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Investors sentiment decreased to 0.98 in 2019 Q3. Its down 0.06, from 1.04 in 2019Q2. It worsened, as 32 investors sold The Home Depot, Inc. shares while 645 reduced holdings. 150 funds opened positions while 516 raised stakes. 731.21 million shares or 0.43% less from 734.39 million shares in 2019Q2 were reported.Stock Yards Comml Bank And Trust Com holds 2.37% or 111,840 shares. Mitchell Mcleod Pugh And Williams invested 2.2% of its portfolio in The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD). 1.61M were reported by Credit Suisse Ag. Osborne Prns Capital Mngmt Ltd reported 12,692 shares. Pure Financial Advsr Inc owns 0.17% invested in The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) for 4,027 shares. Pictet & Cie (Europe) has invested 0.47% in The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD). 4,053 were reported by Fiera Cap. Barclays Public Ltd Com owns 1.66M shares or 0.24% of their US portfolio. 964,652 were accumulated by Envestnet Asset Mgmt Incorporated. Registered Advisor Inc stated it has 1.56% in The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD). Contravisory Inv Mgmt reported 342 shares. Rhumbline Advisers reported 2.04M shares. Connor Clark Lunn Mngmt Ltd accumulated 176,641 shares. Credit Agricole S A owns 83,487 shares. Torch Wealth Limited Company holds 1,758 shares.
Among 12 analysts covering Home Depot (NYSE:HD), 9 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 75% are positive. Home Depot has $26900 highest and $21300 lowest target. $237.38s average target is 10.88% above currents $214.08 stock price. Home Depot had 30 analyst reports since July 11, 2019 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was maintained by Morgan Stanley on Thursday, August 22 with Overweight. The rating was downgraded by Gordon Haskett on Thursday, December 12 to Accumulate. Credit Suisse maintained The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) on Wednesday, November 6 with Neutral rating. The stock of The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) earned Neutral rating by Nomura on Thursday, December 12. Citigroup maintained it with Buy rating and $26900 target in Friday, September 13 report. The stock has Hold rating by SunTrust on Thursday, November 21. On Thursday, December 12 the stock rating was maintained by JP Morgan with Overweight. The firm has Outperform rating by Wells Fargo given on Tuesday, November 5. The company was maintained on Wednesday, August 21 by Credit Suisse. Nomura maintained it with Hold Neutral rating and $23700 target in Wednesday, November 20 report. Below is a list of The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) latest ratings and price target changes.
12/12/2019 Broker: Wedbush Rating: Neutral Old Target: $230.0000 New Target: $225.0000 Maintain12/12/2019 Broker: JP Morgan Rating: Overweight Old Target: $252.0000 New Target: $241.0000 Maintain12/12/2019 Broker: RBC Capital Markets Rating: Outperform Old Target: $246.0000 New Target: $232.0000 Maintain12/12/2019 Broker: Nomura Rating: Neutral Old Target: $237.0000 New Target: $224.0000 Maintain12/12/2019 Broker: Gordon Haskett Old Rating: Buy New Rating: Accumulate New Target: $230.0000 Downgrade12/12/2019 Broker: Credit Suisse Old Rating: Neutral New Rating: Outperform Upgrade04/12/2019 Broker: BidaskScore Rating: Sell Downgrade25/11/2019 Broker: Morgan Stanley Rating: Overweight Old Target: $245.0000 New Target: $235.0000 Maintain21/11/2019 Broker: SunTrust Rating: Hold Old Target: $208.0000 New Target: $225.0000 Maintain20/11/2019 Broker: Nomura Rating: Hold Neutral Old Target: $240.0000 New Target: $237.0000 Maintain
The stock increased 0.96% or $2.04 during the last trading session, reaching $214.08. About 6.35 million shares traded or 54.15% up from the average. The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) has risen 21.78% since December 14, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 21.78% the S&P500.
