Public approval of Prime MinisterShinzo Abe's government slumped after the resignation of twohigh-profile cabinet ministers last week, according to a pollpublished on Sunday, adding more pressure on Abe as he strugglesto turn around the Japanese economy.

Japan's biggest daily the Yomiuri surveyed 1,059 people bytelephone on Friday and Saturday and found support for Abe'sgovernment had fallen to 53 percent from 62 percent in less thana month.

Of those surveyed, 37 percent said they disapproved of thegovernment, up from a 30 percent disapproval rating in aprevious poll on Oct 10.

In the biggest setback since he took office in December2012, Abe lost two cabinet ministers on one day last week,complicating tough decisions on key policies, including whetherto proceed with an unpopular sales tax hike and restarts ofnuclear reactors shut down after the 2011 Fukushimadisaster.

Japan's economy is floundering and analysts polled byReuters have cut their annual growth forecast for a fifthstraight month.

Yuko Obuchi, the daughter of a former prime minister, quitas trade and industry minister on Monday after acknowledgingdoubts over whether her support groups misused political funds.

The Yomiuri survey found 73 percent agreed that it was rightfor Obuchi to quit.

Midori Matsushima also stepped down as justice minister onthe same day over allegations she violated election laws byhanding out paper "uchiwa" fans to voters.

Obuchi and Matsushima were two of five women that Abeappointed in September in a move to win the backing of femalevoters by challenging the male domination of politics in Japan.

Abe hopes to contain the damage through swift replacementsof the two, but other cabinet members including Defense MinisterAkinori Eto, Agriculture Minister Koya Nishikawa and HealthMinister Yasuhisa Shiozaki, also face questions over finances.

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Japanese PM Shinzo Abe's public support slumps in wake of resignations-Yomiuri poll

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October 26, 2014 at 2:48 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Cabinet Replacement