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Last year, European Union has ratified the Right to Repair regulation. According to these regulations, the manufacturers of the household electronic appliances i.e. lighting, washing machines, dish washers, and refrigerators, will have to make it easier for the consumers to get them repaired. Though the regulations does not include every aspect of the Right to Repair movement, as the activist claim, but its one of the starting step to be taken by developed countries in giving the consumers the liberty to own. Not only the EU, some US states are also thinking of implementing similar regulations in their respective states.
You can own a product, but cannot save it from dying. With the Right to repair, this paradigm will change. A right to repair refers to a consumer ability to have faulty goods repaired at a competitive price by a manufacturer, a third-party, or in some instances, self-repair, using available replacements parts and having access to information to make the repairs.
What are the regulations about?
The recently implemented regulation are part of measures taken by the EU to implement the Ecodesign directive. It is an effective tool for improving the energy efficiency of products. It helps eliminate the least performing products from the market, significantly contributing to the EUs 2020 energy efficiency objective. There are other non-EU countries like USA, Australia and Brazil among some, which have legislations similar to that of EU but the latter become the first to have an effective Right to Repair regulations.
The regulations, other than easing the repair of the household electronic appliances, also includes the manufacturers liability to supply the spare parts of the product for up to 10 years, ensuring that these appliances could be easily disassembled with common available tools, in addition to make them last longer. The rules further provide to make such appliances more user friendly.
The regulations are effective on the household appliances only and does not include our favourite smartphones within the domain. There was a long demand to include them within these regulation. A report from environmental groups recently stated that extending the lifespan of smartphones by just one year would significantly reduce carbon emission in the European Union. As smartphones has the largest impact climate impact, the inclusion to have proved to be boon for the EU Climate sustenance goals.
Why was this necessary?
Suppose you bought sophisticated device, say an expensive Refrigerator. After the warranty period, you come across some difficulty in the cooling. What you will do? Obviously, get it fixed. But when you went to a nearby repair shop, you came to know that the compressor needs to be changed, which is not available in the market. This forces you to go to the authorised companys service centre to get that changed, whose billing can cost you a hand and a leg.
With the passing of regulations giving effect to the right to repair, the manufactures will be obliged to provide the repair documentation and spare parts of the electronics to the consumers or to independent repair shops.
The curious case of Apple
In December 2017, it was discovered that Apple was intentionally slowing down phones with older batteries. They defended this tactic by saying it was intended to reduce performance issues, but had many people wondering if Apple was covertly pushing people to upgrade to a new phone. What you do when your car gets a dead battery or a flat tyre? Did you switch to a new car or you get that battery or tyre fixed. Almost all the consumers will go for the second option. In the Apples case, the company stated that the issue can be resolved by replacing the battery, which Apple Inc. doesnt make available to customers or third-party businesses.
Isnt this a sense of coercion on the consumers which the manufactures do by creating a sense of vacuum where there is no competition in the market so that they could charge exorbitantly and make a bank?
But in August 2019, Apple announced New Independent Repair Provider Programme to sell parts, tools and repair guides to independent shops so they can fix broken iPhones. Though the same comes with some conditions, its a big U-turn for a company which has spent years lobbying against the introduction of right to repair laws. Such type of programmes could help save the right of a triangle consisting of manufacturer, consumers and independent repairers offering a safe repair of the product.
Ill-Effects on the consumers
There are various problems faced by the consumer in the absence of Right to Repair.
Saving the mother earth
With the increasing awareness and apparent effects of Climate Change being observed, there was an increasing demand to reduce the electronic waste. Such types of regulations are a stepping stones towards saving carbon emissions and using the electronic resources more wisely. Australia and its jungle crisis
Libby Peake from the think tank Green Alliance told BBC News: The new rules are a definite improvement. We think they could have been better, but its good news that at last politicians are waking up to an issue that the public have recognised as a problem for a long time. The new rules will benefit the environment and save resources. (See here)
This was necessary to give effect to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN and the commitments which the world demands from the leaders of the countries who assemble in the Climate Change Conference every year with little or no braveries to implement Climate saving measures.
Concern for the Manufacturers
In order to do the repairs, the consumers or the independent repair shops, other than the spare parts and service information, need a wholesome accessibility to the specialised tools and softwares. Thats where the things gets tricky.
