Good afternoon and welcome to ask the expert remodeling and renovation with Tim mosque. For the next hour so Tim is here to answer your questions about those projects from the foundation to the roof. Everywhere in between. You have a question for Jimmy Egan Ascot via email or consent in both acts two mosques and Their phone number is 8774994361. Inning seventh seventh. Or 994361. And on the web it's ten months and sons not count. As are all the information by Tim and his company has plus. Links to all their social media sites as well all right Tim let's get right into the questions today are first question says. I recently bought a new home and I just found out that the Dreier is vented into the attic is that OK or should it be vented elsewhere. Well it all depends if it stops at the yeah some prior France will go through the attic. In an ego aside IC. And that's OK. You know sometimes I'll Ian occasionally. Bill bill like come out the roof. You know that that might not be stupid because. It's stuff. On the roof true. But usually when I say go through attic and ends up panning out the gable. If if what they're talking about is advanced out the Gabler somewhere outside go with adding that's fine. But what you don't want is stopping. It just spinning into the attic. As a pioneer in there to begin with Assam from drier yeah plus an analyst humidity up via. So that can be really really bad thing. In fact just this past week ice I was in a house where they had sagging floor. And it was all confined to an area. Where they have put. Drier venting into the cross place. And they couldn't understand. Why 4% in an area was pretty. Evident what was happening. You like if you were gonna make a rock that your you know leagues are bent yes we have a ban those legs heat well they put him under pressure. And any of moisture oyster okay yeah moisture pressure's gonna ban would. So they had an area where they were banning their drier under the house under load bearing walls. So they were just injected it with moisture and it was under a lot of pressure so of the floorboards as they bet like rock rails. So that was the problem pants and they need to get better. They're dryer vent and outside instead of an across place where you can have the same problems that you've been an up and yet you just don't want that moisture and you would. Dry wood is strong. Maybe you would wet. You know it all depends and a percentage of moisture. If you get wet without rotting. But if it'll take away the strength will be strong. And then you get to a certain point of mildew and in more moisture rot so you don't want moisture would you wanna keep dry so don't open your your nature or. It drives and a vanity via a sort of those people that had a floor boarded after just replace whole floor than because Earl buckled. Well. We're not completely through with the engineer come on now you know he's got to finish troupe whatever you do some structural like this. And engineers boast the commitment and an issue report so what'll what'll happen is when someone calls me up for structural kind of thing. I'll look at it bringing engineering and generals say what you need do this this this. And and you file engineers instructions if you're off all the engineers instructions you're just. These open on your own and your engineering wife is in trouble. So in a couple weeks I can tell you exactly what it. But I suspect we're gonna do with it spent the dryer I'll. So it's not making moisture make sure there's a paper record downs and a bullish on grounds it would. And and we could slowly likes rejects. Raise that backed worst post and probably is also appears that maybe you know Leo. The matures they support us. And it's a real problem which runner in Iowa. At one time animal was still the case Els like the number one calls for I believe it or she get those arms. And general race. You know if you were dryer vent go straight. Can be a problem because once you really are in no. When it dryers drown in their push and a turn at all at all float around in the order of things. Usually once you know you went trapped in your drawer model finals though. And go through you wanna be able to keep it clean and most prior rents for switch and from plastic you know they plan which. Medal. Which is a lot safer the plastic milk. Or half. I think with technology they can do something with the drier that would prevent stuff like that. Sustain that mr. some technologies that I imagine if they could do it they would do or they did it cost like 20000 dollars for dryers. I don't. What you remember there's also reached it. Is it count is count is that you are when microwave schema yes. Like the size your office yet they what it was like incredible you know I'm Barbara what somebody's house. And they were they were telling me some hot chocolate and I was not go to that trouble at victories. You do that in my app that there were Paloma. Andy and mean it here you know it seems like they could come up with some kind of technology. If they can heat up a couple water. In thirty seconds but the good writer. And a but you know maybe that would involve individual piece of clothing in the machine at one time so then they might could do it. Bits and pieces but you know for a whole long load of laundry. It's probably not that efficient but it probably is some kind of technology writer close quick one piece yanks