Powell River residents have an opportunity to participate in design discussions for a new public library at an interactive design workshop. The event takes place from 6 to 9:30 pm on Tuesday, February 14 at Powell River Recreation Complex.

The workshop is the second of three sessions providing the community with an opportunity to shape the design of a new library. At the first event in November, 75 people explored the major features of the library, which is proposed for the vacant lot on the corner of Marine Avenue and Abbotsford Street, known as the old arena site. The outcomes of the first session focused on core requirements, additional functionality, the environment and site use.

Architects from Miller Hull Partnership in Seattle, Washington, along with Public Design from Vancouver, have incorporated these ideas into preliminary designs. These drawings will be on display and will provide the basis for discussion and further development of the program.

A group of concerned citizens who are opposed to the location of the new library are planning to attend the workshop. “We’re telling people to come and see the sweetheart deal,” said Gaye Culos, one of the organizers. “We’re planning on a peaceful demonstration to show our opposition to the location.”

The group has collected over 1,200 signatures on a statement that opposes the proposed site. As well, people are concerned about the cost of a new library.

Culos pointed out that with Catalyst Paper Corporation’s unstable financial position, the community doesn’t know what the future holds. “We need to be fiscally responsible,” she said. “We need to differentiate between want versus need. We need to stand up and tell council enough is enough, we can’t spend anymore.”

A delegation representing the concerned citizens is planning on making a presentation to City of Powell River council on February 16.

Culos said she is not against libraries and the staff at Powell River Public Library are wonderful and helpful. She said she thinks the children’s area at the library needs to be improved, but the city has to live within its means. “I don’t want to divide the community,” she said. “We’re not saying no to the library; we’re saying no to Willingdon Beach.”

The concerned citizens have a table set up at Powell River Town Centre Mall where the statement opposing the site is available. “I encourage people to come out to the meeting on February 14,” said Culos.

The architects are also briefing city councillors and Powell River Regional District directors about the project at 11 am on Tuesday, February 14 at city hall.

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The rest is here:
Architects unveil preliminary drawings for new library

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February 13, 2012 at 12:46 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Architects