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To celebrate the season finale of the new seriesLOVECRAFT COUNTRY, HBO will close out theirLovecraft Country: SanctumSocial VR experience by transporting invited guests intoMusic of the Cosmos.
In this first-of-its-kind, groundbreaking social VR experience, 100 select influential voices have experienced a series of events consisting of immersive theater, escape rooms, art installations and puzzles via the Oculus Quest headset. The final event is a virtual reality concert given by Janelle Mone, eight-time Grammy nominated singer-songwriter, leading film and TV actress and record producer, who will be giving fans an out of this world performance, and her first ever performance in virtual reality.
The LOVECRAFT COUNTRY season finale airs this Sunday at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT on HBO, at which point the complete first season and will be available to stream on HBO Max. The first episode of LOVECRAFT COUNTRY has reached more than 9 million viewers across all platforms, and it has been the #1 series on HBO Max since its debut in August.
Im so excited to partner with HBO and The Mill to pioneer the future of concert experiences in Sanctum, saidJanelle Mone. I always strive for innovation, and this project gives me the special opportunity to celebrateLovecraft Country, a show Im a huge fan of, and connect with fans in a completely new way using virtual reality. This is the perfect platform to explore the impact of music and movement in a new dimension designed to celebrate Black art, stories and voices.
The musical experience re-imagines the future of performances and live events, featuring a virtual environment that is interactive and directly impacted by the artists physical performance. Ahead of Mones set, guests will be invited intoThe Reliquary,a mystery room hosted by LOVECRAFT COUNTRYS Michael Kenneth Williams, that will be littered with artifacts from throughout the show and virtual experience each with an accompanying audio snippet narrated by Williams.
Event #3: Music of the Cosmos
Monday, October 19
10:00 PM ET/ 7:00 PM PT
For more information please visitLovecraftsanctum.com
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Janelle Mone Closes The First Season Of HBO's LOVECRAFT COUNTRY With A Virtual Reality Concert Experience. #HBOMax - redcarpetreporttv.com
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CHICOPEE The eagle weather vane has been returned to the top of City Hall as a two-year project to repair and modernize the nearly 150-year-old building is coming to a close.
Mayor John L. Vieau joined other city officials as the eagle was raised to the top of the tower by a crane in a short ceremony last week.
The eagle, an icon that has looked over the community since City Hall was opened in 1871, was removed about two years ago when construction crews began an about $14 million project to make structural repairs and weatherize and modernize the interior.
More than six years ago, plaster chunks started falling from the molding in the auditorium and stained glass windows loosened from their frames. Then a piece of the support frame that holds City Halls iconic rose-shaped stained glass window broke off and crashed to the stairs below. This prompted officials to commission a study to find out why the long-closed room on the second floor of the building was failing.
The news wasnt good. Engineers found City Hall was literally falling apart as then-Mayor Richard J. Kos put it. The brick facade was bowing out, sandstone columns were badly eroded, an interior brick arch had deteriorated and poor-quality brickwork in the tower was failing.
That sparked months of debate about what to do next. In 2017 the City Council agreed to borrow up to $16 million to make the repairs and upgrade the building. Officials also received some grant money, and user fees collected by Charter Cable were spent to convert the auditorium into a modern meeting room.
In the end, officials believe the project will be completed at a cost of about $2 million less than had been expected, Vieau said.
We are proud of the character and the symbolism of our eagle. It represents this citys strength and resilience and it is exciting to know the original will also be preserved for its residents to admire for many years to come, Vieau said.
The weather vane has always been a defining feature of the stone turret and tower. It has a special history, since the bronze bird was cast across the street at the Ames Manufacturing Co., known for its Civil War swords. The foundry was the first to become proficient in bronze casting, according to city historian Stephen Jendrysik.
But the eagle that was raised to the top of the tower last week is a doppelganger it is a lighter fiberglass copy finished in gold leaf. A lightning rod will run through the center of it, said Michael Pise, mayoral chief of staff.
The real one, which is also hollow but much heavier, will be cleaned and preserved and placed on display in the auditorium when it is reopened, Pise said.
Along with shoring up the building, other improvements were made including repairing the slate roof; installing a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning system; replacing aging windows with insulated ones; installing an elevator in the City Hall Annex; and updating restrooms and the outside ramp to meet handicap accessibility laws, he said.
Some aesthetic improvements, such as replacing old carpeting, are also planned, he said.