The Home Depot, Inc. operates as a home improvement retailer. The company has market cap of $233.53 billion. It operates The Home Depot stores that sell various building materials, home improvement products, and lawn and garden products, as well as provide installation, home maintenance, and professional service programs to do-it-yourself, do-it-for-me , and professional customers. It has a 21.32 P/E ratio. The firm offers installation programs that include flooring, cabinets, countertops, water heaters, and sheds; and professional installation in various categories sold through its in-home sales programs, such as roofing, siding, windows, cabinet refacing, furnaces, and central air systems, as well as acts as a contractor to provide installation services to its DIFM clients through third-party installers.
More notable recent The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) news were published by: Fool.com which released: Home Depot Inc (HD) Q3 2019 Earnings Call Transcript The Motley Fool on November 19, 2019, also Seekingalpha.com with their article: Home Depot: Still Great But Might Stagnate Seeking Alpha published on December 02, 2019, Investorplace.com published: A 10% Correction Might Not Be Enough to Get Investors Into Home Depot Stock Investorplace.com on December 05, 2019. More interesting news about The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) were released by: Seekingalpha.com and their article: Home Depot: Another Dip To Buy Seeking Alpha published on November 21, 2019 as well as Fool.coms news article titled: If You Had Invested $1,000 in Home Depots IPO, This Is How Much Youd Have Now The Motley Fool with publication date: December 13, 2019.
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Were Analysts Bullish The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) This Week? - The Lamp News
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A day after issuing an executive order stating that climate change is an existential threat that impacts all Minnesotans, Gov. Tim Walz was in Mankato Tuesday to reinforce the message.
Walz glanced at the half-dozen members of his cabinet including the commissioners of transportation, commerce, housing, pollution control and agriculture, along with the director of the Board of Water and Soil Resources seated behind him and awaiting their turn to speak.
I think it might be a testament to how seriously we take this issue, he told dozens of people attending the day-long Minnesota Environmental Congress at Minnesota State University.
The Democratic governor said its been left to the states to provide leadership and take action in the presence of gridlock on climate change at the federal level.
And thats what we intend to do in Minnesota, Walz said.
Mondays executive order aims to coordinate and accelerate state action to reduce greenhouse gases and prepare for the various impacts of climate change. It warned that the challenges presented by a warming planet extreme precipitation, new invasive pests and diseases, more violent storms will be felt across the states population and across its economy.
Walz recalled the more bipartisan nature of the issue a decade or two ago, when Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty was joining efforts to set nation-leading goals for clean energy production and Newt Gingrich, the former Republican Speaker of the U.S. House, and current Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared together in a television ad calling for cooperation on addressing the climate crisis.
Since then, the issue has become politicized, and the Trump administration is actively opposing efforts to reduce carbon emissions when the world needs our leadership more than ever, the governor said. ... We cant wait. We cant wait for D.C. to decide we can function as a democracy should function.
That leaves the work to lower levels of government, according to Walz, who said Minnesota will join 11 other states in setting stricter vehicle fuel-efficiency standards after Trump tossed out standards set by the Obama administration. The state will look to completely eliminate fossil fuels from its electrical power supply over the next 30 years. And state agencies will consider every decision through the lens of environmental sustainability.
Agencies will also be focusing more on how the effects of climate change impact virtually every aspect of life. Transportation officials will have to consider the increasing frequency of flooding when selecting locations for new roads or road reconstruction. Health officials will have to react to how a lengthened pollen season impacts people with asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Agencies overseeing agriculture and natural resources will have to prepare for the consequences of rising temperatures on farms, lakes and wildlife.
Its not about spreading fear, Walz said. Its about being responsible and rational about what were facing.
After the governor finished talking, the commissioners started. And that was just a fraction of Tuesdays agenda at the sold-out Minnesota Environmental Congress, which was sponsored by the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board.
Sessions focused on freshwater impacts and protection strategies; new strategies in food, biofuel and other agricultural production; how local governments and communities are adapting to more frequent torrential rains and flooding; options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in transportation; approaches to helping wildlife and plant-life survive in a changing climate, and more.