Some manufacturers are afraid that the independent repairers might not have the required skill, techniques, and repair machines, which may lead to poor repair and damaging the machine, which might potentially render them dangerous.
Digital Europe, one industry group said: We understand the political ambition to integrate strict energy and resource efficiency aspects, but we are concerned that some requirements are either unrealistic or provide no added value. The draft regulations limit market access, deviate from internationally-recognised best practices and compromise intellectual property.(See here)
Last year we have surpassed 50 million metric tonnes of E-waste.
Its Viability in India
India, being a developing country and home to highest population of people living below poverty, must think to imbibe such laws in its legal system. The extra cost of repair pose a burden on the lower-middle and middle class strata. With the unemployment rate going high, and the slow economy also marks a burden on India, which is in a sheer need of some economic miracle.
India is also a signatory of the Paris agreement to limit Climate change and curb the emission of greenhouse gases. Therefore, in addition to the societal and welfare obligation, it also need to fund its programme working for the Climate Change. In such situations, the Electronic waste and its disposal is a worrisome task for the authorities.
The passing of Right to repair laws can act as a measure to assist the government in controlling above evils to a reasonable level, although not eradicating the same in toto.
As the liberty principle applies, you must have full control over the product which you own. Every person has the right to enjoy, manage and alienate his belonging, be it movable or immovable. But such right gets limited applicability, in case of electronic appliances, due to the policies of the manufacturers. With the changes coming in the western world, its time that we become aware of our Liberty to own. As it has been said, If you cant fix it, you dont own it.
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We have a hard time letting things go at the Mays household. In part because we are sentimental, but also because we like to make things last. We recycle but the idea of reusing and reducing are big in our house as a way to lessen our overall environmental impact.
So when my wifes clock radio broke, I kept eyeing the next Repair Cafe at the Burlingame Library to see when I could bring it in.
Just to be clear what we are talking about, this clock radio appears to be one of the first ones ever made. Its about half the size of a VCR (remember those?) and actually belonged to my wifes mother. There is not a digital component to it, but Im pretty sure the hands of the clock may have some kind of glow-in-the-dark things on them. But the radio works, and quite well at that. It has a nice resonance to it and gets most of the stations.
I spotted the calendar entry about two weeks ago (one of the advantages of being a newspaper editor is that you get to see the calendar entries first) and marked my own wall calendar.
While I had high hopes, I also knew the chances of getting the thing fixed were quite slim. So off we went to the library with our clock radio in tow. There, we encountered Dean Peterson, who among many other things, is quite handy and offered to take a look. While the prognosis was not good, he took it apart to see for sure. Lo and behold, it was not meant to be. Though Peterson was not able to fix the clock (to be honest, I dont think anyone can) we were able to catch up. Turns out we had worked with each other a bit on a series of stories I did long ago about MTBE in our groundwater and the efforts by then state senator Byron Sher to combat it. Its one of the reasons why we have double-lined gasoline storage tanks at stations now. Peterson was head of the countys Environmental Health division and was critical in me getting the data I needed for my series. He retired a few years back and has been spending his time volunteering in a variety of ways including for the Burlingame Parks Foundation and leading kayak tours, among other pursuits. Seems once you are in service, it gets in your blood.
While in front of the library, my wife spotted the Bay Area Bike Mobile making repairs and she suggested we get my daughters bikes frayed brake cable fixed. I did, and the helpful volunteers funded by regional grants were able to fix it lickety-split. They even offered handy advice on how to prevent such fraying in the future. Now, with the repaired bike, we were ready to hit the trail the next day with full confidence in our braking ability.
The point of the repair cafe is to keep things out of the landfill and to prove that sometimes what you are already have is good enough. They had small appliance repair, a sewing machine and even someone who could fix jewelry.
Cynthia Rider, who organizes the event for the library, said it was the brainchild of Lisa Rosenthal when she was on the library board and former Burlingame mayor Terry Nagel through her work with the Citizens Environmental Council. They have about three a year and now a total of about 11, Rider said. And they couldnt do it without the volunteers who donate time, equipment and sometimes material to help, she added.
At the repair cafe, Rider said they once had six people get in there to sew repairs by hand to a hammock. Longtime volunteer Carol Nowlin regularly fixes jewelry mostly with sentimental value that people dont want to take to a jeweler. A common repair is a lamp, and what is now known as the infamous chicken or rooster lamp. She said Peterson once fixed a lamp in 30 seconds. For Peterson, he said he enjoys fixing toys so he can show kids how things work.