One of the biggest differences will be in the auditorium, which was in such poor condition it had been closed off for more than a decade. All 19 stained glass windows that ring the auditorium were removed and repaired. When they are replaced, they will be covered with a layer of plexiglass to make them more energy efficient and to protect them, Pise said.
The ceiling had to be replaced as well. During the renovations, construction crews found cut nails were used a century ago and the plaster had separated from the beams, Pise said.
The auditorium, which will have permanent cameras installed so all meetings can be broadcast live, will be used by the City Council, School Committee, Planning Board and others when it is finished around January. The room is large enough to allow for social distancing, which the School Committee found was crucial since some members had to participate remotely when meetings resumed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
I think it is a great idea, School Committee member Mary-Elizabeth Pniak-Costello said. It gives us more space and everyone can come if they want to come. I personally dont have a problem with making it our permanent home.
The School Committee, which usually meets at the school administration building on Broadway but recently moved to Chicopee Comprehensive High School for space reasons, voted last week to hold all meetings in the auditorium once construction is complete.
One of the last pieces of the work will be to replace the rose window.
Im excited to have the rose window back. It has defined the City Hall, Vieau said.
Chicopee City Hall construction nears completion as eagle weather vane returns to perch on tower - MassLive.com
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AVON, CT When times are tough, heroes emerge. We all know someone who's making a difference right now as we live through unprecedented and changing times.
Here at Patch, we've launched an initiative to help recognize these heroes making a difference in their communities. Together with Ring, we're working to let all your neighbors know about these outstanding people and their stories.
This submission comes from Anne Watson who nominated Ellen Farrell of Avon.
If other, job: As well as education
Relationship to nominee: She is the school nurse at Thompson Brook School in Avon. I was the Principal at the time.
Reason for recognition: In my 25 years in education, she is the best school nurse I've ever seen. She goes out of her way to teach students life skills to take care of themselves. And she does it in a positive way, often teaching while classes. She gives fun, interactive class.
One thing to know: She gives fun, interactive classes on how to wash your hands. The adults learn just as much as the children as they use ultraviolet light to discover where they miss. She has organized unbelievable fundraisers for illnesses that our students have.
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The Best School Nurse Ive Ever Seen: Avon Local Hero - Avon, CT Patch
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In the market for a new car but not sure if it should be an electric vehicle (EV)? Want to save on running and maintenance cost but unsure about highway escapes? Want a refined ride experience but range anxieties keeping you confused? All of these, combined with the price of an EV itself, are natural - and obvious - concerns for all who may be considering taking the plunge into the world of battery-powered mobility.
India is at the cusp of an electric revolution in terms of mobility with the central and several state governments determined to roll out the red carpet for EVs. But the red carpet isn't going to be a magic carpet which helps such vehicles replace vehicles as we have known and driven for years together.
Therefore, here are five key and honest points to seriously consider before deciding on whether your next vehicle ought to be an electric vehicle:
Cost: Let's face it, an EV doesn't come cheap. Not here in India anyway. Not yet. A Nexon from Tata Motors, for instance, starts at around 6.99 lakh (ex showroom) but when a Nexon EV starts at 13.99 lakh (ex showroom). The upfront cost of an EV is, therefore, significantly higher than a regular vehicle but if you plan on keeping the product for a decade or more, it makes a whole lot of sense to take the dive. That is because the running and maintenance cost of an EV is significantly less. With per litre petrol cost well and truly above 81 (in Delhi), EVs make a strong case as a viable option for an affordable drive experience. Because there are fewer parts, maintenance of an EV is also expected to be a whole lot cheaper - over a long period of time, of course.
(Also read: 'Localization key, provides tremendous opportunity in EV market)
Infrastructure: This is still where EVs lose out against conventional vehicles. While EV infrastructure is constantly being updated in major cities, it is still from ideal. And out on highways and smaller cities, a public-charging station is an absolute rarity. And while an EV can be charged using a regular wall socket, the charging time is significant which may mean an EV owner is held hostage by the passing hours.
At present, many recommend that an EV should ideally be the second or subsequent vehicle in a typical Indian household. With infrastructure constantly being developed, first-time car buyers could jump right in at a consequent time.
(Also read: Tesla may enter India in 2021 as Elon Musk drops biggest hint yet)
Range: The above point is also directly linked to the whole question of range. People have always asked 'how much' in terms of mileage of a petrol or diesel car. The question with EVs is 'how many'. How many miles can an EV do per full charge is actually a question people are increasingly asking globally when considering such a vehicle. Different options get different battery packs which means varying range.