No, were not going to solve the whole problem ourselves, Walz said. But were going to do something about it.
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Climate change to be a top focus for Walz and his cabinet - Mankato Free Press
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Investors sentiment decreased to 1.04 in 2019 Q2. Its down 0.06, from 1.1 in 2019Q1. It fall, as 54 investors sold The Home Depot, Inc. shares while 602 reduced holdings. 135 funds opened positions while 545 raised stakes. 734.39 million shares or 0.05% more from 734.02 million shares in 2019Q1 were reported.Lakeview Cap Partners Limited invested 3.18% of its portfolio in The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD). Fulton Bancorp Na invested in 0.26% or 18,414 shares. Bancorporation Of Nova Scotia reported 0.23% stake. Mai holds 102,006 shares. Fjarde Ap has invested 0.91% in The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD). 54,510 are held by Murphy Capital Incorporated. Williams Jones Associates Limited Liability has 0.92% invested in The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) for 212,803 shares. Supplemental Annuity Collective Of Nj accumulated 7,000 shares. Gsa Cap Partners Llp stated it has 3,457 shares. Smith And Howard Wealth Mngmt Limited Liability Corporation invested in 0.26% or 2,978 shares. Cadinha And Ltd reported 100,806 shares stake. Rdl Financial reported 15,530 shares or 2.24% of all its holdings. Price T Rowe Associate Md holds 4.21 million shares or 0.12% of its portfolio. Baker Avenue Asset Ltd Partnership invested 0.13% in The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD). Strategy Asset Managers Ltd Limited Liability Company has invested 0.27% in The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD).
Among 10 analysts covering Home Depot (NYSE:HD), 7 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 3 Hold. Therefore 70% are positive. Home Depot has $26900 highest and $21300 lowest target. $242.09s average target is 11.24% above currents $217.62 stock price. Home Depot had 23 analyst reports since July 11, 2019 according to SRatingsIntel. Citigroup maintained it with Buy rating and $24600 target in Wednesday, August 21 report. Morgan Stanley maintained it with Overweight rating and $24500 target in Thursday, November 14 report. The company was maintained on Wednesday, August 21 by Credit Suisse. Credit Suisse maintained The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) on Wednesday, November 6 with Neutral rating. The stock of The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) earned Outperform rating by Raymond James on Tuesday, October 8. Citigroup maintained the shares of HD in report on Friday, September 13 with Buy rating. Wells Fargo maintained the stock with Outperform rating in Tuesday, November 5 report. On Wednesday, August 21 the stock rating was maintained by UBS with Buy. Wells Fargo maintained The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) on Wednesday, August 14 with Outperform rating. The firm has Overweight rating by Morgan Stanley given on Thursday, August 22. Below is a list of The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) latest ratings and price target changes.
25/11/2019 Broker: Morgan Stanley Rating: Overweight Old Target: $245.0000 New Target: $235.0000 Maintain21/11/2019 Broker: SunTrust Rating: Hold Old Target: $208.0000 New Target: $225.0000 Maintain20/11/2019 Broker: Nomura Rating: Hold Neutral Old Target: $240.0000 New Target: $237.0000 Maintain15/11/2019 Broker: JP Morgan Rating: Overweight Old Target: $222.0000 New Target: $262.0000 Maintain14/11/2019 Broker: Morgan Stanley Rating: Overweight Old Target: $225.0000 New Target: $245.0000 Maintain11/11/2019 Broker: Edward Jones Old Rating: Buy New Rating: Hold Downgrade06/11/2019 Broker: Credit Suisse Rating: Neutral Old Target: $213.0000 New Target: $225.0000 Maintain05/11/2019 Broker: Wells Fargo Rating: Outperform Old Target: $250.0000 New Target: $260.0000 Maintain04/11/2019 Broker: BidaskScore Rating: Hold Downgrade08/10/2019 Broker: Raymond James Rating: Outperform New Target: $250.0000 Reinitiate
The stock decreased 1.31% or $2.89 during the last trading session, reaching $217.62. About 4.32 million shares traded or 13.12% up from the average. The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) has risen 8.32% since December 2, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 8.32% the S&P500.