go. Let's get back to me mere million dollar idea. That executives are that's a great. Irate if you have a question for Tim here and ask the expert remodeling and renovation with two monster sent an email with your question. Info and it's Tim Moss and The next question him says that I have tile flooring. And my ground a starting to look worn out. Would be possible for me to replace route without replacing the tile if it is how should I get the grout outs yet. It is rule that's on tongue twister route out Greta that I'll. Yeah that's that's a real common thing to do is is take DO ground out. The most common mistake one of the new ground doesn't last his if you get enough program. They sell like these little five dollar tools for scrape rat out. It would take you long time. The deep regret that these tools. So I have an off sledding saw. Have you seen these things. Imagine they spin toward hostilities they they go more like and of people in NC what I'm doing but it goes outside decide decide decide yet it is at its emotion like that and you can adjust the speed. So I have one it's called a fine made by a German company. And they had the patina means costly so most. And you could do all kinds of stuff you could cut a piece based or rate worse it's. And it's like a perfect. You can make cuts on finished would it be like really nice economic plunge coats and the Hardwoods. And there's also. A special like accessory. But it as a as a blade for taken out grow okay he put in Gosling cells all in it'll take this route right now. With hardly any work at all. Cut dusty. In NC got to protect the rest of furniture from dust. But it works great great and costly X. So like harbor freight her or for and a they show like really cheap tools. I don't buy stuff here if I won the last but if I want to give a sledding soft registered to ground you probably won't for 3040 dollars while. Probably only last as long as you routed. You know for that one tile job. Paulo last that long are afraid tools to not last long at all. But if you needed tool in the world's but a lot of money in Oregon use begin to be pleased to get tools. If you wanted one of the better better tools finds. Patent expired so I paid for and some dollars from us all patent expired. Last links on now you get for like hundred dollars. You know soup. All depends and he accessories yet you've spent a 10200 U of one molester for next 1520 years. Boring spent thirty you know fiction grow in disposable. Oh which one do. Ray. And are a lot of questions still to get to here and ask the expert remodeling and renovations with Tim mosque the stuff that you'd like to know. Jim's happy to answer questions you can send those via email to see you in vogue asked. Jim moss and Their phone number is 8774994361. 87 sevenths. 4994361. And on the web it's Tim mosques and suns dot com. Coming up next have a question Tim but Ivey we'll get to that coming up next here and ask the expert on WBT. I. Welcome back to ask the expert remodeling and renovation to Tim mosques. Kim's answer your questions about remodeling renovation projects from the roofs downed the foundation in February between inside outside. It has the answers Corey and you have something you'd like to ask him to send an email to info at a mosque in suns dot com. The phone numbers 8774994361. In on the web it's Tim mosques and suns dot com right back to the questions to him. Says could I have any problems from having I AV growing up the side of my house. It's currently growing up my brick veneer and that like how it looks Wrigley Field avenue and for a hundred years that seems to be okay. Well it looks the doesn't yet debt a couple of Ivy League cog colleges yet on us because I'd be. Here but actually calls for real. Usually the full audience that. I don't like it by now if you have to put you get a little aspired for a new place. But more it can cause structural. So I was. Are remodeled guys. Political. Well it would baca they would insert quarters. But you know in a big mansion. In the main house and it servants quarters disservice worthless. Became his wife's arts studio. It was going to be as what source you. He won immediate remodeled it and terrico Ruth Ehrlich stuff. And actually see you big. As we a lot of money to want it. And he thought I'd be looked cool on a missed field. And he really never had on it and munchies now it was going to be his which one story of historic. Things. So we hired me to come over and complete redo it. Mean and we have trouble with the this quite awhile ago. But you would probably with this idea done it was it was like Virginia creep or not it. You gotta watch you don't get poison which. Is you start pan out you Uga really six X. Video we got all this Ivey off and it it'd actually ruin a lot of corporate it would all do is I mean it doesn't rule it overnight. But it's got like little almost like her like strains. That'll grow into any creek mountain and then it'll widen. And when it starts to grow it'll. Negotiable little hole it just keeps widening it. So it broke the the brick was all broken up we're replacing brick it was go on between the windows. Like the window panes. And the wind assesses any worry gifts like little Ehrlich fingers in their. And then it would expand tools is actually went in side. So we can really take off on excellent although it through and start ago and yes it was for