Q. Bees and wasps are making our home theirs. How do we deter them from doing this? We've had D-Bug and Terminix come to no avail.

A. Where do the insects make your home theirs? If they get inside, you need to find how they get in, and caulk and seal the entry points. If they make nests under the eaves, you can use a wasp and hornet spray that shoots 12 to 20 feet. Wait until dark when they are home sleeping and spray the nest.

If your house has large beams supporting the roof that extend beyond the walls to the eaves, this is an ideal place for insects to enter because the beams may have shrunk just enough to let them crawl in. Caulk all sides of the projecting beams where they exit the wall.

Other potential entry points include around the electric entrance cable (where they can nest inside the electric meter), a dryer, bathroom or kitchen vent, and fuel delivery pipes.

With the few details you gave me, that's the best I can do.

Q. I just recently noticed that hornets and bees have started making small nests by both corners of our garage door. The good thing is that it is toward the outer side of the garage. My husband used a broom and brushed away the nests, but just recently I've noticed that they have started all over again.

Why have they chosen that corner again and how can we permanently eradicate them?

Your helpful advice is highly appreciated.

A. I don't know why the wasps and hornets chose those corners, except perhaps that they select hidden places. They often choose spaces between structural members in roof overhangs or secluded spots in corners under a roof by a chimney, a projecting wall or any other similarly protected area.

I suggest that you buy a wasp and hornet spray and apply it to the nests in the evening when they are home. The residue will prevent new wasps from choosing the same location to build new nests.

See more here:
Seal off entry points to cut off insect invasion

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August 11, 2014 at 10:47 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Attic Remodeling