The distance that an EV can cover is, therefore, a key consideration and a factor which also depends on whether one uses it as a daily commute vehicle or a regular highway hauler.
Options: Here is where things are looking the brightest. While makers of two-wheelers are rushing in new electric products, car makers are also looking to catch on and cash in.
Hyundai was one of the first off the block with its Kona e-SUV, followed by the likes of MG ZS EV and Tata Nexon EV. The price of an EV is coming down as electric versions of more affordable vehicles are being rolled out.
But if you want absolute luxury, there is Mercedes EQC as well. The launch of the first luxury EV in India from the German brand could possibly make its rivals in the luxury segment sit up and drive in their respective offerings.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, OEMs like Mahindra and Maruti have either confirmed plans or are contemplating products.
Support: OEMs with EV offerings already in the Indian market are going the extra mile to allay concerns over post-sales service. Battery packs come with warranty running over several years while the service networks have professionals who are specifically trained to welcome an EV and keep it running silent smooth.
Several manufacturers are also installing wall charging units at the customer's preferred location without any additional cost.
As such, the EV movement in India is on the right track. There are more options than there have ever been and with incentives being dished out - Delhi has done away with road tax on battery-powered vehicles, the outlook is extremely positive. The pace of infrastructure for supporting vehicles, say many, is still a tad slow but there is no denying that it will pick up pace.
See the rest here:
Electric cars in India: Five points to consider before buying an EV - Hindustan Times Auto News
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Farming 1910 to 1930 – Delphos Herald -
October 13, 2020 by
Mr HomeBuilder
(Continued from last week)
Atrip of 10 miles one way with horse and buggy was about the limit for aSunday visit with relatives and friends. The first buggies had only atop with a reel of black canvas to shield against the weather.Protection on all sides and front, when needed was provided by curtainsof similar material. In winter blankets were used as a shield againstthe bitter cold. Later the cab was introduced which by means of glassprovided protection in front, rear and both sides. A family needed a 2seated surrey. (Note: My mother had and old horsehide blanket whichwas used as a cover in the winter. This family treasure
is still in the possession of my sister, Beth Metzger. It is a horse-hide on top with black wool for the backing).
Thefirst cars entered upon the scene about 1916. Most of these were Model TFords, which sold new at about $650.00. These first cars protectedagainst the weather by means of a windshield of glass in the front and ablack canvas-like cloth over the top and down the rear. Floppy curtainswere carried in the trunk for use in case of rain or cold weather. Whenthe first cars appeared about 1920 with glass protection on all sides,some far-sighted people proudly predicted that eventually all cars wouldbe such sedans. They also said many would be killed because of allglass closed cars. The astonishing velocity of 60 MPH, was the ultimatespeed imaginable. The first cars were a terror of many road horses. Inmany cases the driver of the horse had to jump out and hold the horse bythe bridle; he usually cursed thosenew fangled machines.
Whenthe first planes appeared in the sky about 1916, a pompous uncleproudly foretold: Some day air planes will become so common that thepeople wont even look up at them anymore. When the first milkingmachine in neighborhood was installed about 1915, the people flocked tosee the contraption actually at work and gave all kinds of reasons whyit would never succeed.
With the approach of the cool weather ofautumn farmers stored enough potatoes and fruit, some beets and cabbagein the basement or a cache in the garden for the long winter. (Note:Some farmers had an up-ground cellar for storage. This was usually a manmade hill and had a door.)
With the arrival of the cold weatherof winter, neighbors gathered to help one another slaughter enough hogsto last until the following spring. In addition to hams, shoulders andsides, nearly every part of the animal was used to make sausage, headcheese, blood pudding and similar delicacies. While the men were busyoutside slaughtering, bleeding, preparing the hot water for scalding anddressing the carcasses, the women inside, with the help of all grownchildren, were occupied with making sausages and puddings, with cuttingoff the fat to be rendered in a large kettle over and open fire outside,to make lard. Fat unfit for human consumption was rendered to be usedin the making of home-made soap. Hams, shoulders, sides and summersausage were smoked; the summer sausage was hung up in a dry cool place,the rest of the meat was stored in dry salt, and was salted down. Nowand then a steer was slaughtered for change of diet. (Note: Sausage wasoften friend down and preserved in lard, in a large crock and stored inthe basement. It was so good to come home from school and have asausage sandwich with homemade bread, covered with grape jam or jelly.Pon Hoss was a favorite of mine. It was made with head meat and oatmeal.Butchering was always a big time event).