all the walls and side to win in. It completely penetrated the walls and with the walls inside. If it costs this guy whole Lotta money because he I think he liked the way that I've. So some people that really wanna have a side so I have a house at one on don't have anymore. In moderate liked the look IV but I knew the game music because because Europe and Georgia. So what I did when I got the house I took all the big vines off. You know that the term kind of brown and hard yes I took all those off and that I left the book yellow and green lines up. So what I would do is every couple years I would peel back off you know anything that was in March. How popular office a lot of worse you know have that I have to keep it up yeah so I would peel it off and it and take away. The I'd be that it got brown and horror. You know that was started Annika and make just just leave like the green shoots. So you had this deadly pro. Yet to prune it to make sure that you didn't have anything penetrate in the veneer house because it will go through the windows and if it breaks. And it got to be such a chore just pruning missed. That when I sold my house. The guy that bought he just got rid of all. But it does look really neat but it is very very destructive. So if you don't have it you're gonna have to you know keep it proved keep it back don't let the big vines you know develop. Most of lines it's certain size you gonna pull it on and off. And it's. It's not easy because you setters like that would find it aloft which ones it yen in if you get the wrong on its gonna ruin your house. And you gotta keep it short they eat you know the over and some things because it'll go when your act you. So I had to really keep pruned its now like I was do it every week. But I would check on it easily twice a year ago entered the room. To keep it checked. It wasn't worth the trouble I mean it really wasn't worth troll. Just watch a cubs game is yelled at do you want there at Wrigley Field yet but I can understand what people like yeah I mean it literally cool side now. But it's you know keep in mind it's awful lot of cover. For rodents. For snakes. You know it always see stuff like that frogs in a big rodents frogs and in this nature comment at all kinds of books. So if I had to do it all over again I think I would just taken them ethnic. Up fake ID at that that I think and they myself. It really might have think I've yet. Are at or taking your questions here on ask the expert re mildly renovations of Tim mosque you have a question for Tim sin it be email to info and and it's two mosques and suns dot com. This question says Tim I'd like to finish my basement which currently is unfinished and only has block walls is finishing a basement a difficult project what. All do I need to consider. What did he used to be difficult it. Is it's a difficult project now because all the regulations. Yet when you when you fix up a basement. So what people used to do is sometimes at which she rock and on the blocks sometimes they just further blog now. And then put sheet rock on Latin it was finished basement and I still sees sound better on that way Newton that really wasn't a good idea because that makes. And makes. Major break in the Blanca when you when you put and a but for strips on it you know that now screws that penetrates the block any kind of moisture comes true. And you can end up with a lot of term so that never was a good idea but that's how most people which finished the race the fact. You know before coach change I used to finish the basement. You know that same way that no better at whatever rate it N. Nowadays. You have to do I'll show you know bowl. And it went from you know the furry strips the regular tuba formal. You have to buy for just like your frame and upstairs then you have a tuba for wall all framed out in the basement and when when that first. Gotten active people were surprised when we of these thirty blocks are revealed another Cuba for wall. Not the hold up the second story for story it was just to insulate we have placed when insulation. And a place to run all the wires and acted like chase you run your wires plumbing. Insulation all that would be in the wall it in this to a four Waltz in off the block wall so what would it. So for the longest time that was in which routed to a net and then they changed the code again. And you had to any place that you've slept in the basement that was the bedroom you'd have a an ex skate outside but egress. And don't that was OK we are able to do that and and some people you know they had to get rid of their ideas that I guess that bedroom down there. Because they couldn't fit when Newton and then I got to be that. Any room in the basement as as separate ex skate out separate egress elicits a bathroom all lawyer clause. So we went from doing quite a few basements every year. The few were basements to almost nobody's. Because unless you have a daylight basement it's almost our military our finished it out to waive the codes post. Because you know every time you have only windows room which you have to have. It's about three or 4000 dollars it's a big deal Puerto. A window or door in the basement. That leads back outside so just a door to one of the drugs into the world back upstairs. So it ends up being really really big deal. In order to finish the race now. So you would thing now with all these code