Matawan, NJ (PRWEB) November 11, 2014

With the housing market still recovering, many families are getting creative to make better use of the space in their homes. As a result, an attic remodel is more common than ever before.

Many real estate agents highly recommend an attic remodel to their clients. Besides making a smaller home become more attractive to home buyers with kids, this remodeling project increases the home's value, and gives potential buyers endless options.

Stone Creek Builders (SCB) commented on the project, saying, "When a potential client comes to us with a dream of renovating their home, we do everything in our power to make that happen."

SCB is the first to point out that there are many options for families with kids to add extra space, enabling them to stay in their current home. Sometimes, however, it can be quite a lot of work to make that dream happen.

For this most recent project, SCB needed to pass various levels of approval during the remodeling process. First was scheduling a meeting with board members of the Holmdel Department of Buildings to cover why this work was necessary, what the process would be, and what the end result would be.

Additionally, SCB worked with neighbors of the family in order to educate them about the building process and what should be expected. Stone Creek Builders emphasized that working with the community is always vital to their building projects; they want to ensure that everyone is comfortable with the project.

Now that the work is completed, the family is thoroughly enjoying their new found space, probably none more so than their son. The parents expressed appreciation that the extra space will always be usable. Even when their son outgrows a playroom, the room can easily convert into another purpose.

Meanwhile, SCB is proud to have allowed another family stay in their beloved home by modifying current space in the building.

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Stone Creek Builders is proud to announce the completion of their latest project: a remodel to turn an attic into a ...

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November 11, 2014 at 10:47 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Attic Remodeling