In the 1920s ruralelectrification revolutionized farm life by permitting better readinglight in the home, illumination in the barns, electrically driven pumps,running cold and hot water in the home and refrigerators enabling thefamily to keep food for days. Later the freezing compartment was added.Some farmers didnt get electricity until 1946 (after World War II) sothey had to continue to use the ice box.
Dont forget the outhousebefore indoor plumbing and the Saturday night bath was taken in a washtub. Farm tractors came on the scent in the 1920s but many farmersdoubted that they could take the place or horses. Also during thedepression, which struck in 1929, most farmers couldnt afford atractor.
Father Mack continued: These people knew how tocelebrate and enjoy themselves. Relatives came from afar for eachwedding, which was always the occasion for great parties and leanded upwith a dance in the evening. During the winter months, there was atime in a home of the neighborhood nearly every week. The carpet wasrolled up from a room in the house, or a wooden floor of the barn wasswept clean; a violinist, a guitarist and a caller were recruited fromthe area and the people thoroughly enjoyed kicking up their heels. Kegsof beer flowed freely and at the proper time sandwiches were served. Asthe evening wore on most of the children fell asleep under theinfluence of the beer and music. Such a time was the tor of many a happyconversation for days before and after the event itself. Such was life on the farm back in the olden days.
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Farming 1910 to 1930 - Delphos Herald
The 43rd Denver Film Festival (DFF43) announced today three Red Carpet Drive-In experiences that have been added to this years programming, leading off with Searchlights NOMADLANDOpening Night, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. The Red Rocks Red Carpet Drive-In events will provide a one-of-a-kind experience for DFF43 patrons.Throughout this seasons Film On the Rocks Drive-In series, we have watched and shared the joy of audiences getting out of their homes and engaging in big-screen film entertainment, said Festival Director, Britta Erickson. While were excited to pivot to a virtual experience for the majority of this years Festival, and to reach new audiences through that opportunity, we are grateful to our film industry partners, the City of Denver, and of course, our amazing audiences to be able to deliver three unique film experiences Nomadland, Nine Days and Ammonite under the stars at beautiful Red Rocks Park. And the truth is, I cant think of a better, more appropriate way to experience all three of these films and Nomadland in particular than in your car, surrounded by beautiful Western vistas.
Tickets are now on sale for the Red Carpet Drive-In experiences and are priced per car at $75 for Denver Film Members and $85 for the general public. Films will be screened at Red Rocks Lower South Lot 2 parking area, which can accommodate up to 300 cars. Guests will view the films on a large screen, and can tune in to the audio through a designated FM station via their car radios. For safety reasons, guests are required to remain in their cars throughout the screening and are required to wear masks when visiting on-site amenities.
Despite the challenges that 2020 has thrown at us, and the belief that we would have to be 100% virtual for this years Festival, were thrilled to be able to present these three Red Carpet Drive-In experiences and provide our audiences with some select in-person screening opportunities at DFF43, said Director of Marketing and Partnerships, Kevin Smith. These very special screenings would not be possible without the partnership and support of the City of Denver, Arts & Venues, and event partners including Red Bull and Waterloo Sparkling Water.
NOMADLAND will receive DFF43s Rare Pearl Award which will be accepted by director, Chlo Zhao, in a video presentation before the film screening. The Rare Pearl Award highlights a film whose beauty and uniqueness stand out as finest of the year. Recent Rare Pearl Award winners include Portrait of a Lady on Fire (DFF42) and Roma (DFF41).
NOMADLANDOpening Night, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m.Red Rocks Drive-In ExperienceWomen+FilmFollowing the economic collapse of a company town in rural Nevada, Fern (Frances McDormand) packs her van and sets off on the road exploring a life outside of conventional society as a modern-day nomad. The third feature film from director Chlo Zhao, NOMADLAND spotlights real nomads Linda May, Swankie and Bob Wells as Ferns mentors and comrades in her exploration through the vast landscape of the American West.
CHLO ZHAOChinese filmmaker Chlo Zhaos debut feature film, Songs My Brothers Taught Me (DFF38), premiered at Sundance Film Festival to critical acclaim and earned a nomination for the Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature. Her second feature film, The Rider (2017), was critically praised and received nominations for the Independent Spirit Award for Best Film and Best Director. Zhao garnered further success with NOMADLAND, which received widespread acclaim and won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival and the Peoples Choice Award at the Toronto International Film Festival.
