Pontiac has taken its first steps to repairing the Phoenix Center amphitheater and parking garage.

City council approved this week a $659,000 contract with Troy-based Integrated Design Solutions for architect and engineering services to bring the center up to code. The contract was originally presented in early January, but concerns over cost and funding sources delayed its approval.

The city of Pontiac has begun devising a business plan in hopes of making the Phoenix Center parking garage profitable.

The city has until Nov. 1 to repair the Phoenix Centers lighting, elevators and other structural improvements. Estimates from Auch Construction, general contractor for the project, and the city place the total cost of repairs between $13 million and $16.5 million.

In November 2018, the city signed on to a settlement agreement with the owners of the Ottawa Towers, which are connected to the Phoenix Center garage. That agreement ended a six-year legal battle between the city and the towers owners which originally began with the potential demolition of the Phoenix Center. It also gave the city two years to bring the building into compliance.

Pontiac City Council is currently considering a $659,000 contract for architect and engineering services to repair the Phoenix Center amphithe

The design phase for how the center will be brought back up to code will take about three months, according to a timeline provided by the city. Originally, that work was supposed to take place last fall. Construction was slated to begin in February.

Pontiac City Council is currently exploring options for how to pay for the centers improvements, including funding the project from the citys general fund. The mayors office has proposed passing bonds for the project. An RFP process this winter for a public private partnership yielded no qualified results' ' according to the city.

Pontiacs Phoenix Center has become a massive concrete metaphor for what the city has experienced since the 2008 recession losing nearly eve

Pontiac currently has a $19.5 million fund balance. Council President Kermit Williams requested this week that the finance department bring estimates for the projected end of the year balance to council next week as discussion on how to pay for the Phoenix Center continues.

See the article here:
Revitalization of Pontiac's Phoenix Center moves forward with architects, engineers hired - The Oakland Press

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March 7, 2020 at 5:46 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Architects