changes we have a lot of safe basement strength yet. But all of on it and the consequences yes and ethnic guess what really happened people aren't doing it now getting permits adds what's happened so instead of Coleman's contract that would do it right. Because they got to follow all the rules. Bill call some panic handyman guy personally willing to break the rules and they and have basements Don and are not code at all. You know they might be going back but for us troops on the wall as she rock yeah so it could really. The generated in it income didn't rise up. You know that the coyotes the unit didn't rise careers donor basements and spending like well that's just too much. And they went back under. Are seeing a lot of and literally. I think a lot of finished basement now that are no where near code. No corner code at all I mean they were they were you know people put up with a certain amount of regular mountain disliked open taxes. You know when they feel like tax levels or fair there's a very high compliance rate when they feel like now that's not fair compliance rates on. And it's assembled with building. If they select their common sense and and it's for their safety. People are willing to comply they wanna feel like hey this is my house I never have window when every room in my basement that's that's absurd. Then all of a sudden they won't hire me because why come in until I got to I don't follow code acting evidence spektr's gonna to look at yeah I gotta get my permit I gotta have an inspector coming in and then I lose that based. People coma for basements anymore I don't go Boller book as an Albany new job. But any counsel law unintended consequences. Mean you can only regularly so much before people book and say a magnitude. So I think those are good idea. So I'm not same coast aren't a good idea but if you regulate too much and people aren't analysts. All exactly. Are still many of your questions to get to hear. And ask the expert remodeling and renovations with Tim mosque something you'd like to ask Tim sent an email to info at Tim Moss and suns dot com. Pivotal call other phone number is 877. 4994361. And the website Tim mosques and suns dot com. More questions coming up next here and ask the expert remodeling and renovation with Tim mosque and WBZ. Welcome back to ask the expert remodeling and renovation with Tim mosques. Stand here to answer your questions about rebounding and renovations projects that he might have. And you can send emails to in folks adds Tim mosques and suns dot com. Their phone number is 8774994361. The website is Tim mosque and suns dot com. Back to the questions stem Tesla says I have a small hot water heater in my crawl space and I keep running out of hot water. I'm guessing it's because the tank missile small so I'd like to replace it with a larger one but can't fit a larger tank in the crawl space is there a good solution for that. Dollars a couple. Couple things one is you can look for another place now. Put your water heater and you know it doesn't have to be in the crawl space on its work in maybe you can give clauses. Especially if it if you elect. You know your your options are limited to get. Here but if it's electric and you have more options it's easier for news. So thank you exhausted all you must execute on those. We still have an option. What those prankster called low voice. You can piggyback. So you don't have to just one under you could have two or three or four. On yeah and it would they piggyback each other. They're all tied together with that would. It's the same as that one really large tank if you have 23 or four. That we put up three and crawl space. But any help you can piggyback. And if you don't wanna do that. You can always go with like. Most thankless systems share the hot water on the man. You can switch to hot water on the men and those boxes you can mount outside. It's best that Iran gas natural. Error liquid propane. The electrical it was run electricity. They don't work well I wouldn't wouldn't get those at all real. Yeah well you think you know takes a lot of electricity Mickey Astra and when that water goes through there it's gotten heated. With. He ailment and it spoke at the request yet so those elements are now why were you. Actual fire line. Packing heat the water pretty easy as it passes Rupp. And that those out so the gas ones everybody every one that I put the gas ones in four hopefully they were like really really pleased. Really happy without and a and a lady that didn't like. It turns out that these ecosystems. Dude run on a little bit of electricity. President is go a little computer. On here this is an associate like it because if she would lose your power she wouldn't have water. Words were like regular. Thanks system runs on gas. You can have hot water even electricity exactly so she didn't understand how that worked. And we all installment. In what she found out. As she lost power of water. So we have changed the whole thing. But that's like once in twenty years yet you know so that's that's a pretty good record. And that was probably my fault for maker understand. Interest. I think immigrant or payment they forgot but these health. After reminded her and I wouldn't have to read Google it now price wise how much more of the tank less than just the radio how water heaters is pretty substantial difference I think you get a regular