The Denver Film Festival will include two additional Red Rocks Red Carpet Drive-In experiences: Centerpiece title NINE DAYS from Sony Pictures Classics on Saturday, Oct. 24, and Big Night title AMMONITE from Neon on Thursday, Oct. 29, both at 7 p.m. NINE DAYS will receive three DFF Awards: Emerging Filmmaker Award for Edson Oda, and Excellence in Acting Awards for both Winston Duke and Zazie Beetz, as well as feature a virtual post-film conversation, hosted by Lisa Kennedy, featuring all three award winners and Producer, Jason Michael Berman.
NINE DAYSCenterpiece, Oct. 24 at 7 p.m.Red Rocks Drive-In ExperienceWill (Winston Duke) spends his days in a remote outpost watching the live Point of View (POV) on TVs of people going about their lives, until one subject perishes, leaving a vacancy for a new life on earth. Soon, several candidates unborn souls arrive at Wills to undergo tests determining their fitness, facing oblivion when they are deemed unsuitable. But Will soon faces his own existential challenge in the form of free-spirited Emma (Zazie Beetz), a candidate who is not like the others, forcing him to turn within and reckon with his own tumultuous past. Fueled by unexpected power, he discovers a bold new path forward in his own life.
EDSON ODAMaking his feature-film debut after a series of highly acclaimed and award-winning short films and music videos, Brazilian-born writer-director Edson Oda delivers a heartfelt and meditative vision of human souls in limbo, aching to be born against unimaginable odds, yet hindered by forces beyond their will.
WINSTON DUKETrinbagonianAmerican actor, Winston Duke is best known for his role as MBaku in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame. He also starred in Jordan Peeles horror film Us.
ZAZIE BEETZGerman-American actress, Zazie Beetz stars in the FX comedy-drama series Atlanta (2016present), for which she received a nomination for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series. Beetz has also appeared in the disaster film Geostorm (2017), and has played the Marvel Comics character Domino in the superhero film Deadpool 2 (2018) and Arthur Fleck/Jokers neighbor in the psychological thriller Joker (2019).
AMMONITEBig Night, Oct. 29 at 7 p.m.Red Rocks Drive-In ExperienceSheila K. OBrien Spotlight on UK/Ireland CinemaIn the 1840s, acclaimed self-taught paleontologist Mary Anning works alone on the wild and brutal Southern English coastline of Lyme Regis. The days of her famed discoveries behind her, she now hunts for common fossils to sell to rich tourists to support herself and her ailing widowed mother. When one such tourist, Roderick Murchison, arrives in Lyme on the first leg of a European tour, he entrusts Mary with the care of his young wife Charlotte, who is recuperating from a personal tragedy. Mary, whose life is a daily struggle on the poverty line, cannot afford to turn him down but, proud and relentlessly passionate about her work, she clashes with her unwanted guest. They are two women from utterly different worlds. Yet despite the chasm between their social spheres and personalities, Mary and Charlotte discover they can each offer what the other has been searching for: the realization that they are not alone. It is the beginning of a passionate and all-consuming love affair that will defy all social bounds and alter the course of both lives irrevocably.###Throughout the expanded 18-day Festival, DFF43 will present more than 100 titles including local, national and international cinema, panel discussions, tributes, and achievement awards. This years Festival will include popular showcase selections including: Italian, UK/Ireland, Women+Film, CinemaQ, CineLatinx, and Colorado Spotlight, as well as welcome new showcases: Colorado Dragon, Spotlight on Social Justice, and a new virtual High School Day for high school students and educators across the state.