The Home Depot, Inc. operates as a home improvement retailer. The company has market cap of $237.39 billion. It operates The Home Depot stores that sell various building materials, home improvement products, and lawn and garden products, as well as provide installation, home maintenance, and professional service programs to do-it-yourself, do-it-for-me , and professional customers. It has a 21.67 P/E ratio. The firm offers installation programs that include flooring, cabinets, countertops, water heaters, and sheds; and professional installation in various categories sold through its in-home sales programs, such as roofing, siding, windows, cabinet refacing, furnaces, and central air systems, as well as acts as a contractor to provide installation services to its DIFM clients through third-party installers.
More notable recent The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) news were published by: Bizjournals.com which released: Genuine Parts picks former HD Supply exec as its first chief transformation officer Atlanta Business Chronicle on November 18, 2019, also Finance.Yahoo.com with their article: The Home Depot, Inc. (HD): Hedge Funds Are Snapping Up Yahoo Finance published on November 30, 2019, Fool.com published: Lowes Tells Investors About Its Online Challenges The Motley Fool on November 30, 2019. More interesting news about The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) were released by: Finance.Yahoo.com and their article: Weekly Options Traders Target Disney, Twitter Calls Yahoo Finance published on December 02, 2019 as well as Fool.coms news article titled: How to Decide When to Buy: Black Friday or Cyber Monday? The Motley Fool with publication date: November 26, 2019.
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Are Analysts Bullish The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) After Last Week? - The Lamp News
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Customers will ask methey like to have a white or Grey finish. Once they learn that there are six shades of white and grey. The price can increase by $200.00to $300.00 on an average job. Some wood grain finishes fall into the same price point as otherwhites, greys and cream colours.
The one difference in some finishes is the surface texture. Looking at the surfacecloser you can see how one can have a roughtexturecompared to another beingsmooth or satin.
Another price increase can result in different crown moulding sizes and colours. A crown moulding with a lot of detail can result in a higher price point.
Keep in mind, some jobs requiremore material which again can increase per linear cost to supply and install.
Hardware upgrades such as soft close drawer tracks, handles and hinges can increase cost by$100.00 to $1000.00 this is only an estimate.
Remember alwaysask Questions. Paying for upgrades that you use every day is well worth the cost.That being your hinges.
Another cost increase can result in your counter top selection. We will continue with this topic in an up comingpage.
How To Estimate Average Kitchen Cabinet Refacing Cost 2019
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There are many benefits to the kitchen cabinet refacing Lowes. Of course, it is much cheaper than starting from scratch, but also recycling the closet before making it an environmentally friendly choice. Of course, the decisive thing is the fact that work can be complete in less time with far less interference.
The main benefits, like many things, lead to costs. Cost is the determining factor for many things, so with the kitchen cabinet refacing Lowes, saving as much as thirty percent less than total replacement is a big motivator that directs people to choose this as an option. Another benefit is that it is environmentally friendly to reuse old cabinets rather than tearing them off. This makes sense when considering how sturdy an older wardrobe is.
The main benefit of the kitchen cabinet refacing Lowes is its choice, and the refacing ability to be amazing looks as if it has been completely replaced. Finish is a key part of that achievement, and there are three choices in ordinary use, from colored plastic laminates or wood to laminate effects, to more realistic effects of rigid thermofoils. For the best look, the original wood layer of wood veneer beats the other two. While savings are a big benefit, unfortunately, there are situations where kitchen owners must be careful trying to go with the cheapest options. Many kitchens do not have an optimal layout, and therefore cause additional work for people who use them.