To my mind, it was a great event and the fact that the library puts it on should definitely be applauded and encouraged. Its fun. And if it keeps items out of the landfill and being used by families, even better.
Jon Mays is the editor in chief of the Daily Journal. He can be reached at jon@smdailyjournal.com. Follow Jon on Twitter @jonmays.
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Adventures at the Repair Cafe | Columnists - San Mateo Daily Journal
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We've all heard the phrase, "They don't make things like they used to."
Now a growing number of eco-minded Canadians are deciding that just won't do. Coffee makers, lamps, toasters and kettles can often be fixedinstead of tossed into the trash when they stop working.
"A lot of things these days break quite easily," says Wai Chu Cheng, the co-founder of Repair Caf Toronto, a non-profit organization with 800 volunteers on call, eager to teach people how to fix household items. "People aren't sure they can repair it themselves, and we show them how."
The Repair Caf holds monthly gatherings, where not only small appliances and other household goods get fixed, but also clothing that needs patches or mending.
When the Repair Caf started seven years ago in Canada, there was only one chapter, in Calgary. Now Cheng says there are 47 similar Caf organizations in cities across the country providing the same type of services free. More are coming; Cheng says she's been getting calls from community groups who want help to set up their own, local repair group.
The cost of replacement has always been a motivation to have things repaired, but nowadays Cheng says climate and waste concerns are driving a surge in interest, particularly with young people.
Anita Neufeld came to a recent Repair Caf with a broken tape deck. "The main reason for me to fix things is to be able to reuse stuff and keep it out of the landfill."
For-profit companies are also on top of the trend. Tim McGuire is CEO of Mobile Klinik, a chain of 80 stores that repair mobile devices in malls and Walmart locations across the country. He points out that the chain was recently ranked as the 12th fastest growing company in Canada, with plans to have 200 locations coast to coast within the next three years.
"There are a lot of people that would like to get more years out of an electronic device, rather than putting it into a landfill," he says.
McGuire says it's not uncommon for manufacturers to advise consumers to buy a new device, instead of having an old one fixed. But it appears many people are loathto incur that expenseor to contribute to Canada's waste situation.
"If you go back two years, the average phone lasted about two and a quarter years. Now customers are keeping their phones for over three years, and we see that continuing to increase every year," he says.
At a recent Repair Caf event, some of those in attendance blamed manufacturers for building devices with "planned obsolescence" in mind, in order to boost sales.
"They're made to be broken," says Paul Magder, one of the co-founders of the Toronto chapter. "They're made to be thrown out, to make money for the manufacturers. That's their business model."
Magder, who once worked in the manufacturing sector, says it's all about cost. "They use plastic parts, cheap parts and then they break. If they have to use metal parts it'll be more expensive, but then it will last longer."
Consumers, however, are highly price-sensitive, and manufacturers focus on keeping prices as low as possible, in order to compete.
In a statement provided to CBC News the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers cautions, "An untrained or uncertified person performing a repair may not be aware of or understand how to ensure an appliance continues to meet the various safety standards required to keep Canadians safe."
Michael Coteau is a member of theOntario Legislaturewho introduced a private member's bill last year, proposing a requirement for manufacturers to make parts and repair instructions widely available. But as a Liberal-sponsored bill, it was promptly voted down by Ontario's Conservative majority government.
"My father is a washing machine repairman," says Coteau. "That's what he's done his whole life. As consumers, as Ontarians, as Canadians, we need to make sure that as we move along in this age of advancement in technology, we have control of our devices.'
Coteau points out that the European Union parliament is on course to pass "right to repair" legislation, specifying the number of years a manufacturer must make reasonably priced parts available, among other measures to promote repairability in appliances. In addition, 20 American states are considering similar legislation, according to the Washington-based Public Interest Research Group.
But Coteau says that shortly after he tabled his bill, a delegation from the tech industry arrived in his Queen's Park office. "It was a whole industry group, and they came in and sat down to make a counter argument to the right to repair movement, saying that it was dangerous for people to open up their products."The group also made an argument about compromising intellectual property.
"I don't think it's reasonable," says Coteau. He's considering reintroducing his bill.