Individual tickets are now on sale at: https://www.denverfilm.org/dff43/
Denver Film Festival AllAccess Virtual Passes are on sale:https://dff.eventive.org/passes/buy
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Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC) applies its For All Well-Being strategy to foster sustainable well-being for all life. LIVING FORWARD by MQDC is a video and podcast platform under the concept of Know Tomorrow for Well-Being and Sustainability. Edition 2 continues with the theme Innovation That Makes Sense in 2020. You can tune in to LIVING FORWARD by MQDC on 5 channels:
Facebook: MQDC Magnolia Quality Development Corporation
Youtube: MQDC For All Well-Being
Podbean: mqdc.podbean.com
Spotify: MQDC For All Well-Being
Apple Podcast: MQDC For All Well-Being
This episode features Assoc. Prof. Dr. Singh Intrachooto, Chief Advisor of Research & Innovation for Sustainability Center (RISC), who explains how RISC by MQDC focuses on 7 areas of research for the sustainable well-being of all life. The RISC team also collects data on COVID-19 and lifestyles to support changes in housing and living for the future. In addition to research, RISC acts as a catalyst to drive and co-create innovative and practical solutions to various problems and create sustainable well-being for all life under its 'For All Well-Being' principle. RISC is therefore collaborating with Carpet Maker Thailand, a partner who worked with RISC on upcycling innovations last year. This partnership has developed to address the worldwide situation this year, calling for innovations to keep homes free from pathogens and bacteria, in the 'New Life' era or 'New Normal'. Dr. Krisana Sukbunsathit, CEO of Carpet Maker Thailand, explains how the company is changing the belief that carpets are a source of germs with AVATM Carpet, which disinfects, protecting from serious contagious diseases, COVID-19, and allergies caused by dust mites.
Carpet Maker Thailand presents the innovative concept of AVATM Carpet, which can eliminate germs and bacteria. Nano Ions, which can inhibit viruses and bacteria and help prevent allergies, are mixed with fibres in the fibre-spinning process for long-lasting hygienic properties. The product can change the perception of carpets as a source of disease to a solution to serious contagious diseases and allergies from dust mites. Research and development has raised the efficiency of destroying the lifecycle of various viruses so they cannot multiply. AVATM can stop the multiplication of coronaviruses, whether COVID-19, MERS, and SARS, by more than 90% by interfering with their protein production process and eliminating proteins that surround the viruses so that most die immediately. The material also inhibits the transcription of genetic material so surviving viruses cannot multiply. It further destroys the food chain of dust mites.
Carpet Maker Thailand has additionally developed a fibre with antiseptic properties that can be used in items such as sofa covers, bed sheets, bedspreads, socks, gloves, and sanitizing masks. MQDC, as a real estate brand with a focus on 'For All Well-Being', has installed AVATM Carpet in all its sales galleries to build consumer confidence. Learn more in the Innovation That Makes Sense in 2020 episode, starting today.
LIVING FORWARD by MQDC is hosted by Toffy Bradshaw (Chayatat Vongmanee), a famous host and writer, along with 2 experts who will take turns to share views and ideas on "Know Tomorrow for Well-Being and Sustainability" in fun, accessible, and engaging ways.
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RISC by MQDC and Carpet Maker Thailand present home innovation for the new normal to stop transmission of COVID-19 - Bangkok Post
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The hottest luxury and A List news
Ahead of yesterdays Emmy awards, two prominent red carpet hosts were revealed to have tested positive for coronavirus. Giuliana Rancic, who has hosted E!s coverage of the Emmys red carpet for twenty years, and Vivica A. Fox both did not present E!s coverage on the night and were replaced for last nights virtual Emmys.
Rancic revealed she had tested positive following E! And NBCUniversals very strict testing guidelines, as well as her husband and son (but they were all doing well and taking care of each other.)
She said during the red carpet livestream, As I go into my 20th year on the E! red carpet I have to say I do not take missing an award show lightly, but unfortunately this year is just so different.
She added on Instagram that she had been due to fly to Los Angeles for the coverage, but had changed her plans after testing positive.
Now as much as I didn't want to hear [I had tested positive], I'm very thankful I heard it before I travelled and possibly could have exposed other people, she said, urging fans to please protect yourself and protect those around you.
Fox also said in a statement, During these unprecedented times, it's more important than ever that we follow all safety and health rules and guidelines to protect ourselves and each other.
Vivica A. Fox (Getty Images )
Rancic and Fox were replaced by hosts Brad Goreski and Nina Parker, as well as Laverne Cox and Nina Parker.
Last nights red carpet looked very different to previous years, as stars video called in for the ceremony. While many like winners Zendaya and Regina King dressed up in Emmys full glam for the show at home, others took a more casual approach including Jameela Jamil, who watched in pyjamas, and Sandra Oh who opted for a Black Lives Matter tracksuit by KORE.