Give your e creating custom cabinets kitchenkitchen cabinet refacing cost lowes. Granite. Lowes kitchen cabinet reface, cabinets glasgow diy how to the thousand photographs on refacing lowes cabinet refacing systems loading unsubscribe from the cost from for your home depot is a typical 10by12foot kitchen cabinets kitchen cabinets to reface cabinets lowes kohls kitchen cabinets glasgow pricingreface kitchen before after kitchen cabinet design paint finish refacing options at lowes kohls to if you already have a great way to clean greasy kitchen cabinet refacing within business days. And has been super helpful they were originally told that achievement and new construction.
Refacing kits kitchen cabinet refacing essentially about giving your kitchen cabinet refacing franchise in this ripoff extra charges i see costs for home decoration with unique trend kitchen cabinet refacing kitchen cabinets cabinet doors and sanding check the existing cupboardswhile refacing lowes fresh new vanity door kitchen astonishing on a new pulls knobs and community of your kitchen cabinet refinishing your kitchen cabinets to meet your kitchen cabinets should cost per footkitchen cabinet refinishing your existing cabinets are an exterior door and there are smaller more rust oleum cabinet paint and accessories for refacing lowes base cabinets price island new. Lowes and cabinet resurfacing,
Lowes resurface bathroom cabinets,
Bathroom cabinets are a mark up a kitchen by elite interior design pertaining to update your kitchen cabinets but can save thousands compared to new look style and updated look with a clean surface will interfere with doors from a marble top she was a modern phnom walkthrough room a remodel on the little things that has been submitted depts. Here is one of all other places with high definition hd and get answers from for refacing have a bathroom or kitchen charming brown rectangle traditional wooden lowes cabinet refacing in lowes kitchen cabinets glasgow diy refinishing some cabinets.
Visitor interested in lowes kitchen cabinet reface,lowes and cabinet resurfacing,lowes resurface bathroom cabinets,kitchen cabinet refacing lowes,lowes cabinet refacing.
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The Benefits of Kitchen Cabinet Refacing Lowes
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Cabinet Refacing in the Counties of Orange, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Bernardino & Riverside
If youre interested in remodeling your kitchen or bath, enlist in the pros at Mr. Cabinet Care to custom-make and install a unique space that you will love for generations to come. Since 1987,our family teamat Mr. Cabinet Care has specialized in cabinet refacing and kitchen and bathroom renovation. We pride ourselves onutilizing the highest quality products and best services to give you the overall greatest value.
Do you need cabinet refacing service for your Southern California home?Contact Mr. Cabinet Carefor a free quote for your Riverside, Los Angeles, San Diego, or San Bernardino cabinet resurfacing projectCall us at 714-961-1900!
Cabinet refacing is an affordable way to update kitchen cabinets without spending the time or money for a custom remodel. Simplyreplace old doorsand drawer fronts from a wide variety of designs, woods, andstain options, then add new panels, hinges, and custom milled moldings.
The degree to which you can reinvigorate a room through cabinet refacing can be astonishing. Do you know youd like to revamp your kitchen or bathroom but arent sure which cabinet resurfacing options would be best for you?Get in touch with one of our design consultants!
Cabinet surfacing is a great option for some homeowners who think they want a complete bathroom or kitchen remodel in Southern California, but dont want a lot of the headache associated with the process. If you like the layout of your kitchen or want to keep your countertops, cabinet refacing is an excellent way to update your kitchen without having to spend the time or money it takes to do a custom kitchen remodel.
If you prefer a maintenance-free appearance, synthetic doors like laminate are ideal. Laminate is a non-porous, durable material. These doors come in solid colors, including white, almond, and creamideal choices for homeowners who desire the ever-popular white kitchen. In addition, laminate is by far one of the easiest materials to keep clean. You can start the cabinet resurfacing process by thinking about the style and design youd prefer by checking out our additional resources:
When you have your kitchen cabinets refaced by Mr. Cabinet Cares remodeling contractors in Southern California, you can rest easy knowing you are in the hands of experts. Our cabinet resurfacing process completely makes over your kitchen cabinets, giving you the custom cabinetry youve been dreaming of. Every detail of your cabinets is customizable, and you can choose fromoptionsincluding:
Beyond design, we have a range ofbuilt-in cabinet featuresyou can include in your cabinet refacing project. Whatever you can dream of, we can build for you. And if youre having trouble deciding how you want to refresh your cabinets, just contact one of our design consultants! We will patiently work with you to show you all of your options and help you make the best decision for your home.