But many Canadians aren't waiting for legislation or for manufacturers to act. They're helping each otherat events like the Repair Caf gathering in Toronto.
"I have a pair of probably 20-year-old jeans that are being repaired," explained Brian Brenie, as a fixer showed him how to patch his favourite denim. "They're so comfortable, I just can't get rid of them and I don't want to throw them away, so I always come to the Repair Caf to get these types of things done."
Charmaine Iding came to the Caf to get her phone fixed, and got a necklace restrung while she was there. "The real problem is in design where they don't make things to be fixed they make things to be obsolete, so people will keep consuming. That is the real problem."
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Don't buy new, fix the old: The repair business is booming - CBC.ca
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Homeserve (LON:HSV) had its price target lifted by investment analysts at HSBC from GBX 1,000 ($13.15) to GBX 1,090 ($14.34) in a research note issued to investors on Thursday, December 12th, Stock Target Advisor reports. The firm currently has a reduce rating on the stock. HSBCs price objective points to a potential downside of 14.04% from the stocks previous close.
Other analysts also recently issued reports about the company. Liberum Capital reaffirmed a buy rating on shares of Homeserve in a research report on Tuesday, November 26th. Morgan Stanley reissued an overweight rating and set a GBX 1,360 ($17.89) target price on shares of Homeserve in a research report on Thursday, November 14th. Royal Bank of Canada reaffirmed an outperform rating and issued a GBX 1,500 ($19.73) price target on shares of Homeserve in a report on Wednesday, November 20th. UBS Group reissued a buy rating on shares of Homeserve in a report on Wednesday, November 20th. Finally, Peel Hunt reaffirmed an add rating and set a GBX 1,350 ($17.76) price target (up previously from GBX 1,250 ($16.44)) on shares of Homeserve in a research report on Monday, November 18th. Two analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, three have given a hold rating and six have given a buy rating to the companys stock. The stock presently has an average rating of Hold and a consensus target price of GBX 1,342 ($17.65).
HSV opened at GBX 1,268 ($16.68) on Thursday. Homeserve has a fifty-two week low of GBX 847.50 ($11.15) and a fifty-two week high of GBX 1,298 ($17.07). The companys 50-day moving average is GBX 1,214.53 and its 200 day moving average is GBX 1,173.95. The firm has a market capitalization of $4.24 billion and a P/E ratio of 38.90. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 86.86, a current ratio of 1.25 and a quick ratio of 1.23.
HomeServe plc, together with its subsidiaries, provides home repair and improvement services to household customers under the HomeServe brand. It offers plumbing, drainage, electrics, water supply pipe, gas supply pipe, appliance repair, pest infestation, and locksmith services, as well as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services.
See Also: Roth IRA
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Homeserve (LON:HSV) Price Target Raised to GBX 1,090 at HSBC - Slater Sentinel
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SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18, 2019 /PRNewswire/ --Puls, the trusted home services company, today announced the launch of more than a dozen new services in cities across the U.S. The new services include furniture assembly, appliance installation, sheetrock repair, interior painting, wall hanging, holiday light hanging, and more have been added to Puls's existing services including appliance repair, TV mounting, and mobile device repair. Puls also today announced the launch of Puls+, a membership program rolling out in cities across the U.S. The annual membership program providesconsumers a 20% discount onall Puls services, priority booking, an extended guarantee, and premium customer support.
"We've taken the headache out of hiring technicians for home services. Our customers love our easy scheduling, same-day appointment availability, and quality guarantee," said CEO Mitch Galbraith."We consistently hear from our customers they wish we offered more services, so we've responded."
"Offering the Puls+ membership program to consumers is another step in delivering on our promise to enable customers to truly 'own' their home. Puls+ makes in-home services from Puls even more affordable, faster and hassle-free," said Itai Hirsch, President & Co-Founder of Puls.
Puls has served more than 350,000 customers since its inception growing its nationwide network of skilled technicians to more than 6,000 providers and is now hiring to meet demand. The company saw a 425% year-over-year increase in the number of home services jobs completed by Puls technicians. The new membership program is available in Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Las Vegas, Miami, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, Raleigh-Durham, San Antonio, Tampa, Tucson, and DC.