hot water heater from 600 dollars in the tank was ones you know 12115100. And and it cost less Coca. System. Is composed of a tank in the tank with one. I spent about 2000 dollars in the tank as well. And wall with Hank you know just switch and now. Security having to switch out unique it's an 800 dollars that's that's. So it's quite a bit more. But then you safe save quite a bit of money because you're not. You know with a tank your heat no water bowl on it and you know it used and they've been you know. I had the customer what we've long passed away. But he was always into the new stuff. And his his dad was with General Motors and was in like the European division at one time in his life in the south American. So we traveled all over the world. In any retired. And he would always call me to do work so he had introduced me to a lot of building materials that it never seen before. And I was able to happen and that is before the Internet. But I was able to tap into it because. He had been only places in a Buick what do you think about it thankless Horry. And every her before and it's all over Europe like you know I have one in my house so I had to go to the supply iron before research and we adding it was shipped and but that's were a lot of things. That I didn't know about I ended up learning a name for confident the day was over its. Like all your puck Mike Campbell in my house you know so all these things that you know bamboo force. We were doing bamboo floors for Bob before and never knew bam bam boo or existed but he did you know and other countries they the other. I wouldn't say that there advance but they'd you know they do things. You know they didn't have the resources that we. You know like for. Endless supply outlawed Ehrlich and stuff and and they have very small living quarters. So he was able to show me a lot of things I'd. Didn't even know existed. That now I can incorporate and it is building new things and additions. At a fancy toilets like they have in Japan and Apple's it's it never seemed overly caught on over here at least. Well I've put those in four people that were. You know in and have good insurance moderately expensive. Some of these you know Japanese watched. Like 3000 total now yeah I mean it's it's a lot of a lot of money. You know and they don't like amazing things. So your copy for almost. As yet and it's everything. Let the times that I've put him in its not that often. You know once all work for airlines in he had a frozen if frozen shoulders. Now color all kinds of stuff work for people need to have frozen shoulders. Any work for airlines these that it could be run wires overhead. So we gallery can use of forms and he got these fancy Japanese. But usually wanna put me it's like extreme cases. The days you know they don't cost that much compared Japanese. So is it most exotic well let's put me into it photos be heard those. I have not the other three or four dollars and you know which boast be flushed all kinds of stuff they got videos like foolish and golf all of a man. So that's that's about the most exotic things review. On a regular basis. But these you know all all the other stuff you talk about we will do it and and we have done it but it's it's usually. Elements. Really really has a physical need that they have. Are there super rich and do a lot of overseas traveling and have seen it 11 for themselves yeah well you know I don't. We don't do that much for what you call the super. I guess that the Donald Trump for each race you know the billionaires and don't you ever been any were familiar with employment were familiar yet. Most millionaires will grab an annual it's you know they got that way because there. Very careful with their money so they always look for the biggest bank book after. Are we still have time for a few more questions on this week's ask the expert remodeling and renovations with him costs. Something you'd like to ask him he's happy to answer those questions on the air to send those emails do this info at him mosque suns dot com. Phone number is 8774994361. Plus an 8774994361. And make sure to check out Jim's website Tim Moss and you can see. Background of Tim and his sons and their company with some of the work that they've done over the years and place their social media sites FaceBook Twitter things like that. Solid Tomas and we'll be back with more ask the experts. Here at WBZ. Welcome back to ask the expert remodeling and renovations that Tim mosque Kim's answer your questions but those remodeling projects to do and around the house renovations and things like that. Yet the question for him to send an email to info adds Tim Moss and The phone number is 8774994361. The website is Tim mosque and suns dot com. Still have time for a few more questions on today's episode Tim. Would it be feasible to add two or rumors to an existing house I think it would greatly improve the appearance of my house. Well it's it's. Totally feasible. Couple years ago. Time square. Like ten years ago when realist they would draw yes. We ago ankles and he's in his house dismissing. He'd just. Now at a restaurant when would like but it sold 700 some of these fast food restaurants now so you know a lot of money restored investor rules we bought this. Legal means and house golf course. And he just felt like it needs to dole a cable or without Einar. And when they get talkative that