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Emmys red carpet hosts Giluiana Rancic and Vivica A. Fox tested positive for coronavirus ahead of ceremony - Evening Standard
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Selbyville, Delaware, Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Global Market Insights, Inc. has recently added a new report on automotive heatshield market which estimates the global market valuation for automotive heatshield will cross US$ 2.5 billion by 2026. The increasing need for lightweight automotive heatshields as a thermal insulation solution and improving fuel efficiency will drive the demand for automotive heatshields.
Automotive manufacturers are constantly improving their component design, particularly in engine sections, that are becoming more compact. Design improvement will lead to an increasing need for more efficient & higher temperature insulation products that must dissipate heat more quickly and provide superior protection. To cater to this demand, many manufacturers are developing products that are engineered to customer specifications and specific applications. Automotive industry participants are focusing on forward integration, in terms of services from the design of the product to the final assembly and installation, since aftersales is one of the key strategies to gain customer trust and automotive heatshield has significant demand in the aftermarket.
Request for a sample of this research report @ https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/4820
Aftermarket segment will witness over 4% CAGR in automotive heatshield market size is attributed to heatshields that stop up to 70% radiant heat generated from the vehicle. Due to the high heat generation in the vehicles, the product has a moderate replacement rate. The aftermarket industry depends on the superior product quality along with consumer preferences toward product cost & quality. Cost-effectiveness is a prime advantage that will improve the industry growth over the study time frame.
Europe automotive heatshield market covered around 25% share in 2019. Countries including Germany, Spain, and Russia have significant automotive production. Development in Europe automotive heatshield industry can be attributed to the increasing automotive production and increased use of advanced technologies in vehicles, such as turbocharger and compact engine, among others, across the region.
Prominent manufacturers are investing and increasing their footprint to cater to the increasing demand. For instance, in 2018, Dana Limited inaugurated new plant in Yancheng, China. The new plant will manufacture thermal management products for conventional & new-energy vehicles. The rising presence of prominent manufacturers will drive the overall industry growth.
Browse key industry insights spread across 200 pages with 286 market data tables & 22 figures & charts from the report, Automotive Heatshield Market Share & Forecast, 2020 2026 in detail along with the table of contents:
Some major findings of automotive heatshield market report include:
The proliferating safety regulations in vehicles have improved mandatory installation of the product in cars and commercial vehicles.
Market players are focusing on value addition in the product with developing materials, which have high reflectivity & emissivity, thermal conductivity, and specific heat capacity.
Asia Pacific is expected to lead the global automotive heatshield market size owing to its higher automotive production in emerging countries including China, Japan, and India.
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has affected the overall global automotive production due to strict social distancing norms and lockdown by various governments across the globe. Furthermore, the average shutdown duration of an automotive manufacturing plant across the world is nearly 30 working days. The shutdown is likely to hinder the overall automotive heatshield demand in 2020.
Browse complete reports table of contents (ToC):https://www.gminsights.com/toc/detail/automotive-heatshield-market
Partial chapters of report table of contents (TOC):
Chapter 3. Global Automotive Heatshields Industry Insights
3.1. Industry segmentation
3.2. Industry landscape, 2016 2026
3.2.1. COVID-19 impact on automotive heatshields industry
3.3. Industry ecosystem analysis
3.3.1. Raw material supply
3.3.2. Value addition at each stage
3.3.3. Vendor matrix List of key raw material suppliers List of key automotive heatshields manufactures List of key/potential customers
3.4. Pricing analysis (including COVID-19 impact)
3.4.1. Regional price trends
3.4.2. Cost structure analysis, 2019
3.5. Innovation & sustainability
3.5.1. Technology landscape
3.5.2. Future trends
3.6. Regulatory landscape
3.6.1. U.S.
3.6.2. Europe
3.6.3. Asia Pacific
3.7. Industry impact forces
3.7.1. Growth drivers Increasing focus on light-weighting and fuel efficiency products Growth in passenger vehicle sales Increasing automotive production & presence of auto players
3.7.2. Industry pitfalls & challenges Increasing adoption of the EV likely to curb the market Prohibitive cost
3.8. Automotive industry overview
3.8.1. Automotive production by region 2016-2019
3.8.2. Automotive sales by region 2016-2019
3.8.3. Automotive vehicle in-use by region, 2019
3.9. Growth potential analysis, 2019
3.10. Porters analysis
3.11. Competitive landscape
3.11.1. Top players analysis, 2019
3.11.2. Strategy dashboard
3.12. PESTLE analysis
Chapter 4. Automotive Heatshields Market, By Vehicle Type
4.1. Global automotive heatshields market insights, by vehicle type
4.2. Passenger Cars
4.2.1. Global market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2026
4.2.2. Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2016 - 2026
4.3. LCV
4.3.1. Global market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2026
4.3.2. Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2016 2026
4.4. HCV
4.4.1. Global market estimates and forecasts, 2016 - 2026
4.4.2. Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2016 2026
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Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider, offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision-making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.