Bookings for home service appointments and signups for themembership program are accessibleonline via the Puls website: https://puls.com/membership
About Puls: Puls is a San Francisco based company that provides in-home repairs and installations to customers across the U.S. Operating with a network of more than 6,000 fully vetted technicians.Puls offers appliance repair and other service appointments at the click of a button and empowers its professional technicians to quickly and efficiently fix problems and provide peace of mind. Puls makes your home work so you can make everything else work.
SOURCE Puls Technologies Inc
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Puls Announces Expanded Suite Of Home Services And New Membership Program, Puls+, In 22 Markets Across The US - PRNewswire
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Lax was in the JC Kosher Supermarket on Tuesday when a heavily armed man and woman stormed in, killing three people before engaging in an hours-long standoff with police.
"The way they came in, they came to kill, to shoot," Lax, who runs an appliance repair shop in the neighborhood, told CNN on Friday.
Lax said he initially hid in the salad bar area and saw the male shooter, wearing a black raincoat, pass by him. When he stood up, the female shooter carrying a "long gun" was facing him.
"The second she starts pivoting herself, I just went right in and push back her arm and just run right out of the store," Lax said.
"I didn't look right or left, I just ran for my life," he said.
Attack was an act of terrorism, officials say
Authorities are not yet sure why the shooters, David N. Anderson, 47, and Francine Graham, 50, attacked the store, New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal said. But it is being investigated as an act of terrorism with "a hate-crime bias slant."
"We believe the suspects held views that reflected hatred of the Jewish people, as well as a hatred of law enforcement," Grewal said, citing evidence and witness interviews.
Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop said Friday it was important to call out anti-Semitism.
"We've always had a diverse community and I think people need to realize that if anti-Semitism can exist in a place that's accustomed to diversity, it can really exist anywhere," Fulop told CNN's "New Day."
"And every day and every moment that you don't call it out, you're wasting an opportunity to bring attention to it because there's less eyes focused on it."
"But we will not be defeated, we will not stand down, we will not be intimidated," Greenblatt said.
Investigators are checking a note found in a stolen U-Haul truck that the killers drove to the market -- a note that contained both anti-Semitic and anti-police writing, a law enforcement source told CNN. Posts with similar sentiments also have been found on social media linked to the shooters, the source said.
The FBI has also issued a notice to law enforcement in the region "requesting assistance locating a vehicle associated with" Anderson.
Investigators are looking for a white 2001 Ford van, with New Jersey license plate B40-JSD.
Deadly attack began at a cemetery
Authorities have said that the attack began near a city cemetery where the shooters killed Jersey City Police Detective Joseph Seals.
He was trying to stop the shooters when he was killed, police have said.
A bystander called 911 to report Seals' body at the cemetery at 12:38 p.m., authorities said. But by that time, the shooters had already driven the stolen U-Haul to the market and began their attack.
Police arrived at the supermarket around 20 minutes after the attack began, starting a long shootout that left two police officers injured.
The shooters were armed with an AR-15-style rifle, a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun, a 9 mm Ruger semiautomatic pistol and a 9 mm Glock 17 pistol, with a pipe bomb and a .22 caliber Ruger pistol with a homemade silencer found in the U-Haul, Grewal said. If not for the actions of the police, they could have done more harm, Grewal said.
Around 3:25 p.m., an armored vehicle broke into the supermarket's entryway, and law enforcement soon found the bodies of the three victims and two attackers inside the store, Grewal said.
The three people in the market were Mindy Ferencz, 31, the store's co-owner; Moshe Deutsch, 24, a customer; and Douglas Miguel Rodriguez, 49, a store employee.
Store owner was next door as his wife died
In Jersey City, crowds of men in black hats surrounded Ferencz's casket in the Jersey City neighborhood of Greenville at the site of a synagogue under construction. Hundreds of women, separated from the men as per Orthodox Jewish tradition, were standing in the bitter cold sobbing.
Ferencz owned the store with her husband, who was next door at the small synagogue at the time of the attack, according to Yossi Steinmetz who was there as well.
When shots broke out, her husband desperately tried to call her and tell her to lock the doors to take cover, Steinmetz said. She didn't answer.
At Deutsch's Brooklyn funeral, mourners spoke in Hebrew through tears as at least a dozen NYPD counterterrorism officers and nearly 100 "Shomrim" members Hebrew for guardians stood watch.
