Mobile, AL - There's only one way to describe a sight light this, its gross. At the top of eight stories of scaffolding--a large crew of men wipe away years of goo, grime and guano--also known as poop.

It's always been a health concern of a lot of employees around here says City Analyst Denise Allen. Bird poop spreads serious fungal diseases and can lead to repertory infections.

I've been here since they opened, and when you look out the windows you see some things you shouldn't have to look at, says Bayfest President Bobby Bostwick. It's slowly becoming something we won't have to look at for much longer.

This will be done right, this will be closed off and we're not going to have this problem in the future, says County Spokesman Nancy Johnson. This problem comes from the past decades of fecal matter have piled on the rafters as birds snuck into Government Plaza. Surprisingly you're not paying for this.

It started months ago when contractors began replacing the roof. A fire damaged several floors in May. The funding for the rafter cleanup comes from the roofer's insurance. Its part of the fire damage remediation since smoke got into the ventilation system. The insurance also pays for new carpet, ceiling tiles and paint for the top floors at the building. This scaffolding tower will continue to grow as cleanup moves along. You can see more scaffolding waiting on the floor. While roofing is almost done the cleanup won't be done until mid October. The project has faced a series of setbacks including rain delays and two fires.

Read more here:
Cleaning 20 Years Of Bird Poop

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July 24, 2014 at 1:01 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Carpet Cleaning