Des Moines Performing arts provided a construction update Wednesday on the new Cowles Commons.

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The area features a red granite stone and brick "Des Moines Red Carpet" that will run from Capital Square to the Des Moines Civic Center.

Officials said Wednesday that final demolition around the perimeter of the site is next on the construction checklist. Concrete sidewalks are being installed in the north grove area of the park.

Preparation work is happening for installation of the red carpet area and new interactive fountain.

Officials said that in the coming weeks concrete sidewalks will be installed all over the Commons. Crews will be pouring concrete daily through the middle of next week in order to finish the north grove sidewalks.

Cowles Commons replaces the old Nollen Plaza with its sunken amphitheater and wading pool.

The new Commons will host concerts, festivals, markets, outdoor films and other special events.

Original post:
Construction update on new downtown destination spot

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March 26, 2015 at 3:57 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Carpet Installation