Deutsch and Ferencz both had ties to the Jewish community in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said.
"This is just an atrocity. Of course, we accept everything, but this is more than we can handle," Deutsch's cousin, also named Moshe Deutsch, told CNN. "The question is, is it a sign of hatred? Is it a sign that we are not safe in New York anymore?"
CNN's Nicole Chavez, Julia Jones, Elizabeth Joseph, Melanie Schuman, Alec Snyder, Alexandra Field, Rob Frehse, Evan Simko-Bednarski and Julian Cummings contributed to this report.
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A customer escaped the Jersey City attack. He says it was clear the shooters 'came to kill' - CNN
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Southwest Appliance Repair is the preferred San Antonio Appliance Repair company thats servicing the San Antonio Metro and surrounding areas.
Are one of your appliances damaged or broken and you dont know how to repair it? Are you considering buying a new appliance even though you know it could be repaired?
If yes, you are at the right place. Ourappliance repair service in San Antonio, TX was created for you. With a team of experienced pros and professional repair equipment, we have all the tools needed to repair any of your appliances in a short time. From the moment you call us to the moment we arrive on the spot and start the repairing process, you will be surprised how fast we are.
Being 100% local to San Antonio allows us to be closer to your needs and understanding better your situation. We are neighbors and it is our duty to offer impeccable service to all the residents in the various areas of the city. Our customer service is second to none with a team of trained operators that know how to handle any call, even emergency, from start to finish.
You will be glad you called us. We are the fastest and offer the best value on the market. Cheapappliance repairdoesnt exist unless you ask your cousin or your step-father. In other cases, and if you want durable and professional results, it is better to call us. We have built our appliance repair business around you and the problems you encounter in your daily life.
Our San AntonioAppliance Repair service has established its reputation thanks to the seriousness and professionalism of our whole team who works according to high standards and without compressing on quality ever. Get ready to receive great value and friendly service.
Troubleshooting, repairing, replacing small parts: we can do it all. We know the errors codes and the most common issues encountered by each brand and type of appliance. Working with us is the guarantee of a job well done in a short time. You can be sure that your budget will be respected since all our appliance repair solutions are cost-effective and designed with the customer in mind. No need to break the bank, keep your hard-earned money for other more important things.
If you are a hardcore DIYer, we understand that you may want to fix it all yourself. However, in some cases, and specifically with home appliances, it is better to leave that to the experts. Small components, electricity, gas: it can get really tricky sometimes to repair an appliance yourself. And you might get hurt or worse in the process. Dont be part of the next home accident statistics report. We will also save you some valuable time since we are used to repairing appliances and know exactly what to do and how to do it. Our warehouse is fully stocked with all the parts and components you will ever need and we also possess the right tools to handle any of your electrical appliances.
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Magic City Appliance Repaircan provide regular service or emergency repairs to address any issues that may occur in your washing machine. Our technicians also strive to prevent potential problems withcareful maintenance. Read More
Since your refrigerator is used on a daily basis to store meals, preserve ingredients, and keep food cool, make sure you take care of problems quickly.We specialize in fast refrigerator repair to keep it running cool. Read More
Dont let your ailing dishwasher get you down! Our expert technicians are here to help you identify the issue and find a quick solution.Having a leak? We can fix it fast and specialize in all brands for dishwasher repair. Read More
When it comes to enjoying the modern conveniences in your kitchen, ovens, stove tops, and ranges are often some of the most important. Dont let appliance performance or problems impact quality time with your family! Read More
Magic City Appliance Repairis here to fix any type of problem you have with your microwave, from improper heating to unexplained sparks.Call us today and get your appliance fixed fast. Available for same day service. Read More
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Appliance Repair Miami - Magic City Appliance Repair
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Southwest Appliance Repair is the preferred San Antonio Appliance Repair company thats servicing the San Antonio Metro and surrounding areas.
Are one of your appliances damaged or broken and you dont know how to repair it? Are you considering buying a new appliance even though you know it could be repaired?
If yes, you are at the right place. Ourappliance repair service in San Antonio, TX was created for you. With a team of experienced pros and professional repair equipment, we have all the tools needed to repair any of your appliances in a short time. From the moment you call us to the moment we arrive on the spot and start the repairing process, you will be surprised how fast we are.