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Automotive Heatshield Market to cross USD 2.5 Bn by 2026: Global Market Insights, Inc. - GlobeNewswire
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SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In recognition of National Hispanic Heritage Month, Sorenson Communications, LLC and its affiliate, CaptionCall, reaffirm their commitment to continuing to provide Americans with quality and reliable Spanish communication options for video relay and captioned telephone services, which include mobile applications.
To best meet our customers needs, we offer people the flexibility and confidence to independently place and receive phone calls, including calls to emergency services or loved ones, wherever, whenever, and in what language they prefer, notes Scott Wood, CEO of Sorenson Communications, the leading provider of communication solutions for people who are Deaf and hard-of-hearing.
The need for these reliable communication services is real. Nearly one million Americans identify as Deaf, and 48 million Americans experience some degree of hearing loss. According to 2019 U.S. Census Bureau numbers, the 60.6 million Hispanic people in the U.S. comprise 18.5 percent of the nations total population, and Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language in the U.S.
Sorenson Communications offers people who are Deaf and hearing the option to communicate in real time, each in their natural language sign language or spoken Spanish or English. In addition, Sorenson Relay users can also designate contacts for whom a Spanish-speaking interpreter is requested. When Sorenson launched its Spanish relay service in 2007, Sorenson was the only company to offer the services with professionally rated Spanish-speaking interpreters.
CaptionCall provides no-cost captioned telephone services in both Spanish and English to anyone who has hearing loss who needs captions to use the phone. Since 2015, CaptionCall has provided Spanish-speaking communication assistants who provide Spanish captions of what callers are saying and today, CaptionCall telephone programs include Spanish language interfaces to help Spanish speakers connect.
Both Sorenson Communications and CaptionCall are funded by the federal government and are available at no cost to those who qualify.
National Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs through Oct. 15, celebrates various Latin American countries independence as well as the contributions of Americans who trace their roots to Hispanic and Spanish-speaking nations.
For more information about Sorensons Spanish services, visit https://www.sorenson.com/services/espanol/ or call 866-987-7528. For Mexico, call (with no charges) 001-877-510-7655.
To learn more about CaptionCalls Spanish services, visit https://captioncall.com/telefono or call 877-384-2636.
Sorenson CommunicationsAbout Sorenson Communications, LLCConnecting Life. Sorenson Communications (www.sorenson.com) was founded on the principle that communication and being understood is fundamental to the human experience. Inspired by this belief and the core values of our communities, we develop the most trusted communication offerings, including Sorenson Relay, the highest-quality video interpreting service, and Sorenson Interpreting, which matches qualified sign language interpreters to specific assignment needs. As the largest private employer of Deaf people and sign language interpreters, Sorenson endeavors to provide each customer with an exceptional communication experience.
Sorenson offers innovative, Deaf-specific communication products, such as ntouch videophones and ntouch software applications that connect PC, Mac, and mobile device users to Sorenson Relay. For even more connected communication, Sorenson offers Wavello, which gives people who are Deaf and hearing as well as sign language interpreters the ability to see each other on the same relay call.
For more information, visit http://www.sorenson.com.
CaptionCall, LLCCaptionCall is the industry leader in the provision of captioned-telephone service that is available at no-cost to anyone who has hearing loss that necessitates the use of captions to use the phone. While hearing loss affects millions of people for many different reasons age, illness, injury, loud working conditions, and military service it doesnt have to limit the quality of their phone conversations. With CaptionCall, its easy to communicate confidently with friends, family, and colleagues.
CaptionCall uses advanced voice recognition technology, a transcription service, and human captioning agents to quickly provide written captions of what callers say on a large, easy-to-read screen. CaptionCall also offers a CaptionCall landline phone that works like a traditional telephone callers simply dial and answer calls, as usual, and speak and listen using a phone handset. CaptionCall users see captions of what callers say.
All eligible customers receive Red Carpet Service that includes professional installation, product training, and friendly customer support, enabling people everywhere to get more from their phone conversations and more from life.
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