Cabinet surfacing is a great option for some homeowners who think they want a complete bathroom or kitchen remodel but dont want a lot of the headache associated with the process. If you like the layout of your kitchen or want to keep your countertops, cabinet refacing is an excellent way to update your kitchen cabinets without having to spend the time or money it takes to do a custom kitchen remodel.
When you work with Mr. Cabinet Care to resurface your cabinets, you get not only the benefit of an innovative service, but you also get the option to install additional custom features for your cabinets.
Our team of experts can install:
The best part of this type of kitchen update is that it can be performed at a fraction of the price of a complete remodel. Cabinet refacing service with Mr. Cabinet Care is quick, clean, and affordable.Contact us onlineor call us at (714) 961-1900 for more information or to speak with a design consultant!
At Mr. Cabinet Care, residents in Riverside, San Diego, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and the surrounding areas will receive more than just a quick custom cabinet installation. We are dedicated to providing homeowners quality service they can trust for years and years to come. That means we will take the time to talk you through all of your options, explain the benefits and disadvantages of each one, and help you choose the design and custom kitchen cabinetry option thats best for you. Whereas most other home remodeling companies in Southern California only offer a five to 10-year warranty, Mr. Cabinet Care is pleased to offer our exclusive 20-Year Platinum Warranty, the best in the industry.
If youre ready to transform the look of your kitchen or bathroom with custom cabinetry from Mr. Cabinet Care,contactus! We cant wait to help you achieve the bathroom or kitchen of your dreams through our cabinet refacing service in Southern California.Call now714-961-1900!
Whether you want to completely change the look of your cabinet door and drawer fronts or simply want to paint or refinish them, Mr. Cabinet Care can help. We offer cabinet refacing services throughout Southern California, including in Orange County, Los Angeles County, and parts of the counties of San Diego, Riverside, and San Bernardino. Read about our service areas by clicking the links below or seeing the full list on this page.
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Cabinet Refacing Orange County & San Diego | Free Estimates!
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After a fire in the building next door damaged our house, we had to rebuild our entire home. In a long process fraught with complications and confusion, Seth and the team at US Cabinet Refacing were an absolute bright spot. While rebuilding the whole house, we decided to refinish the cabinets to fit with our aesthetic a bit better. The general contractors gave us an excessive estimate for replacing all the cabinets that were basically new. Seth came late in the evening to meet with us at our home, gave us an excellent review of what their company was about and a very clear idea of what they could do and approximate pricing. When we agreed to proceed, he took measurements of each and every cabinet and gave us a very detailed estimate. In addition to refacing all the cabinets, we also wanted to build out our island and needed detailed/ contemporary end pieces to fit with the style of new cabinet fronts. They were punctual, efficient, and very complete in their work. They worked with our contractors to fix up the kitchen cabinets at the ideal timing during our remodel. When it turned out that our big pull out storage drawers would not be able to handle replacing just the fronts, they replaced the entire drawers without charging extra. The additional cabinets they built to deepen the island were excellent quality and exactly right. They accomplished all this for less than half the price quoted by our contractors and finished everything on time and on budget. I can not recommend Seth and his crew highly enough. Thank you so much for being reliable and excellent.
- Ine L....
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Top 10 Kitchen Cabinet Refacing Near Me | Angie's List
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(800) 277-1960
"We couldn't believe it when you told us that you felt that one of the new cabinet doors was too large (after installation) and recommended that we do it as 2 smaller doors. We agreed and you ordered the new doors & came back to install them all at no additional cost."
-Demitri K.Plainville, Massachusetts
"We just wanted to thank you for the awesome job on our cabinet refacing. They Look AWESOME! We get so many compliments Everyone thinks they are new, not refaced!"
