Before embarking on an Attic Conversion or Attic Remodeling project, you first need to consider existing Attic Framing, Insulation and Access

In many cases an attic can be a great space for creating more living space in your home. However, your attic must first be assessed by a licensed contractor or building inspector to determine if it is structurally strong enough to support an attic renovation or conversion project.

The attic is also a great place for storing and forgetting about your old and unused possessions. Whether or not you use your attic for storage or are considering it for additional living space, an attic is an extremely important area of your home that should regularly be inspected. At least twice a year you should inspect your attic for water damage and insulation problems. One of the best ways to determine if you need a new roof is to look for water stains on the attic ceiling.

Included in the articles and videos below are helpful attic conversion, attic remodeling and attic renovation tips.

In addition, we also provide a wealth of information on attic insulation, attic ventilation, and attic ladder and door installations.

For help on Attic Conversion and Attic Renovation Projects, see's Attic Conversion Bid sheet. The Attic Conversion Bid sheet will help to ensure that you hire the right contractor so that your attic conversion project is built correctly, on time and budget.

Read the original post:
Attic Conversion | Attic Remodeling | Attic Renovation Tips

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November 3, 2013 at 9:49 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Attic Remodeling