the character of Wendy and her narrative translates into a spatial setting and how this is embedded in his larger practice that looks at questions of representation andnarrative construction.
Katrn Inga Jnsdttir Hjrdsardttir, still from performance, LAND SELF LOVE your self is land of love (2020) at Gallery Gudmundsdottir. Courtesy the artist and Gallery Gudmundsdottir, Berlin.
Im looking forward to seeing Katrn Inga Jnsdttirs solo at the newly established Gallery Gudmundsdottir in Mitte. The exact location of this dealers space is a secrettheir address is given out only on request, but I can say that it is in an old air raid shelter. Gudmundsdottirs all-female roster of mostly Icelandic artists is a breath of fresh air for this town, and Im expecting something energetic and kinky from Katrin.
Benedikte Bjerre My Dream Is Longer Than The Night. Courtesy the artist and Goeben.
What draws me to Benedikte Bjerres work is her bold approach to materials and everyday objects. The Copenhagen-based artist claimsMy Dream Is Longer Than The Nightin an exhibition at Goeben that promises to emerge from a state of mind many involuntarilyinhabitin our current situation. Having previously dealt with how overconsumption increasingly disconnects time and space, the recycled reality of dreams marks a new chapter in her practice. With tongue in cheek while questioning socioeconomic conditions, Bjerre expands her sculptures into an installation inviting visitors to encounter an animated and outragedair circulation system.
Berlin Art Weekis opening from September 9 through 13 around the city. For more information about the official program, see their website.
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A Guide to Berlin Art Week Assembled By 9 of the Citys Most Plugged-In Curators - artnet News
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After a decades long hiatus, the Jeep Grand Wagoneer returns as a concept with a plug-in hybrid powertrain, a third row, and a massive amount of tech. And I mean that literally. Add it all up, and Jeep is putting more than 75-inches of screen in this Grand Wagoneer, 45-inches spread across four screens in front and 30-inches from three screens in back.
In front it starts with a 12.3-inch instrument cluster screen displaying pertinent information in non-gauge from. On top of the center console sits a 12.1-inch touchscreen and another 10.25-inch touchscreen lies beneath that. Theres yet another 10.25-inch touch screen on the passenger side to give said passenger less of a reach to change controls themselves.
The second row is another set of captains chairs for two occupants. Each one gets a 10.1-inch touchscreen to use in front of them. In their center console lies a third touchscreen, also 10.1-inches, to control the usual smattering of comfort settings.
All of these screens are powered by Jeeps Uconnect 5 infotainment system, which, fittingly enough, operates as much as five times faster than the last gen Uconnect system, according to Jeep. Furthermore, it makes use of Android operating system, which we experienced in the Polestar 2 and quite enjoyed. Jeep claims it will offer greater personalization capability and improve the user experience.
Ralph Gilles, Head of Design at FCA summed the Grand Wagoneer Concepts interior this way, The Grand Wagoneer Concepts interior is spacious and features premium materials that accentuate our teams obsession to detail and celebrates American craftsmanship, Gilles added. A full digital cockpit takes advantage of leading technologies that are beautifully presented with expansive and easy-to-use screens and limited buttons, allowing the focus to be placed on a pleasant and intuitive experience for the driver and passengers.
If tech was one interior theme, the other was sustainability. Onyx glass runs the length of the dash. Its designed to appear to float above a piece of raw aluminum. Theres also liberal use of heat-treated lacewood for several part of the interior, including the dash and front doors. And, in case you forget what the name of the car is, Jeep inscribed Grand Wagoneer in to the wood with raw aluminum lettering on the passenger side above the glove box and beneath the 10.25-inch screen.
Aluminum also makes up the door speaker cases, vent surroundings and shift knob. Furthermore, the headliner is made from a recyclable faux suede material called Dinamica, carpets from more recycled materials named Thrive fiber and yet another sustainable material called PUR is used to upholster the seats, console, and door panels.
As a nod to the Original Wagoneer and Grand Wagoneers from the 60-80s, Jeep installed a two-spoke steering wheel, though this one is flat bottom and includes many buttons, as well as large panes of glass throughout, allowing lots of natural light and increasing the sense of size. You also get an inscription on the outer edge of the instrument panel, revealed when you open the door, saying EST. 1963.
To emphasize the sense of luxury, the Grand Wagoneer Concept has a 23-speaker McIntosh stereo system with a massive 24-channel amplifier. The speakers are encased in the aforementioned aluminum with a gloss black finish.
Production vehicles are due next year and, boy-o-boy, we are quite keen to take a closer look.
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