it needed born you know it was miserable. So we put in a budget or on the south. And they were all false rumors emanating bidding go anywhere also if you win side it was like the window looking out is just from the house like it was right for Ernie yeah from the outside it made you think that you know the last story the real story of the house yeah let's switch put the Ballmer and vote really really it. You know I used to you know when an I don't know if rebel force on some play in eighties priestess of some more. And we would be very common like over a very steep route follow over the garage we would put these as if they were on and it really added to look at a house. We've also put money on that you know fully functional. But it's not uncommon at all for people endorsed house and he won't function at all minicamp if you want to. But like you know most one and adore it's because were finished in the first or second story and we wanna give some light went in there. But just for looks yet on a college all toolbar properties looks like missing though coming in there and a full Aurora. It's a real warmer it looks as well but there it doesn't go anywhere. You know if you are in the attic you would be it would open the window because totals sealed off yeah but it does it'll and a whole lot to your house. You just wanna make sure it matches in architectural I'll. Of the rest how's how's about about two months ago. And he had been put on. But what they did anybody over. So within matched restless now house. So he'd had it down once realized that didn't match the style. It was 1 am re worked so he liked the sides front window and all but he can thank the roof I didn't expect it. With the rest and you're right it would whale off. But that's why speak it's worth paying him money. Recruits at a plants you know cause the guy that draws plans. He should be drawn up plans exactly how its outlook and that attribute idea but I'm always surprised at some people wonder presented with a a plant in social front you decide view that back new every view. In between. And say I teensy. Bit. I don't know I can't. You know with a whole set of pictures but some people just yet they're you know the mine's still work there yeah they don't they don't process things process visually. In you know they via. Processes through what they hear it's hard scrabble and some people dismissive. But it's really important it is to designer and somewhat control planes that we need to. And when an idea they can borrow well might spend a thousand dollars on Ballmer doesn't make it. Plans are for our books. In it saves a whole lot of money into 145. Former via fiber 6000 bucks you want to write first. And bud if you actually want one that's that's. Work that works that's not the facade you can do that too yes you can do either one. But Pakistan usually will work to it and finish in the second or third story. We'll put there for. People at skate to. Where it's required a polite and via. But there's a lot of older houses re of this. You know big third story roof. In a local little plane or honor spurs. But those when before. OK let's keep the questions moving here and ask the expert remodeling and renovations with Tim Moss. And he'd like to ask him send your emails to info at Tim mosques and suns dot com. Tim I can sometimes are buzzing sound coming from my breaker box is that normal. It's common but it's not bull look at. You know. Lot of people their boxes overloaded them so they have a budget things running at one time. Much sport hero blows in and that's working out the group talk about that before. Bad yet you don't want electricity jumping anywhere in your electrical box because that they keep that generates very intense you know like 5000 degrees. And so if you hear buzzing going on your electrical box electrician payment have to upgrade service. Anywhere you're posing you know switches Alice. Any place like that. That's usually electricity is jumping inside or out of the box yet he's so you don't you don't want that happenings in media qualified electrician important and you wanna fool you won a licensed electrician from entered affixed. It ought to be master of the electricity. Now. OK well let's not keep moving along here and ask the expert remodeling in renovations it's a mosque. Tim I have a house with a basement. And the house sits significantly lower than the street. So that the yard slopes down to the house lately Evan having trouble with water getting into my basement wall on the side that faces the street. What do I need to do to fix its. It's it's always a problem. Every time every house I see that it's lower than street. They like always have some on one pro gravity will do that and at that yet and then on that and at this at much lower than street. So for anybody go on how shop and make sure your health at higher than mystery there's a street. I mean that's a lot of war are run run off coming off that I asked all day and then it's gonna soaked underground it's a liberals say well I watched it wouldn't rain and Althea much water off. It's still going somewhere and it'll it can run underground you know people don't realize water and run rate underground especially if it's been raided. You know to bring in a clean soil. Bill shall on the putting on top of finish welcome although real line at that shoreline the original soul line and water will