Increasingly, architects and home owners are responding to the need to be creative and flexible with how they create or convert existing structures into homes.

Church conversions and even stable conversions have turned unused buildings into residences across Australia, not to mention the growing trend of apartment conversions.

Looking further afield it seems that homes are being squeezed into and molded out of all types of structures.

A wind turbine


This design is yet to be built, butit promises big things for home buyers in Rotterdam. With72 apartments planned within a steel and glass wind turbine, the Dutch Windwheel has the dual function of providing new housing and generating sustainable power.

The plan is for the windwheel to provide a tourist attraction for the area, including cabins that run on rails to see the views and allow visitors to see historical presentations and visit the panoramic restaurant/sky lobby within the wheel.

A hotel of 160 rooms across seven floors is also part ofthe design, as well asbasement car parking.

It's also expected to capture rain and produce biogas.

Luckily, it's the bladeless form of wind turbine, expected to be silent for those who live within the structure.

Read the original post:
Apartments in wind turbines: Five designs you never thought could be homes

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March 9, 2015 at 5:53 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Architects