Kevin Russo, left, and Nate Herr, right, prepare the display booth for Re-Bath bathroom remodeling at the North Hanover Mall in 2014. This year. the 63rd annual Builders Home and Garden Show will take place March 12-14. (File- The Evening Sun)

The Hanover Builder's Show is returning to North Hanover Mall, despite a downturn in business from last years' event.

After settling on North Hanover Mall last year, the event lost about half its revenue after not having door fees and fewer vendors, according to George Hubbard, who is in charge of publicity for the builder's show.

However, both Hubbard and Billy Wineholt, the co-chairman of the Hanover Exchange Club, the show's organizer, are hopeful that this year's the same pitfalls won't happen.

"Last year we had a little less than 100 vendors," Wineholt said. "Some people don't want to set up their booth in a mall even though there is much more foot traffic."

The exchange club couldn't find a space that met their needs a 50,000 square foot open venue for changing the location of this year's show. Before its move to the mall, the show was held in the location where the Big Lots on Carlisle Street now resides. Even with a lesser total attendance, the show was sold out with 200 vendors.

More than 100 vendors and 130 booths have already been confirmed for this years' show, with more being added each day, according to Wineholt. We hope to have made the necessary adjustments, so more vendors are coming back after not participating last year now that they know what they are getting themselves into, Wineholt said.

"When we saw there were no warehouses available this year, we just went back to the mall," Hubbard said. "Knowing that we have been there before, it's an easy set up."

The builder's show will be set located in the center strip of the mall extending from Sears to Burlington Coat Factory. Unless you walk in the entrance of the mall closest to Dick's Sporting Goods, you will have to walk to the center of the mall to find the show, Hubbard said. There will also be storefront booths in the wing where Hallmark Cards is located.

"A lot of vendors are coming back. Six thousand to seven thousand people came through last year with a consistent flow," Wineholt said.

Read this article:
Hanover Builder's Show hopes for better business this year

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February 28, 2015 at 6:06 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Bathroom Remodeling