penetrate. Clean fill. Go right down that old soul shall line and then run right at that level IC. So water runs at all different levels underground depending on what the makeup of the sort them. So him being lower. Their orient house burned to kick into an instinct about that your. So the best way to fix this in a lot of companies will come in and say it will put an internal rate system and and that's real appealing because it doesn't cost them much in relatively cheap compared to what they really needed to. What they're really need to do is dig out that side of the house and water proof that wouldn't range waterproof it. And an editor where that cost a whole lot more than internal trade system yet. The reason you don't wanna go into an entry system is it's not gonna preserve foundation and keep your basement for floating. You just let the water come in your control where it goes in the new Pope America but still covenant it's still company it so when waters passive three your foundation. You know we have I. Esta con war that's why tobacco groups well and YE you know people a little while I'm down in word Gordon. Because they got to neutralize acids and when that rain water mixes with acid in overtime it dissolves the blocks your. So it's not not a short period it happens but I usually see it you know about a fifty years and if there's no waterproofing on the on the block where it's a deteriorated. It will does all that walk. So that's what you wanna stop for males and. Good advice. Our it was still have time to squeeze in a question or two here and ask the expert remodeling and renovation with Tim mosque the said the new would like to ask Tim. Send your emails to info. Hats Tim mosques and suns dot com. I have an older house that was built built for installation was standard. I'd now like to add insulation but I was hoping to avoid tearing open all of my walls is there any easy way to add insulation. Seems. Older houses we're thankful pork and he stuffed old newspaper well you know they want the insulin it was something yeah so. And he may very well knew the concept installation but they didn't have. Actual material for sure. It is is never rule easy to insulate after. You know everything is no big deal and crawl space is no big deal but the walls. There's companies that come out and they'll drool like a hole in the wall. And then they'll put a little pipe in there and and I'll fill the blow. But what I found is minutes better than nothing. But there's gonna still be voids were insulation. If there's any cross bracing in the walls and installation stopped when it across great actors like in Mika horizontal bracing. It'll it'll stop when it hits that so. I don't know what percentage walls and have it insulated you know the mine and potentially fifty to 60%. Walls you know would give insulation. But it's a lot better than nothing yet so short of terror in the walls open. And if if you want to inflict sure you typical she Rocco oral side or the other of these you Freud and she. Publisher yet on the side. A short of turn walls open. The only thing I know is the you know it released little holes. Probably tune. In in the blow the installation of those but it doesn't it doesn't cover up. But it's better than nothing exactly and you know some sort of better companies though have. Like a formal imaging gun man. And little bull a shot and on the walls and it'll tellem were they missed and then they control and other old feel feel that area IC so. Dependent on what level company your Vietnam in some companies are coming out though the liberal top of the wall feel and a and then they're done and other and that but they're not as expensive as these companies Camaro but I'm imaging year. Their very thorough but you'd probably spent twice as much for them. And the companies that don't have economic here but it's I would say it's worth it because I mean a whole thing is you're insulated tape on. Energy save money yet so it's probably worth the extra cost so when did they start when it insulation start becoming common. It's been around for quite awhile hasn't that must have a pretty old old house. I've seen houses built in the sixties without it seriously yeah. You know we didn't get uniform building code in 1980. OK so owe a lot of a lot of things that would be decode were more like suggestions from here on enforceable. So I mean I even built some housing bill permits completely legal I think I did two or three. Without any kind of permits. And it was you know that was all legal. But now you know they have the building codes and everything's been inflated it Elliott what our value as both. Yeah. Aren't I guess we are out of time for today's ask the expert remodeling and renovations with him mosques. But if you have a question for Tim. You can submit debt free future show it's easy to do this right an email and send it to you in both answer to a monster and suns dot com. Here's their phone number if you'd like just. Give them a call ask about have some work done at your place 8774994361. Again 877. Or 994361. The website with all his information about his company's some of the projects they've done and links to all the social media sites. Can be found it to a mosque in suns dot com. That's gonna wrap it up for today's ask the expert. Remodeling and renovation with him lots on WBZ.
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