Slate House Signs and plaques in everlasting Welsh Slate.wmv House signs in everlasting slate. Slate has long been recognised by architects and builders as an excellent medium as a maintenance free and durable product. Slate house signs have been steadily increasing in popularity as the market becomes more competitive and more and more house signs are being used on slate. Generally House signs in slate have the lettering cut out from the surface of the slate by either rotary engravers or by sandblasting. The apertures left are then normally filled with enamel paint . Although House Signs in the past were manually carved by stonemasons who were able to achieve unsurpassable results by "v" carving with their chisels, this method was very time consuming even for the most expert masons. In recent years slate house signs are more readily available because of the increase of computer generated production methods and drastically reducing the time scales. Together with the de-skilling aspect, this has opened the doors for an ever increasing volume of manufacturers producing not only house plaques in slate but other durable stone products. Obviously prices are driven down as more and more people join the ranks of house sign manufacturers all competing in the same house plaque market place. Whilst technology marches on so does the demand for time labour saving devices to further fuel the downward costs. House signs in slate are now being made with a laser engravers which burn off the top layer of slate ...From:houseandgardenplaqueViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:56More inHowto Style

Slate House Signs and plaques in everlasting Welsh Slate.wmv - Video

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November 24, 2012 at 2:50 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Architects