Being 100% local to San Antonio allows us to be closer to your needs and understanding better your situation. We are neighbors and it is our duty to offer impeccable service to all the residents in the various areas of the city. Our customer service is second to none with a team of trained operators that know how to handle any call, even emergency, from start to finish.
You will be glad you called us. We are the fastest and offer the best value on the market. Cheapappliance repairdoesnt exist unless you ask your cousin or your step-father. In other cases, and if you want durable and professional results, it is better to call us. We have built our appliance repair business around you and the problems you encounter in your daily life.
Our San AntonioAppliance Repair service has established its reputation thanks to the seriousness and professionalism of our whole team who works according to high standards and without compressing on quality ever. Get ready to receive great value and friendly service.
Troubleshooting, repairing, replacing small parts: we can do it all. We know the errors codes and the most common issues encountered by each brand and type of appliance. Working with us is the guarantee of a job well done in a short time. You can be sure that your budget will be respected since all our appliance repair solutions are cost-effective and designed with the customer in mind. No need to break the bank, keep your hard-earned money for other more important things.
If you are a hardcore DIYer, we understand that you may want to fix it all yourself. However, in some cases, and specifically with home appliances, it is better to leave that to the experts. Small components, electricity, gas: it can get really tricky sometimes to repair an appliance yourself. And you might get hurt or worse in the process. Dont be part of the next home accident statistics report. We will also save you some valuable time since we are used to repairing appliances and know exactly what to do and how to do it. Our warehouse is fully stocked with all the parts and components you will ever need and we also possess the right tools to handle any of your electrical appliances.
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We charge by the job not by the hour. Trustour reputation, expertise, competitive pricing, and response time.
Our hours of operation:Monday Friday: 8am to 6pmSaturday: 8am to 2pmSundays: Closed
Able Appliance in Kansas City, Missouri started out in 1983 with just one technician. Since then we have grown toa family of sixteen repair technicians available to help you. Able Appliance Kansas City technicianshave over 100 years of combined experience in all aspects ofappliance repair andareheld to the highest standards of quality. Many businessescome and go in this industry but it takes great service and experienceto stand the test of time.With over 20years in business, we have a lot of satisfied customersand you can read thegood things our customers say about us.
Sep 24, 2019
John did an excellent job fixing my ice maker. He was very prompt and found the problem. He ordered the part and returned the same day to install... view more
Sep 24, 2019
My ice maker and water dispenser on the door wasn't getting enough water to work properly. John found the problem and ordered the part. He... view more
Sep 24, 2019
9/6/19 Service Call
When it comes to knowledge, courtesy and helpfulness your technician, Dave, is unbelievable! Parts are no longer available for our antique Whirlpool... view more
Sep 20, 2019
Once again a shoutout to Mark for the great service, and for the quick turnaround on an appointment to get my refrigerator back in full working... view more
Sep 20, 2019
The refrigerator was slowing down on its workload, not quite getting the job done. . . still working, just not at full capacity. I made an after... view more
Use one of the coupons below for $10.00 off you Appliance Repair, or 10% off if you are a senior citizen.
Able Appliance Repair serves the following Missouri and Kansas communities: Argentine, Avondale, Belton, Blue Springs, Bonner Springs, Brookside, Claycomo, Dearborn, Edwardsville, Fairway, Farley, Ferrelview, Gashland, Gladstone, Grain Valley, Grandview, Greenwood, Harrisonville, Houston Lake,Independence, Kansas City, Lake Lotawana, Lake Waukomis, Lees Summit, Leawood, Lenexa, Liberty, Merriam, Mission Hills, North Kansas City, Northern Heights, Northmoor, Oakwood, Olathe, Overland Park, Parkville, Platte City, Platte Woods, Plaza, Pleasant Valley, Prairie Village, Raymore, Raytown, Redbridge, Ridgely, River Bend, Riverside, Roeland Park, Rosedale, Shawnee Mission, Stanley, Sugarcreek, Tracy, Turner, Waldo, Waldron, Weatherby Lake, Westport
We provide service for most makes and models of refrigerators, freezers andfront and top loading washers, dryers and dishwashers.
We alsorepairgarbage disposals, ovens/ranges, ice makers, furnaces, air conditioners and air cleaners.
Please visit ourAppliance Repair Kansas City,Heating and Coolingpagesfor more details on our services.
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