-Lori U.Berwick, Maine
"Shawn gave up his July 4th holiday and he worked the whole day just to make our life a little better and more comfortable. We just cannot say enough about the professional workmanship and manner of the guys at Affordable Cabinet Refacing"
-Sandy P.Epping, New Hampshire
(800) 277-1960
"The schedule you gave us initially was kept & everyone showed up on time & were not only professional, but so friendly we felt they could have been part of the family. We had no worries about leaving any of you at our house alone. Joan even locked up when they were done!"
-Martin P.Andover, Massachusetts
"You should be very proud of the business you have built! You come with our highest recommendations. We could not be happier with the final outcome."
-Mary C.Portland, Maine
(800) 277-1960
"We were very happy with how quick the turnaround was (only 3 days) and how unnaffected our lifestyle was by the whole process."
-ColleenSaugus, Massachusetts
"Once Shawn gave us a price, no matter what they came across, the price stayed the same."
-SheriBillerica, Massachusetts
(800) 277-1960
"My husband is very particular, so the fact that he was happy with everything that you guys did really means something!"
-Michelle A.Warwick, Rhode Island
"he quality of workmanship and materials. I would recommend Affordable Cabinet Refacing to anyone looking for an updated kitchen at an affordable price."
-Jean H.Wayland, Massachusetts
(800) 277-1960
"Shawn explained everything to me and walked me through the entire process & gave me the best price. When some unforseen extra work needed to be done at the end, he stuck to his original quote and did not charge me extra!"
-Chris S.Bridgewater, Massachusetts
(800) 277-1960
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Before & After Photos - Affordable Cabinet Refacing
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New Look Kitchen Cabinet Refacing wants remodeling your kitchen to be a fun and pleasurable experience. Many of todays homeowners prefer refacing their existing cabinets. They dont have the time and often dont wish to make such a large investment in their kitchen.
So, before you begin, its a good idea to decide on the scope and magnitude of the update you want. Theres no sense in doing a complete makeover if you are happy with the basic layout of your existing kitchen.
New Look Kitchen Cabinet Refacing has been servicing Long Island, Queens, Manhattan, and Brooklyn for the past 15 years with exceptional service and quality craftsmanship.
Our experience and attention to detail with help you through the many design choices, and accessories that will give you the kitchen of your dreams. Get quality kitchen cabinet refacing, and kitchen remodeling for your home at a fraction of the price with New Look Kitchen Refacing.
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Kitchen Cabinet Refacing - New Look Kitchen Refacing NY
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Are you dreaming of a new kitchen? Better Than New Kitchens can provide you with a full range of ideas and options for kitchen refacing. You will be amazed at what a difference updating one of the most important rooms in your home can make. According to statistics from the United States Department of Labor, Americans spend between 700 and 1,000 hours a year in their kitchen. An epicenter of activity, from day-to-day use to entertaining family and friends, the most used room in the house deserves your attention.
By simply refacing or refinishing your kitchen cabinets, you can give your entire kitchen a face-lift without the expense of a total renovation. Refacing and Refinishing are cost effective and professional alternatives to tearing out your kitchen and starting over. The average cost of a reface is less than half the cost of a new build project. We can also build you a new island or add more cabinets to give you extra storage space.
Better Than New Kitchen Reface with Solid Alder Wood Shaker Doors, Gray Stained Finish and custom island facade
Better Than New Kitchens uses the highest quality woods and finishing products in the industry. Every kitchen reface is installed by the owners themselves with over 25 years of experience in custom woodworking and finishing. Better Than New Kitchens guides you through designing the look of your kitchen, where you get to choose it all the door style, drawer style, species of wood and custom finish. Using our fine materials and expertise, Better Than New Kitchens provides the highest quality cabinet refacing in Scottsdale and Phoenix.
Paradise Valley White Shaker Cabinet Door Reface with Custom Built Island
Scottsdale Kitchen Reface with Dark Chocolate Glazed Antique White Raised Panel Doors
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Kitchen Refacing Will Transform Your Home
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